Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Punished Jaina edition

Discuss the ore and viability of the Warcraft universe in tabletop.

not really, the planet got torn apart when too many portals opened and ner'zhul and a few of his top ranking shamans managed to escape before being caught by the legion.

meant to link to this

Alleria and Turyalon got out that way too

>Discuss the ore

Thorium ore best ore.

that's not Saronite

What RPGs do you guys actually play with this Warcraft lore?

>Grinding for arcane crystals.
Vanilla was like an abusive boyfriend.

>not truesilver.
arcanite is best bar.


Blizzard games

from the previous thread

Any flavour of D&D will probably handle Warcraft decently, including older editions. You might have to do some spell list trimming.

The other recommendation would be Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e for more of a high tension sort of game with an emphasis on magical corruption (you may want to borrow some of the magic mechanics from Dark Heresy as well for further on that end). You'd probably start characters with a larger chunk of XP or at least start them in relatively more useful careers, though.

Runequest 6 is another d100 system that also runs fantasy settings very well if you want to avoid the grim-darkness of 40k or the assorted D&D legacy baggage (ex. Vancian magic).

There's also the classic list of generics - FATE for games focused on narrative control and intra-party character roleplaying, or GURPS for a crunchy experience with a splat for everything.


>Over 300 dense stone.
>Over 200 thorium ore.
>Total of 9 arcane crystals.
At least it wasn't as bad as Ragnarok.

Ner'zhul got caught by demons and turned into the Lich King. The original liches were made from his shamans and warlocks (WC3 manual)

I think it's fucking hilarious how the naaru say we were bad for killing Illidan in BC, when it was Naaru that were leading us against him.

Do the naaru actually put the blame on us or is it a case of them realizing too late that there was more to the situation than they thought?

Since naaru aren't omniscient. But if they're going to say it's my fault for putting down a half-demon and his demon and fel-corrupted henchmen when there's a Naaru standing right outside giving the okay, I'm calling up the belfs and letting them chain up on of the pricks again.

yep, which is why they could manipulate the cold winds of northrend so easily. They were all shamans or had been. I like to believe that Ner'zhul's clique were primarily dark shamans while Gul'dan's followers were warlocks, that also explains the low amount of DKs.

Although, the question arises, if the LK originally had orc shamans made into liches, why do they look so human?

>if the LK originally had orc shamans made into liches, why do they look so human?
they all clearly have orcish skulls though, even Kel'thuzad

>look so human?
Even Kel looks kinda orc-y, and he WAS human!

I know it's from a shit expansion, but Elementium Ore just looks so goddamn shiny and smooth.

I'm more interested in where did the "king Tut" pseudo-egyptian motive came from

I was thinking of the ingame lich model. I totally forgot that was a thing.
Although that surely cannot be ke;'thuzad.

I think most of the original liches died on the slopes of Hyjal. By the time WoW rolls around the Scourge has created more liches from the elven and human stock within the Cult of the Damned- see Ras Frostwhisper, Araj the Summoner, Amnenar the Coldbringer are all human.

Kel'Thuzad is a special case because he was ressurected with the power of the Sunwell wich made him an Archlich. I always atributed to his exagerated features. In adition to tusks he also has hornes wich other liches have incorporated into their headdresses.


That was most likely borrowed from the nerubians

Cata had so much potential. What makes it bad is that blizzard destroyed the old world to show off their phasing tech.

blizzard was probably "creatively inspired" by GW.


everything the Scourge makes is either a repurposed Nerubian artifact or a giant Helm of Domination

Incendicite looks smoking hot

ok I take that back. Maybe Kel'thuzad was double dipping into fel.

>Cata had so much potential. What makes it bad is that blizzard destroyed the old world to show off their phasing tech.
also, the fact that every fucking new quest was a shitty reference to something

And yet he's still such a great guy. Once you get past the necromancy and serving the Lich King, of course.

Duh. You're right. I was connecting egyptian look with Tol'vir and forgot about spider mummies.

