5ed is the best edition I have played since AD&D.
Does it have faults? Yeah, pretty much any d20 focused system does, but on the whole it is pretty easy to get into, combat is solid, RP elements are solid, and the game itself is just well done from the ground up.
To be honest though, the best fantasy rpg I have played is still Warhammer Fantasy RPG 3e. It had a lot of bits and bobs to it, but it really did a lot of roleplaying stuff better than anything else I have played to the point I use some of the stuff from that system to make 3e better.
The biggest thing? A progress track. Simple line with ten dot on it and a big dot in the middle with a token on the bottom of the dots and a token on the top. Top is bad guys, bottom is players.
While the players do shit, the top token moves every so often (if they are asking the wrong questions in the wrong part of town, not keeping a low profile, or just fucking off) and if they mess up bad enough, it will jump forward pretty fast as a big clue they fucked up.
At the mid point, something has changed from a story point.
For example, the group is trying to find a stolen dragon egg. They ask around a tavern for clues and get some information (bottom advances a tick) and start following leads without paying off their source, silencing him in any way, or covering up that they had been there (top advances).
They find the guy who actually committed the theft (he was paid to do so and passed the egg off) and proceeded to have a foot chase with him. They lose (top advances by two).
To make it simple, the bad guys get to the halfway mark which causes the egg to be moved to a different location, be put under better lock and guard, and the BBEG is now on the scene.
If they would have made it halfway before the bad guys, they would have found the location before they had moved it. However, if they didn't act quickly, the bad guys would still get that marker half-way and move the egg to make it more of a whore to get.