Inhuman races character art thread. Post beast races, bugs, demons, etc
Inhuman races character art thread. Post beast races, bugs, demons, etc
wow amazing original humor
How can he read with his eyes facing sideways?
>tfw you will never be named Blackagor Boltagon
It hurts
This trad is excellent inspiration for my magic diverse city out of time setting anons, thanks.
Though a few more modern/sci-fi characters would be nice. Mostly just have fantasy.
Let's see if I have some.
And that's all I got.
Got any avian or aquatic races?
I love this shark dude and his pet fish
In the Mountains of Madness was such a sad story
More like this please
My supply of such is strictly limited, and generally not a good fit for this thread. Try /ysg/.
Praise be to Cimre
Got to honour drawfag that has gifted us.
electric current flowing through metal letters.
he reads with the underside of his face