Board Game General: """"Classics"""" edition
previous thread:
>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
>How many have you played?
>How many do you still enjoy playing?
>Hardmode: No Chess or Go
Board Game General: """"Classics"""" edition
previous thread:
>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
>How many have you played?
>How many do you still enjoy playing?
>Hardmode: No Chess or Go
Other urls found in this thread:
>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
A copy of Monopoly I inherited from my parents, Risk, Scrabble, Battleship and for some reason Star Wars Trivial Pursuit
>How many have you played?
I've played all of the above plus Yahtzee
>How many do you still enjoy playing?
Only Scrabble, which I only play with my wife because she likes it.
>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
Monopoly, Stratego, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Abalone, Mastermind
>How many have you played?
All of them.
>How many do you still enjoy playing?
Haven't played any of them in forever, so no idea.
I work with kids so I end up playing stratego, sorry, and battleship occasionally. Also monopoly jr.
They're all pretty terrible games but the kids enjoy them which helps make it fun. Battleship and stratego are the best of the bunch.
>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
>How many have you played?
>How many do you still enjoy playing?
did anyone ever really enjoy these games? I mean the way you can enjoy games that are actually good.
I do own a very incomplete and lacking box of Life and Cranium.
none becasue I never had the chance to until a couple of months ago.
None. I was never fond of them and now I know there's more out there even less (well cranium can be fun due sillyness and mind challenges)
>Played/Owned "Classics"
Through the years I've owned and played Dominoes, Parcheesi, Mancala, Chess, Checkers, Yahtzee, Chinese Checkers, The Goose, Chutes and Ladders, several types of Monopoly, Risk, Stratego, Life, Cluedo, Rummikub, Battleship, Mastermind, Guess Who, Bed Bugs, Operation, Trouble, Sorry, Uno, Skip Bo, Sequence, , Scrabble, Connect 4, Dungeon, several trivia games, a lot of card games (old maid, poker, canasta, bridge and so on), Pictionary and some other assorted bullcrap I can't remember ATM. Mille Bornes too.
Currently own Chess, Mancala, Go, Checkers, Dominoes, a few decks of cards, Risk, vanilla Monopoly.
>Still enjoy
A couple o' decks of cards are still the most versatile thing ever, and everyone knows or has at least heard about a few games. No one flashes you scared looks when you say you want to play a card game.
Spades, Rummy and Canasta are my favorites, and several types of solitaire.
Got Proxima Centauri revised edition.
Fuck are these? Not on instruction book that I can see.
Nevermind, they're turn markers, but I'm a bit confused why there's two.
Has anyone here played B-Sieged? It looks like a fun game, and has some seriously nice components, but I've heard mixed things; mostly about the difficulty. I can get past a difficult game as long as it's a GOOD game, or if there's an easy house rule. I'm mostly asking because I've been interested in it for a while, and coolstuff is knocking its price down from 100 to 60, which seems like a pretty damn good deal.
I haven't. I've got a copy of Stronghold 2nd Edition, which is similar, but pits 2 players against each other. And I haven't had a chance to play it yet sadly. Hopefully one of the other anons here has tried out B-Sieged because it looks pretty cool.
>I'm a bit confused why there's two.
Spoken by someone who obviously doesn't game / live with cats. I had to email Asmodee for replacement parts for my copy of Eclipse thanks to my cats...
What are your opinions on Scythe?
Great game, but Saxony is underpowered, and the cards should be special effects and not just power.
The Exodus: Edge of Extinction rule book says it highly recommends playing base game with base components first. I already mixed the colored components (the dice, cubes, ships, ship markers). Should I separate them, or this there no reason not to let everyone have more ships, pops, and dice in their first plays?
On a related note, what should I do with my first edition?
>Saxony is underpowered
You need to start fights more if you think Saxony is underpowered. Once you have your mechs you really only need to focus on fighting without reducing your popularity.
My experience so far is a half dozen 2p games, maybe Saxony shines with more players. I know Poland likes less.
That's probably it. Polonia can exploit more Encounter cards that way and Saxony can get between two players that are competing and either force them to lose, or cause them to win, and then get beaten by their opponent later, leaving them easy pickings.
I know this might sound weird, but do you guys know of any games that can finish under 10 minutes?
Skull can go pretty quick.
