Now that the new Ghostbusters film is happily pissing on our nostalgia for the original, any campaign stories tangentially related to Ghostbusters by a similar comedy/horror theme? Intentionally, or otherwise.
I really would like to try to host a GB game, but I don't think that will ever, ever happen.
I did used to follow PinkGhostbuster's quests on here. I missed Ghostbusters in Tokyo. Those were entertaining if you want to look them up in the archives.
I tried my hand at running a quest a long time ago too, and made a CYOA which people seemed to like. Maybe bumping this thread will yield good results, but in my mind GB has never been deader. I don't even want to watch the new movie.
There's a game out there called InSpectres which attempts to recreate the Ghostbuster's feel.
There's also an official Ghostbusters RPG from the 80's floating around out there somewhere.
Nerdy show did some revisions to the Spooktacular RPG. It's a nice improvement, especially with the gear:
That's fucking cool. Thanks.
>pissing on our nostalgia
I dont understand all this faux outrage. It reeks of neckbeards just wanting to bitch about something.
Its a vague remake. It doesnt affect the integrity of the first movie at all. If anything, Ghostbusters 2 was more offensive than a remake 30 years later.
A: Ghost Busters 2 is a good movie and anyone who snarls at it is blinded by nostalgia for the first movie and didn't judge it fairly. It's only crime is being a competently made sequel trying to follow up a legendary classic.
B: The new movie's existence is offensive on multiple levels. For starters it's just plain bad. It pretends it's made with respect to the originals but the humor isn't anything like the originals. It's gross out crap interspersed with the odd edgy comment. The characters are one dimensional stereotypes, and the ghost designs are uncreative. Then you have the entire media buzz surrounding the movie where Sony tries to create this narrative where the people who dislike it are all angry manchildren who hate women. Going to the point where they delete well thought out comments and leave shit posting on videos and articles, slander a man who had the nerve to say he wasn't interested in watching the movie, and pretend females who think the movie looks bad don't exist.
It's a bad movie, funny thing is I wouldn't be nearly as critical of it and the people involved with it as I would be if studio hadn't been so sleazy in their methods of silencing criticism and trying to promote it.
>t. cuck
lemme guess, the new movie is a "faithful remake" brimming with "girl power" and anyone disagreeing is a "gamergate troll"
The bigger issue is most likely going to be that the new cast may not have the chemistry that the origional had, wich I would argue is its greatest asset. I don't think anyone will expect this movie to surpase the first one either.
Its just the second cynical cash grab in the series. Gender doesn't play into that aspect.
Your reminder that the backlash against the Ghostbusters was paid for by Sony in order to tap into the Fury Road dollars. Your reminder that Sony paid to have negative reviews by women suppressed to match their false narrative. Your reminder that if you have any strong emotions regarding this mediocre reboot then you're a corporate stooge dancing on strings and whether you're for or against it you're making sure this movie makes money. Take a lesson from James Rolfe: Don't watch it, don't talk about it. In a few short weeks no one will talk about it anymore.
This, honestly.
Just don't go, don't watch, don't give a fuck.
It also boggles my mind how the fuck this shit is supposedly 16 points better than BvS. No accounting for taste and all, but supposedly this pile of shit isn't funny, has a shitty story, no character arcs and the cgi looks like garbage. BvS had at bombastic action and anything with Batman in it was fun, and it's supposedly worse by a whole chunk? How does that work?
They got a director who can only do shit chick flick comedies, what did you expect?
The cast has no chemisty, the characters have no personality beyond "the fat one, the quirky one, the boring one, and BLACK & SASSY!" the humor mediocre at best (haha they're shooting the ghost in the dick, oh muh sides!) and they don't seem to understand how a remake is supposed to work since they seem more eager to make fun of the original source than celebrate it, ala The Brady Bunch Movie or Beverly Hillbillies.
That said what does piss me off is that they realized they have a shit stack on their hands so they tried to push the whole GIRL POWER thing
>Then you have the entire media buzz surrounding the movie where Sony tries to create this narrative where the people who dislike it are all angry manchildren who hate women
The only place on the Internet that I visit is Veeky Forums, but that's pretty much exactly what seems to be happening, judging by the threads I've seen.
