That DM and DMs Girlfriend thread

>Friend invites me to a game, GM wants another player
>Its at his house and I've never met him
>He seems like a normal person
>Pathfinder game set in MTG setting Tarkir
>His gf plays with us
>Solid 11/10
>Literally can't stop staring at her
>I can't stress the fact that this was the most attractive person I've seen in my entire life
>GM talks to me after a few sessions
>She asked him to kick me out of the group
>He tells me to just play it cool and I can stay
>Next session do nothing anyone would consider weird
>She openly calls me out in the middle of the game for saying "nice abs"
>Tells me I need to leave
>Explain that I was just trying to be nice
>No one tries to back me up
>Leave pissed off, never talk to that GM again

Fast forward to the present day
>GM is running another game
>Posts on Facebook looking for players
>I PM him and tell him I'm available
>He never responds to my message
>Friend who got me into the first game got in
>Still looking for players
>Just not me
>Bitch gf keeping me out of the group
>Now I'm left with no game

>She openly calls me out in the middle of the game for saying "nice abs"
Well you were fucking flirting with her in front of her fucking BF, what the fuck is wrong with you? Staring at her and shit. Hell did you expect?

>caught staring at girl at table
>actually given chance to fix it
>fucks up again
>she's the bitch

Okie dokie

By replying, you have shown OP how butthurt you are after reading his amazing story.

Ok first of all she was wearing a midriff, if you don't want people to see your stomach wear a full shirt. Second of all compliments and flirting are not the same thing.

yeah, I'd probably kick you from my game too.

"nice abs"
not all compliments are flirts, but come on user, when has anyone ever said this to someone they weren't trying to plow?

You clearly need to get out more so you can develop your tact.

Start by getting some.

Spot the misogynist.

>story in a That DM thread outs himself as That Guy

Always in the first few posts

She was explicitly uncomfortable with you staring at her.

You, out of the blue in the middle of a easy on, stared at her abs and commented on them.

So if you were in my situation you would have acted differently? Because I find it hard to believe that other people would act differently.

>Friend invites me to a game, GM wants another player
>His gf plays with us
>Her character gets benefits and no one complains

I wouldn't be staring at her in the first place. Yeah I'd take some glances but full-on "I'm looking at you" staring is no bueno.

Hey, so I'm a GM right now and my GF is a PC. How can I avoid favoritism? What are some general tips?

pretty sure you are the reason pretty girls dont normally play tabletops. they are too afraid of creepy weirdos perving out near them. the only girls i have played with were always played with were ugly fat autistic weebs just like the rest of the group so it wasnt an issue.

There is literally no difference

Treat her the same as other players

Yes. By not outright staring down someone who you find attractive for multiple sessions.

On the first day, yeah maybe you could get away with it, but you've implied that you did this for a while.

Yes, sure, because if he would do the same with my gf i would show him the door aswell.
Moreover, after that sort of attitude he is surprised he got his ass kicked away.
Lol, so if she was wearing a tight T-short you would say "oh gurl nice boobs you got there, also id love to fuck you so hard you would forget your name" or something? No, really, what did you expect?
>Because I find it hard to believe that other people would act differently.
Yes, and if you still think everything was okay then i got no idea whats wrong with you. Visit a psychologist.
>and no one complains
What prevented you from that?

user, I'm sorry to break this to you, but you're showing some classic signs of autism here.

If you want to get a better understanding, check out some of those catcalling g videos. I'm sure that you consider your actions fine, but I'm willing to bet that a hot woman like GMGF probably has guys looking/talking to her all the time. Thus, she's likely to be overly sensitive to things, and more likely to interpret otherwise moderate acts as being overly flirty or inappropriate. We've all been where you are, user, but don't get mad at the situation or anyone involved. That's just gonna make you feel shitty. Instead, live and learn for next time.

>What precented you from that?

Everyone seemed to be having fun, but it was getting very annoying because he was pretty blatant about it and the rest of people seemed pretty oblivious. So I just stopped going not to ruin the game.

>heat sustained staring is the same as occasionally looking at someone when they speak


If this happens all the time don't you think it would be reasonable for me to assume shes used to it? Also how are you ever supposed to get a girl if you never show interest/tell her she looks nice?

By giving your attentions to one who doesn't have a boyfriend already. And being used to it doesn't mean you have to put up with it, especially when you're trying to play a relaxing game with your bf/friends.

Well you could have made fun of it. Make anger into laughter.
Stepping out is a way of course. To me one of the best.