Escape from Mummy Mansion, known to the uncreative as Loot N' Run.
Space Alert and other 'on a timer' games take around 10 minutes I think? Or was it 20?
>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
I still have my copy of 50th Anniversary Monopoly, but that's because it was a present from my charming deadbeat uncle. I'm pretty sure my parents still have our copy of Risk somewhere, and I have a second-hand copy of Key To The Kingdom
>How many have you played?
In recent years? None of them.
>How many do you still enjoy playing?
>Hardmode: No Chess or Go
It might be nostalgia talking, but I kind of think Risk might not be horrible to play, provided you had objectives and kept it to 4 players or less.
Love letter.
7 wonders my Asian sensation gang got down to 15 minutes per game.
For sale turns out to go by really quickly when people don't hm and haw over bids.
Lots of games except eight minute empire. What a load of bullshit advertising.
I maintain that the combat cards should have special effects and not just power additives.
Maybe in the expansion.
Was actually looking for this thread on my phone to post the exact same question.
I recall hearing someone say it had a lot of randomness that could be mitigated through skill, but that's it.
Zombie Dice, Dungeon Roll
I've gotta track down that box someday. Maybe. The nostalgia is real, the components and aesthetics glorious, but man the rules were trash.
>Dungeon Roll
Heh! I actually met the guy who designed that game while standing in an airport security line a few months back. He hosts a gaming convention in the St. Louis area, and he's got a board game collection with 800+ games in it. He was a pleasure to talk with - I'm going to have to snag a copy of Dungeon Roll one of these days.
Escape : curse of the temple HAS to finish in under 10 mins (failure to do so means you've lost the game)
Dungeo Roll can take a while. I'd suggest only playing with two players. Honestly, I think it's best as a solo game.
>>How many of the so-called classics do you own?
Not very many at all. My wife and kids have 6 or 8 (like Risk, Monopoly, etc) but I don't own / have many of the 'classics' myself.
>>How many have you played?
A very long list of the Milton Bradley / Parker Bros, etc. commercialized board games.
>>How many do you still enjoy playing?
>>Hardmode: No Chess or Go
A few, and it's more the people I'm gaming with rather than any love of the old commercial classics. There are far to many better choices for my limited gaming time and no real reason to keep playing the tired old 'classics'. Back in the 70's and early 80's there weren't a lot of alternatives besides 'Hex & Chit' war games. These days one can hardly do a web search without coming up with loads of better alternatives than Monopoly, or Yahtzee. Life is short, why play poorly designed games?
>there are people here who haven't backed this
>look up pics of layout
>what amounts to a field of data, symbols, and numbers
>ugly and dry as fekk
No thanks brev
I recently bought Mage Knight and been having fun with it.
Wondering what should i get next for solo gampelay... i am considering either Pathfinders adventure card game or The Lord of the rings.
Which one do you guys recommend?
No experience with LotR, but for pathfinder you're probably better off with the app, which is good for a few hours until you get bored of not having a lot in the way of interesting decisions to make.
If you search board game geek for listing of solo games you can find several good threads on the topic.
I haven't played LotR or PF myself, but I have some solo game suggestions you might like.
Xenoshyft - Sci-fi deck building / drafting game. (also has an app on steam)
The Hunters (WW II Sub commander - try and survive)
Gears of War (co-op game that easily lends itself to solo play).
Nations (Empire building - solo / competative multiplayer game)
Archipelago (Colony building game) has a solo expansion but I haven't tried it yet myself.
Sentinels of the Multiverse (Superhero card game) can easily be played solo.
So, last week, my copy of Wizard's Academy came in the mail, and it's a blast. The rules make it seem very daunting, but that's because they list every single interaction that could possibly happen, and while actually playing the game almost all interactions between threats were perfectly clear.
Our first game went like this:
>Suzie and Smiley have to conjure up Guardians at the corners of the academy.
>Very early, we have a flood in the upper right corner, Mana Crystal is eating miscellaneous floods and fires left and right.
>Only way to the glyphs that are actually good is through the water.
>Drown myself while getting a glyph, just one mana left on the crystal.
>Finally, we're able to vaporize the water.
>Get staffs of Teleport Self.
>Use the rest of the flood to keep an inferno in a non-essential part of the academy.
>Find the Guardian spell and close the game by teleporting into a burning room, getting the glyph, teleporting out and placing a Guardian on the next turn.