>Kel'thuzad has the Cult of the Damned infiltrate and support DEHTA because killing hunters means people become more reliant on grain, and animals make shitty undead minions anyway

>literally unused
>cata even makes it unminable.
>the most tranquil and peaceful zone in Warcraft becomes a goblin racetrack
fuck you blizzard.
The funniest thing is, Nerubians didn't have pyramids, they had ziggurats.

Hes my favorite warcraft character and one of my favorite characters of all times. KT's voice is also sexy as fuck

I want him to show up in legion so bad

>KT's voice is also sexy as fuck
WoW expansion where Michael McConnohie voices everyone instead of just the villains when

The pyramids Egypt is famous for aren't the only kind they had; earlier models looked more like the Nerubian pyramids in WC3-- except less black and gothic, of course.

How strong are player characters in Runequest?

> Thinking that people actually do this and that it isn't an attempt to avoid the shit posting on /v/.

I mean, what, is the "amazing storyline" why you want to play WoW on the tabletop?

Would Fantasycraft work as well?

FC would be ideal, I think. The way origins work makes home-brewing species pretty easy for capturing your iconic Warcraft races that dnd doesn't have by default. Martial types being useful is also a bonus.

4e, mostly due to accessibility. I have all the books, my players already know it, and I have a fetish for grid squares. No, not literally.

Couple of my regulars are huge lore buffs, so I figured I'd use the alt universe excuse to throw some curve balls at them. Most of the lore cuts close to canon, but the details differ enough that meta knowledge wouldn't spoil all the plot threads.

post your jaina pics.

That sounds logical.

>ruins of Skyreach
I approve, they were the best thing about WoD

>all the arakkoa lands just broke up and drifted away.
bravo orcs.

>literally unused
>cata even makes it unminable.

Haven't been there since cata, but I remember digging it with my dorf waaaaay back

My favorite voice is Prince Shaffar from Mana Tombs

yeah. I spent half a day there charging people 3 silver per quest and made enough money to level up my engineering skills on my hunter.

they are the same VA?

Why doesn't Blizzard ever go back to Outland for new stuff?

They are? Huh... I guess it's been too long and KT's filter made them sound different.

I'm hoping for some Illidan related stuff to take us back to Shadowmoon Valley in Legion.

Someday, I hope for a future where mmo's can reliably go back and update their old content so you don't deal with crazy backlash like that.

Say, if i might ask. Is there any reason why this thread is on Veeky Forums and not on a video game board?

I hope so. It may just be nostalgia talking, but I love the floating planet shard in space concept. I even fluffed that my army in Age of Sigmar made their home on an object similar to Outland.

I want a raid that starts through one of the other old legion portals.

I want a raid to kill the snake thing in Zul'Drak that you see in the 5man.

Wasn't Gundrak gonna have a raid? And King Ymiron was going to be a raid originally.

Wrath's troll raid (along with most of Azol'nerub) was cut to free up devs to work on Titan

if only Overwatch was good enough to make it worth killing Anub'arak in a 5 man


They started working on it that long ago?
>overwatch is what came out of it
only blizzard could survive this

Who knows, maybe that chunk of land is drifting around the Nether somewhere. Maybe the Arakkoa uncover enough Apexis technology to turn it into a giant space fortress armed with lasers of glorious incandescence.

>Azjol'nerub was cut because resources were allocated to something that went fucking nowhere despite unlimited money and veterans working on it.

If Titan didn't ever have a chance to exist, how different would WoW be?

Well... given that we've got Cata after Wrath...

I'd say much better

The dream of a playable WoW TRPG system or setting burns bright. But it shall always be a false light.

>If Titan didn't ever have a chance to exist, how different would WoW be?
Wrath would have had an extra raid tier or two and be unequivocally considered one of the greatest video game expansion packs of all time

So how many of you RP on WoW?
How do you do it?
I've always been super nervous even though I play a ton of TTRPGS.

I usually RP on Private Servers. Sadly, which each server, they have different extremes of problems that are so extremely polarizing.

I was previously a staff member on an up and coming server, but the flippant management of the head admin led to the server biting the dust.

Jesus Christ, there better be more of OP's pic.


I guess. Still, surprised the mods don't consider this thread off topic.

