Is MAID rpg fun?
How do games normally go with it?
About how high on the creepy anime bullshit spectrum does it go? I'm thinking about grabbing it for my group.
Is MAID rpg fun?
How do games normally go with it?
About how high on the creepy anime bullshit spectrum does it go? I'm thinking about grabbing it for my group.
It was fun for a one-off.
I ran it for some random people I vaguely knew on the internet a few years ago and now we have a pretty stable couple of DnD games going. MAID created the bond that persists today, ever since beating Godzilla at yu-gi-oh.
>Is MAID rpg fun?
Yes, if your players are ready to perform shenanigans. It's a rules-light slapstick comedy game, you have to be able to run that kind of game and the players have to be able to run with it too.
>How do games normally go with it?
Depends on what you want, really.
>About how high on the creepy anime bullshit spectrum does it go? I'm thinking about grabbing it for my group.
Depends on how hard you want to push it. There are seduction rules, but I've never played with them, and I've ran many one-shots of MAID and played in a campaign.
Sounds good. Probably going to pick it up then. I was a bit worried that it would be too weird for some of my group. We all watch anime and whatnot, but the power levels range from one guy who only watches berserk/jojo/etc to the guy who collects figurines and tried to learn Japanese.
Good for one-shots with people you already know.
Do not try and recruit for it, all you'll get is creepy weeb fags who will desperately try to ruin a good time.
It gets as creepy anime bullshitty as your group.
>there are people who think I secretly know japanese, even though i've never taken the time to learn a foreign language in my life
Maid works best as a one shot or short campaign focused on slapstick comedy and ridiculous shenanigans. And for that, it's honestly amazing. It's a very simple system, but it's impeccably designed to support and promote its premise.
Thats great! Take them to a Japanese restaurant and just give random bullshit when they ask whats on the menu.
MAID is hilarious, provided you just run it for your usual group instead of recruiting specifically for MAID.
Also, if being a bunch of incompetent anime maids trying way too hard to impress their master is too faggy for your group, it takes extremely minimal re-fluffing to run the entire game as a bunch of incompetent acolytes all trying way too hard to impress their Inquisitor.
Theoretically, could you use it to play a more shojo-ish game, or is it pretty much just for fanservice/maid fetishism?
I've looked through the character creation stuff, but I'm not really sure how feasible that would be.
Thanks, we should be fine with the maids. I'm not saying my knowledge of warhammer is anything special, but everyone else in my group knows it as that edgy space game that costs $1000 to play.
I shared your suggestion with a friend who was reticent to play MAID and it won him over. I owe you a drink.
The challenge, of course, would be including acolytes and maids in the same game.
What's the difference? Just choose specific traits for the acolytes and disallow certain ones.
"Uwaaa! An entire human planet has been devoured by tyranids, AND my Valentine's chocolates for the Inquisitor are ruined!"
I want to make a MAID: Black Crusade game at some point.
Warmaster Abaddon is mustering for a new Crusade on the Cadian Gate, and must gather his legions to him. At the great banquet where all traitor lords and primarchs will attend, will you be able to make sure the daemonettes get into the larder? Will the blood pies be ready in time? And who's gonna clean the Planet Killer before the guests arrive!?
... it it bad if I want to play a chubby catgirl maid?
Not particularly. That's honestly pretty low on the Maid scale of weird.
It's a game where you have a very high chance of playing a loli. And that's awesome.
It is mostly fetishism. Everything including Character development, backstory, even a couple pages on how to play intercourse/sexual activity.
But the book itself says to ignore any parts of it you don't like or want to follow so bend them whichever way you want?
That's mildly disappointing, but not enough to put me oft the system entirely. Though it does probably mean I'd have to be a player to enjoy it, rather than a Master. That makes putting a group together harder.
It is a pretty fun game
The thing is fast and crazy to the point where you run out of things to do, and go to the random tables which are magnificent. I would definitely call it a fun game with the right audience. It really is worth a shot. As people said one shots are ideal, but developing a story can work depending on the tone and scenario.
As far as being "Creepy", I am sure that if the game is overly offensive, then you can go back to tumblr and enjoy whatever hip PC approved games are discussed there. Overall there are points for getting "Busy" with the master, and there is clothing damage which acts as an equivalent of let's say the damage spiral in Shadowrun, and there are a few items like the transparent clothing, but it isn't FATAL level stuff.
Given the random event tables in Maid, that could actually happen...
But I don't WANT that to happen. I worked very hard on those chocolates, and I don't want the tyranids th-thinking I like them or anything.
Really depends on what you mean by Shoujo, since that can range from doki doki romance adventures to Utena's variety of crazy bullshit.
Not him, but this is what I do. I "Know" most asian languages, plus german. It's great.
Being more about the friendships and rivalries between the maids, with the Master being secondary, I guess.
Now that I think about it I'm not sure how much foundation that has in shojo.
I mean that's easy enough to do.
The master only has to show up as much as you want him to and can just exist to give tasks and such.
I've run a pretty successful MAID oneshot at a convention where all of the maids where in what was basically Hogwarts for maids and just had the master roll be filled by whatever teacher was leading the class.
Well all right then.
Sauce on that gif? Cyberpunk post-apocalyptic maids sounds like fun.
The answer to every one of those questions depends entirely on with whom you play it with.
Have fun! Remember to only watch the first season.
Having the master be controlled by a player can also add a dynamic to it. I did that in one game with the master being a devil that the maids all worshipped.
Not only that but a loli loli!