>haven't done anything Veeky Forums-related in years
>decide to try some mini wargaming shit
>look up what's around in the scene
>decide Dropzone Commander looks kinda cool and has Dropfleet Commander coming out soon with planned interplay
>pic related
>head over to the LGS
>haven't checked this place out yet, moved here less than a year ago
>"Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to have any Dropzone Commander stuff, would you?"
>"Uh, sure, over here"
>he leads me to a shelf in the corner with a few dusty boxes of Bolt Action minis stacked up
>"Uhh... That's Bolt Action. Do you have Dropzone Commander stuff? Does any regulars play it here by any chance?"
>he shows me the 40k section
>"Well, people here always end up coming back to this. People played Dropzone Commander for a bit, but then it kinda dropped off."
>"That's neat. I'll see if I can get some of the guys I work with into it or something. If all else fails, I'll just collect & paint for a while."
>"Oh, okay. I guess I can order it from you. I'll ask my distributor. He'll either have it or he'll order it. His usual excuse is his stuff is on a boat from China or something."
>"Okay, cool."
>give him my contact information
>watch some guys play Warmahordes for a bit before leaving
That was in May. I called and asked about the order a couple of weeks ago and he said it just wasn't there yet.
What the shit.
Haven't done anything Veeky Forums-related in years
Other urls found in this thread:
>a wargame that isn't 40k, Warmachine, or X-Wing isn't popular
Why the fuck are you surprised. Are you morons actually so deluded that you think your niche games are actually popular? I mean, DzC is good and Dropfleet is amazing, but don't even pretend it even has a viable playerbase. You don't even have a single fucking thread on Veeky Forums. Even Infinity and the other faggots can manage at least one general, although today I saw someone try to make an Infinity non-general thread and it got like 4 replies so lol at idiots who think Infinity has a playerbase.
No need to be a cunt about things mate.
Did you already pay for it or any reservation fees man?
You admit DzC is good and DfC is great, then get butthurt when someone wants to play it. Kill yourself.
I'm not bitching that it isn't popular, I'm bitching that the store owner apparently sucks GW's dick so hard he wont help people play other games.
Thankfully not.
sounds like a shitty LGS.
Try looking on facebook. there may be a local group or groups for gamers you can find dropzone players through.
I really wanted to like this game. The rules were great, a lot of good models, just too expensive for two decently sized forces due to the lack of player base.
Why didn't you order from Spartan games website?
>no player base
Kek at dumbass 40babby. Infinity is starting to chew right into the bloated ass of GW, with, ya know, a functioning ruleset and sick ass minis
There's a local game group on facebook, but membership has to be approved. Approval has been pending since May. This area is just shit, apparently.
I try to support local businesses when I can, especially when they're relevant to my interests. I just didn't know the local business owners were dipshits.
Hell, even the LGS (local *gun* store this time) owner I ordered a couple of guns through was a dick. I think it might just be that these guys know what I do for a living by looking at me and this town hates us.
>Spartan games
Wrong company. A few Hawk Wargames guys used to work there once upon a time, but Hawk is it's own thing.
Some guys at Spartan wanted to make a game like DzC, but Spartan wanted to do Halo.
So they left and formed Hawk.
What do you work with then?
Military. It's not unusual for our guys to end up jumped by locals.
I would think it strange that a gun shop would be hostile towards those serving in the military.
>Jumped by locals.
Are you a russian in ukraine or some shit?
You'd think so. There *is* one LGS in town that's more professional and likes military people, but it's a lot smaller and is 99% ARs.
New Mexico, actually.
such low quality bait
my, now defunct, flgs used to do that, my malifaux order, dicemasters and perry miniatures were all lost in the limbo of "sorry, can't get hold of the distributor".
my take is: if you have guys at work that might be interested, then fuck your flgs and order it online with all the discounts you can find. Play at your house with a couple of beers and pizza (it's what I ended up doing)
Think so?
How long do you guys think I should wait? I really would feel bad if it turned out the guy had actually been telling the truth this whole time and his distributor does just suck.
Seems pretty cool. I'm always interested in space fighting. Is it a full out war game or skirmish?
How much will a fleet cost?
It sucks that only 3 or 4 miniature games get any attention here especially when warham is half or more.