I started playing retail again just for RP. I don't really give a damn about PvE (then again I never did, even when I played from 2005-2012) and my only pvp buddy left in 2012. It's weird, I RP a sindorei blood knight but they way things are going, I might end up falling in with a tauren tribe. I was just sick of standing around in Silvermoon's Royal Exchange gossiping over mundane things like nothing's changed since BC. My character can't be standing around when there is hellspawn to be slain and innocents to rescue.

But yeah, even before I found about RP, I cared more about exploring the world and the lore which is most likely how I got into it.

I liked doing RP on private servers, especially on vanilla servers because RPing a character where everything is so new is so god-tier. No super power "veterans" because they did in-game content from previous expansions, everyone is an up-and-coming adventurer trying to find their place in the world and their faction.
It just sucks that populations are so low the communities are really small and people still think griefing RPers is funny.

they don't seem to care as long as we behave, these threads had a long run a few months ago too

Well. That's nice to hear. Always good to have a place to complain about blizza- i mean discuss Warcraft lore.

I have no idea where to start with WoW RP.

pretty much. I genuinely enjoy the Warcraft setting, but talking about it anywhere on Veeky Forums other than Veeky Forums makes me want to shoot myself. I've only seen the mods here intervene if OP doesn't mention TTRPGs or if someone takes Garithosposting too far and starts shitting things up

Well, if you're non-EU best place for Horde is Wyrmrest Accord. Get an idea of what type of character you want to play and what race would fit that best. Hell, even the race bit doesn't matter too much. I always decide my character's age, and get an idea of what he would've experienced by then.

Don't be afraid to walk up to people and just start talking. If you have Total RP, MRP, or some other equivalent mod, you'll notice that everyone has notices that say "walks up are welcome" or something to that effect. Don't be intimidated if they don't respond, because there's a good chance they're thinking how their character would respond, and they're typing it out.

As far as lore, read up on wowpedia to catch up, and decide what your character ought to know. I like to pretend that quest knowledge does not also have to mean what my pc knows in-character. So even though the Forsaken had those plague wagons and plague testing quests all over the place, my blood elf didn't know the plague existed until the Wrathgate, and even then he's still sure Sylvanas wasn't involved in it personally. Stuff like that, so sorry if it seems a bit rambling.

>and even then he's still sure Sylvanas wasn't involved in it personally.
because she wasn't, right?

Whats it like to RP on one of the dead RP servers? Or to have RP'd there and watched it die?

I mean to say, that my character believes there was no conclusive proof in proving that she was responsible for ordering it's creation. And that it was all on the fault of the demon rumored to be her majordomo.

What makes it so bad to discuss Warcraft lore outside of Veeky Forums?

Blizzard makes large sections of /v/'s ass hurt, and the people that actually like WoW are autists that just want to cry about how the game is ruined because of X reason

I'm writing this as I sit on my porcelain throne, to once again announce that I as a WoW rper truly enjoy it. Horde or alliance comes down to if you want to play a belf or not. Being a devout elf fan boy turned garithos, I can say I've experienced both sides, and they have their differences

It's not all tumblrinas and Druid ERP, but I'd be more than willing to explain more if anyone's interested

Btw WrA is best server

I don't play WoW anymore, and although I've played on RP server, I actually wasn't RPing that much. However, I've spent years before that on a private RP server (TBC when I started, WotLK when I left as a player/got kicked as a GM).

In original incarnation, server had about 200 players online at peak, Blizzlike PvP and PvE (complete TBC, WotLK up to Ulduar) with great RP support... GM's helping with events (adventures are much better if you can call a GM to spawn some NPCs to kill and even play a boss), custom player housing, player-run kingdoms, custom items (both RP things like food and stat-less stuff with unique skins and pseudo-transmog befora that was a thing on official servers).

After few years, pop went down to about 70-100 people online at peak, and admin decided to join forces with 3 other servers (1 RP, 1 not RP, but with a small RP population, 1 pure PvE/P). Population went up to about 600 players, but both RP and functionality took a hit... some RP stuff stopped working, part of the RP populace left in disgust at PvP players, and core and database merge was a distaster. Still, things went moderately well for few years, but population went down to about 250 players.

