Season of War edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Season of War edition
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
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Has anyone saved the face shot of Alarielle from one of the books? I can't be bothered going through the generals
Why is Alarielle the best waifu and the beetle the best husbando?
So, question, is the Start Collecting! Slaves to darkness worth the price? I've already got a Sorcerer on the way, along with a full reigment of Chaos Warriors. Right now, I can buy the whole box set for about 70.00 dollars. Is it worth it?
Great, now I'm ordering a general on gryphon.
Just wish it the second barding option didn't have Karl Franz written all over it. Poor guy.
It is still alive?
You mean this?
>$70 for Knights and a Chariot and extra Chaos Warriors
Yes, yes it is worth it, especially at discount.
I know I am early, but we began the campaign" early today!
Fought 1500 vs 1500 khorne demons vs Nurgle(mixed).
Points are really good, had a GREAT game.
He was one of "aos has no strategy and so i don't want to play anymore"guys.
Points brought him back he had a bad surprise; tactic counts now more than it ever had.
Anyone wants a bat rep? Pic related, end of 1st turn. Anyone want to bet on how it ended?
Anyone feel like editing the skin it so that she becomes a delicious brown elf?
If I buy the SC kit, can I also use two sorcerer's? Because it seems like having two dedicated sorcerers would be a great way to pump out Mystic Shield/Daemonic Power. I will be replacing the SC sorcerer's head with one from the knights, because those horns look awful.
That's the one, cheers senpai
On a side note, do you think they're going to set up a Dwarfs vs Tzeentch storyline next? I have my theories on how the story is going to go, and this is pretty much a part of it
Nothing is stopping you from taking multiple Sorcerers, other than the hero limit on Matched Play. Which is still like.. 1-4 at 1k points?
What were the army comps? What battleplan did you use?
Should I dedicate my Chaos Warriors, Chaos Knights and Gorebeast Chariot to Khorne? I have all the starter kit Bloodbound, Skullcrushers and a Bloodthirster..
>free guild will never get a start collecting box with 20 swordsmen, 10 hand gunners and 3 Demi gryphs
Of course you can.
My suggestion is to play no more than 2-3 mages, but yeah, you can and you should.
I don't remember the name, but the battleplan where players have 6 turn to kill each other and the attacker needs to reach the gates on defender's territory, and the battle field become more and more deadly every turn, literally killing d3 models from units on a die roll from the 2nd turn.
We played 1.5k points from GH, no allegiances.
He played:
skull taker
40 bloodletters
-soul grinder
herald on juggernaut
skull cannon
I played:
arcnarok spider(with no flinger or mage)
10 blightkings
1 plague priest
10 plaguebearers
1 lord of plagues
1 slaughterpriest
20 plague monks
3 plague drones
Fun game, he learned you shouldn't charge a lined up unit of plaguebearers with blightkings, plague lord and slauhterpriest just behind them.
Plaguebearers died, but everything else charged and raped them afterwards.
Do whatever ends up being cheaper for you. Discount sellers are good.
Knights are a good choice though and a good kit.
I think that sorc is pretty slender, if the knight heads are too big looking, try a warrior head or either one, you can hobby knife or even sand then clean (for a non "furry" surface) excess weight off the helmets.
If that fails or is too much trouble, try some extra shoulder armor from the knights or some bits to bulk the sorc frame.. Dry fit see what looks aight.
I prefer helmets over demon heads too.
Only if you go hard on khorne characters to buff. Khorne has no caster/wizards only priests, so id suggest magnetising a banner arm for one or two or more gods/marks, using a neutral color scheme for the models, replacing the mark/banner as you decide that unit will be whatever from game to game
Posting my list for critique
-- Sylvaneth: Welcome to the Jungle --
Heartwood Wargrove - 100
Treelord Ancient: Warsong Stave, Regrowth - 300
20x Dryads - 240
20x Dryads - 240
5x Tree Revenants - 100
5x Tree Revenants - 100
Spirit of Durthu: Briarsheath - 400
Treelord Ancient: Circlet, Reaping - 300
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows - 180
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows - 180
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes - 180
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes - 180
--2500 points
I'm only playing a 1k version this until i find out if Syl are as fun to play as they look
The great war for the Seeds of Hope begins soon, comrades.
