Hey Veeky Forums,
Opening this Oath of the Gatewatch today for all of you. Let me know what you think, think I'm going to make this a daily/weekly event.
Hey Veeky Forums,
Opening this Oath of the Gatewatch today for all of you. Let me know what you think, think I'm going to make this a daily/weekly event.
I appreciate the thought, but it's really not that interesting.
I'm game, user.
Get some actually interesting boosters and this could be a thing.
Get Three kingdoms packs
2/15 sorry my bad
Rotate your pictures, plebeian scum.
Ayy! We done now.
Sorry, I did rotate them but they still com out like this. I'm sure you can forgive me. Next time will b better
No one cares about your common bullshit, show us the money or get out. I'm going to do this same thing next week but with better packs posted in a non-retarded way.
Not bad so far I guess?
There's a reason people who do this tend to put all the commons in one pic. They're never really worth looking at outside of a limited event
Again sorry. Jeeze, let's not stoop to the level of /v/, let alone /b/....
Hopefully we get some good stuff. Moving along
Sorry. I'm new to this. Just like collecting them is all. Here we go with the silvers. Let me know what ya think
Are dual lands good?
OH nice this one is shiny
buy a box next time bro noone cares about a single pack
14/15 and 15/15
Grats on the zombie token! I sure do love me some zambees.
I like that zombie token because of the hedron.
Hedrons are cool, especially with crabs.
Nice opening thing. A bit rough around the edges. Maybe figure out how to make rotation work, and fix the glare / flash on the cards. Other than that, good job doing something different.
I don't understand how people are this dumb that we constantly get sideways photos.
>make whole thread dedicated to a pack
>all you do is open a pack
>no punchline or fakeout
What is this horse shit
One idea for this is to have everyone imagine its the first pack of a draft. We could discuss the correct pick and why.
or we could not.
This. Let the poor thread die. I'm going to new York City tomorrow, I'll buy some fun packs and make this same thread in a week with all sorts of nifty things. I might even sneak an urabrask into new phyrexia or something.
Spiteful bump