Then came the second merge, this time with much bigger server. Admin and players were dicks and seemed to hate very idea of RP, overall functionality was meh. Lots of unfulfilled promises both before merge and after it. Admin was more interested in censoring and banning anyone who dared to say something and warring with a competing server than actually running things. More roleplayers left, admin kicked almost every GM from the RP server. I stopped playing, heard that admin eventualy resigned, but while the new admin was great, he got a control of a server which went from 1200+ to 100 player tops in year and half.

Yes, I'm still bitter even if it's been 3 years... original server was awesome. At least I've kept contact with some of the players... in fact, I play D&D with them

Now dead RP servers? Shit man it's like second life

People don't even use lore, they just RP as anime characters some times, it's beyond creepy

The type of people there too, it's like stumbling upon an inbred tribe of hicks that haven't seen an outsider for since their server launched a decade ago

How the fuck am I supposedly to get into the lore of Warcraft? everything past lich King is a clusterfuck of a bloody mess

Another WrA fag here. Experience as Belfs, nearly any class. It can get boring unless you really want to take part in the community, or atleast put forth some enthusiasm.

Step 1: Character race & class
Step 1: Character concept
2: Wowpedia. This is a must, read up about your race's history and stereotypes.
3: Try to create something thats interesting but also sits within the bounds of the bullshit that is lore
4: Get wow addons such as Gryphonheart Items and Total RP 3. The first allows the creation of in game items for use by characters with the mod, e.g. instruments, drugs, drinks, books, etc.
5: Log on and ask for help, we all fall on our faces the first time, ask for someone to help you understand why

Nobbel87's Youtube videos or randomly looking stuff up on WoWpedia

>partook in that three times to help guildies get their Thunderfuries
>now I'm working on getting my own nearly 12 years later
>the ore is the easy part this time
Fuck you Garr. Drop your fucking half of the prison. Fucking Geddon's has dropped 4 times.

I've always been meaning to ask, why do people recommend wowpedia over wowwiki? Did something happen to the latter?

Wowpedia's timeline. Look at that, and read about the major events.

Wowwiki is a clusterfuck that regular peeps with no knowledge tend to edit.

Its not managed as a site, and its quite run down. It has lots of innacuracies as many of its writers were, well, writers. They kind of tended to write things that portrayed their favored groups in positive light.

Its kind of like what your high school teachers thought wikipedia was like.

WoWWiki is outdated as fuck and missing pretty much everything post-cata

>when Metzen was still metal

I feel this statement describes most of what has changed about the Warcraft setting. A lot of the heavy/power metal feel has been drained out of it over the years.

it's partially the nature of turning an RTS into an RPG too. When all you see are the armies, everything can be metal, but in an RPG where you have to start off at level 1 shoveling shit for nickels, it's harder for everything to be badass

>humans are stopping a conspiracy by a dragon to overthrow the last kingdom
>dwarves are dealing with Dark Iron terrorists while uncovering their ancestry
>nelves are discovering just how deep the rabbit hole goes with cultists and demons
>orcs have to deal with their fall from grace and newfound freedom by purging demon worshipers and then demons themselves
>tauren are trying to take back their land from encroaching forces only to discover Old Gods are tainting the less-intelligent races
>undead are trying to establish their borders against zealots, and have to relieve their nightmares by killing mindless in their corrupted homeland

Vanilla WoW did a great job with starting off at level 1. Even the most generic of quests had actual flavor, and the quest text gave the world an even bigger feeling. Especially class quests.

It's a pity they added the quest tracking bullshit.
While I'll admit it's useful, it discourages reading the flavor text and just hitting accept and trotting out to the ping on the map.
Wow. Such explore. Much discover.
I miss misleading people on the Mankrik's wife quest.

>tfw Cataclysm turned everything into memes but they didn't somehow canonize Barrens chat
one fucking job

>everyone says mg is the better alliance RP server
>it's kinda shitty
>roll on wra alliance
>it's much more mature and varied

never listen to reddit