Oh yes OP and you could have said GM all the truth, but as you seem to be autistic.

Easily, because I'm not an autist who thinks 11/10s exist in 3dpd form

spot the sjw

Pretty sure you're just autistic user

>Also how are you ever supposed to get a girl if you never show interest/tell her she looks nice?

Stand outside community college or a shopping mall with a sign saying you are looking for a BOYFRIEND FREE GIRL

People will only get enraged at favoritism if she's super hot like in OP.

If she's normal or fugly looking, it invites grumbling but people are usually accepting of it.

If she was hot, resentment of the highest degree is bred because not only will your players lust after her, they will also hate her because her beauty is bringing in "undeserved" favoritism rather than what a normal would who is just loved by her husband would garner.

>any favoritism being acceptable
This triggers my autism.

I've always known Veeky Forums was socially inept but I think it just hit me that inept is not a strong enough word.

Have monsters attack her if she puts herself in the situation, have NPCs ignore or be difficult to work with if she doesn't roll high enough persuasions or if it's not in the NPCs nature to be lenient, real consequences for behaviors (caught stealing go to jail), use a randomizer for loot (may need to give lesser items if she seems to be getting godly luck compared to others), give a couple other people story arcs before you give one for her (this is kind of unfair, but they won't accuse you of favoring her over other)

All I can think of off the top of my head.

You already knew she had a BF. He was sitting right there.

Also, while your opinion about girls being used to it seems reasonable at first, it should be clear that it doesn't hold up in the field; this girl doesn't seem like she's developed thick skin towards flirtation, she seems to be extra sensitive to it.

Look, you made some mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over it, or even blame the other people involved. Just try to learn what went wrong so you know for next time.

Also, if you want cultivate general dating skills, I recommend a website like I did Match, and it was terrific for me. I started out with very little experience, but the sheer volume of people on Match meant that I got lots of XP in a fairly short amount of time. I had a new date every couple of weeks. I chatted with girls constantly, so I was constantly evaluating what was and wasn't working, and changing accordingly. I learned a lot about women and dating very quickly. After about 8 months, I landed my first ever full GF. That was Spring 2015, we've been together ever since and we're doing great.

How is having a boyfriend part of the problem? People cheat on spouses every day. Maybe when presented with something different she would realize we would be pretty good together (I think). Either way she didn't have to have me removed from the group, I've played in groups with people I didn't like before and just got over it. I also think its a dick move having me excommunicated from ever playing with the same group again

See, OP, you made a few mistakes. You don't "compliment a fair maiden" because respect and politeness are basically rape.

You "holla at a brutha wit a FINE ho" like the vibrant and diverse urban youth, building on a tradition of kings and shit.

You need to pretend to be subliterate, wear your pants around your ankles and when you meet a girl say:


>people on Veeky Forums always talk about cheating
>this must apply with my personal situation
>Imma try to seduce the GM's gf

Not even touching on the fact that the people you disliked probably weren't entertaining fantasies of having sex/a relationship, but you're either a true weirdo or this is some spicy bait.

There was a whole table of players acting differently, you autist.

Post pic of self to show you're physically compatible an 11/10 girl.

Hopefully your gf isn't a prick, so as long as you are an indifferent gm it should be fine. If she gets pissy that she doesn't get everything she wants then you need to take it up with her.

We're playing Apocalypse World, so I can confine her to her own scenes and storyline. Let her do whatever the fuck she wants. Also, she's not super interested in the game, so she's going to pop in and out of sessions as she pleases, so she won't be there too often, or even very long when she is.

I go to a gaming group with the majority of members married or in relationships

I have never seen anyone expect special treatment ingame because of out of game relationships

More often than not it is a source of banter and competitiveness

I suspect this is because outside of high school people who are in a relationship act like adults

I have players who are couples too, and it's never a problem.

It's probably fine then.

This exactly. Play with my gf and we play with 2 other couples. The closest we came to conflict was when one of the couples let their son play and she went full mom mode when things weren't going his way (he quietly talked her after asking her not to do that since he knew it wasnt fair for the group as a whole). After that, no more kids at the table and no more problems.

>It's probably fine then

I thought so, but her character hasn't actually appeared in-game yet, and she has been asking about things that are effectively special treatment and/or special snowflake status.

Another thing is that I'll be rotating MC duties with the players every couple of sessions, so my GF won't even have the MC edge most of the time.

