Is there a correlation between MBTI types and choice of fantasy roles?
Is there a correlation between MBTI types and choice of fantasy roles?
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You tell me nigger.
ISTJ, I prefer heavy armored heavy hitters.
INTJ. I do like to play a more exaggerated version of that classification. Monks and arcane scholars mainly. Warlocks with Elder God pacts a lot in D&D
INTJ here. I prefer skill centred characters, support and crafters
Probably not.
I am ISTJ and in D&D I play Clerics the most, Rangers second.
Never knew what these letters meant, guess I'm either ISTP or ISFP.
I like mages and I like doing funky shit to fuck up mages.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but I think you have some growing up to do
INTP I usually prefer to play sorcerers (in 3.5), Chaotic Neutral characters in general, and I feel like being born with 'inherent talent' you don't have to earn is much cooler than wizards who have to learn that shit because they were born with shitty Normie genetics.
Rogue are cool too I guess, as are warlords.
You're the one who thinks a fucking livejournal personality quiz has some kind of significance or basis in science, retard. BTW I'm twice as fucking old as you are. You weren't even born the first time I took this bullshit pop-psych quiz.
INFP. My preferred role is a pure caster who focuses on direct damage. But I prefer it when magic is more intuitive and, for lack of a better word, "romantic" instead of it being like a science. No arcane formulae or spell components, just pure magical power emanating from a unique individual.
For these reasons, I absolutely love the lore of the D&D Sorcerer and how it differs from the Wizard. Their magic being innate instead of studied is more romantic and mystical, and using charisma instead of intelligence fits the theme of it being an innate, intuitive ability, and it also lets me play a diplomatic/persuasive character, which is something else I like to do. It also goes with the idea of them being a person driven by emotion and passion instead of cold logic. The way they use spell slots is closer to a mana system than regular D&D magic, which is good, because I've never liked Vancian magic. I'd prefer if they broke away from Vancian mechanics entirely, though. It also means I'm not burdened with the stereotype of a spellcaster being a bearded old man in a pointy hat. Not only that, but being good-looking is pretty much inevitable for a Sorcerer.
The only real problem I have with the Sorcerer is that they still kind of use Vancian mechanics, and while they make better blasters than Wizards, it's clear that D&D does not like direct damage mages.
Oh, and my preferred alignment is Neutral Good, which fits very much with the idealistic side of an INFP.
I guess if you're a shell of a person who is easily defined by a small paragraph and a box, then there might be a correlation.
I'm an "INTP", and I've played stuff from a paladin-esque Ministorum Priest, to a CN psywar with a NE psicrystal.
Except all INTJs are high-horse pseudo-intellectuals who play nothing but casters and tech guys while talking down to everyone else.
>mfw INFJ
>mfw my favorite class is Paladin/Cleric/etc
>mfw it's not because I like the rules, the gods, etc...
>it's because in a fantasy world I can do the Right Thing (tm) and not have people hate me for ruining their bad decisions
I'm sorry that I'm the group dad/mom, guys.
I guess the other thing I've enjoyed playing the most was a Seneschal in a Rogue Trader game with less rogue than the name implies. Sure, I was sneaky and backstabby, but only to the enemies. I think that, besides the RT himself, I was the one trying to move our ventures into forces of good the most.
And you know what, I fucking love doing that stuff.
Forever DM but I have played as supports a few times.
>tfw MBTI nickname is "wasted potential"
both are made up completely
Nah, fantasy roles are very loosely based on reality. For example, there is really such a thing as a "fighter" and a "thief". MBTI spawned entirely from some deranged, autistic hippie's mind during an acid trip at a Grateful Dead concert. A real human brain couldn't come up with this kind of bullshit.
The Myers Briggs personality types are complete bullshit. Look up the phrase "Barnum Statement" and then read the descriptions of all those personality types.
I mean, there are also such things as Intuition, Introversion, Feelings and Thoughts.
So in the loosest sense it's also based on reality. I looked through it by the way, and I am a EITFSNJP, who'd have thought.
If you want some mystical pseudoscience go for enneagram, at least it has a pretty diagram that looks like a summoning circle.
Age != Maturity
>Is there a correlation between MBTI types and choice of fantasy roles?
MBTI is bunk, you might as well ask about horoscopes.
This, man. It's bullshit of the highest grade.
Does it at all matter if there is or isn't?
MBTI is of limited value, but it's still of some value.
Its value is in its observations about how one trait affects another. For example, it can provide some nice insights into how an introverted yet compassionate person may act.
However, it has been proven to be of limited value and accuracy because it artificially forces people into dichotomies that don't actually exist. People do tend to be either introverts or extroverts (though now it's been proven that many people can be considered "ambiverts"), but on the other three dimensions most people tend to be near the middle. Even the source is questionable - I think MBTI was invented by the wives of prominent psychologists.
Some people call this "astrology for educated people", but that and other dismissals of it are too harsh - they can provide some nice observations. But you need to keep in mind that this test is of very limited value.
A better test is the Holland Codes, which assesses the right work for you based on what types of activities you actually enjoy. Here's a link to the best version of this test I've come across:
Usually INTJ, occasionally score as ISTJ.
More often than not I'm playing some kind of eldritch knight or the in-setting equivalent.