Great game, can't wait to play it again.
Is the app the exact same as the card game? i have heard decent reviews online.
Interesting games, i am just getting into it (board games) and all i know its from youtube chanels. I have never seen any of those been mentioned.
Which is cool since i have more oprions. The Hunters sounds especially neat since i dont know any other solo board games with a WWI theme.
If you check out the 'pastebin' link in the post at the top of the thread, you'll find a list of resources including online game reviewers via Youtube, and links to discount online game stores.
There are other WW II solo games other there, and I've seen a few 'print-n-play' games you print out for yourself (I just don't have any examples handy). There's a long out of print 'Avalon Hill' game called 'Raid on St. Nazaire' which is excellent. I got a mint copy at a reasonable price off of Ebay 4 or 5 months ago. So you might check that out.
TwoHourWargames also has a game called NUTS that can be played solo as well.
Space Alert's first phase is ~10 but the resolution phase takes another 10. Also explaining it takes like 25. Games that you can actually complete in ten or under would be the One Night series and Escape: Curse of the Hidden Temple
No dying on my watch soldier!
Anyone backing the castle assault expansion kickstarter? I backed the original game a year or two ago, it's a pretty fun game. My friends and I have played it a decent amount. Not a must have but it's pretty unique and I'm glad it's getting an expansion, which is pretty cheap.
Don't mean to shill for it. I just don't think anyone really knows about it and it's a pretty fun and somewhat unique game.
What's the core game play like? I've got Stronghold 2nd edition, but that doesn't mean I can't add more...
I feel that would make it much more Ameritrashy. As it is it's another resource you can coordinate. Maybe if each nation had a specific Combat Card trading ability, but that could also stack the odds.
I think the game styles itself as a competitve tower defense, which I think is only sort of accurate, and doesnt fully do it justice.
basically, there are 3 lanes in between 2 castles which are owned by either player. each player chooses whats called a warband (basically, a faction deck) and plays cards each turn from their hand into one of the 3 lanes,which 90% of the time are units. There's a small handful of sorcery cards or buff cards, whatever you'd want to call them, but your decks are mostly units.
each turn, all the units on the board HAVE to move forward down whatever lane they're in the number of spaces equal to their movement. additionally as an action on your turn you can "charge" a unit and move them down a number of spaces equal to a d6 roll. anytime 2 opposing units meet, they instantly start to fight until one of them dies, or they deal combat damage i think twice and niether of them die. in which case they resume fighting next turn.
you pretty much just keep going back and forth like this until eventually one of you gets some uinits to the opposing castle and deals 10 damage to it. it's honestly a pretty simple game, but the unit variety is really great. there's a lot of special abilities, varied stats, etc. some units will buff the lane they're in, or others can call units into lanes next to them. some of my favorites have 0 movement but a good range attack, so they aren't forced to move if they dont want to and can sit in a lane picking off attackers.
The resource system is also pretty cool. each card has a cost, but instead of having mana or something like that, every turn you can play one card in your hand face down into a resource pool, and those are what you tap to use your cards. there's 2 copies of every card in your (i think 34 card) deck, so you know you can get another copy if you put something down, but it adds an interesting element.
all in all, its not AMAZING MUST HAVE, but its a lot of fun. i recommend it
My idea of a quickie if I'm doing a boardgame is running some Liar's Dice.
If you have lots of people, just do a single round variation.
Drinking game variations are fun too.
You're absolutely correct.
I guess I'm just sad I can never get Rex to my table.
Started a new campaign of Arcadia Quest tonight with a new group. Hopeful that this group actually follows through. Had a good time, didn't win, but got most gold which is the real victory
Also played something tonight that I think Minifig would appreciate: Hogwarts: House Cup Challenge. My friend's girlfriend gifted it to him. She paid $40 for a game in shrink that can go for well over a hundred used. It was "ding and dent" with a piece of the wrap undone
As for the game itself, it was sort of interesting to try to plan out my moves. Probably wouldn't seek it out again, but my time with it wasn't that bad. It deserves a better BGG score, but not by that much
My friends adore Love Letter, Rhino Hero, and Loot N' Run, which are the only three minigames I have. Any other good minigames? I've had my eye on Animal Upon Animal for a while.
