Whatever happened to BroQuest?

Whatever happened to BroQuest?


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Nothing happened to BroQuest.

It was Idea Guys: the project.

And even the ideas were bad.

I have a question: how are these played? I am new here, and I am not sure how these games are played with just these sheets of characters. I found a few and downloaded them, but I have no idea how to play them.

You don't play them. You sit around and imagine how cool it would be if it were a functional setting that you actually DID play in.

So there is no way of actually playing this ? Even if you had the right amount of people and any other resources ?

Well, Shwig's a cunt. Though that was obvious ever since he deserted from the army

oh look, H-Bombs trying to pretend he isn't a dirty thieving cunt who asked for the game's engine to be rewritten at least twice to draw out development of the dumb meme game he managed to trick way too many people into funding.

Then he leaked the game's assets despite having a contract forbidding that while trying to throw shade on one of the handful of people doing consistent work on that train wreck AND he doxxed the artist too!

gonna be fun watching him get his ass sued off.

>That amazon


hello Shwig

Never spend money on porn, kids.
That said fuck s-purple.


This is all very strange.

I've always admired Shwig as an artist. His occasional visits to Veeky Forums were welcome, and I enjoyed watching him develop his skills over the years.

Breeding Season was also something I had been impressed by, and I had followed it since was called Monster Breeder and was posted on the Mario is Missing forum. When I heard Shwig was joining it, I thought it was a curious coincidence, and ultimately that it could really be something great. The game was fun, and the new art style was an enormous improvement, and the animations got better and better.

Of course, as time passed, and the animations completed list was kept to a small handful while the chart of those needed to be done grew, it started to seem a bit worrisome. And though I had known from the start it would never be completed, I didn't realize the production had gotten so bad that this wound up happening.

I don't really know who's in the wrong. H Bomb had made a cool game, but it seems he had a lot of vision but lacked certain experience when it came to production and setting reasonable goals, and the game was likely never going to progress far beyond what it already was. Shwig, on the other hand, did a particularly cold move of dishonestly abandoning the project without telling anyone in order to work on his own clone of it, but I've also been in the situation where I felt like I was squandering my talent on a project that I knew was just growing into a larger failure rather than proceeding to be finished.

Without really knowing either of the two, all I can say is that hopefully something good will come out of this. There's a lot of talent between those two, and I'd hate to see either of them stall out and disappear because of this.

Schwig I thought you abandoned Veeky Forums

>disappear because of this
Schwig will probably "disappear" because of this.
Then a couple weeks later a new artist will pop up with a familiar artstyle shilling his new patreon game.

So what does this all mean? Aren't they all gonna get fucked by this anyway? Everyone who worked on it are gonna be jobless while Shwig's new project is gonna bomb from the out lash.

What a way to go.

I really don't understand what schwig was thinking pulling this shit.

They had way too many idea guys and their only programmer never played an RPG before and didn't want to share access to the code. Otherwise the writing was mostly on track and art was always done.

I can guess.

"50% Topline revenue? IP retention? No non-compete clause? Cha-ching!"

That's when he signed it. What he's thinking now is what's incomprehensible.

It makes no sense not to make even more money by licensing his art to BS.

No, it does make sense- he doesn't want the competition when he launches his game, so he's making sure Breeding Season dies so it will never split his market.

Of course, yeah, he's never going to fucking finish it and no one will buy it after this shit, but in the mind of the madman who thinks he's going to finish the game and it will sell, it makes sense.

He closed the patreon for his new game. Though he will probably reopen it after the storm dies down.
People backing patreon aren't really sane too and they will probably back nonetheless.

I didn't know that Shwig was a degenerate who drew furry and futa porn.

That shit's gross.

Then you've probably never heard of this latest disbanded project until now.

I had but I had no idea that Shwig was in on it.

I imagine that all of Veeky Forums's furfag degenerates are very heartbroken but I can gladly say that I don't care.

Although that was a cunt move.

>he was paid $190k for his work on the BS project
Hell, if I had any artistic ability, I'd swallow my pride and have a bunch of furfags with more money than sense keep me paid.

Finding a hungry fetish market is a good way to feed yourself as a starving artist. Just ask Teh Dave.

