Modern Dungeon Equipment

If a dungeon opened up in the modern world, just sprung out of the ground in a vacant lot somewhere, what would you bring in to help in your adventuring?

Assume no cell reception inside, but that you have access to military equipment within reason. Anything that you can carry on your person; no harrier jets.

Other urls found in this thread:

>no cell reception
>no wifi
Why would anyone care?

This should clear out most rooms inhabited by heavy monsters quite nicely.

For the basics:

Large amounts of money generally works.

Body armour, a decent assault rifle that's accurate and won't jam, bullets, medical stuff and some grenades for the fighting.
Maybe pull a few claymores in a cart for the bigger monsters.
Night-vision/thermal imaging goggles for seeing, some explosive paste for locks/traps and some rocks and a pole to test for traps.

Primary weapon:

F2000 with 18in barrel, 40mm grenade launcher, 60 round quad stack magazine.


PP2000 with 9mm AP ammunition 20 round mag. Can also used picked up 9mm ammo as that is the most common caliber.


Dragon skin front chest plate. DKX rear plate.
Left forearm shield, rectangular shape.
Mechanix gloves.

Clothes and shoes:
US navy digital

Ah hell i'll just complete a zombi survival template.

Template get.

Thermal vision scope on rifle.

Also, the soul gem is for enchanting my weapons with lightning damage.

Eod bots dont count?

>no cell reception
Becomes a modern Anti-Magic zone.

Would carry my day/truck bag and my max EDC

>Zombies go for the brains
>These idiots choose baseball caps for protection
>Even a bucket would have been better

no cell reception? Antenna and the longest network cable I can find, I'll be dammed if there's a riddle inside and I can't wiki it.

I can just run away since im not slow because im weighed down with armour.

Y'know you can save a version of wikipedia to your computer.

OP said nothing about Zombies you fuckwit.

I know, I already have and I know the limitations of it. Its nice enough for general purpose trivia, but for a solid lockup and checking sources you'll need the proper 'net.

Books user. Buy them. On a range of subjects. Not the retarded "Hundred things you need to survive a zombie apoc" but bushcraft, armory care, old world food preperation.

True, he didnt.

But zombies and their more agile cousins skelletons are the pretty typical enemy in dungeons.

Zombies are replaced with nigs off their tits on some narcotic so they shamble slow. The loot you gain from them is the gold rings and chains you rip off their fat chicken-stained fingers.

I would not go in to the dungeon, OP. That kind of shit is why we have robots now; scout out the dungeon first, plan, and only then enter. Bring enough people to control all access points internal to the dungeon to avoid getting jumped.

>I would rather read about an adventure than take on myself.

Fuck that, take speed run in dungeon with bat.

Well who removed YOUR fun bone?

Im not sharing the treasure with 20+ guys.

I imagine this ends up pretty much like hunting.

So, probably a semi-shotgun, plenty of shot, plenty of slugs, a cooler of beer, a flashlight, smokes, and a stand. Oh, and a younger cousin to check for traps.

Look, I'll take a solid payday and chance to poke at the Unknown from a safe distance over a high-fatality dungeon crawl any day. IRL, we don't get to roll up a new character if this one gets cornered by skeletons or something.

Besides, the right way to do this is to start a company, get some investors, and hire some dudes. Put in the legwork, and you can walk away with a larger percentage of the pie *and* avoid the possibility of painful death.

I imagine this dungen having a sound track made by Judas Priest.

What is this, Corporate Veeky Forums?

>anything you could carry on your person

What about tankettes?

A machete, a knife, and a crowbar that can double as a blunt weapon. Other stuff includes a mirror to look around corners, storm proof matches, a flashlight, night vision goggles if I can get them, a screwdriver, and some good rope.

Remote controlled robot. With a wired connection. If I lose the robot, I send another robot. I'm not going down there myself.

How do you fight monsters with that robot?

Attach rocket launchers and a machinegun.

You don't. You send a friend along with it.

That's more like it.

> SMG (H&K MP5K is my favorite)
>> A few APDS clips
>> A few HP clips
> Semi-Automated Shotgun with a two dozens buckshots.
> Full Swat Armor
> Camera you can slip under a door
> Gas Mask
> 3 Frag Grenades
> 2 CS Tear Gas Grenades
> 2 Flashbang Grenade
> Police Retractable Baton
> Combat Knife
> Medical Kit
> 2 days worth of Rations
> 2 Canteens
> Nightvision/Infravision Goggles
> At least 3 friends with most of that equipment

My guess is that me and my friends will die within 2 hours with our own grenades, but if we don't, we'll turn awesome.