>Not knowing what Meyers-Briggs is
You need to be 18 to post on this site.
That test is bullshit hocus pocus though...
>You should be a
>Game Tester
Just kill me.
I like playing versatile melee combatants.
Holland-Codes told me I should be a scientist. Instead, I became a software analyst and graphic designer.
>Forever DM
When I break free of my shackles I play a lil of everything. Though Im partial to support roles, either straight healing or a "How the fuck did you just do that" type of guy.
Yes, psychology in general is. I mean it's what you study if Astrology is too hard a major. The proper collective noun for a group of psychologists is "a coven". It's science so soft you can get your degree in it at fucking Hogwarts.
Fuck psychology.
> t. scientologist
pro-tip: clinical psychologists are always a decade or two behind research psychologists. But there are branches of psychology that cross over with neurology, and then of course there's cognitive science. Plus there are fields like behavioral economics. The field is way too broad to just dismiss outright. Yeah, there's a lot of bullshit that still goes on in clinical psychology, psychology, and therapy, but it's worth actually looking into what people are coming up with in research.
INTP and i like fast heavy hitters and walls of metal (together is even better)
Is this just a question or is OP actually gonna make a graph/spreadsheet deal?
You're literally me.
Well, the MBTI isn't really a good classification system.
The big 5 model is more accurate.
And, I can't really stress this enough, the point of roleplaying is to take on different personalities and try to act them out. Nothing really stops you from just playing one thing forever, but you're rather missing out.
One could easily make a connection between personality types and preferred modes of expression, though.
My addendum would be that the primary motivation to play a personality 'type' has more to do with an individual's desire for wish fulfillment than their own personality.
Forever gm or tsunderes.
>no extraverts yet
Hue hue
are you surprised?
ISTP; I like CHA casters (especially when mixed with dashing rogues) and heavy fighters.
Outside of battle support - like the guy who uses diplomacy on everything he can. I love talking enemies to death.
I suck at supporting during battle so i rarely play clerics and such, but anyone who can solve riddles, destroy traps, persuade merchants, etc. works for me.
Nope, but TTRPGs are some kind of social activity
INTP Interested in sneaky wizard rogues, like latteral thought and out of the box ways of solving problems.
INFP, in D&D and similar games I play Paladins the most. In classless systems I usually build someone who strikes a balance between ass kicking, and being the party's brain.
Anyway I don't fully trust the MBTI because I'm too direct and not nice enough to fully match my typing.
you've got a lot of buzzphrases to support your opinion that the study of human behavior is somehow inherently impossible.
>Someone who doesn't know what Psychology is
Wizards, sorcerers, ranged weapon experts, engineers, scientists.
yeah, but they require a lot of planning in regards to builds and characters
INTP, I like playing tankier roles.
INTP, I prefer playing people who are good at violence, like Fighters or Warriors. I let my characters evolve in game from a very basic and raw idea. They usually have a huge change in personnality and motivations midcampaign, like a ruthless mercenary who become protective and almost motherlike to her team, or a naive would-be knight who became somewhat of a savage to hunt down monsters.
I'm INTJ and while I like playing casters and Clerics, I usually love playing meatshields and tanks. I like protecting people.
ENFP. I like paladins.
INTP; took the test about a year ago actually. I usually like to play ranged supports, be they ranger/hunters or spell casters. Sometimes like to play sword+board warriors too.
>MBTI is of limited value, but it's still of some value.
No. It is pure hogwash contrived by some random woman with zero (0) basis in reality.
INTJ and I've been playing offensive casters in every game, be it P&P or computer RPG.
To be fair, the Myers Briggs test is complete horseshit, made up by two women who read Jung's texts and made some shit up to go along with it.
Looks like I'm INFP too, but i usually play rogues and fighters (when I'm not forced to GM, which is common).
So yeah, no relation at all.
Plus, these sort of tests are a generic and subjective ball of crap.
also: i tend to like evil gishes (death knights)
OP's chart is ambiguous garbage. Most people express a range of behaviors which are further blended across differing social groups and situations. Example: a person might be an extrovert at the FLGS but an introvert at work. The point is the reader can be whatever they want or feel like "being" free from even the barest level of objectivism or rigor.
ENTP Here.
I love me some JUSTICE
The Myers-Briggs test - along with most personality tests - is a lot of nonsense.
>Is there a correlation between Freudian horoscopes and anything?
Halfway between INTJ and INFJ.
I tend towards arcane casters and paladin types.
Psst! Hey, kid... Wanna try some Fantasy Craft?
I'm either the DM or usually a support character. When I lead, I'm the man with the plan, though it's rare I've ever been able to play in a game where planning is a required or useful skill.
ENFP if that sorts out your anxiety. This test is bullshit though and enables social isolation by telling people who spend all day doing nothing that that's "okay you little sweetheart DURRR"
ENTJ, Clerics and Wizards but most often DM as I prefer the control and multiple roles.
>not just using star signs
I exclusively play lawful neutral martials or lawful dumb paladins.
Either INTJ or INTP depending on the day and I usually play Clerics, Fighters, Pratical Magic Users and subdued characters with a hint of sarcasm.
> not knowing that Myers Briggs is functionally indistinguishable from a horoscope
I play almost everything but tend to fall back on archers or similar ranged attackers.