Season of War edition
Invade Greywater Fastness for Khorne!
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
Season of War edition
Invade Greywater Fastness for Khorne!
>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!
Old thread
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How very dorfy..
How do you guys imagine the former Empire and Bretonnia factions will be remade?
Will they still resemble their old selves or will they be heavily remade for the new setting?
Maybe they will be combined?
I haven't found much information about the future of either for the most part.
What were the differences bewteen the Empire and the Bretons anyway?
Empire were gunpowder era Holy Roman Empire, Breton were medieval France.
Just getting into age of sigmar, revamping (pun intended) my old vampire counts army and looking at flesheater courts. What would be a good foundation/list for a ~1500-2000pt army?
i.e. what formations should I pick, and should i grab anything from outside flesheater allegiance?
Start out with whatever models you like really. Flesheater will limit your selection quite a bit to everything ghoul, same for the formations. Just make sure your have your min. battlelines (I think zombies are universal battleline for Death?) and try to get a feeling for the game. After that you can judge for yourself what is worth and what not.
>Empire were gunpowder era Holy Roman Empire
Well here's my interpretation of them in AOS, trust me, it's the best idea since underwear.
>Steampunk+Religious Fundamentalism+Iron Man.
It would make sense to give the empire a heavy steam punk subfaction and one focused on the priests. I mean they already have these, but that is where the aesthetic will go to. I doubt that they will atick to the landsknecht aesthetic.
Bretonnia, I don't know. Again, it would make sense to weed out the peasants and focus on the 'cool' heroic knights. Would be a little redundant, with the sigmarine knights already being a thing, but who knows.
Imho the worst (as in ' most boring') for AoS that could happen is just some repacking, like bonesplitterz or ghouls.
repeating from last thread:
i might have a line on some metal and resin tomb kings stuff. how are ushabti in play/points to effectiveness ratio?
What's some out of production stuff i should look to acquire (for any army/grand alliance)
>steam punk
I wouldn't buy any oop stuf for AoS desu. On they long run the rules will be unofficial and everyone will hate you for using it, if it's even remotely strong. The models don't match all too well with newer stuff and they are probably overcosted. So why even bother, if all you gain is some short term power in your army?
Will we ever see a release of those flying creatures?
It fits perfectly into the warma/wow aesthetic GW is going for, might even be nice to have some steampunk city guards for the humans. I mean at least ot wouldn't be as bland as the sigmarines. Think of how good admech looks (not steampunk, but still machines and shit)
>Season of War edition
Greywater Fastness and Phoenicium is in Order hands!
riddle me this (new) rules fags: can i mix weapons in say a ten man squad of chaos mauraders?? lets say 4 javelins, 4 axes and 2 flails??
no. "many units of".
the description is unit wide.
ahh okay, thanks user
Also the Empire should have some sort of "Go big or go extinct." mentality.
oh shit Phoenicium contested again!
Season of war started already?
Any rumors on what GW is planning with the Elves for Age of Sigmar?
Do you guys think that the different elf groups will all get their own battle tomes etc, or will they all be mashed up into one whole?
The tree men and dryads already became their own entity away from the wood elves, in the form of the Sylvaneth, so who knows what will happen to the wood elves themselves.
yep. uk+row and europe are already duking it out. order's got a pretty solid lead in grey, and it seems like there's an order/chaos/death tie in phone
Yep. It said it started July 14 BST.
Phoenicium now in chaos hands!
I feel so nerdy watching that thing live...
Chaos has Phoenicium again, but it's a close-run thing.
I feel even nerdier commenting just after that other guy. Maybe I should let him take over.
hey guys how op is chaos daemon prince??
Don't you mean Aelfs?
Phoenicium is contested again now. and i'm about to go to sleep because it's almost 6am
I won't use that retarded name
Sure. Although someone else has since taken over, and it's nearly 9 pm here, so I won't stay up too long either. Gotta be ready for work tomorrow.
How long will the season of war last?
Not OP. He's actually rather reasonable. Still packs a reasonable wallop, but rather fragile and pillowfisted (unless he's marked Slaanesh, in which case he's a 3" bubble of 'I get to pile in before you do, no matter what you do').
One month.
Unless you're planning to use your king's command ability to drop flanking flayers, you won't use it. Take a vampire lord as your general in addition to a king on terrorgiest.
