"Of course." You respond without hesitation, "We're pirates, it's not a matter of if, or worrying about the consequences. You want to see her, and someday you'll be stronger than any obstacles in your way, that's how it works. Besides, I'm sure we'll see her again soon. Just keep at it." You smile and clap him on the back. He looks heartened, nods, and starts typing on his PC.
"Nicely said, Dude." Richard nods approvingly.
"Thanks. So how are you and Miles getting along?" You ask.
Richard smiles hugely, "Every day is wonderful. I'm thinking about making an honest woman of her, pal."
You snort, "Nothing will make Miles Longshadow an honest woman. She'll be a foul-mouthed little criminal forever whether or not she has a ring on her finger or a dozen hairy little Ricklets following her around like ducklings."
"Don't get so cocky. You've got four women conspiring to be the first one to marry you. Five if Fatima gets involved. You're the one who needs to gird his loins and stop being so cavalier about this shit, you're in more danger than anyone else here." Richard points accusingly at you.
"What, really?" You're a little surprised at the confidence of his response.
"Yeah. Oh yeah. Clemmy started it, and that put the idea in Karen's head, so naturally Rosita's gonna want to beat Karen, and Samantha will probably beat them all to it...at least, if she does, Miles owes me a six-pack and oral since that's what we bet for. They only keep quiet about it when you're around. Didn't you think it was odd Rosita didn't raise a peep about coming with you rather than staying behind to defend her colony? She's schemin'." Richard replies, with the confidence that comes from having known you for a long time.
"Such are the perils of three-dimensional women." Oda nods sagely.
"Rosita does not scheme." You grumble.
"She schemes, Dude. She loves you more than a pig loves truffles, but she's schemin' because she wants to have you." He grins behind his beard.