As said, gender is playing a part. Mostly because the director and producers are flat out stating anyone who dislikes the movie is sexist and perpetuating "toxic masculinity". Social media is also totally on their side, and shit sites like HuffPo and Buzzfeed were quick to claim criticism of the movie is rooted in misogyny. It's pandering to a blatant and frankly insulting degree.
At the end of the day, they got a hack director helming a movie cast with a bunch of boring SNL actresses with no chemistry. Leslie Jones is by far the most offensive, because her shtick is the same sassy, streetwise black lady caricature we've seen in comedy for decades. It's tired and lazy. Original actors were SNL veterans as well, but they were actually funny and most importantly worked incredibly well with each other. Even Sigourney Weaver played off the others well. The original movie's cast was quite honestly a dream team, with comedic chemistry you'll rarely ever find in movies before or since.
In a world where you have actresses like Aubrey Plaza, Anna Kendrick, and Kaitlin Olson I have no idea why they went with these sods other than they were the lowest bidders.
There is only one actually funny actress in this movie, and that's Kate McKinnon.
Overall the movie looks like a soulless cash grab written as a long parody skit of the original and defended through shameless virtue signaling.
>virtue signaling
Is that like a microaggression or another made-up term
It refers to the process of putting a lot of effort into advertising the idea that you are virtuous without actually being virtuous.
It's a little narrower than that: basically it's broadcasting your negative opinions of one group so as to ingratiate yourself with another. You can believe in what you're saying or not, but you're most likely exaggerating your perspectives because it gets more people on your side.
Sony and the director of this movie call critics sexist because it scores them points with a sizable population of social media users who heard it had an all-woman main cast and immediately jumped aboard the hype train.
even though most of them will never see it
No. Im just not emotionally invested in a fucking movie, like you apparently are. So I dont understand spending time or energy getting upset over something that can simply be ignored.
But you carry that torch with pride user, you're doing gods work.
There's nothing wrong with being emotionally invested in a movie. I'm pretty sure that's actually one goal of a movie
This. There's no shame in liking the original Ghostbusters a lot and being disappointed they made a sequel which shat the bed from the very beginning.
If I'm not gonna get "emotionally invested" in movies I like then I might as well just not watch movies.
I wonder how long this new trend of "People most likely to be our audience have problems with our products? Well fuck 'em, they're all losers anyway." is going to last in media.
Nobody came to defend Bay or Shyamalan when they were making one of their shit films.
Early Shyamalan was good though
Bay I can respect because he sincerely doesn't give a shit if people don't like his movies. He outright said he makes movies for 12-year-olds. If 12-year-olds keep filling seats and the Pentagon keeps letting him use their toys then he's totally happy doing what he does. I may not like his movies, but at least he doesn't call Transformers fans creepy obsessed man children when they don't like what he makes.
The thing is, the people behind Fembusters are directly appealing to people who will rush to their defense because of the whole girl power thing. I hate throwing around the SJW bogeyman trope but that's just what I've seen.
The original actors were a dream team.
Just remember kids the lines like:
>That reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole in your head.
>It would have worked if you haven't had stopped me.
Was unscripted, off-the-cuff, no pause, improve the cast were stupendous comedians.
>Leslie Jones is by far the most offensive
>sassy, streetwise black lady caricature
It would have been better if they would have done like Ramis and Aykroyd wanted to do in the original script. Eddie Murphy as the token black but he was the (Egon like) strait man with 3-4 doctorate degrees and was smarter and more composed then the whites than around him.
Human resources
>Scientist (actively push her over the edge until she's a Basketcase)
>Cool One
What could possibly go wrong?
>Service Van (refurbish it into a party van)
Standard issue gear
>Ghost trap
Combined with a basketcase scientist, an EXPLOSION mage, a cool one who doesn't care about collateral damage and a salaryman who doesn't care about anything, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
And of course, like every good team we need an inspirational team motto: No refunds!
I brought this up in one of these threads before but it bares mentioning. I discussed a better alternative cast with someone and we came up with this:
>Chris Pratt
>Bradley Cooper
>John Boyega
>Aubrey Plaza
Pratt and Cooper are the scientists, Plaza's an intern (she can play a kid really well) and Boyega's a local cop who gets roped into the whole thing.
What gets me is they could have literally just made Extreme Ghostbusters: The Movie, and everyone would be happy.