The Charnal Pit Horde (at the minimum requirements, but with a squad of 6 horrors) plus a Vampire Lord makes for a scary 1k army. You get +1 attack from your Vampire Lord, +1 from your king, +1 from the pit, and that's even before size bonus. I'm still crunching numbers on 2k armies, so someone else will have to help.
stops on aug 14(my birthday, funny enough), and results are revealed on the 16th
so whats better, mark of slanesh or tzinch?
It's a bloodbath in Europe, very close
Man, I need to get my Sylvaneth ready and go kick some chaos ass.
It's still a work day, surprised people are even playing lol. That said, I might do some painting to help order - I play Chaos but I need to finish my Seraphon and also I don't really want Chaos to win this time tbqh.
Greywater Fastness is dominated heavily by Order. Britfags what the heck are you doing?!
>Order the strongest
>destruction second
>death and chaos BTFO
The right thing it seem.
This whole live update thing is pretty cool, I'll admit.
We seem to be starting out with a pretty clear favorite.Can't wait to see how it's like in Burgerland.
Still only day 1, and plenty of people are at work.
Chaos is the EU destroying the Euro Realms
Age of Chaos is Brexit as Britain closes its doors.
Age of Sigmar is when Britain returns to liberate the ruined Euro Realms.
Behold, the mighty Sigmar
So after seeing that Beastmen trailer I've been toying with some list ideas. How does this look?
Beastlord - 80
Great Bray-shaman - 100
Great Bray-shaman - 100
Bestigors x20 - 280
Gors x20 - 160
Gors x20 - 160
Ungors x20, Bows - 120
Ungors x20, Bows - 120
Doombull, Greataxe - 120
Bullgors x6, Axes, shields, full command - 360
Bullgors x6, Greataxes, full command - 360
Total - 2000
Order is mostly played by the little kiddies that have summer break right now. Expect turnaround once everyone else starts playing.
Solid, but you should always let your Gors hav shields. They are surprisingly sturdy with them. Also, Wargor BSB is probably the best force multiplyer you can get with Goats. +1 to wound and taking no battleshock tests is an auto include at merely 80 points.
t. Assmad chaos edgelord
Order is gonna liberate the shit out of these realms senpai.
>order is played by kiddies
>implying Chaos and skaven players aren't a bunch of 15 year old edge lords
That's rich
Oh, I didn't see that guy in the list.
Really, Skaven are edgy? I always liked them because they were so cartoon-villainish and blew themselves up more than anyone else.
How does the Wargor BSB stop battleshock tests? I can't see anything on the warscroll.
He is a legacy model. Most of them are pretty meh, but the BSB is probably the best Flag-waver in the entire game. Skaven one is pretty rad as well but only grants rerolls one a hit of 1.
>Order is mostly played by the little kiddies
Order is just mostly played in general.
I don't think I need to remind anyone what happened in Storm of Chaos.
Chaos came from 4 Warhammer Armies.
Destruction came from 2 Warhammer Armies.
Death came from 2 Warhammer Armies.
Order came from 6 Warhammer Armies.
Then just look at AoS so far.
Chaos has had two battletomes.
Destruction has had one battletome.
Death has had one battletome.
Order has had four battletomes.
I really can't imagine order will lose in popularity at this point, especially when the fluff so far has been Chaos and Death jobbing.
Are Morghast Harbingers cheesy?
Everytime I've used them, they demolish what's in combat with them.
Ah sorry, mixed it up with the rat one, Thought have gave the wound bonus along with the immunity. Still +1 to wound within 16" is nothing to sneeze at.
The normal ungors don't have an option to take Bows anymore. The Ungor Raiders have the bows and those cost 80 pts per 10.
The AoS community has been nothing short of amazing so far. After playing a testgame I settled for Skaven, bought my first box of clanrats, brushes and paints and circle bases. The redshirt gave me a few more bits so I could make two commands so that I have 2 battlelines and one of the local rat player gifted me a Warlord as my HQ. Finished painting them today. So now I am at 2 times 10 Clanrats and one Warlord.. what should I go for next? I'll probably try and play an actual game tomorrow with my dudes, hopefully they won't all run from the battlefield.
GBS are nearly useless. There's a unique GBS with a much better spell in the legacy rules you should take a look at instead (Malagor the Dark Omen, I think?). He even counts as a GBS for the purpose of battalion keywords.
So the actual flesheater courts formations are no good?
So I decided to collect another army but can't decide between Beastmen(warherd in particular) and Ironjawz. I absolutely love the look of both of them, and both seem like they would be fun to play. What do you guys think? Also, how is the Ironjawz Warchanter?
