I am running a sci-fi tabletop and I needed a name for a merchant/broker style of ship. One name I thought of was Honor of Traders but I am not so sure of that. I want a name in the same style but I am trying to go for a gallows humor type of name. The name generators I've found don't really have what I am looking for. Pic is supposed to be what the ship sort of looks like.
Naming a merchant ship
Other urls found in this thread:
>the lying bastard
You name it the Whale.
The Weatherless, The Nebula Bounty, The Tyrant, The Farsighted Whore, The Tradeship Lawless
Misspent Fortune is a favorite of mine
Return on Investment
Bubble Burster
The Glass Ceiling
Capital Forfiet
We are playing the Ringworld tabletop, so you got the gist it seems.
>Wailing Wind
>Shear Razor
>Star Opal
>New Beginning
>Black Cloud
>Titan Rising
I should state this; the name should at least pertain to concepts of trade, currency, greed, brokering, that sort of deal. All the other names are cool and all, but this is a merchant/broker ship and not a fancy warship or smuggler ship.
I named my smuggling ship, The Yeezy.
The economic bailout. The shopping spree. A Keynesian Disaster.
Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day
WTB: A better name.
Will sell our name.
Licenses are expensive.
Unbankruptable II
Your Ad Here
The Gilded Lily
Puru Two
The Free Joker
Call it the "Mammon".
Mammon is the evil of material wealth.
Cato Sicarius
SS Too Big to Fail
The High Finance
Same person as this. Aside from your desire for humor, it should be noted that ships will rarely have names in a poetic fashion. They will typically be named after ports of call where their intended trade was to bring them, or would be named after a person close to the owner and historically pertinent. Think MV Maersk Alabama, MV Overseas Chinook, MV Emma Maersk, SS Manulei, etc.
Pirate Bait
An Arm And A Leg
Tow Me
Salvage Waiting To Happen
In Bankruptcy Res
Break Even Or Die
Joan d'Arc's Stake ($ pun)
Leroy Jenkins
BASE Jumper
Junkyard Wars Loser
Your Money Or My Life
Blockade Firework
Sucking Vacuum
Low Drag My Ass
Warehouse 13
Alien Probee
Perforated Cheese
Jupiter II- (Lost In Space ref.)
Tax Deduction
Yes It's Insured
Diminishing Returns
GOOB Sale (Going Out Of Business)
Space Mummy Coffin
Supervillain Lair
Face Huggee
Skeleton Crew
Take My Life Please
Maintenance Is Fun
Frequent Impoundee
Frequent Crasher
First To Die
Prey On Someone Else
Suee (victim of lawsuit & piggy bank call)
[Insert Name Here]
SS What Could Possibly Go Wrong
I like ship names where I can imagine a helmsmen saying it out loud to his commander.
>"Something's coming into range, sir."
>"Whats her ID?"
>"Coming in now..."
>She's One Of Ours
>I'm Way Too High To Do This Job Today
>Hard To Port! Hard To Port!
>This Is a Mutiny
>Your Mother's Big Phat Ass
>Check it Your Damn Self! God.
The Minor Prophet.
The Jew
Millenium Falchion (sword type)
Search for merchant ships lost.
Ship names not on an approved list cost extra for the research required to make sure they won't be sued or attacked for letting you have it. Lost ship names are more likely to be available and ships lost in a war are more interesting.
After reading through all the names and choosing ones that I liked I had several friends (not the players) vote for which name they liked. Turns out the High Finance is the winner. Thank you all for contributing!
The Broken Window
The kranek
Honor of Avarice
The Wynona Rider
Name it after a character in literature that any normal phleb would recognize but Veeky Forums would not.
Like the Lord Wilmore.
based on the output of these threads whenever they come up
>the severe cringe
>not as funny as i think i am
>the bad reference to a bad joke
user, we're on Veeky Forums in summer. What else would you expect?
Name it after a peaceful animal/bird or some attribute of a rich person/assosiation with wealth.
>Interstellar Dove
>Golden Turtle
>Jeweled crown
>Silver Breeze
MTC Absolutely Not Stolen We Promise.
>Unbankruptable II
Good one. Though, I'm still partial to
"Too Big To Fail"
Then again I think most things ought to be named that, so...