Adding to that, if you're into that sort of scale then look into Horizon Wars, a nice (and pretty cheap) rulebook with generic rules for 6mm sci-fi.
This is what I did when my kings of war rulebook didn't arrived after 3 months:
Me - Did you got a hold of the distributor? Have you made the order yet?
FLGS Owner - No, .
Me - Then forget about it.
kek just looked up the prices and it's still cheeper than gw
You have a point there. Touche, user.
Yeah, it's kinda funny that people bitch about the price for what are, by all accounts and reviews, very well-done minis and say everybody should just pay even more for worse-quality minis that are a bit bigger.
DzC, from what I've seen, is pretty much just skirmish with 1500pt games being the supposed "sweet spot."
DfC, though, I have no idea. I haven't even seen any videos of full matches on youtube yet. Maybe some will pop up after GenCon this year.
The cool part, IMO, is the planned interplay. The main objective in the space game (played high orbit, low orbit, and I think high atmo) is to take spots on the map by dropping ground forces on it. I assume that's where the interplay is going to come in. You can get some pretty crazy scale going if you're trying to take multiple points simultaneously and actually playing them.
Found a German battle report...
Why? All they had to do was wait six months until Spartan's ADHD hit again.
That might have something to do with why they left too.
Touché? The guy's fucking retarded, Infinity is pretty popular.
Just like Spartan's playerbase, rite?
Yeah, Infinity is by far the biggest scifi game at my store. Just started an escalation league too, so its getting even bigger.
So, stealth DzC thread? Phase II is coming out pretty soon and looks just fine, I like seeing all the commander minis getting generic releases.
the real issue with that game setting, is that the models are not prepainted. Would solve a lot of its issues.
I just want to know when my Dropfleet stuff is going to arrive.
I was wondering where you were.
Speaking of Dropfleet, when are the backer rewards going out? It's mid July and I haven't heard anything.
When I talked to Dave there or four years ago at TempleCon he said it was because they wouldn't let him make rules suggestions because he was "just a sculptor". So he wrote a ruleset, a setting ,sculpted and painted four factions, and released it as basically a "fuck you" to Spartan.
And almost as soon as he did they announced Firestorm Planetfall.
Will agree, it has a pretty strong following at my FLGS too. Rankings at my FLGS are as follows: W40k>Infinity>Dropzone
Ha ha, wow.
I swear to god there's nothing more pathetic than a corporate bootlicker
Here is my Dropzone list. r8,h8,extermin8
Standard Army UCM
Clash: 1495/1500 points
Standard Army
Standard Roster [1495/1500 pts]
Field Command [500 pts]
Kodiak: Kodiak(Captain) [203 pts]
Ferrum: Ferrum [165 pts]
Praetorians: 2x Praetorians, Raven A(+Missile Pods) [132 pts]
Armored Formation [308 pts]
Rapier Squad: 3x Rapier, Condor [166 pts]
Sabre Squad: 3x Sabre, Condor [142 pts]
Armored Formation [222 pts]
Katana Squad: 6x Katana [222 pts]
Legionnaire Corps [219 pts]
Legionnaires: 3x Legionnaires, Condor, 2x Bear [141 pts]
^ Sharing ^ Legionnaires: 3x Legionnaires [78 pts]
Air Wing [246 pts]
Archangel Squad: 2x Archangel [134 pts]
Seraphim Squad: Seraphim [112 pts]
Still need to buy the Praetorians and the Seraphim. Though I wonder if I should get a Retaliator instead.
question, why the 3 sabre, and 6 katana?, also for 1500 pts that list is very lite on AA, especially reliable AA, youve basically only got the rapiers that can do anything reactively, and your opponent will know this. Those will get wasted and then he will control the skies as the drones are fairly managable.
Id suggest figuring out what you want to use as AT better so its more focused and adding at least another squad of reliable AA units (non FM)
Are they? I thought everybody bitched about Ferrum drone being OP.
I personally like the list, though it is worth noting the archangels are not going to be reliable at all times. The Ferrum works as AA with the Rapiers, and when you have the archangels you're going to really rule the skies. I think the list in general is very flexible. If you didn't have those praetorians (who I assume you'll nominate as FACs) I'd be a bit more nervous but those were pretty good picks. Just remember you will be playing slowly, especially with those katanas rolling on without a dropship.