By that same logic how do you know that the GM was physically compatible with her? That has nothing to do with it

Because the type of guys who bother to complain about this shit are mouth breathers, and he seems to have constructed a fantasy that he would be a better boyfriend than GM. His personality is atrocious, so physical compatibility would be the only redeeming quality he has to even have grounds to make such a claim that they would make a good couple.

>Maybe when presented with something different she would realize we would be pretty good together
No, user. I can tell from from this thread alone that you wouldn't be good for anyone.

Have you seen her play before or is this the first time?

Does this site actually work? I've been on plenty of dates IRL but I have never once even come close to meeting someone from the internet.

Thank you OP, now I feel real good towards my own social interactions.

Know what, I'll even get you the one thing you did wrong ! It's not staring at her, if she's a 11/10 to you, it's hard to avoid, I speak of personal experience. It lead her to be scared because, yay, she has to deal with it all day, and didn't want it to happen on game nights with friends, because obviously she's not here for that. The part you did wrong is that you didn't respect the demand to stop. You might think that it was just "hey, slow down m8", but actually she sent her BF because she was too cringed to come in person. The thing to do wasn't swoling down, it was simply to treat her as a person, instead of a 11/10. Simple question to ask yourself goes "would I say this or act like this with one of the other neckbeards right there ?" Answer is no ? Don't. You didn't respect the rules, you got kicked. Deal with it.

OP sounds like you were being creepy. Don't pull that "I was just being nice" routine.

I'm a dude but I've seen enough creepers creeping on hot girls to know that "I was just being nice" was just bullshit. I've also had a couple basement dwelling gay guys hit on me and throw that line out when called out

There's a big yet subtle difference between creeping, complimenting, and flirting. There's an appropriate time to flirt and an inappropriate time. Learn to control yourself. It will improve your life. you fucking faggot

It does. I went on at least 6-7 dates, hooked up with 3 of the girls, and was talking to dozens more on Match. Just chatting with them on Match and later Skype gives you a lot of experience and practice.

ITT: OP discovers he has weapons grade autism

The GM was a lifting guy as well, I told him I thought he was in good shape. If he had walked around dressed like a slut I would have complimented him on his abs as well.

This must be bait.

If it's her first time playing, or even if she's just new, remember that she probably doesn't know what the fuck a special snowflake is. She probably doesn't really get what the issue is.

>I'm a dude but I've seen enough creepers creeping on hot girls to know that "I was just being nice" was just bullshit

man card well and truly handed in, typical numale behaviour

Proves my point

You really are an autistic creep. You deserve to have no game if you can't handle the most basic of human interactions like this.

So being completely ignorant to socially unacceptable behavior and poor attempts at hiding such behavior with a weak "I'm the real victim here" is the epitome of manliness? Well wewed, my friend.

If you aren't trolling, you have autism.

I'm not joking. Working with special needs is part of my job. If you seriously do not differentiate between these levels of social nuance, it is because of autism.

If you are trolling, bravo, you actually got me a little rused


You need to make big, obvious statements to show girls that you're available. Get a big sign and advertise yourself as a great boyfriend looking for a sexy girl and they'll flock to you.

Not kidding, I've watched famous artists use this technique.

No, numales would be petitioning to call that behaviour 'problematic' or 'rape culture'.

We just call it what it is. A creepy, poorly considered attempt at flirtation by someone with limited social graces, who lack the capacity to realise that their advances might not be appropriate.

What if I only want to target a specific girl? Even though half of Veeky Forums thinks I'm autistic I really feel like if given the chance I would make a great boyfriend for her. We would joke around a lot in character and I just felt some kind of connection. As strange as it sounds some part of me thinks she wanted me removed from the group because she felt something too. Maybe her bf is so insecure about having me around because he knows it to. I can't convey what it felt like over text, just that I felt something between us.

And now it goes from funny to sad, really really fast.

>implying that cuck coulture isn't strong amongst RPG players and nerds
You just got into a bad group OP, normall GM would let you plow his gf in front of him.

If you want to *target* a specific girl, there's a really good technique you can use. It sounds kind of weird to guys, but girls think it is the most romantic thing ever.

Girls like sweet things snf cute animals. They love getting flowers and chocolates and shit, only that sort of gift is too cliche now and doesn't work.

So you show her you're interested by getting a big box. They'll think it's chocolate. Only you fill it with sugar (or the sweetest sherbert you can find) and add a shitload of hamsters.

The girl will get the box and be kind of confused. Then when she opens it the hamsters will pop out and she'll just melt for you.

You only think this because you have autism and your brain doesn't process things like a human brain would. You won't ever understand, just cut your losses and move on.

