Can the wretched traitors ever recover from this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>It has been estimated that as a few as two dozen Traitor Legionaries survived the comprehensive retribution that followed in the wake of Horus’s defeat*. Those that did were the most craven and cowardly, who ran first from their failure at Terra. The Traitor Space Marines that you may see today are a pale shadow of the Legionaries of that era.
Chaosfags, are you even trying?
Their codex seems to fit the description.
>While some Traitor Legions and their Primarchs did side with Horus, these were, without fail, the weaker Legions, jealous of the success of noble and uncorrupted warriors such as those of the Imperial Fists, Ultramarines and Blood Angels.
It's over. Chaosbabbies are finished.
They've known that for some time now. The dinobots don't help the pain.
In fairness, your average CSM includes anywhere between 0 and 5 actual Marine models, so that number is fairly plausible.
>traitors are this delusional
This was fun to read..
Traitors absolutely, unironically, sincerely, empirically BTFO.
>Space Marine casualties did happen, but they were almost all on the traitor side. You only have to look at the Chapters that have endured until today as evidence of this, continuing their noble service in the Emperor’s name.
#CurzeMissiles BTFO
>Chaos needs super space powers + demons to even COMPETE with normal marines. They still get REKT daily.
>Demon Princes and Daemon engines BTFO everywhere
>By the end of Horus’s disastrous war, many of his forces despised him as much as the glorious Emperor upon whom they had turned their backs.
wtf i hate horus now
>Emperor favors the Strong
>Played against a buddy of mine yesterday
>he brings chGAYos daemons
>I play guard
>he sets up 2 models, promising to deep strike his great unclean one and plague bearers later
>he gets 1st turn
>gay movement, my Paskisher (punisher) + kitted out vanquisher can easily kill the two demon princes he has on field.
>Psychic phase
>some heretical power, rolls 3 sixes on it
>rolls a 1 on his peril
heh, nurgle protects
>rolls a goddamn 11
>immediately quits the game because he reasoned: THERS NO WAY I CAN WIN NOW, ITS OVER
gg mate
>never before have I beat a player on their OWN first turn.
>yet another chaoshitter blown the fuck up
i dont have memes strong enough
Is this supposed to read like imperial propaganda or was it accidental?
I'm betting on it supposed to read like imperial propaganda
The entire blog is supposed to be like that, yes.
>implying it is propaganda
There's a reason it's called the imperial TRUTH, citizen
if you don't want to be executed on the spot for heretical insinuations you have to report immediately to your local commissar for further information to open your mind and fill the doubts within with hard, hot, self-propelled, truth.
>During the Horus Heresy, the Warmaster’s forces were consistently outmanoeuvred by better prepared, better equipped and more proficient Loyalist troops, forcing him to attempt a desperate, and doomed, assault upon Terra. The few victories he did win were the result of deception and treachery – neither of which is a problem in today’s Imperium of course, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Commissariat.
"Whore-us" status:
If you still harbour doubts about the many failings of Chaos, ask your Regimental Commissar about "the Emperor's Peace".
Fucking Departmento Munitorium cunts.
Where's the recognition of how we BTFO the Night Lords?
Selling my Chaos army for $1.
They forgot to mention that Horus' grand plan involved nearly exterminating the Thousand Sons to the point of being useless in the final assault on Terra.
If Horus was such a failure, why is the Emperor rotting in his throne?
Because he held back when fighting Horus.
>While some Traitor Legions and their Primarchs did side with Horus, these were, without fail, the weaker Legions, jealous of the success of noble and uncorrupted warriors such as those of the Ultramarines.
>Jealous of the ULTRAMARINES
This gets the Matt Ward Ultramar seal of Approval
Welp, time to pack it in. Chaos is over.
Chaos was over when Horus was erased from the fabric of existence in a single hit by the Emperor.
>Kek Angels
How's that lion dick taste, traitor?
wow the redshirt is back shilling with the exact same MO as when he first posted about this mediocre yet vaguely entertaining website.
'BTFO' etc. We have heard and seen this all before people. This is a shill thread with no discussion beyond advertisement. GW literally owns a dozen IP addresses to shill such things.
Do not be fooled. Fuck Games Work shop. Do not enter their toxic game or community.
