D&D/Pathfinder question: what keeps devils from making contracts for the souls of children when there too young to know what there doing in exchange for candy or something?
D&D/Pathfinder question: what keeps devils from making contracts for the souls of children when there too young to know...
Pathfinder has a different cosmology than DnD, but in DnD, the souls of all children of all mortal races are protected by Zaphkiel, who leads the Celestial Hebdomad and is basically anti-Asmodeus.
>he doesn't know
Not as interesting, seen as kind of a bitch move by the other devils
Sure you get the soul, but you'll be that guy who has to take children's souls because he's shit at deal making.
Cool guy daemon is cool guy.
It takes rituals and magic and shits to talk to a devil. Children can't do that shit, they ain't no Harry Potter.
Puny souls are worthless, and there's no challenge.
Get outta here you hack imp.
The hells is a child's soul worth? All that gross innocence n shit. Plus, they's already evil, what's there to tempt?
Not worth the trouble.
Generally, its a contract that the Devil gets the better bargain for. "Summon me to the mortal realm and I'll give you riches!" Summons devil, he looks for an imperfection in the summon circle, breaks break tosses the summoner a coin and kills him.
There's not much a child could offer to a devil who has existed for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.
Innocent and evil. Too innocent to be worth anything, too evil to corrupt with temptation because they were probably already going to fucking do whatever awful thing you wanted them to. Literally nothing a devil would want.
Contracts where the signer are not of sound mind are null and void. Children are automatically not of sound mind.
The Pact Primeval, your basic soul trading deal, has a number of clauses in it about the mortal needing to understand the bargain, not be coerced by threats or magic, etc or it fails. It all goes back to Asmodeus hating free will and designing the process so that one must be free and perfectly clear on matters when they sign themselves over to an eternity of damnation and possible conversion to a pawn of infernal machinations.
Devils are creatures of law. Perhaps they have arbitrary rule that prevent them from dealing with someone too young.
>"You must be at least 15 years old to be able to sell your soul. Otherwise, you'll have to ask your parents or legal custodian first."
These two.
Devils are evil lawyers, demons are the raging shitbags. Both are gonna fuck you over, but devils will detail how it's going to go down and ask you to sign for it.
They are not of legal age to sign any such contracts.
So how come only devils buy souls? Why don't angels do it too, to lure people into service of good after their deaths?
Devils literally use the souls of the dead as currency.
Traditionally, D&D "Good" is against the whole slavery deal - also, access to the celestial planes is more of a "reward" thing.
Petitioners also aren't nearly as useful as actual angels and archons and guardinals and so on.
They have a far easier deal going. They just hang around whatever nice place the mortals want to go once they die anyway.
Bartering what amounts to life itself is kind of an evil thing to do.
I love this pic, it is one of those that are just so inspiring and fills my mind with all kinds of cool ideas.
Because until they reach the age of majority, children can't enter a legally binding contract without parental consent.
S'why the idea of a parent sacrificing their children or giving up their firstborn is so much more prevalent.