Tell me Veeky Forums, what weapons should a Dwarf wield?
Tell me Veeky Forums, what weapons should a Dwarf wield?
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Axe or Hammer
I'm a fan of big, fuck-off warhammers for dwarves. Maybe a small axe for backup.
Whatever fucking weapon he prefers out of the ones available to him.
Dead Elves?
Bolters, Grav-weapons, Power Axes, etc
There were a shitton of threads about it, just look them up in hte archives.
Personally, I like the idea of common dwarves using pickaxes/hammers/spades as both weapons and tools, and dwarven military using some forms of spears or pikes so they could fend the enemy off at range in their tunnels.
That's foreplay.
other dwarves.
>in confined spaces
Let's not have to go over this again,
Charm, wit and dignity.
Depends on his enemies and their equipment
Yeah, let's use two-handed axes in narrow passages instead. What's your proposition?
What about knives or shortswords that attach to extending poles?
Any kind of large weapon that overcompensates their tiny dicks.
Wall of scutum style shields and short swords.
Great artist.
Dwarf women
Do Dwarf men Dwarf women?
War picks, bare knuckles, or shouting.
Swords and axes can't pierce a dwarf's stonelike hide, so they use tools designed to break apart stone to slay those who stray from the straight and narrow.
When fighting other creatures, they simply punch them good with their boulders of fists, and sing merriment as their foes drown from their bloody noses and swollen shut lips.
Their merrymaking can cause caves to collapse, and the ears of the thinheaded to bleed, so they weaponized it.
Records declaring such state that Dwarves are or were invincible, but for whatever reason their numbers are dwindling.
>Romanesque dwarves
I can get behind this
whatever's on hand
Ranged weapons, spears, rapiers, and other things with good reach
Axes and hammers are a terrible idea if you're short with stubby arms, you should compensate for your lack of reach instead of exaggerate it
If we go by tolkein, most dwarves used swords while only the more elite of them would use an axe
I heartily agree with roman dwarves, someone get some good art for this
This, maybe with some short spears for a late Hellenic Thureophoroi
Greko-Roma Dorfs, because Mediterranean folks are kinda short and stocky anyway.
Could do it where the two great dwarven people, basically do sub species.
You got the greek mountain dwarves
And then the Roman hill dwarves. Thse mainly refer to what is typically over their fortresses/clan halls. Mountain dwarves typically have great mountains for added defense, while the hill dwarves make use of aboveground crops and the added mobility of not having to climb mountains to deploy their above ground troops
This would have to result in Byzantine Dwarves.......I have a new setting
I will admit, I kind of want to do Hopolite military for dwarf fortress.
Spear, shield, helm, boots, breastplate, gauntlets and cloak. Only things they are allowed to equip
A shotgun
dwarves should use thrusting weapons because confined spaces. dwarf language should be quiet and mostly consonants because crowded spaces and echoing.
elf language should be loud and mostly vowels to carry long distances through dense forest.
Going full autismo mode, like in humans many dwarf weapons should be refurbished tools of their trade strengthened and optimized for use in combat. Many polearms humanity has used in the middle ages were changed and adapted farming implements (the most famous being the war scythe).
That's why I believe axes don't make sense for the stereotypical dwarf. Axes are the tools of woodsmen, and the stereotypical dwarf lives under the mountains and nowhere near woods. That means you either change your dwarves so they become short, hardy woodsmen... or you maintain stereotypical lore and switch their weapons to something smiths and miners would use: warpicks and warhammers.
I always liked the idea of a dwarf pike too: dwarves are short but sturdy. A wall of pike takes full benefit from how sturdy they are while compensating for their lack of range. I guess a phalanx would make sense in large mountain halls too: they could entirely close off a passageway for the enemy with a relatively small number of men. I imagine that's how dwarves wage war underground: they bottleneck the largest passages, while digging around them with engineer squads and using hit-and-run tactics with crossbows or throwing weapons. Doesn't fit the heroic stereotype of dwarves, but it'd be a cool way to wage underground warfare.
Short spears, spades and shortswords. Unless they are in their own well-expanded halls: there they can go all out with greataxes, flails and polearms.
>dwarf language should be quiet and mostly consonants because crowded spaces and echoing
>elf language should be loud and mostly vowels to carry long distances through dense forest.
Legitimately interesting theory, bruh. What real-world languages would you say would conform most to that? So what's in your opinion the most quiet, consonant-heavy language and which one the loudest, vowel-heavy one?
French is pretty vowel-heavy, but half of those vowels are silent and it's not really a loud language.
Axes come from using pickaxes. You do need to go above ground for some wood from time to time to build shit.
Also, polearms are a bad idea in tunnels cause you can't turn around or turn corners, etc.
