I DM for 5th ed D&D. I tricked my players into thinking a group of angels were demons.
One of my players raped and killed Angel.
What kind of divine punishment should the PC get?
I DM for 5th ed D&D. I tricked my players into thinking a group of angels were demons.
One of my players raped and killed Angel.
What kind of divine punishment should the PC get?
Astral Herpes?
Dire Pubic Lice?
Hahaha, that's an interesting choice.
Wtf would dire pubic lice do to a man?
Have a stronger angel come from the heavens and rape him to death? A big fiery angel like this one.
Angel unexpected buttfuck seems best.
But at a time where PC is about to triumph.
OR make PC find some sort of mysterious artifact like a feather or a cherub's bugle or some shit and when PC uses it or decides to inspect it, unexpected angel buttfuck from heaven
Introduce your own magical realm instead
His dick turns into a pillar of salt.
A curse would seem appropriate.
One that would necessitate them completing some task to lift it.
Another idea would be a glowing mark on their forehead. Perhaps of the holy symbol of the appropriate god. Maybe inflicting pain until it's been dealt with.
If they try to just have a priest remove it they might realise what it is and soon there might be an angry mob gathered.
We used to down dragons and liches for gold. Nowadays it's all stories of someone making hypersexualized characters and then attempting to rape everything. Is there some demented sourcebook that made this a thing? What the fuck.
Not an official one, anyway.
Slowly, the Character turns into the angel it raped, until the spirit of the defiled angel takes total control.
Have your players come across a gathering of people confessing their sins then performing penance. Painful, self-inflicted, penance.
In the middle of the gathering are the angels the players fought before. They are now recognisable as angels, but still recognisable as the ones the players fought. Including the one that was killed, all clearly uninjured. They are healing the wounds of the penitent, but only those who fully complete their penance.
She turns to the PCs and asks them what they have to confess.
- If they confess to attacking the angels, they are told that they will be forgiven if they perform some small penance because the angels and their gods know that they were tricked. Something that causes minimal injury, a few HP at most.
- If they mention the rape, the angels demand penance from the rapist. They do not specify the exact form of penance, as the rapist showing how sorry he is can only be done with something he decides himself. If he maims himself in any way, the angels refuse to heal as "this sin can not be forgiven so quickly".
- If they don't mention the attack and the rape, the angels will state that they know the PCs have more to confess.
Huh. That actually sounds weirdly fitting. The character's forced to ride shotgun in the head of someone living a virtuous life, until they (hopefully) realize their mistake and seek atonement. Meanwhile, the sheer horror of the whole "trapped in your own head" thing will impress upon them that there are consequences for fucking with the Upper Planes.
I don't want to bring the back to life though. That takes away from the impact of murdering them
Fucking why? What was the reasoning there?
Was it hold-down-and-forcibly-enter rape, or drug-your-drink rape?
Sounds like he's gonna catch the ole' featherdick.
He gets turned into a sexy female angel who's desperate for cock.
>Raped an killed an angel
Well, they are now chaotic evil to the point the very Earth itself is hostile toward them. All food rots when they touch it, trees uproot themselves to attack them, the ground suddenly opens into chasms routinely, dormant volcanoes activate when they are near to try and murder them, all animals are instantly hostile to them, neutral anything hates their guts for unknown reasons, and they are constantly attacked and assailed by even the smallest of creatures (mice, insects, etc).
They find no recovering benefits from rest as nightmares haunt their dreams. They have disadvantage on all throws because the RNG also doesn't tolerate their shit.
There is no way to atone for this and their characters will die eventually. The only bright side is that the infernal plane (which is where they are going when they die) are pretty impressed with their actions and they will get a mild position of privilege in the inferno when they die.
Might as well tell the PCs they die. What's the point of player freedom if it results in death? Shit DM
Eternal agony in the afterlife
Angels have gender in your setting? That's pretty shit.
>I tricked my players into thinking a group of angels were demons.
And you also seem pretty shit.
He raped and killed an angel. That is a death sentence flat out.