One of the signs of autism is the inability to see a situation from another's perspective

>joke around in character
>IN character
>I N C H A R A C T E R

I say go for it OP. You have my support.

>Basement dwelling OP can't stop staring at GM's girl
>to the point where his woman wants OP booted from the game
>GM goes against his girls wishes and tells you to cool it on the obvious advances of his girlfriend
>OP is too much of a sperg to understand and in the middle of a game blurts out "n..n..n..NICE A..ABS.."

That DM threads are always made by That Guy. Kill yourself OP.

If a woman feels something for someone other than her boyfriend, she could get around her boyfriend very, very quickly. She asked her boyfriend to tell you to knock it off because she didn't feel comfortable telling that to you herself, and then you kept doing it. She didn't try to get you kicked out, she just wanted you to stop acting like a creep. The boyfriend isn't insecure about having you around, he just doesn't want his girlfriend to be creeped out every time she's at a game.

You were acting like a creep, and the girl wasn't interested, there's not too much harm there, and you were given a second chance. Then you kept acting like a creep. Next time you're interested in a woman, if they have a boyfriend, back off, and if they don't have a boyfriend, try talking to them and complimenting them without mentioning their appearance. It's an easy way to avoid coming off as autistic.

>box of hamsters

Protip: no more than 30 to a box, and it has to be a big box. Any more than 30 and the fuckers start to get tribal.

>go back to /r9k/

>not giving your girl a box of desecrated hamster corpses and a god-hamster that killed all the others.
And this is why Veeky Forums sucks now.

>she felt something to
Fair warning OP: this is a sign of classic stalker / abusive personality behaviour. "I shot the president to prove my love to this celebrity" behaviour.

If she felt something she would have asked to meet up one on one on some flimsy excuse, or even outright ditched her bf.


Also Op is an autistic faggot. Who did use a dwarf for OP-pic for some reason which leads to interesting conclusions...

>le Darwinian super hamster ebin meme

When will this shitty meme die? I am speaking from REAL experience user. Girls don't want Conan the Hamsterbarian. They want a box of 30 hamsters swimming in sugar.

>Still giving girls hamsters

Girls don't want a shitty sugar covered hamster.
They want something real
Something no one else has
They want one iguana covered in a 60-40 mixture of peanut butter and dark rum.

Teaching Veeky Forums how to into social situations is weird man.

>guy gives me an iguana
>also peanut butter and dark rum
Fair enough, that makes me moist.

But what if she's allergic to peanuts nigger, what then?

Did you also forgot that it's currently the height of summer?

It's actually really easy user. You just need to learn a few tricks. It's like playing a computer game! With the right passphrase and gestures, you can make any woman instantly yours.

I'm happy to share some of my successful techniques OP ;>)

And indeed, you were left with no game.

Then she is too weak to bear my children friend!

If I had previously been told that I creeped a girl out, I would avoid making attractiveness based compliments, yes

It is sad, its sad and frustrating. I miss someone I have feelings for. He mentioned on facebook that the game is being held in a LGS instead of his home, and I honestly want to crash it just to see her again. I know its a terrible idea but a part of me knows its the only way.

>How is having a boyfriend part of the problem? People cheat on spouses every day.

Very simple, user. Those who cheat on their significant others will also cheat on you. Therefore it is folly to hit on other people's girlfriends, because any who would say yes are ones you should avoid like the plague. Hell, they're probably carrying the plague.

Go for it man. You seem dense enough that the only way to reach your little brain might be a taser or a restraining order. Maybe both.

this man speaks the truth.

all hail the most sensible person on Veeky Forums

No, user, it is not the only way, because there is no way. Unless you really do want to get a taser and a restraining order.

It's not the only way. The only way is moving on, man. Find a different group. If you have to, play online. Just leave them alone.

The situation is indeed tense. In my opinion she likes you but is too afraid of her bf to leave him for what may be the love of her life.

You should indeed go to the LGS and challenge her bf to a fight whose winner will keep the gf. Such a romantic, bold and chivalrous act will surely please her to a great extend!

I think Denko wants you, OP. You've just gotta double down. Find out when and where they're playing, show up, and show your devotion. Girls like a dedicated man, that's why they're into guys who lift.

She's just trying to test you as a man, that's all. (´・ω・`)

Do it faggot. Jump out from behind a row of product with flowers and chocolates.

Tg is definetely me laugh my ass out lol.

Thats not what I'm trying to say. I don't want to have to fight him. I just think it would be a good opportunity to see her again while maybe getting into the game group.