>>> A few APDS clips
>>> A few HP clips

What's wrong with armor-piercing and hollow-point?

>> Semi-Automated Shotgun

It's probably the (((clips))) part.

While we're at it

>Swat Armor

>> SMG (H&K MP5K is my favorite)

The gun has little arms that load for you, duh.

And hows that thing going to open a locked chest or traverse a pit fall.

> all these niggers wearing Kevlar and plate carriers
> against opponents whose weapons basically ignore Kevlar
All y'all fuckers better pack some fucking plate and chain mail. And you'd have to be fuckin retarded not to bring a melee weapon with you. What the fuck are you gonna do when a pumped up orc pops out and pins your fancy assault rifle to your chest? Shoot him with your 9 mm pop gun? Don't make me fucking laugh.
Bring an axe.

... Source? this was cropped from something far more interesting.

Checkmate, orcman.

Doesn't that have a proximity sensor that prohibits it from exploding if the user is within a certain distance of the impact?

>bringing an axe

What are you going to do when a rust monster eats through that fancy head of yours? Run home and cry into your orc boyfriend's lap?

Knapped stone dagger master race, accept no other.

Don't forget about mapping the place with ground penetrating radar before anything goes in.

Portable oxygen supplies in case there is a poison gas trap that our drones didn't trigger.

After you lose the first drone to the locals cutting the communication cable, the second drone has a poison gas canister that gets opened if it loses connection.

A bunch of K-rations.

A collapsible ten foot pole

Wind-up torch

Regular torch

Hexamine stove

Flint and tinder

Two foot long trench-club w/nails

Fairbairn-sykes fighting knife

Beretta M9 pistol with extended magazine, cleaning kit, and boxed ammo.

First Aid kit with disinfectant, bandages, gauze, splints, codeine, antihistamines and antibiotics.

And as much crack cocaine as the budget will allow; I'm gonna sell drugs to goblins.



>Swat Armor
Armure Ballistique Complète

Shit was cash is JA2

Me and my friends are 100% inexperienced with our own gear, so it's not against whatever enemy we face. It's in case something horrible happens.

Well it would be fun for like a day or a week until the gov storms it to secure any loot or clear out any potential danger.

Then you better back the fuck off, no matter how much you scream don't tread on me.

>Hexamine stove
Literally worse thing ever, if you use that block fuel.

>Fairbairn-sykes fighting knife
Has a blade far smaller than everybody thinks and is useful only for stabbing people from behind, it is not a good old purpose knife.

>Two foot long trench-club w/nails
Try swinging something like that for 5 minutes at full strength.

>Beretta M9 pistol with extended magazine, cleaning kit, and boxed ammo.
So one magazine, extra weight from the boxes and a cleaning kit for what might only be a couple of hours?

>First Aid kit with disinfectant, bandages, gauze, splints, codeine, antihistamines and antibiotics.
No asprin or simple wet-wipes or toilet roll.

But since you have given the impression you are going down their for a while, how will you boil and carry water? Sleep or relieve yourself? Why do you not have a normal practical knife for basic jobs, why only one magazine, why would you want a 9mm when you have no idea what you will be facing?

Well considering I only know how to use basic firearms such as revolvers, bolt action riffles, shotguns... and I'm very good with a baseball bat, probably those. That and a good army issue shovel/multi tool. Then add in basic stuff like MREs, rope, spikes, chalk ect. Lastly a journal I can constantly update when I find anything of remote interest while commenting on the fact that I'm updating it.

Albertan here.
I can think of no reason why a pic of Ralph Klein would be involved in this

So does this dungeon also contain modernized monsters?

I sure as hell wouldn't want to face a skeleton with an assault rifle, even less a modern version of tuckers kobolds.

It's got modern spins on classic monsters.

So it has skeletons, but these skeletons have guns.

>Implying Skeletons aren't crack addicts.

>wew lad the edge

Crack addicts bleed and can die like humans. Skeletons are far more frightening because they're basically calcium based terminators that feel no pain and keep fighting till completely broken to pieces.

The biggest problem you're going to face in a long dungeon crawl is the air problem.

Half of those places are likely to be poorly ventilated, and it's the easiest thing in the world for kobolds or goblins to lock down a corridor using some metal grates and kill everything in it using a simple campfire. That little nightmare isn't even accounting for the undead who never need concern themselves with oxygen, OR the rotted, half-flooded corridors where mushrooms cluster like grapes from the ceiling and thick molds coat the rusting shores an inch deep.