GW BTFO! Shillbabbies are crying.
I don't know board game rules, could you explain what happened exactly?
Truth mentions Imperial Fists and Blood Angels as well. Stop riding the Ultramarine hate wagon, cpt Titus and Uriel Ventris showed us that Ultras are changing for the best.
>the two most radical and exiled Ultramarine officers represent the Ultramarines
Nigger they're literally anti-Ultramarines. They were both fucking foils to the rest of the whole damn chapter. Leandros and Sicarius are both the foils to these characters and are the true reflections of their chapter. You might as well say Deadpool is proof comic superheroes are changing for the best.
>You might as well say Deadpool is proof comic superheroes are changing for the best.
Thats a bad example but I see what you mean. Still, wasn't a lot of gay Ultras stuff retconned after Ward era my dear nigger friend?
not at fucking all, we're waiting for the retcon to come.
>Believing this Space-Jew propaganda.
Chaosfag reporting.
Yes, Regimental is fairly humourous by GW standards [swidt], but it always reads like it's by, for and about the company's 12yo schoolboy target demographic i.e., most of the "BTFO" anons in this thread.
I quite like that some light-hearted old school fanatics finally managed to slip under the stodgy IP Gestapo's gaydar.
Good times.
So he was weak?
>Any spark of nobility that the Warmaster once possessed quickly became corrupted by his treachery, as is ever the case. By the end of Horus’s disastrous war, many of his forces despised him as much as the glorious Emperor upon whom they had turned their backs.
>During the Horus Heresy, the Warmaster’s forces were consistently outmanoeuvred by better prepared, better equipped and more proficient Loyalist troops, forcing him to attempt a desperate, and doomed, assault upon Terra. The few victories he did win were the result of deception and treachery
>Assaulting the Solar System was the desperate last gamble of a beaten force. The attack was swiftly halted by the efficient defence of the Imperial Fists, aided by other loyal Space Marines and Imperial soldiers, as will ever be the case.
>While some Traitor Legions and their Primarchs did side with Horus, these were, without fail, the weaker Legions, jealous of the success of noble and uncorrupted warriors such as those of the Imperial Fists, Ultramarines and Blood Angels.
These points are all completely true, what happened Regimental Standard?
>implying slanderous propaganda affects the subjects at all
The real victims of this are the idiot guardsmen the Commissariat is marketing these lies to. For their sake, I hope they never discover firsthand just how inaccurate this 'info' is.
>taking 40k this seriously
Ultramarines fags are always so hardcore about defending their favorite Legion/Chapter. Lighten up, retard.
Elite, experienced units will quite literally wipe their asses with this stuff. Human wave units were going to die instantly anyway, and it makes them feel a bit better. It's basically harmless.
Now see, the one thing the imperial propagandaists didn't think about, was the fact that Horus, even if he lost the battle, won the war. He struck the emprah down, forcing him to sit the golden throne. And with that began the slow decay of humanity, one by one eaten by the chaos gods
No citizen. Our Immortal Emperor still had some glimmer of hope that his son was still human. Nobody at the time understood how deep the seed of the ruinous powers' corruption runs.
And btw heretic, he's not rotting on his throne, he sits back watching with content that the forces of chaos are stuck in their vile corner of the Galaxy. Were there a real threat to his Imperium the Emperor would rise from his throne and stike all you faggots down with one hand. And no, Abaddon's occasional warp fuckery isn't a threat to the Imperium. Even the pernicious Eldar laugh at you, and can rek your forces with ease. Even with sorcery, demon engines, tech heretical gear, daemonic forces in real space, traitor legions, and other dishonorable tricks, you still get BTFO on a daily basis by guardsmen with 10,000 year old designs. After all this time you'd think your hereteks would think up a heretical design to stop every single one of your troops from getting btfo by the veritable battle cannon.
If Horus wasn't a failure, why is he warp dust and the Imperium still exists?
Chaosfags B T F O
Chaos is no more. Praise the EMPEROR!
10,000 years later the treachery and deception of Russ and Guilliman live on strong as ever.....don't believe me read
magnus pls go and take your fanfiction with you
It's just /pol/ memes about propaganda you retard.