>Arcadia Quest
Fuck yeah, Arcadia Quest. I fucking love that game.
Tense game. Won as the Vikings, 64-61. Probably would have done a lot better without an abortive attempt at the "become a despised warmonger" objective.
Thanks for the description, sounds interesting and very different from Stronghold. In Stronghold the idea is one plays as each role - attacker and defender. The defender and attacker have general troop units and specials as well as equipment cards (siege weapons, traps, etc) The idea is the defender has to hold out X number of turns in order to win while the attacker wants to breach the defenses and take the stronghold as fast as possible. Then roles are switched and the former defender wants to take the stronghold faster than the other player did as the attacker. I like the fact that each player tries their hand at both roles.
For Sale, No thanks!, Incan Gold, and Skull should all fit the bill as being super simple to explain, and over in 10-20 minutes.
Coup / Coup G54 are simple and very quick bluffing card games.
>which is good for a few hours until you get bored of not having a lot in the way of interesting decisions to make.
Yep, thanks for helping me doge the bullet there.
The game is just too simple, and relies 90% on luck. Once you figure it out, you juts have to sit and pray the dice helps you. Besides deck building there is no real choice.
Las Vegas gets very little praise here, but it's totally worth it. Really brings out the gambler in you. Also pure luck is a bonerkiller for some.
Bang! Dice game is a blast, a real must have, unless you hated playing cowboys and indians as a kid.
Saboteur + expansion plays in 20 mins and has some really nice player interaction. Needs 6+ players to shine.
The Resistance/Secret Hitler for more hidden role paranoia.
Depending on his player count I would recommend Resistance for 5-6, but Secret Hitler works fine with just about any number.
Snagged brood war expansion for about 63 bucks at a local half priced books. Good deal?
If you already have Star Craft, great. That isn't the most outrageous price I've seen for the Brood Wars Expansion. But if you don't have the base game already....
New in shrink? Very good deal indeed.
Secondhand? Those vary a lot, neither the worst or best you could do for yourself, depends a lot on the condition of it all.
Surely you mean Polonia won this game?
>no factory stars
>nobody controls The Factory space
wtf happened this game?
LotR:LCG is FFG's best LCG. If you like difficult solo games, play that.
Yeah, already have. Seems a bit retarded to get an expansion without the base, lol
Appears in used but good condition. Haven't gotten home to look inside yet
Best co-op LCG, maybe.
Yeah, Netrunner's been in a bit of a meta funk recently, but I still think it's the best of them.
>Factory stars
Wait, what? You only get stars for Upgrades, Mechs, Buildings, Enlistments, Workers, Objectives, Combats, Popularity and Power, as the track shows.
>Polonia at 52, Nordic at 39-40ish before bonuses and preexisting coins
From what it looks like, Polonia scored 9 extra for their buildings and Nordic should've gotten 6, so that's still doesn't account. Did you have fucking 18 coins onhand??
>Did you have fucking 18 coins onhand??
I really do adore this game. I find it amazing just how strong the feeling of delving into middle earth it creates as a card game.
Every cycle rejeuvenates dud cards from even the first releases and creates such a plethora of new deck concepts, it's great.
Thanks froods.
>doge the bullet
I swear, the only thing Paizo have done right is reprint The Totally Renamed Spy Game and a bunch of old sci-fi novels
A good worker placement/Euro game with some basic combat to keep things interesting and ridiculously high production value, although it seems to be balanced around five player games. I don't regret my purchase.
It seems to be like Rex to me, where they should have added suggestions that people use a certain faction pool at certain player counts, like for 1p use Poland, add Russia at 2p, add Norway at 3p, Crimea at 4p, and Saxony at 5p.
Crimea's great fun at low player counts due to Wayfare.
Yeah, I was thinking that, maybe add Crimea at 2p, Saxony to 4p, and 5p is just 5p.
Now that I think about it though, Saxony is EXTREMELY mobile, which could help them at lower player counts. Maybe
>although it seems to be balanced around five player games
is just full of shit.
I'm an aspiring board game reviewer. Which of these games should I make a review of first?
>Food Chain Magnate
>Terra Mystica + Fire and Ice Expansion
>The Gallerist
>Above and Below
Yeah i think i am going for it. Probably will buy it tomorrow morning if i dont see anything that catches my eye before.