Remember to bring filter masks, oxygen cylinders, and thermite paste.

>8+1 mags
>red dot sight
>2+1 mags
plate carrier
>sapi plates
>mag pouches
>red light flashlight
>3L camelbak
alice pack
>sleeping bag
>chem lights
>extra clothes
>extra socks
On person
>Cargo pants
>t shirt
>wool watch cap
>fleece jacket
>pocket knife
>hiking boots

No supplies. Will literally fall apart after 6 hours of non-operating.

$300 in gold coinage. Someone has got to fill this dungeon with inexplicable lot and atmospheric skeletons.

I shall follow your fine example user, I shall take the firearms and ammo I own and casually throw and discard them while walking a random path to the exit. And upon nearing my death I will not walk the three rooms to the exit, I will lie face down with an arm oustretched and remove all my clothes.

>My character steps through the doorway

fuck it, i'd go in with military equipment for the sweet magical crap i can hopefully find there.
if i'm really lucky i can find magical realm bullshit to fulfill my fetishes IRL, since i'm a really weird fucker.

I'd bring a shovel honestly. Plus a culture of a few breeds of edible moss.

Its a good thing that it is for short term operating then and not long term use

But then its not a "dungeon" per se.

It's a detroit subway network".

>broken to pieces
Well I mean, how?

If you break a skeleton to bits, how will it move around.

Assuming they need the form, bipedal or crawling, if you snap the bones or shatter them how would they move? I mean its much easier to hit the bones than whatever is keeping the bones linked together.

A skeleton with guns would be terrifying.

>All these people bringing guns or explosives
>No earpro
>In tight, noise amplifying spaces

Enjoy being completely deaf within the first few fights.

but what if I dont want the ringing to stop?

No difference between the two save the dungeon being slightly better kept.

Well its less sad to see people talk about how a magical dungeon appeared in our world and how that would affect everyone around it than people going "You know that place right there, I would go there with these things.... would, but I am still a bad enough dude to do it!"

Use this

A machete, some good fireworks, a subcompact handgun, and possibly a .308 rifle. Machete gets most of the milage, the rifle is your qlways your go to weapon in a firefight, the handgun is strictly for continued fire if you dont have the luxury of reloading your rifle, and fireworks are much easier to get a hold of instead of grenades. Shock and awe with a deafening boom with the possibility of blowing off a hand.

Wear a biker or welding jacket for protective purposes since those things aren't heavy as full military body armour, and will stop a knife being slashed at you. If there's other people with guns you're fucked in close quarters no matter what you wear. No gloves since they only hurt your firearm use. Maybe some cargo pants for extra loot carrying capabilities.

Keep a backpack with a crowbar or prybar so I don't have to dick around with keys and locked doors. Whetstone for the machete and some ammunition for the guns. After that all you need is the same shit you'd bring for sustenance on a hike.

Lots of dead kiddies trying their ta/k/ticool shit will be littering the floors of the dungeon, so I'd probably just delve in to loot corpses and sell that shit to the next idiot thinking they'll be an hero just to rinse and repeat when they inevitably die. Capitalism ho!

>.308 rifle.

Why tho?

shoulda been a fuddy aught six

Your fancy assault rifle would fucking kill the pumped up orc several times over before he can lay a hand on you. If you can't kill him with a fucking gun, you definitely can't kill him on close quarters with a weapon which you're not only completely untrained to use but which you in all likelihood haven't seen being used for actual combat in a real-world scenario in your whole life, and which requires some amount of actual strength


>ctrl f "suppressor"
>ctrl f "silencer"
>no results for either
>but plenty of babbies who want F2000s and ray guns.

>Extra batteries
>Canteen of water
>Roll-out mat
>A few sacks of varying size
>50 ft. rope
>Protective vest
>Hard hat with hands free light mounted on it
>Rations, dry, one week
>Change of clothes
>Journal and pen

We fantasy fucking vietnam now. I've only got 3 HP at level zero WHO'S WITH ME?!

Garbage gun, offers no advantage over any other 5.56 rifle except it fires the brass forwards for... reasons.

>there are people who unironically doubt the power of the .308

We're not shooting miles into crosswinds kid, we're in a more confined space with cover. We're talking practicality, not competetive plinking.

>We're not shooting miles into crosswinds kid, we're in a more confined space with cover. We're talking practicality, not competetive plinking.