You still have the original guys, you've got the new crew for sequel bait, and you have the token black, the token girl, and the token disabled guy. It's like an SJW wet dream of diversity BECAUSE YOU GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL, RIGHT? Only, it's also NOT SHIT.
Batman vs Superman shits all over the idea of both Batman and Superman as characters in a much more obvious way than this does. They are more established and permeate modern pop-culture on a much deeper level than the ghost busters so fucking up their portrayals that badly is less likely to be forgiven. While BvS may be a good action film its a terrible superman film and an even worse batman film. Ghostbusters on the other hand is a whole-scale reboot, and while it is shit it isn't shitting on every little boys favorite fucking superhero and his established characterization. There also is no need for anyone to kiss BvS's ass and give it extra marks since it isnt "progressive" with its casting, it gets rated on its actual merits and lackthereof without the benefit of those bonus points.
Or alternatively, Boyega is the intern and Plaza is some local Mulder-style paranormal nut who forces her way in.
Because it would actually take effort and knowledge of the franchise. And then you couldn't pretend you were being attacked by angry white hetero men, because most would probably be totally fine with it.
One day, Kylie, one day...
No. Stop remembering.
We're a respectable consumer rights movement fighting the oppression of big Paramount. We are standing up for the principle of truth itself against the mans unfair perversion of our legitimate emotional trauma.
I am the injured party here, not them. I have been cursed. Before Ghost Busters 3, I was a calm man. I am no longer. I'm not even going to see Ghost Busters 3, and it consumes my entire life.
Ghost Busters 1 was perfect and flawless. It was the shining light that all rallied around. It is worthless now. I spit on Bill Murray. I shall not look at Dan Akeroids face.
This movie affects me more than anything. I feel genuine grief and outrage. I am not feigning my suffering over Ghost Busters 3. Melissa McCarthy has done this to me.
They have cursed me with a rage that will never end, and that causes me to drive away others. I cannot have a family because of Patty, my fury will not allow it.
I have been raped by Ghost Busters 3.
That sounds shit.
Brazzers is making a port that looks like it'll blow the remake . . . out of the water.
But seriously, everything from the script to the acting looks better. They're going shockingly high budget.
Don't you cucks get tired of spamming the "if you disagree with my views you care too much" meme? It's not even annoying anymore, just...sad.
Aubrey Plaza as Kylie Griffin.
Observations aren't memes, user.
You you will never be able to watch the original without thinking of the remake. Everyone else will have forgotten the remake exists by August, but not you, because you're too invested in hating it. I bet you've already thought more about the remake while shitposting about it than you ever have about the original. That doesn't go away. Ghostbusters is tainted for you.
You should have just ignored it, but it's far too late for that now.
Do you work at a movie theater, because you'd make a nice projector.
You're awfully presumptive there.
BvS was utter shit and I've talked to a lot of people about why it's bad.
Doesn't mean I'm now incapable of liking Batman.
Nobody gives a fuck about your nostalgia, user. They want newer audiences, not some sad fuck to relive their childhood thirty years later.
>new audience
>by remaking an old movie
Human resources
We all guardsman party now!
>Service can
Standard issue gear
>PKE meter
>Focused streaming
>Lightweight frame
These little guardsmen are gonna thank me for those modifications!
Ever since the Tunguska Event of 1908 paranormal incidents have been on the rise worldwide. The Ectonic Progression is underway. Is it the doom of mankind? Perhaps. Is it the end of the world? Probably not. Is it an unparalleled business opportunity? Definitely.
The dead are rising from their graves, demons walk the earth and people are scared out of their minds. Where blades and bullets fail, however, science is ready to step up to the plate for the future of mankind. ExorSystems, Inc™ offers the tools, the training and the know-how you need to fight the darkness and still pull down a paycheck. If you plan on spending most of your time stalking every unnatural horror that creeps, slithers, swims or flies you ought to at least get decent pay and benefits out of the deal. ExorSystems, Inc™ is here to offer you that opportunity in exchange for franchise fees and a meager percentage off the top.
ExorSystems, Inc™
What is this, a system for ants?
>d20 product
Come on Jon, nobody but you cared that much about it.
I have this, Screw the D20 system, but the fluff material (which is easily adaptable to any system) is hands down fantastic.