Dwarves still need wood for tool handles, fuel, furniture, and for construction (as says), especially for tunnel supports.
>the heroic stereotype of dwarves
easily countered by the pragmatic stereotype of dwarves.
>So what's in your opinion the most quiet, consonant-heavy language
I'm no expert but Mongolian sounds like a good contender, very fitting for dwarves
and Arabic for elves
Thing is, the Dwarves & their daily tree-felting & mining would be naturally experienced in using hammers, picks, axes, & assorted tools. Maybe whatever conscripts weapons or self-defence items are axes & hammers due to familiarity.
A longbow
A bearded axe. Good for chopping, good for wrenching shields off your foes, good for a pun.
Best axe for dwarves.
>This thread
>no mention of Hussite Dwarves
How would a dwarf who can't even saddle a horse fight human armies of knights? Wagons, pavises, and guns of course.
For a dwarf it's got to be a sawed off, right?
This storytiem suggested spear and shield due to fighting in thigh spaces. Makes sense.
>The Thrusting weapons meme
I guess people are forgetting pickaxes were used down mines.
Or did they use THRUSTING axes because of the space?
Dwarves are expert stoneworkers and miners.
Why the fuck are people assuming Dwarves are fighting in tiny ass holes instead of grand earthen halls hewn from the bones of mountains?
> Why the fuck are people assuming Dwarves are fighting in tiny ass holes instead of grand earthen halls hewn from the bones of mountains?
If you fight in your cities (or close to), you're probably losing. If your martial tradition is based on fighting on your own turf... you get the idea.
Otherwise, spears are really efficient against monsters larger than one's self, and dwarves are small. Dwarf Fortress does a wonder picturing that.
Wouldn't firing one in a tunnel destroy your sense of hearing?
So then Axes and hammers work wonders because Dwarves have a low centre of mass and are strong for their size.
So then all this
>Muh spears
Bullshit is just autists trying to reinvent the wheel for some stupid reason.
What if they're fighting other dwarves? I know it never happens in fiction because non-human races only have one nation/culture, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen.
Pickaxes, dwarves work as miners before joining the military to build their strength and use the Mining skill for attacks
> So then Axes and hammers work wonders because Dwarves have a low centre of mass and are strong for their size.
Bring axe wielders in a 5m-wide tunnel, I'll bring spearmen. You'll see how space-efficiency is superior. Also, piercing organs is the best way to drop large monsters.
Hammerers and Axedwarvess make excellent honor guards. There's no way I am surrounding my leaders with speardwarves. And if other races are convinced this is the way the regular army fights, all the better.
Why not give them bows instead of crossbows while you're at it? After all, Dwarves muscles have more power, their arrows should have more penetrating force.
> What if they're fighting other dwarves?
Unless it is a civil war within' one city, maybe hammers and axes can work. But if the war is between cities...
Besides, Dwarves excels at defense. Siege weapons, short legs, restricted access points all favor defense over offense. My guess is that war between Dwarves is uncommon because if sides are relatively of the same power, the side that attacks loses. Would be a cold, economical war.
> Unless it is a civil war
IF it is a civil war...
Personally, I always liked the image of a solid one-handed hammer. The kind that could be used both as a tool and a weapon.
Short Swords, spears, and hammers.
anything that works in a tunnel, or that has a practical use underground.
Nah schiltrons and infantry squares.
Honestly guns in the tunnels probably suck, due to it filling the tunnel with lots of smoke for instance, limiting breathability and visibility.
I am all for muskets and such, but overall dwarves are better off with crossbows and bows
let alone the sound bouncing around when in an enclosed area.
The one at hand.
I think crossbows are the best option. Bows are better when you have the option to volley.
>using your enemies to kill your enemies
> The one at hand.
K. Which do you mass-produce in your forge?
Well you can mass produce dwarves on a forge, just bend her over the anvil and pound her with your hammer
Wouldn't short sword exacerbate their already short reach? I suppose the shields and confined spaces would help them close he gap.
wield all the weapons!!!
Dwarf men do Dwarf women and Dwarf men do dwarf Dwarf women.
So dwarves hammer and men plow. What do elves, halflings, goblins, and lizard people call it.
Plant for elves, having a meal for halflings, goblins call it rutting not sure on lizards tho
There's actually a couple of ways to do that.
If we look at elks, their weird calls contain both a high-pitched squeal (likened to the screams of Ring Wraiths) and a low-pitched growl. The lower noise is more to communicate size, but the high-pitched noise carries further. If anything, elves would have a common language for close company, and communicate with whistles for distance.