Look online for Isle of Blood starter bits, weapon teams, rat ogres etc. The plaguewind launcher is thought to be more effective than the warpfire.
The rat ogres are better in this kit than the dated standalone kit, but if you like stormfiends just grab those.
If you like skryre,
Get a doomwheel. One of the best kits around.
Figure out if you like general rats, mainly pestilence or skryre, eshin might get new stuff next year, moulder like hellpit can just fit in as you like.
Highly recommend stormvermin, in game and as a good kit. Great models, also great for kitbashing characters etc.
Do you want to play with unappreciated shit smearers who are chaos cannon fodder and nothing more, and lost even that position to skaven? Or do you want to play with awesome orcs who are so metal they beat their armor into shape with their fists and absolutely smash anything that gets in their way?
GBS gives all beastmen an extra 3" of movement. That's why you take them, not for their signature spell.
It's ridiculous how much better stuff looks on rounds. Been slowly rebasing my dark elves and side-by-side the ones still of squares just look odd.
Ironjawz are fuckin sick lad. The range is beautiful if you ignore the yellow paintjobs, and you can guarantee they'll be getting more models soon.
Just in the process of assembling my first AoS models, and first purchase from GW in a long time.
Man was I surprised regarding quality! The thing goes together like LEGO for fuck sake! And absolutely no problem what so ever to partly-assemble for easier painting.
And I know I have been out of the game for a while, but "colored assembly guide with free rules"... Like, come on?!?
Good points. Definitely leaning more towards Ironjawz now.
Hey shill, this isn't effective advertising, we already talk about aos here. Try shilling in some other thread, or better yet another site.
Anyone here play devoted of sigmar army? I want to start an army of them
Empire will probably be one of the local freepeople namely Simgars human armies
new kits being made to be the new settlers of the realms or the recovered, probably mixed gender and less clear what earth culture they're form so you can kit base them better
Bretonnia are implied to be the Fleash Eaters Courts so sooner or later they will get new models to hint this more
Veeky Forums not your personal sandbox, so shove you very important opinion down your pipe as far you hand let you, frendito
Why could they not have put this much effort into the old setting then?
You know, the setting people liked.
Because Fantasy fans weren't buying anything.
Also, AoS has fans of it's own these days.
>Bretonnia are implied to be the Fleash Eaters Courts so sooner or later they will get new models to hint this more
Where is this implied?
they still think they're noble knights and whatnot in there crazy dreams bs
and most of what remains of defeated kingdoms form the realms
So, how many points is the Mourngul going to be? I'm going to add one to my Nighthaunt army.
Order has:
>Lizard people representing the Royal family
>Tree people as a call back to olden times
>Duardin repping Scots and the Irish
>Sigmarines representing our stiff upper lip
Non Order shits have no chance
>mfw playing Chaos vs Chaos and reporting 100% Chaos victories
Strigoi always thought this and tried to reclaim their power and glory.
Source:6th ed vc codex.
As the other user said, he's not a steamroller. Don't send him up against enemy big bads, or tides of infantry.
He's probably better suited to go against low model units like knights or chariots, or work in tandem with your own infantry.
Ive only used mine once and sent him against a coven throne and he disappeared quickly. Meanwhile Skarbrand walked up and one-shot it.
I like the yellow but I'd like it better with more oranges in the shadows. What color schemes have you seen for Ironjawz that you really like?
Not that guy, but I quite like this orange/black scheme.
Aelves have already been broken down into various factions in GA:Order so you can expect them to either build up those factions (like they did with Sylvaneth) or create entirely new factions with new models. I don't expect that any of the current models will be changing factions ever again.
Strigoi were the kings of Mourkain, nothing related to Bretonnia.
>tfw already won 2 games for Order
By the glory of Kroak, this city will be ours
>Because Fantasy fans weren't buying anything.
And they weren't buying because shit wasn't supported, blaming the fans is something that simply doesn't stand in marketing.
How weren't they supported?
Fantasy got new models in regular basis
The USA just came up.
Destruction is absolutely dominating. Chaos is still in there.
Order and Death no where to be seen.
What exactly are you attacking? Sandboxes.. What the fuck are you talking about.
We get it son, you're assblasted over Skaven
Now where did the Verminlord touch you?
Since there's no numbers they might have 4 points destruction and 1 chaos right now because only one shop has registered any data yet.