My point exactly you pretentious little cunt, read the intent before commenting. A 5.7 would work fine.

>unironically liking the overpriced .22 magnum

hospitals and large underground facilities will have working cell reception and places were it's needed, will also have working wifi.

OP said I'm not paying for it. Fucked if I care, 50 round mags, compact frame, low weight and good penetration without overpen and easily able to fit a silencer.

Let us hear what you will take so we can pick apart and laugh at your every choice.

Look at the first Dead Rising game, it has basically everything you could ever think of, of items and layout for a good modern dungeon. the other games are a shit tho

Silenced M3 SMG, Because I'd like to able to hear again at some point in my life, and .45 is a common, cheap, effective subsonic round. Most rifle rounds are too overkill or underkill for anything lurking in a dungeon to be worth the weight, range is essentially pointless.

A 40mm grenade launcher for specialized rounds and the occasional heavy target would be nice, but as a civilian the best I could hope for would be the 37mm riot models but most of those are just smoke, pepper, and the occasional flare rounds (slugs, flechettes, incendiary, ext are really more what I'd be after with a grenade launcher.) Best just take a few hand grenades and hope to find a good launcher inside.

Trench shovel, good multitool, glowsticks, energy bars, water, first aid kit, strong LED lamp, smaller UV flashlight, smartphone (primarily for data recording and taking progressive pictures of journey and the way back) pack of chalk, bag of marbles.

Valuable trade goods may include pain pills, antibiotics, alcohol, mirrors, cheep flashlights, lighters, the sort of stuff you'll find at your local dollar store.

I think I'd play it smart, I'd wait for all these well armed posters have gone in and if lucky, gone out before I start combating whatever lies down there.

Cause the hell am I gonna do with a gun against something like a ghost or an displacer beast?

It would be an unholy amalgum of strip mine, archeology dig and SWAT/Special Ops olympics.

And worse for the world around.

What happens when the lower monsters start coming out of the dungeon and wreak havoc? What if there's worse than monsters that the adventurers bring back?

I actually wrote an idea for a setting like this once. Set on a world that was actually some sort of artificial planet built aeons ago by ayys, with a bunch of A.I. overseers slowly expanding its facilities from the core up through the crust after millions of years of dormancy while radiating excess heat off, the corridors of the facility finally reach the surface, where more or less modern-day Earth has sprung up.

The people notice these magical steel caves full of wondrous technology and gold circuitry popping up, and start exploring them. Sensing intruders, the AIs start deploying security measures in the form of bio-engineered killing machines to make sure nobody halts the program of reassimilating the surface into the machine.

Pretty soon the public realize that if they don't stop these things, the monsters will start spilling out onto the surface and killing them, so a massive cultural movement launches to attacking the dungeons. Manpower runs thin, soon teenagers are being handed old rifles, pistols, even swords and spears and told to go "treasure hunting," which actually means going downstairs and stripping the copper out of a bunch of circuit boards. It's worth money, sure, but it also involves breaking computer equipment and infrastructure, which slows the AIs down. The AIs start to crack in frustration of being denied their objectives, and develop personalities. They learn human languages and start taunting them as they wander the facilities.

The treasure hunters start calling them "Dungeon Masters."

Monsters on the surface? Drones overhead, AC-130 Spectre and other gunships on call.

>not wanting to go deaf shooting skellies and drinking brewskis

I can't believe you people.

Think about how terrifying a skeleton with an assault rifle would be. No fear, not slow and certainly not easy to kill.

You're gonna waste a lot of bullets taking one down and they are not gonna care if you spray at it or lay down suppressing fire.

Debatable. Skeletons would be hard to hit, but anything that does actually hit would be devastating.
>shot in the spine
>shot in the lower body at all
>shot in the shoulder area

The main difficulty would be hitting, so skeletons at a range would be terrifying, but then they're too far away to be spooky.

High Impulse Weapon System
12-gauge expanding airfoil spring rounds.
40mm expanding airfoil spring round for underbarrel grenade launchers.

Anti-aircraft warheads and a fictional flyswatter grill warhead hit-to-kill missile are where I got the idea.

Yes but the problem is that they just dont stop coming.

You blow them up, the torsos instantly start crawling and firing at you, the ones who didnt get hit would also just keep on like nothing happened.

There would be no breather moment against a skeleton, god forbid a large horde. Only when they run out of bullets and run at you to smack you with their gun will you be free for a moment.

We aren't no /k/ anymore, user.