Whichever has the most hits on Google for this month, and whichever seems less reviewed, put the vids out simultaneously.
A lot of games played with Icehouse pieces run under 10 minutes. Off the top of my head: Treehouse, Ice Towers, Ice Dice, Twin Win. Only a few of them take a lot longer than ten minutes.
If you have a particular objective you want to complete by becoming a reviewer (SUSD goes for 'accessible to newbies' as an example), then whichever completes that objective first. Having a clear goal on how you want to do your videos also helps viewers "assign" you somewhere when they look for reviews (Dice Tower rules explanation is super short, Watch it Played has long and detailed explanations).
Personally I'd say go with Above and Below, as its the least daunting of the 5 you posted, and you're less likely to miss any smaller nuances.
In terms of objective, I'd like for my reviews to encourage people to take the "next step" in board gaming, a step beyond gateway if you will. I will say that SUSD is a big inspiration for me. It comes from my own frustration of being unable to find people my age to play hard eurogames with.
Anyone here played Kingdom Death?
Also before you call me out on being underage, I'm going to be 20 in a month.
Finding a way to make heavier games appealing to relatively casual players would probably be best, especially for those around their 20s. Above and Below still seems the most appealing due to the story mechanic, Scythe might also be one unless they can get disappointed since they won't use the mechs that much.
Even used, I'd say it's a pretty good deal, they go for >$100 on eBay and BGG market
Yep. And I own most of the xpacs.
What do you wanna know my dude?
>I'm an aspiring board game reviewer.
Please just don't.
Fuck off already. Nobody is interested in your squeaky-voiced, neck-bearded, mouth-breathing opinion on the latest releases or anything else. Your opinion has no value and it is utterly fucking insulting for you to even attempt to inflict it on anyone.
Wow dude take your dad's dick out of your ass, you sound offended.
I AM offended.
Because your attitude is offensive.
Which of the expansions is the most worthwhile?
My group is up to year 14 on the base game, and the Watcher is starting to look awfully close. Just wondering what's the most worth getting.
Scythe. It's what I keep hearing the most about and know the least of.
Buddy it's okay, the police will help you if you tell them your dad's been knuckledeep in your fart box.
>knuckledeep in your fart box.
Toppest of keks.
Oh, samefag...
I would suggest suicide, but any life you lead will be far worse than any hell you could end up in.
Checked the insides not too long ago. Everything is unpunched, no wear, basically brand new
>being this wrong
Dude just cum already, you're literally edging right now.
Lion God, Lonely Tree are garbage and aren't worth $2.
Sunstalker is kinda meh.
The Dragon (which is sold out) is fucking gigantic and gorgeous and probably has the most stuff. 1 Quarry, 1 Nemesis, alternative campaign that isn't shitty like the sunstalker one, and good gear.
The best ones are probably the Knights. DBK brings a lot of stuff since you get Farming with him.
Flower Knight is kinda cool but I feel he's a lot like the Butcher with lots of bleed effects and impervious hit locations.
Lion Knight is just nifty, gives you armour combo cards which are cool and has a very unique encounter which is interesting.
Gorm is alright but Gorm Climate is ehhhh. I would suggest just slotting the Gorm into a campaign instead of fucking yourself with a cactus trying to play around Gorm Climate.
Spidicules is alright. Gives you a lot of ways to mitigate more serious injuries. He's expensive, but the model is fat. The interesting part of his fight is that he spawns hordes of spiderlings while running away to swarm your dudes (we lost 2 the first time we fought him) so if you're more into fatty monsters and beatdowns he may not be your thing.
Slenderman is nifty, has a lot of cool stuff and an interesting fight where he disappears and teleports around.
Manhunter is kinda neat but kinda boring until you hit at least level 2-3 since that's when he gets his "Traps" which are pretty much impervious hit locations that fuck you back. He does have some cool gear though (even if there's only 4-5 of them..) and he's needed to make the ultimate KD Doctor build. He also gives you a one-shot gun if you beat the level 3 version.
Also Green Knight Armour is sick, even if you only make one piece in a campaign. I love the unique recipes, they're very cool.
Next time The Dragon becomes available, I'll probably spring out for that one.
Got any good tips or suggestions for playing? So far my group is determined to spam Augury and try and get as many Intimacy events as possible, literally talking a fucking meat-grinder approach.