Running a Fallout game and need images of post apocalyptic characters. I need small character images I can cut out and use as minis for combat.
Character Art: Fallout
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I do not have a lot but will this one do?
Not sure how much I have.
That's an odd way of holding a rifle, is that regulation?
This could sorta count as Post-Apoc, I guess.
This too.
Even I'm not entirely sure what this thing is supposed to be made of.
It's fucking Euro coins.
Those are British pennies actually
Coins from Europe!
You'll probably find something here if you're ok with pictures rather than artwork
>It's fucking Euro coins.
The plastic thing, you donut. I think it's made out of some sort of garden appliance.
They were so optimistic in those days, weren't they?
Anybody have pictures of pretty princesses? The floofier the dresses the better.
>ran a post apocalyptic game last year
>five players
>two used screen shots from Mad Max as character art
>one used a screen from Road Warrior
>one used a screen from Thunder Dome
>and that's right, you guessed it, one used a screen from Fury Road
I threw out everything I had planned and ran a four month game consisting of little beyond car chases, shoot outs, and shoot outs during car chases.
And it was awesome.
one of the worst encounters in video games i've ever experienced.
You are all wrong, it's chocolate.
You should check out Apocalypse World at some point then. It's pretty much excellent.