4 legs=Dragon

>4 legs=Dragon
>2 legs=Wyvern
>6 legs=???

Basilisk dummy.

There is no point in phenotyping dragons by number of limbs, because there are so many phenotypes of dragons that you may as well call them all dragons.


No, you imp, snake = 0 legs

t. Kobold

That appears to be a six-legged penis, OP. I hear they make excellent mounts.

For one, pic related is a ghost. But you can also clearly see that the body is still pretty evenly segmented.

So I say it's the ghost of a trans-dragon centipede.

> Cannot unsee

>dragon 4 legs
>wyvern 2 legs
>x 6 legs
so some kind of combination of the words. Dryvern. Wyrgon. Wagon. Dravern.

Angry water bear.


Well it's nice that it's doing what it loves and isn't letting societies norms get in the way... Even if it is a dirty faggot

A wagon

Correction, it's actually
>2 legs=Wyvern
>4 legs=Leviathan*
>6 legs=Elder Dragon

*Despite name, does not denote aquatic nature; see Ivory Lagiacrus, Agnaktor, Kuarusepusu, Baruragaru, and Mizutsune

Why the fuck is every class just called "X Wyvern" and why does Fanged Wyvern only contain Zinogre?

It's probably because the series started with the Rath as wyverns and expanded from there

Fanged Wyvern = Four legs. So far we only got the Zinogre line, but I frontier has some more.
Brute Wyvern = Two legs, no wings. AKA T-Rex build. Jho, Brachy.
Fire Wyvern = Two legs, two wings. Stance is similiar to that of a bird. Raths, Diablos.
Winged Wyvern = Two legs, two arm-wing thingies. Walks on all four, but still can use wings to fly. Tigrex, Narga.
Leviathan = four legs, no wings, serpentine body shape. Possibly has a different leg structure compared to Fanged Wyverns the way lizards has a different structure than mammals.

Elder dragons = Anything that doesn't fit in a category and is really strong/rare.

>6 legs=???

>Elder dragons = Anything that doesn't fit in a category and is really strong/rare.
I thought they were, by and large, 6-limbed, monstly in the vein of 4 legs + 2 wings.

I mean, obviously they're *also* super rare and powerful, but I though limbs was consistent.

Most of them are classic european style dragons.

But there's also:
The thunder lizard unicorn, two flying tentacle things, giant fucking snakes, floating dragon with arm-fins, something that has stiff volcano-wings, a fucking turtle and a squid that crafts itself armor with the bones of monsters.

Also anything from the other categories that is sufficiently big. Really, it's more of an honorary title to show their power. The actual ancient dragons had an actual civilisation bevor the great war.

Lots of ignorant folk who don't know the many types of dragon that have existed in myth and folklore.

Limbless snake type
Bipedal snake type
Bipedal winged
Four legs, no wings
Flying snake with beards
Four legs, pair of wings, sometimes breathes fire
>East European Multihead
Multiple heads, 2 or four legs

In D&D, wyverns are also listed as dragons.

Also, I can't believe you folks fell for an old copypasta.

> Couatl
Serpent with wings

> Wyvern
Bipedal winged, poison dart, no breath weapon

> Drake
Bipedal winged, breath weapon

What if it has tentacles and hands?

>elder dragon
>6 legs
What? I don't think any of them do

No, it's always been the category where creatures that don't fit in anywhere else go
Kirin, Lao Shan Lung, Yama Tsukami, and Chameleos are good examples of this
Some are european-styled dragons though, like Lunastra/Teostra, Kushala Daora, and the Alatreon

Replace legs with limbs and it more or less fits. Stuff like that 8-winged quicksilver dragon is the exception after all.

I knew I was forgetting something. Stupid couatls.

Wyverns don't always have that poison dart and sometimes they have a breath weapon. That's why I left those out.

Drake literally just means dragon in Middle English.

Not really
There's still the snek-likes, blimps, whales, the unicorns

>Saying that
Here is what a kobold would say
>There is no point in phenotyping dragons by number of limbs as long as I can suck on all of their strong and powerful dicks. I love dragons.
>tfw no dragonborn to sexually abuse you

Then its a Duke.

That you bang and create two halfbreed daughters. Yay headcanon.

Fire Dragon: 4 legs, 2 wings, the classic Smaug type, breathes fire
Water Dragon: 2 legs, 4 smaller wings adapted for swimming but can fly a short distance, the long serpentine type, breathes cold
Air Dragon: 6 wings, only needs to land when eating or sleeping, breathes lightning
Earth Dragon: 6 legs, the middle pair goes up and over for digging, breathes acid
This is as valid as any other made-up definition of a fictional creature.

I don't mind that headcannon for Yorshka but Priscilla was alive allready before you were around.

>4 legs=Dragon
>2 legs=Wyvern
>6 legs=Shigeru Miyamoto

According to Defiler Wings, 6 legs and wings means it is still a dragon. As well, a 4 or 6 legged dragon with 2 or 3 pairs of wings is still a dragon.

I've heard the Fire Wyverns classified as Pseudo Wyverns because they don't use their wings for walking. This would fit with Monoblos, Diablos, Raths, Basarios, Gravios, and others even though not all use fire.