We all know what side deserves to win....IT IS CHAOS. We must protect Archaon's smile. The Three Eyed King needs you. He needs you to help him cast down Sigmar's cities of arrogance and false hope.
God his mount looks stupid.
If it just had a dragon head or something, that would be cool.
I'd be right with you if I'd ever seen Archaon's smile. Until then, I'm afraid the memory of ol' Karl still wins.
Karl Franz is still the general in the picture of the Free Guilds Regiment, surrounded by greatswords on circular bases. Even has Ghal Maraz still. Guess he got reincarnated
>tfw order has the advantage in terms of quantity of factions and releases, solidarity against chaos and strong armies
>tfw it's all going as predicted
>Woe is me, Sigmar and Araellie wont let nurgle shit all over their realms! Poor Archaeon only has 49 evil citadels instead of 50!
Yeah right, honestly, Nagash needs a summer home FAR more than you do.
Fight for Nagash, and your soul shall be saved! Life, Death, all is one! Whether you serve now, or later, you will serve!
And maybe if I kill enough of you bastards, he'll return my love...
I still like the idea that he's the Celestant-Prime
Yeah either him or Valten.
Shame the Prime is such a chump outside of battalions
Is there any situation where the Lance for a Griffin General is better than the hammer?
Like literally any?
It still hurts. I miss the lore, depth and grit of the Empire. Freeguilders is just not the same.
Are there any information about ordinary humans?
Actually the one saving grace of the Free Guilds is that they are
A) city state based
B) those cities are pretty much just continuations of the culture of the Empire.
Frankly I wouldn't even disparage someone who said their Free Guild hail from an actual Empire city that was swallowed whole and deposited in the mortal realms later.
praise be to kroak and his legions of sunbloods
Yeah, but it's not the same thing when the setting is now basically about super hero gods.
All hail
>inb4 nurgle's bitches come being pestiferous
Yeah the Empire worked as the main setting really well.
I see what they did trying to make AoS like 40k in that there's enough physical space for anything to happen but the old world was very comfy
Stop making me regret joining Chaos so the Order/Chaos axis would have an even amount of players at my LGS.
Just assembled my first ever fantasy/aos squad.
Creepy living trees are cool.
skink starpriest 160
Eternal starhost 80
3x10 saurus guard 600
Eternity warden 140
980. Thoughts?
How do you deal with fast cavalry, flyers, monsters, and artillery?
I would cut those guard down to 3x5 and use the extra 300 points to buy something like terradons or a bastiladon
>skink starpriest 160
Did you mean Starseer? Starpriest only costs 100
I did, whoops.
Picture related.
Any tips for painting bark and other natural, foresty colors? I am sorta intending to go with a very swampy feel for these fucks.
Check this out.
Looks pretty cool.
I will probably go with a bit paler browns, and more greens, to get a more sickly, swamp feeling.
I still have loads of Knights I got from the (4th ed?) starter boxes (I split 2 of them with people) from back in the day. I'm going to pain them up fianlly for this (didnt play warhammer for a long time after 4th, until AoS). I have like 40 archers ready to rock, a pegasus knight, 5 grail knights, a damsel on mount, and Morgana. Unfortunately over the years I lost my Leon, Green Knight, and Lord on Dragon :(
The setting just makes the Freeguilders feel like AoS Somalians.
Can't decide what to do with this. Order - mostly darkling covens, basically trying to get the old dark elf army I put on hold back in 8th into shape for the summer campaign. (Don't yet know if people locally will be using points for that.)
>Leader - Sorceress - 80
>Battleline - 10 Darkshards - 100
>Battleline - 10 Darkshards - 100
>Other - 10 Black Guard - 180
>Other - 10 Executioners - 200
>Other - 5 Dark Riders - 140
>Behemoth - Hydra - 240
Makes 1040 points. Leaning toward dropping the dark riders as they're a lot of points for (it seems) not that much punch. But what to replace them with?
Also, tempted to get an assassin as it's pretty cheap, a nice model, a gets my alliance a point if I paint the fucker. Is he worth including?
