How about a real world character art thread...

How about a real world character art thread? I'm trying to find a picture posted here with two injured girls sitting on a bench that had t-shirts saying 'I Fuck Whatever I Kill' and 'I Kill Whatever I Fuck'. It was pretty great.

Other urls found in this thread:













Heh, clever.


You mean this? Also do you know the story on this picture?


Storytime please?

Nope. Tell me.

Anybody want to take a crack at identifying the rifle she's got? Just out of curiosity.


That's the one! Mega thanks man. I can't remember the story though, but I think they're both roller derby girls?



That guy looks way too much like my uncle. I'm actually confused it might be him.

No problem, friend.
Ahhh that would make sense.





Fashion blogs make for good cyberpunk inspiration


It's a really good style to fixate on. How do you like your clothes in fantasy settings?


Depends on the setting and the characters wearing the stuff, having it at least somewhat grounded is a must. Using more obscure cultures as inspiration is always nice too, really dug the Mardu from Khans of Tarkir because of this.







Some seriously badass looking people in this thread.

Nuh, just a party in NYC in the 70s:

Also, higher quality than

And the only other pic I saved from that site.

Damn, that must've been one party. Thanks for the pics man! I love stuff like this.




