Stop chasing pumps, get in early for once
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Anytime is a good time to get into this Chad coin, but this is the best dip you'll get. After this year ends, it'll never be so low again
pajeets would rather chase the tail end of over hyped pumps than get in on the ground floor.
here is a little protip: buy when things are boring, sell when things are exciting. If you are buying based off news or excessive shilling you are doing it wrong and are just helping somebody with patience profit.
This coin may rise over the next few weeks, but the real action will start in summer/fall.
If you get in now you will very realistically make 10x profits. Everyone says that about their own coin, but if you DYOR you will discover this time its the truth.
they're too professional for crypto markets
they don't pre-announce announcements and they're not shilling their project at all. which makes it hard to believe that it'll rally without that sort of exposure. it's a tough admission to make but it's true.
great project. ideal dev team but it is what it is
you two seem level headed
let me share with you something i'm very bullish on
for the near future
apply your logic of selecting winners to this token and you'll thank me soon
when the dust settles, all that will remain will be real projects with innovative tech and professional dev teams.
when the dust settles all scam ico's with devs trying to get rich quick and hype their own bags will fad away into irrelevance.
This is honestly like buying bitcoin back in 2013. This is a non-profit organization, they are building this currency to actually replace fiat, not to get rich quick, and because the project is fueled by passion the dev is going to do everything in his power to make sure it is successful.
This is a real investment. Something that will last the test of time.
begone pajeetith
until their satellites get shot and the whole network crumbles and the project flops.
>not understanding that US gov will be renting space on sats as well for gov operations
>any country being stupid enough to shoot down a US gov satellite
>any country being capable of shooting down 2000 sats the size of rubix cubes
>not realizing that due to the small size of the sats and the fact they are in low earth orbit, the building and launching is extremely cheap and any shot down sats could be easily replaced.
keep buying into failing ICO's that have nothing but a whitepaper and an "amazing" "advisory board"
this is going to dip past 10k
Or you can just join the next pump happening on Bittrex in the next 25 minutes
t. pajeet bagholder who's going to get dumped on by pumpleader
deluded I told you months ago satellites are fake
no bro they're real
anyone could launch low earth orbit satellites especially smalls ones, like rubix cube small
>He thinks the satellites are the revolutionary part of this project
>He has no idea the implications of smart contracts utilizing the 3dc and new architecture for blockchain that future coins will scramble to use
they're the backbone of this project
anyways this coin will be a snoozer for a very long time
ahahha ya jim cantrell founder of spacex probably has no idea how to launch satellites :P
yea 3d blockchain that scales better than any other coin isn't very important
neither is the fact that this coin is the most quantum resistant token around
irrelevant during the next decade
but whatever man
keep up your high hopes and put everything into this
maybe in 5 years you'll realize a return
>being this salty i stopped you from shilling RCN in my thread
>being this salty i called you a pajeet
>ITT: People who have completely exhausted any clever FUD attempts and been disproven
>muh flat earth
>muh satellites don't exist
>muh "too professional"
lmao seriously if it's gotten to the point where the FUD is literally "this project is too good," that's a buying signal to me. Also that London letter group seems to know their shit.
Did you even look here ?!??
>Chart literally mimics bitcoin's and finds a new ATH with every release/pump
>Even after most recent correction, still up over 40x since 2016. Most recent ATH was 270x higher than 2016.
Stay poor faggot.
just outlining some facts
i know you're in deep with this project and you're butt-hurt that it's going down and will continue this downward trajectory beyond 10k sats. but hang in there man.
If you claim to be bullish on fundamentals you should be balls deep in RCN. translate those short term gains into more NXS
Or just get pumped and dump
go make your own threads you fucking pajeets
nobody wants your shitcoin RCN
nobody wants to join your retarded PnD discord
>Conveniently ignoring the facts while outlining
why you getting butt blasted bro
did you buy this two days ago at 20k thinking it was going to put harder
you got dumped on ma man
sell now and plug it all into RCN. major announcements soon
their frickin road map ends in April 2018
your lack of reasoning is indicative of high levels of autism.
RCN's credit protocol has been vetted and funded by big players. well connected players
do you deny that it was immediately listed on Bittrex?
do you deny that the team has been in fintech for the past 5 years
do you deny that it was funded by Tim Drapper Pantera Capital and Fenbushi Capital
do you deny that it solves a major liquidity concern in emerging markets?
do you deny that the platform eradicates loss given default and hence mitigates credit risk
yep it really looks like i am the "butt blasted" one in this conversation
I'm insulted for being called a pajeet because i was offering you a basket of olives and then you called me a street shitter.
for that i say fuck you sir.
then you went on to call it a shit coin. but i challenge you to shed any negative opinions about this project. go ahead. i'll wait
>Continues to ignore actual facts and statistics thrown in his face
>Continues to accuse others of ignoring the facts
>Continues to shill his shitcoin
>"butt blasted"
Yep, pajeet confirmed for sure.
You sound like linkies and arkers.
keep charting ma man
okay now that we have dealt with the derailing pajeets lets talk nexus
do we think colin is still on track to release TAO whitepapers this month?
when do we think tritium is coming out, Jan or Feb?
I think whitepapers are definitely still coming. Hopefully soon on some releases, been hearing the team is pulling all nighters coding lately which is a good sign for sure. The charts are lining up too, seems that a good announcement will send this right back to its pre conference trend line seems exist only to shill NXS, they've only generated two issues and they both shilled NXS:
Fuck this.
agreed, devs seem to be hinting at things coming this month although they will not give specific dates. Interested to see the newsletter, it came out around this time last month.
Nexus good coin ,but they have too low an income for their owners. and because I chose the Diamond (DMD). As the owner of Diamond (DMD) Masternode you earn more than 120 $ daily
Excellent daily earnings, just check the website
Is there anything out there that will give me advantages for simply signing up for it? like Crypto Kitties during the beta or XBY when buying a masternode was like 10$ or longing Ethereum when it was 20$ ?
Or when people used to sell Linkchain accounts for 0.5BTC
I'm looking for something that gives you initial start money for simply joining in very early and lucking out.