Oh, and in the meantime, I'll be using my stormhost until my Brets are ready to ride!
>Building my Dryads
>painting them assembled is fine
>Building my Hunters
Literally everything needs to be sprayed and painted before being assembled
Why is order so best?
Tbh that's what Empire were anyway.
If anything free guild can actually stand up in a straight fight unlike Empire vs anyone.
Nah, the Empire has for the most part in WHFB been wealthy and advanced compared to most other human realms.
Sounds fun :3
Tbh Free Guild literally live in heaven above the unwashed chaos masses
The Chaos Wastes was always Australia.
The Empire stood up in plenty of fights for 2500 years. Now they just feel like the mook military or cops in a cape story.
Dark riders are as close as you can get to ellyrian reavers without actually taking ellyrian reavers - I think game wide at least in the pdf compendiums.
I'd like to see how they hold up in a game, even though they aren't as op as their fancy cousins.
Is it just me or are free guild archers kinda sorta ok when buffed? The lack rend hurts but rerolling all to hits on 30 3+ 3+ (with general) attacks will put a dent in something
>Heartwood Wargrove is basically Conscripts/Endless Swarm
>Those 20 man Dryads squads that will come back everytime they die
>I also get 2 relics due to it being 2 Battalions
>For 100 points
How come ellyrian reavers are considered OP? Are they just impossible to catch?
The Free Guild under Sigmar beat Chaos.
When Archaon came back they still managed to not be completely annihilated like the Empire
So, what is the good way to play budget AoS? I mean, is there any small army format or something? Never played AoS or WHF before
The Empire under Sigmar also beat Chaos. Mortal Sigmar cleared out the greenskins from the land, slayed the everchosen of Chaos and beat Nagash's skull in so hard that he stayed dead for a 1000 years. He and the Empire got shit done and mortal Sigmar wasn't exactly a jobber.
Bringing back Ungrim. I really hope the pic isnt rotated.
I have 30 Gors. Is it better to run them in units of 10 with a banner and musician, or one big blob of 30?
Maybe 20 and 10, both with banners and musicians?
Play Scenarios and take as many or few models as you want.
Otherwise, try Matched Play at low points values.
Basically don't play it with the core rules, it was designed for scenario play and now matched play with points values.
I'd blob them up to get the best chance at the anarchy and mayhem bonus attack.
> try Matched Play at low points values
I tought there is no point system in AoS
Fuck the rotation I can't win heres a head on shot.
There is now with the General's Handbook, and all in all its actually pretty well thought out. IIRC GW took feedback from people organizing AoS tournaments to devise their points value system.
sounds good. I also have a Beastlord i'm converting from Bestigor bits, is it better to give him a shield, two axes, or a greataxe?
Huh, that sounds good. What should I read for the start? I heard there are only 4 pages of rules and that's all - is that true?
If you don't have any units with long range, tremendous speed or movement shenanigans you'll have a bitch of a time catching reavers, yeah. Add to that that the unit has a fairly nasty three shots per guy and can actually take a hit or two thanks to their 2 wounds and you got a unit that is widely loathed, especially if you are one of those armies without speed or ranged game.
Here are the games rules. Everything else is on the units' stat cards (called warscrolls) and in the upcoming General's Handbook.
I gave mine a shield, although with a 3+ to hit rerolling 1s is more valuable than it is for gors/bullgors. Not a fan of the big axe, too few attacks, too likely to fluff his lines.
>go to GW to play this new global tournament thing
>opponent is using square bases on high elf swordmasters
>his second rank can fight even though it only has 1" reach because of how small and compact the square bases are
Why is this allowed
Thank you very much. I will decide in days if I'm picking AoS or 40K so it will be very helpful
You could always go Chaos Daemons and swap between the two.
Do your bases like this if it bothers you that much.
>not doing twisty turny fumbly lancy with your cavalry
Now that is real cancer.
Just be careful on 40k: the game is a fucking mess and if your lgs community isn't super friendly and helpful you're just going to have a bad, bad time.
They would still be able to fight like that on 25mm circles, and it's required to be on the right bases or base to base measuring gets broken quickly.
