
Hi guys! I made a meatbread for my birthday based on the recipe from 1d4chan. /ck is butchering the poor thing, but I figured you'd all want to look/join the beating.

A decent thread died for this: Also, why did you post this here?
Also, also,

I appreciate your revival of a piece of Veeky Forums history.
Even if I'm terrified of it.

>not recognizing meatbread

lurk moar newfag

good job user I'm proud of you

>decent thread
op should khs regardless

>Things that actually happened

It's been a long time.

And yet not long enough it was.


Was that another fucking goblin slayer thread?

Why the fuck is that insipid soupy shit being plastered all over the board?

Those first replies are pretty funny. CK is ruthless.

I want you all to consider how fucked up it is that my PARENTS are addicted to food I found on 1d4chan. I can't get them to try sushi, but they'll eat them some chan food.

Just feed them human already! I'll join in with you and eat it, then we can gap about it later.

Human? Ewwwe... It tastes like greasy, over-sweet pork. I HATE Pork.

>he actually tried human
All joking aside, I'd love a top quality chef prepared chunk of human. Not to fap or anything weird, just to try and see if I would like it.

You wouldn't. Humans have a bad diet, are stringy, have no marbling, and would be incredibly greasy.

>being on Veeky Forums
>not knowing meatbread

Meh, I've thought about this far too long to give up that easy. Maybe one day I'll have a delicious vegan girlfriend who wants me to slowly amputate her limbs and eat her alive before turning her into my quadriplegic love slave.

Chase that beautiful unicorn, my son. Chase that unicorn.

Thanks user, you're a real friend. I'm glad your family liked your meatbread. Hope you have a pleasant night and an awesome tomorrow. Or today if you're a bong. I have no idea what time it is.

and when you capture that unicorn, you make steaks out of her. Because fuck mystical beasts. You may also wish to do so literally, because hey, free unicorn sex. And, yeah, it's getting late. See you kids later.

>not posting the better version

How big is it?


I never asked for this nostalgia

Damn I really oughta try making it some day.
Also homepizzas.

How fucking big is that thing

How much do you eat a day

>Just remember, that pan is 3 feet by 1 1/2 feet. That thing is larger than any dog my parents have ever owned.
Very fuckin huge

Jesus fucking christ

Why even make something that big? It's only going to be fresh for a couple of days at most. Unless he's getting a squad of people over there's no way that whole thing is being eaten.

From what I understand meatbread is meant to be player sustenance and not for a solitary person

I mean that's pretty big for a meatbread, but
>not owning dogs larger than 3 feet
I still don't get why people do this. Well unless they don't have space for a big dog. I like big dogs. The kind you could ride into battle.
But to each their own

Tinydog are just the worst.
Either a big floof dog or a more compact but still floof cat.

How can this considered the orkiest food if it doesn't even have any blood in it?

Or intestines for that matter. I'd imagine orks just mincing the entire animal and throwing it in there.

Need a small dog to get down those burrows.

Fuck yes. Grützwurst with Potatoes and Sauerkraut.
The nickname of Grützwurst in germany translates to "dead grandmother" fyi

>Grützwurst with Potatoes and Sauerkraut.
put that into bread.

and then weight it down to compress it like in the picture in >
Might be worth a try

Oh messed up the crossboard link

I don't see the point in compression.

I don't know. Just thought that mite b gud.
Most likely useless, you are right.

I actually just prepared the dough for a bread with bacon and cheese, but after seeing this abomination, I don't think I can go through with it.




Talking about OP or the bread?

It's on the ck thread linked in the first post.

Your next meal, if you ever have a next meal...

Small working breeds are fine if properly trained.


Top kek'd. 10/10

But then I'd have to go on Veeky Forums.

You don't need to, user. It's fine.

I'm proud of you, user.


Meatbread type food (although more often with fish than meat, but meat version also exists) is a traditional food in my country. Pretty good, actually. You're probably doing it wrong, though.

The reason for it's insane size is mostly due to my father. He eats like he's trying to win a prize for it. Seriously, I've seen him consume 10 pounds of food in a sitting. Personally, I can't eat more than a slice and a half of it myself. It was delicious though.

You wouldn't happen to live in northern florida, would you?