What's your favorite Guard Regiment?
Imperial Guard Regiments
>It ain't me starts playing
the name of the song is Fortunate Son
Came here to post this
You seen the pages lately? Changes have been made
Big ones
like clockwork
can my answer be all of them?
The first 40K army I ever bought was that special edition all-pewter Praetorian box set they released waaaaaaaaaay back when, so I've got a soft spot for them nostalgia wise. Other than that I haven't been at all into the game since 3rd edition so I'm terribly unfamiliar with the canon/lore/rules etc... I always thought that the Cadians were badass thought. Something about holding the line, being that close to the eye of terror I thought was gritty as fuck.
Steel Legion.
that's the joke
But an Elysian is fine too
This, plus Tallarn as an close second.
I prefer a bunch of random regiments working together
That kreig guy makes cute IG girls
>Nids are already that close
Praetorian Guard, because fuck camo lets bring shiny red uniforms and tea good old chap! Talyho!
Guardsmen are numerous enough to practice Defence in Depth, the line there is dead for sure but the line behind should be waiting.
Was going to post this exact thing. I love their fluff, how they are the Heavy Infantry version of Eylsians.
Fen Guard!
Stomping through swamps, raiding each other's Grox herds, ain't afraid of no trench foot ro horny SoBs trying to peek up their skirts!
You can tell she's not from catachan because she's not bigger than the stormtroopers.
I actually like the Cadians best... or my custom homebruu 45th Targian Purebloods.
Let me tell you about them.
They are the Imperial Guard raised from a planet liberated by the blood angels. It is to them they owe their lineage and existence. As such there are many differences in their imperial creed. They follow the cult of sanguinus and are selected from birth to serve in the imperial guard, training from when they could first hold a lasgun. They follow the ritual of pure blood, eschewing all forms of taint such as alcohol and drugs. They are first introduced into the local sanguinary churches choir, but when they reach age 18 they are given their purity seal by the sanguinary priests, this allows them to travel to the capital city and undergo the rite of pureblood. This involves the implant of a special chemgland which has strange rejuvenating properties, it is known as the Mark 1 chemgland. They can resist poisons and heal injuries aswell as gland stimm and detox to keep the blood pure.
The planet targon is formed of many tribes unified under legal charter. The capital city is similar to an imperial city but also hosts the site of a blood angels fortress monastery. It is there where advanced training is done, aswell as chem gland training. Due to their training in the tribal tundra lands most purebloods are already well versed fronteers survival, navigation, hunting and fieldcraft. Once they get to the capital they are further trained in line infantry tactics, heavy armour, artillery and patrols to guard the giant rolligon trains that travel over tundra and marsh to bring supplies to the city.
Continued 1.
>twf no musclegirl catachan waifu
Continued 1.
They are known to employ thudd guns for heavy bombardment, aswell as using a locally produced copy of the space marine .998 heavy bolter, which they standardise use instead of an autocannon and regular .775 heavy bolter, it is not as fine a product as the real astarties heavy bolter, but it uses the same ammunition, allowing astarties to easily refill their supply by battlefield pickup.
They are known for employing chainblades instead of standard bayonetts. This combined with stimm can make them very difficult to defeat in close quarters.
Their preferred assault weapons are either the sniper or the cadian pattern grenade launcher. These weapons are used by the squads designated sharpshooter who is generally selected for the quality of their eyes including not just range but night vision also.
Thats all for now.
The Catachan Devils
Original flavour Necromunda
>still using normal human soldiers
Step it up. Preferably on titanium legs.
>Only War makes a Catachan Ripley clone
>when the fucking movie had Vasquez
First post, best post, always
I love the boss Guardsman in the bottom right stabbing the nid in the head
>Tfw the only Catachan book we have is complete dogshit
There is literally NOTHING good about huan yawn. They are a chinese grease mark on the face of 40k and dont do anything interesting, there only unique points are migrain colours and neckbeard fluff.
Most certainly the Mordians. I love Mordia's aesthetics, background, and I adore the Iron Guard's way of battle.
This faggot stole my paint scheme....like, exactly....
Fahck you
Do you think people with hip replacements regularly break what their standing on? The whole advantage of titanium is it's strength to weight ratio.