>implying that if Dorghar had been turned into a dragon you wouldn't have bitched about GW releasing yet another dragon
But I like the newer dragons/wyverns/big monsters
If the dragon had the stupid skulls-from-skin thing you're damn right I would have bitched. Those look atrocious an just about anything save for the Khorgorath, who already has enough godawful design choices crammed into it as is.
>Husbandoing an arrogant, bone-headed idiot.
Arkhan best skelly
What exactly did Glottkin?
why he lost and and what happens in Gyran nów?
If AoS I will probably go into Stormcast and buy the box with paint set or Skaven start collecting
>this guy isn't evil enough
>I got it
>crab hand
>the game is a fucking mess
Yeah, sadly it's not only your opinion so I believe it can be terrible
>if your lgs community isn't super friendly and helpful you're just going to have a bad, bad time
I used to play mtg with them and I had great time - my only problem is money, community is really good
You can get a 1000 point stormcast army really easy.
Build and paint box, SC half of the New storm of sigmar starter, SC half of the full starter.
£(75+20)/2 +20 = £67.5 at full retail, £54 if you get them at 20% off like a lot of places sell stuff.
Those 3 together gets you
3 squads of 5 liberators
1 squad of 5 paladin retributors
1 Dracoth duder
1 Relictor
That's 920 points, grab another relictor off ebay or something and you've got exactly 1000 points
>2 relictors
For what purpose.
Because he's the only 80 point thing and people sell them cheap from the start box so he's an easy/cheap way to fill out the last 80 points.
reposting looking for some help.
going for my first few games of AoS tomorrow, dug a bunch of 6E vintage high elves out of storage.
is there anying an AoS newfriend needs to know that's either general or high-elf specific? also in light of all of the good leader units being shuffled off to different alleigances, what should I do with pic related to build a vanguard, specifically which units are best used for an army general? Imrik only affects dragons with his command, the sea helm is kinda ok but I'm worried about him getting pulped easy, and the prince on horse got turned into the dragon noble which only affects order draconis :(
advice greatly appreciated
Okay, going to start the campaign with a couple of Nurgle wins (because my Sylvaneth aren't finished yet and I hate playing with unpainted models). I thought about this:
Mortal Nurgle Allegiance (because fuck Marauders, Plaguebearers and Chaos Warriors)
>Bloab Rotspawned
>Harbinger of Decay (General)
>5 Putrid Blightkings (Battleline)
>5 Putrid Blightkings (Battleline)
760 points all in all
>summon pool: 240 points, used for 3 Plague Drones
General gist is to have a hard-hitting first wave of Harbinger, Bloab and Locus-buffed Drones, all with 5+ save-after-the-save.
While the opponent is still reeling from that, the 10 Blightkings are going to waddle into melee and pick off anything that's still alive, hopefully while retaining the save-after-the-save from the Harbinger.
Its not a matter of 'balance' with 40k. I can't think of any game that is truly 'balanced' across the board so everyone is equal and there is no disparity.
No, the issue I have is 'fairness'. For example, if I were to take Tyranids as they are portrayed on the box sets, or in the fluff, against someone who was doing similar with say, just a Space Marine formation, I would definitely have a bad time even if neither I nor my opponent were trying to be competitive with our army lists. Its not 'fair' in the sense that almost any number of units taken in an Eldar list will still give me a hard time even if I go full try-hard mode and take a tournament list with said Tyranids. The same can be said of Orks and a number of other factions.
So its something to consider and look out for. For the record i've had fun games against Eldar, Chaos Daemons and Space Marines with my Tyranids, but hey definitely made me work a LOT harder compared to fighting Imperial Guard or Orks.
Conversely, AoS seems pretty solid across the board. There's only a few problem areas with very specific formations and units. GW is also taking in feedback for the game constantly.. They're also starting to take in feedback and review tournament results for 40k, so we might see some sweeping balance changes come the next edition of 40k or the next batch of FAQs they put out. Fingers crossed.
Both are fun games, I prefer AoS at the moment myself, but really play what people in your area are playing. Nothing sucks more than being unable to find an opponent to play with.
Mix a little green into the bark - not enough that it IS green, just to give it a tint. Instantly swampier