The did this without any kind of protection from good, they didn't have any kind of preperation by aligning themselves with a greater evil who would vouch for them and offer protection, and they violated something that is supposed to be one of the purest forces of good in the universe.
So yeah, everything should will go out of its way to murder this guy. Time to roll a new character, don't murder/rape shit at random this time.
It it would have just been the murder aspect with the intent to kill a greater evil and they had been duped into doing so, the cosmos might have let that slide a little bit, but the rape and murder of them is an unnecessary act of evil on top of it all that should net them no mercy.
Just so we are clear, murder is definitely worse than rape, however, murdering a demon is pretty evil to justify. Raping a demon is almost impossible to justify except as an evil act itself. So there is no way to try and skew this in the player's favor.
>murdering a demon is pretty easy to justify
Have the characters already realized the error?
I'm going to be upfront with you OP; I literally believe nothing you just said.
Even the part where you talked about having players and DMing.
They have genders in both the Judaeo-Christian setting, in old World of Darkness, and in D&D, no need to be butthurt over everything.
An interesting idea that I would give a different spin:
1) Don't go full-on hostile immediately. Go for flavorful but nonlethal at first. Like plants withering or animals going crazy.
2) Offer them work. This can be great as an adventure hook. Someone from down below might be impressed with their depravity and reward them richly for doing his bidding. It should start out more or less harmlessly and slowly decend into full-on debauchery over time.
What they did was horrible, sure. But it's not enough to become reviled by creation itself. It could just be the first step on a steady downward slope into inferno and damnation.
>he doesn't know of the millenia old debate about the gender of angels
Why the fuck would he rape? Is he retarded? It's not like raping a demon would be a great idea either.
Yeah. One should think demons were prepared for such occasions.
What setting, what Angels and most importantly what god? If wie are talking capital G here, all bets are oft.
Why are you letting your players enact rape fantasies in game shitlord?
>He doesn't know about the Nephilim!
Lets point and laugh at him, children.
If Judaeo-Christian the Heavenly Host should hunt the group down and destroy them.
He doesn't actually have players or a game. That's why he's starting shit threads on Veeky Forums over ridiculous hypotheticals; he never gets a chance to actually play or GM.
>being a filthy heretic
They get approached by the Heavenly-equivalent of a cop who has investigated the murder of one his peers and has found the PCs responsible but clueless, but also terrible and pointlessly cruel, even against supposed Evil.
He explains the situations in terms that can't be denied and ignored, pointing out how their blind action of Goodness-In-Name-Only resulted in the defilement and destruction of something Holy and made the entire universe Lesser, with implication that precedent applications of absurd zeal and pointless cruelty may have also resulted in such affronts, just not so blatantly and to the point of getting Heavenly attention.
He leave them, making it very clear that no further actions will be taken upon them in this world as they acted in good faith, stupid, absurd, pointless, counter-productive good faith, but they aren't Good, perhaps have never been so, and there will be other afterlives they will probably feel more at home in rather than a world of perfect compassion and empathy.
If the PCs are shamed enough but still voluntary and actively ask how they can get atone for this and get back on the side of angels again... well, the obvious solution is to both repair what has been broken and demonstrate a full understanding of goodness, empathy, compassion and redemption.
Turn an Evil (or Neutral, very eventually) Outsider to the cause of Good, bring a new angel in Heavens.
And no, "Hur hur, I will redeem a succubus... with my DICK ! " doesn't work.
Oh yeah, time for some nasty plot hooks an-
Hum. Oh well. Have the God send out their version of Furies after the players. Depending on the God's domain, have things touched by that domain become hostile to the PCs.
Think Berserk. Fuck you god and fuck your angels, we're humans and you better be afraid of us.
>Not playing FATAL
>What kind of divine punishment should the PC get?
go strait to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Use different angels or some sort of priest or divine emissary analogue. Hell, the act on the part of the NPC may not even be legitimate as far as being valid contrition goes.
I'm oficially filtering that name field now. Please, get a trip to make it easier.