Mailed out by the end of July is the hope, here by end of August is the hopes. Latest update said they were organizing and packing everything, and that now was the time to let them know if you were changing address or had any concerns. There'll be a pre-launch event on August 20th, so you can bet they'll have everything shipped out by then.
Do as you said you would do. Get a two-player starter set, paint it up, and bring it over to the store and see if anyone is interested in trying. If you have any buddies who are into tabletop games see if you can get them into it. Don't listen to the haters, DzC is a rad game with awesome designs.
They are considered "op" because they can do everything, at, aa, scout. However they can only do one thing at a time. If you have hem hunting aircraft, they aren't being at, and the reverse is true.
its kind of funny how useful flexibility is in DzC considering how bad it is elsewhere. Good demonstration on how preventing someone from doing a certain job makes flexibility so much better.
Where? If you are in ABQ, Active Imagination up in the northeast side of town carries DZC stuff on the shelves.
Definitely. It's one of the reasons the Helios is such a heavy lifter for PHR.
you know up until about 2 months ago I thought AA got a -2 penalty for hitting ground units. Running Helioses makes way more sense now that I know otherwise.
Oh boy, stealth D*C thread; time to post ships to keep this thread alive as long as possible.
Feel free to ask for any particular ship or faction, I think I've saved all the official images; starting off with the sprues.
Of interesting note is that for pretty much every cruiser sprue (except possibly the scourge), there is only enough weaponry to make a single cruiser. This also means that for every heavy cruiser you build, it forces you to build a light cruiser.
TL;DR: Magnetize your shit, dudes.
interesting limitation. I'm gonna need to buy magnets and practice drilling then, I suppose. any recommendation on magnets? I'm gonna assume 1/16 by 1/32 sized, to keep them minimally sized.
>any recommendation on magnets? I'm gonna assume 1/16 by 1/32 sized, to keep them minimally sized.
Really, it just depends on how big the minis actually are when you measure them.
KnJ sells magnets really cheap anyways, so it's not too much of a bother if you buy too many of the wrong size; and they ship pretty quick if you're in the states.
Oh, and it looks like the other exception is possibly the Shaltari for heavy cruisers.
For PHR and UCM, however, we can see that each sprue only comes with one burn through and one prow cannon battery, when heavy cruisers require two of each (in general).
Playing EDF with some friends led to an epiphany on how to paint the UCM from the 2-player starter I have sitting around.
people like you are the reason why Hillary and Trump get nominated to be president
The idea just hit me, so I won't have anything painted for a while.
if the models were prepainted..
still want to know what the thought is with 3 sabre/6katana
>if the models were prepainted..
Also, is anyone else a bit squicked by that double hinge? It doesn't look like that tank would turn so well, with how long it is.
Gun is fucking amazing, though.
makes sense given how it has to be transported, dont want to design a whole new medium transport for one unit, also would possibly have some side to side sway, which doesnt fit into the detail at only 10 mm scale
The dropships are long enough that the tank doesn't need to fold, though.
Don't listen to people saying that there's no community for dropzone. I know things are a little different across the pond, but here in the UK, I have a gaming club where I play DzC most weeks. Not just that, but there are enough tournaments going around that you can go to one every few months or so. The community is building, and it's building because it's 300% the game Warhammer 40k ever was.
it would need to be able to move a bit in the middle to allow it to traverse rougher terrain
Man, those models look cool as fuck. Is there much of a story/fluff aspect?
>tfw 40k is the only wargame anyone plays near me
I mean, I actually like 40k, but fuck. I've heard there's a bit of a Firestorm Armada scene though so I guess I'll play that.
Perhaps the double hinge links to some kind of swivel under the first hull?
I can't tell without seeing the model.
>Man, those models look cool as fuck. Is there much of a story/fluff aspect?
Not nearly as much raw word count as 40k, but there's definitely a fleshed our history behind the setting.
It's more of a "history book" style fluff, as any "first person/battle" accounts tend to be pretty short.
the way the setting is working at the moment, is an evolving story, the first rulebook set up the world and backstory and started the conflict that everyone is participating in. The first expansion rulebook advanced the story forward with updates on what has happened after x days of engagement, with some fluff snippets and little stories from here and there. There is a new expansion rule book due out soon, this will likely further continue to expand the story, add some new characters and some fluff snippets.