There is a distinct line between an artificial hip and an artificial hip, spinal column lungs, heart, ribcage, subdermal armour, mechadendrite system, superdermal plating, fully motorized prosthetic limbs and a vibrator between the legs for full functionality, and that's before the gear.
You'd get laughed out of the skitarii if a false hip was all you had as far as modifications go.
>the joke is that it's both wrong and unfunny.
is this an american thing?
Praetorians or Mordians are the best.
Anyone who says Kreig should be ignored.
>I have terrible taste
>"Ignore people with better taste than me!"
Sure, buddy.
you're new... right?
"it aint me" is a common replacer for fortunate son and it has been for years across almost every board
it's common knowledge anyone who likes kreig has fetal-alcohol syndrome.
>the height of american comedy is miss-naming a song.
that's pretty pathetic desu.
>ywn hear her scream for daddy among her mangled dismembered body parts after she's been ripped apart by a lictor
feels bad man tfw no stronk qt womyn shoehorned into combat where there are consequences.
comedy is a joke
That ripley clone was made ages ago
That is common knowledge.
Love these guys
>it's a Eurocuck with an superiority complex episode.
Something troubling you, friend?
I suppose I like the Armageddon legion the most, followed by Cadians. I like mixing Tanks and light infantry together but I can't deny the utility of veterans in chimeras.
You know, we don't seem to have any regiments focused on the Abhumans. I suppose thats a side effect of said humans being overpriced on the table. A CQC regiment hailing from a Hive City might be super appreciative of Ogryn squads, for example. Though all the humans would need respirators just to tolerate being nose-to-ass with the Orgryns in the mazelike confines of the hives.
>spelling it wrong three times
Kriegfags everyone
>disembarks behind u
>plugs a hole in the chimera with flakk vest
>unsheats meltagun
>heh, nothing personnel, ork...
considering most of that universe would kill any base line human with no problem at all, All of her male squade mates are screaming just as loud for their daddy's.
i'm a fan of your standard Cadian-type guardsmen pulled up from all over the Sectors.
I absolutely love the Death Korps of Krieg for how innately over the top stupid it is.
Hello newfag
42nd Cydraxian Pathfinders best regiment.
Elysian's get no love
>42nd Cydraxian Pathfinders
whelp i fucked that one up.
The whos
>Dave, you're facing the wrong way. Dave, what are you doing?
Regiment I rolled up for a game that no one has any reason to know of.
>please recognize muh snowflake
wow dude fuck off
I was making a joke I'm sorry you're so offended by it
You have erred by thinking that this is a safe space.
My brother of african origin!
Yes I guess I better go back to tumblr and complain about how Veeky Forums is so mean
Good man.
I foudn a past bin about them. They are pretty nifty.
>being this buttblasted over a made up regiment
I bet you believe in Eldar hybrids too
Veeky Forums has never made anything good.
Veeky Forums's own penal regiment.
>Australian Nuke
Man there should totally be a Nuke skin for Roadhog.
>muh homebrew ebin freeform rp regiment
Dude, red+khaki is, like, a standard scheme for shit.
Thats not a regiment, but you are along the right lines.
Best regiment is in fact either the Catachan 2nd or the Prosan 314th a mixed regiment of Catachan 182nd and Elysian 80th regiments.
I have a soft Spot for The Minervan Tank Legions, Basically the armoured Calvary of the Steel Legion
>no mention of most based Chem-Dogs
a thread full of shit taste, who would guessed it
... is A supposed to be a Catachan?
>The Commissar is dead so I'm running THE FUCK AWAY!
>How long after we're declared overdue can we expect a Space marine reinforcements?
> Seventeen days.
> Seventeen *days*? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Abbadon troops are gonna come in here just like they did before. And they're gonna come in here...
> Hudson!
> ...and they're gonna come in here AND THEY'RE GONNA GET US!
> Hudson! This little girl repelled 2 Black Crusades with no weapons and no training.
> Why don't you put her in charge?
>repelled 2 Black Crusades with no weapons and no training.
fuck yes put her the fuck in charge holy shit
I like the Vostroyans. They've seduced me with their mustaches. I'm going to do some writefaggotry about a Firstborn regiment sent to garrison a sector filled with space rednecks who hate outsiders eventually.
What the fuck is your problem
>how dare you insult muh precious Veeky Forums fanfics
I like you. Quick refresher question for you. Aren't Commissars scared to work with the Mordians?