Of course, low sounds work better when the creature making them has the size to really resonate with them. Elephants communicate through ultrasound, which can carry over horizons, and they speak near-constantly to each other, always touching others with vibrations only they can hear, never being alone. If there's a similarly-sized creature with large ears to be receptive of such sound, like a troll, they could sing a secret song across vast distances so that they might never be alone.
Bar stools, tables, tent poles, horse reigns, a stiff leg, a sharpened bone, spurs (for throwing), pocket sand, an ax
Whistlin' elves in them forests... I hears 'em!
Nah, generally speaking you'd have a shield wall to advance with, in tunnels it makes even more sense when you could find yourself less than a few feet away from the enemy. You'd use the shield to block while you close and stab them
>Corners underground
I know we're all used to battle maps on square grids, but there is literally no reason why a mountainhome would have sharp corners. If you are going to tunnel from one room to another, you do it in a straight line, with maybe one big "highway" corridor that connects the different areas together.
Also, the spears aren't for killing. They're for driving invaders towards the traps which do the bulk of the killing until the survivors surrender.
It could work. Dwarves use earplugs, and deafen their enemies at the outset of battle. Natural Dwarven poison resistance protects them from the hazardous effects of the smoke, and their darkvision helps with visibility.
Topside, Dwarven tactics resemble the pike and shot era - large formations of arquebusiers supported by pikemen on the flanks to ward off cavalry (which the Dwarves themselves have little of it at all).
Thats why dwarves have extremely hairy ears.
Most dwarves? None. An axe or hammer or pick will serve well enough, and few fight frequently enough that a weapon would be worth carrying over a commonly used tool which is also lethal.
Of course, the true soldiers, the ones protecting the deepest caverns and tunnels, form phalanxes with broad shields to protect their front, stone to protect their flanks, and great long pikes to skewer what great fell beings may arise. Should smaller beasts slip under the points, the other ranks will serve, and should something nimble slip under those, they shall have a short and equally nimble blade at the hip.
Nothing that can fit through a tunnel too narrow for a pike is going to require full military armament. In that situation, the sword is enough.
>this cup was used to squish a big grasshopper
>this is a great and notable part of our history
>which one the loudest, vowel-heavy one?
Silbo Gomero
Black powder guns, Pikes, And short spears as main armerments,
Swords, hand axes, Hmmers and other fun tools for up close and personal work.
I like to have my dwarves use Rune-engraved airducts through out their holds that can easily suck up and cart out any lung-clogging smoke.
Hammer doooorf
Darkvision does not help with smoke, and even then if you do have the posion resistaince, it will come to a point where the air is just too bad for even a dwarf to breath.
So you need smokeless powder for one, or a good gas mask/oxygen tank tech
Personally I like the tolkien drawves use of swords to be honest
>"There's a legend that the blood elves are called blood elves because of all the blood we shed when we massacred them when they tried to invade our mountain centuries ago."
>My favorite traditional fantasy race is dwarves
>I've had a hard on for Roman history since I was 8
>I have made multiple fantasy settings and this never fucking occurred to me somehow
I actually had Byzantine dwarves once, except they were fused with the Inca and some Himalayan cultures. They were a rotting empire sitting on 80% of the silver in the whole world, with most of the rest being in completely untamed areas where large scale mining was impossible. They had a decaying infrastructure that was once the envy of the world, connecting their stupidly massive capital to dozens of lesser cities and villages. The wind to them was an anthropomorphic force and the source of all evil.
I never got to play in this setting and my players never went there in the few sessions in that world...
user, thank you so fucking much. I'm laying the groundwork for a dawn of Pike & Shot fantasy setting and I was trying to think of what the dwarves would do in that style of warfare and who would've invented gunpowder to begin with.
if you go out to battle things larger than you , you better get some reach going on
if it would be a thematic choice:
broad axes
a beer mug from solid stone , filled with molten lead , attached to long metal pole
So er...what's the er...what's the hole on top for?
What weapons SHOULDN'T a dwarf wield?
Other, lesser, dwarves.
This is pretty close to the ideas I had for dwarves in my setting.
There are two separate cultures with one being greco-roman inspired and the other being ancient chinese(have not decided on a particular era) and tibetan with both having bits of Incan and other Peruvian cultures mixed in.
...well, they shouldn't wield those in tunnels, but their exceptional strength and stability means a dwarf with one of those would be the calm eye of a hurricane of steel, and I'd kind of like to see that.
>Hand Gnome a knife
>Tie Gnome's limbs together
>Wield a Gnome polearm
>Hand gnome iron bar
>Hand second gnome identical iron bar
>Tie ankles together
>dat pic
Awesome, got more?
The greatest weapon of love.
Actual blacksmith here, it's to put accessories.
I don't know how to say it in english but it's where you put the thingy required to cut a piec of metal by hemmering it down.