>tfw you don't even draw well enough for furry markets.
Just kill me.

eat a bag of dicks Shwig, I hope this fucks every attempt you ever make to participate in a games project from here on out

BroQuest dying is not remotely same cause as Breeding Season getting gutted.

With BS Schwig was in high position, and then now jacks the money to do his own thing.

In BQ he drew some arts, but there wasn't anything of substance beside those random arts.

You could use them as fuel for ideas of your own game campaign.

Veeky Forums's "CYOA"s are just
>select options from the list according to point limit
>tickle your dick because lets be honest they are fetish all the way most of the time
>optional: argue with other fa/tg/uys over superiority of your choices
And broquest didn't even have THAT.

Ah the good old days. I remember that monster chick one and the one where you have to pick island buddies to hang out with where the author tried to make it so you couldn't sexualize your picks - but there was no chance that was ever going to succeed.

Thankfully dead.

Another reason to never suck an artist dick dry so he draws your super special donut steel oc.

lolz drama from faggot artists and shitty game devs. If only all shitty fetish project flamed out like this.

tbhfam, reading this and the inevitable rebuttal is going to be entertaining regardless of who's wrong or right.

Everyone is literally at fault but yeah the discussion from this is nice.

>Shwig, on the other hand, did a particularly cold move of dishonestly abandoning the project without telling anyone in order to work on his own clone of it, but I've also been in the situation where I felt like I was squandering my talent on a project that I knew was just growing into a larger failure rather than proceeding to be finished.
If he said:
>This game is dead on the water, I'll go make my own on the idea
and peaced out without 1)month of doing jack all while on pay and 2)demanding gutting of the art he was very handsomely paid for; then he'd be in full clear to do his thing.

But nope. What he did is turn it from a clean break to a pustuling wound.

Yeah patreon and kickstart mass audiences are not the brightest bulbs. They are still going to throw money in hopes of getting at least something, anything, out of it.

What's his market?

Well there's difference between
>at fault for (typical crowdfunding problem of) badly managing project wielding big globs of money
>at fault for taking advantage of the above to purposefully scam out the money

Really unless it somehow turns out that "remove all my art reeeee" is made up, schwig is in the definite apex of wrong.

>Well there's difference between
There is but the point is that if one side did things differently it wouldn't end this way.
If backers stopped giving them money they would have talked about this earlier or maybe Shwig tried to do something.
If manager didn't make a shitty contract that gives half money to the art fag maybe he would do something. Or if he got some other artist instead of Shwig.
If artist did his job there wouldn't be any drama.

The only reason Shwig literally kept getting away with this is exactly because of the backers and the manager of the project.

>If manager didn't make a shitty contract that gives half money to the art fag maybe he would do something.
Or redrafted the thing when they money income started getting hueg.

Schwig detected

Generals are probably the worst thing to ever happen to Veeky Forums.
500-post shitfests of everyone arguing about the same CYOA were amazing (remember the one where you're locked in a room for 10 years and had a certain amount of points to spend on frivolities where some entrepreneurial spirit figured out that spending 1/15 of your points on a get-out-of-jail free card except you lose an arm and a leg, literally, and the rest on "you'll get paid millions of dollars of dosh when you get out, this stacks for every time you buy it" and this guy decided to buy both for all his creds and get out in one day with 10 million dollars in the bank, more than enough to afford decent prosthetics?)

Now they're just retarded.

Looking at what H-Bomb has said of the contract, I honestly cannot fathom how stupid someone would need to be to write such a terrible contract.

>half of the money to the artist
>no non-competition clause
>artist retains rights to his work

Also, putting up on his blog that he wants users to "break into his dropbox" and spread Schwig's shared assets all over the net, and strongly hinting at his account password to enable it may bite him in the ass should he get sued.

Which, in its own right, would be golden to watch. Two grown men fighting in court for the rights to artwork of people being fucked by neon sparkle dogs, and boning some "honestly your Honor, they are 18+" characters is something I'd pay to see.

>choose the characters that fuel your magical realm
>circle jerk it with others
It's just weebs seeking validation for their fetishes, should just fuck off to /d/ or /a/if you ask me