Neat thing is that setting is also somewhat loose enough like 40k that you can pull in your own special snowflake force/story and not have it ruin something somewhere else
The only problems I have with DC's fluff is that it's all written from the perspective of the UCM and, partially because of this, everything about the PHR, Scourge, and Shaltari is kept vague.
I'm sure it'll get fleshed out over time, though.
>It's more of a "history book" style fluff, as any "first person/battle" accounts tend to be pretty short.
That's fine. I'm more into worldbuilding-style fluff anyway, in most cases. It's rare for people to write POV stuff in a competent manner that actually fleshes the background out.
I looked over their site and it looks like an interesting setting. I was hoping there'd be more info on the Shaltari or w/e though (I've already forgotten how to spell it, forgive me). I'll check it out later.
Sounds good. I was hoping there'd be actual info in the rulebook.
tl;dr I guess I'll look into it, I can probably rope my roommate into playing it with me if I pay for most of it and paint it... lel
Also, how many points does the 2-man starter set give you? (And how many points is an "average" game? Looks to be something like 1500?)
500pts UCM, 500pts Scourge
Also a bunch of cardstock buildings to put together, some tokens, templates, a ruler, a bunch of dice, and a map thing to play on
1500pts is "standard," but 500 is doable. Some people end up going in on two starter sets and swapping the minis for whichever faction they prefer
Thank you for answering those questions m8, I appreciate it.
That actually looks like a pretty good deal. The cardstock buildings seem pretty useful since I don't have anything at all in 10 mm scale. Is 2 starter sets actually a viable force (like I've heard 30K/HH players say the Betrayal at Calth set is, for example)? Or is that going to be a lot of duplicates? By which I mean, 500 pts may be "doable," but if you bought two of them for a 1000 pt army would you have a bunch of "tax" units or stuff that would be useless in a standard game?
At this point I'm seriously considering trying to split at least 1 of those boxes, but the limitation of it only coming with the 2 "main" factions is a bit discouraging. I guess I can deal with that though. I also noticed on the site that there are starter sets for the other armies as well, but they seem to be a fair bit more expensive and don't come with buildings etc. So basically I'm just trying to figure out at the moment whether it would be better to go with that starter or just get the rules and then individually buy starter sets for whichever factions we prefer. If the starter set provides enough benefits over the other method then I'll almost certainly just get that.
Shit, I just realized they have free downloadable building files on their site. I guess that solves one problem.
Ah, so it IS you.
Salute, user; I would have thought my filenames would give it away.
Starter sets offer generly solid core units that you need to form your basic army lists. Some people get 2 of a given starter to cheaply form a solid core, then expand from there with more exotic or specialized units.
A decent way to go about expanding is to do the srater stuff first, followed by an HQ and command deck, then some scouts.
Each fanction other than Resistance comes with either a resin single faction starter (more expensive), or a plastic starter (less expensive, slightly lower detail than the resin). So if you want particular factions not represented by the 2-player starter, feel free to consider the ones that you like. However, those don't come with a rulebook, the nice cardstock terrain, or tokens, so make of that what you will.
Need more 10mm scale
Welp, I guess its time to learn how to drill and magnetize minis. Also, does anyone have the UCM version of pic related?
It works, but you need an HQ and then probably one model you really like to bump it up to 500 points. Thankfully the units in the starter set are really the building blocks for most army, you'll usually see a few rapiers and such in every build.
poorfag who hates GW here, to be honest GW's minis end up being the cheapest(not as cheap as historicals) thanks to the big second hand market. I often end up buying GW just for the relatively good prices eventhough i would prefer other models.
Of course
Or standard cruiser
i don't think it's quite the limitation it seems at first glance. remember that you'll also want troopships / orbital bombardment / burnthroughs etc.
I was worried by this at first, but on reflection i really don't think its a big deal.
Excepr for the PHR, as their troopship also has a prow weapon.
the value for DZC comes in at the fact that you dont need that many models to play at 1500 points the "standard" You can get a 1500 point army together for about 300 ish US dollars buying full price, less if you can find deals online for starters or other things.
I think a standard 40k army even at second hand is going to be a little bit more than that, unless you get a really good deal.
Is that some loss?
That ship always looks like a wizard hat to me.