I think Time Walk is better than Black Lotus since Black Lotus doesn't really help later into the game, but Time Walk is useful at pretty much any point.
You favorite MtG card?
Or Ancestral Recall. Pretty useful any time in the game.
I like storm crow because I'm a meme machine
Storm crow is the superior card.
>thread about favorite cards
>actual post says nothing about preference only about card strength
>discussing card strength of the 3 strongest cards ever printed
Cool thread
Won me the game several times. If this can't kill your opponent, it will still fuck them up, especially if you have Sanguine Bond.
Black lotus
I was always annoyed that this didn't come with a 2/2 zombie, even just for flavor
How is this thing legal in so many formats? Anyways, about the most "Red" card along with bolt.
My friend has a binder full of nothing but Storm Crows. Something like 120 Storm Crows.
Boring answer but I just love it to death
It's perfect in every way
>that birthday I gave my friend 120 MtG cards as a gift
>60 were Scornful Egotists
>60 were Break Opens
The clamps.
Step aside creatures.
I just love this one
Squee ftw
I like to say "no".
Super secret EDH tech
also it's an oyster
Because who doesn't love changing colors.
best enchantment in the game
The bolts with the outdated text can attack planeswalkers too.
>Summon Oyster
It can always do anything. Sadly, it's banned in my favorite format being German Highlander.
That's not how this game works.
Power creep or not, he has some of the coolest lore for any card in my favorite color pair.
I see my favorite has already been posted (), so here's my second favorite.
Simple, elegant, and versatile.
As a Combo player at heart and Red aligned, this card is perfect when it comes to risk/reward. The number of times I have won a game soley because of this card is astounding. (I've also lost a number of games to it but I figure if I'm going to lose anyway, might as well go out on my own terms.) The Flavor King through and through.
Christ Almighty
Try Hard Fuck Boy
Kill yourself
>time walk is useful at pretty much any point.
not really
it requires a lot more on your part than black lotus does in order to actually be good. you HAVE to be ahead
play vintage sometime
>this nigga has never even hard casted a Force of Will.
With black lotus you wont be going into late game cause you already won
You're an absent minded, uncreative, uninspired twat c:
?? fuck off
The card is hilarious fun. And it's a pretty nice looking foil!
People are just putting in inherently good cards... it's so sad that people like winning SO MUCH that their favorite card is black fucking lotus because they only thing they enjoy is trying to kill on turn 1 or 2. Boring, stupid, uncreative morons have no imagination and should probably leave the thread imchof
youre taking yourself far too seriously
almost. try Journey to Nowhere
"damage to one target"
Cheap mana cost + it's a jellyfish
So happy WotC reprinted this
Time walk is the only P9 card that you can afford to not run in Vintage, other than Timetwister.
They can hit Walkers anyway.
Fucking kek.
How did these cards ever get approved for release? The moxs I can understand, but why did they think 2 mana to take an extra turn was at all balanced?
beep boop gonna fuck you up boy
considering i'm an old ass black player from back before the days necropotence ruled the entire damn world, this fucker always made my day drawing him, even if hes complete shit now, hes still the OG badass for shitstomping people.
to be fair back in the day spell cards were expected to be overpowered vs the agrobabby hell we live in today because children and tumblr can't get their shit in line cause muh feefees, and WotC is the cancer killing this game.
Keep in mind, this was a game developed as a side project to be played during downtime between DnD campaigns; the money was going to be used to fund a board game RoboRally.
You speak in buzzwords; not saying I don't partially agree with you, but still, you speak in buzzwords.
Because they are from the original Magic set, which had no context to work in and no history to draw on. The original balance consideration was that kids would buy a few packs and having a few crazy powerful rares wouldn't really matter. Once they realized this wasn't the case, pretty much after the first two expansions, they stopped doing that.
user i live buzzwords and memes, its literally what i do.
I recognize this guy is expensive to cast and therefore bad, but it was in the core set with which I bought into the game, fat fliers are useful, and Fact or Fiction is a great effect and very appropriate flavorwise as a sphinx's riddle, so I like it.
I had a game of EDH where I was dead on board next turn, so I windmill slammed this off the top.
Spent the first turn clearing out hands and ruining plans, and then on the Zada turned an empty board into fifteen 12/9 hasty trampling double strikers with flying.
It's also singlehandledly responsible for innumerable deaths.
God bless this card.
>all these spikebaby's unironically posting power 9
I'm so sorry, but unfortunately your cancer has become malignant.
I have only ever assembled a deck that could win with it once.
It was the worst experience I had in my life.
But just the idea of walking up to someone and slapping their shit with a deck three times their size is hilarious.
So is the flavor text.
I was a management major. This doesn't even come close to that.
Man after my own heart. First deck I built myself was during Worldwake and all my other contenders were in there with Reassembling Skeleton:
Demon of Death's Gate
Child of Night
Stormtide Leviathan
Guard Gomazoa
this guy is an all star in my sedris the traitor king edh deck
pay 2B and i get to swing with a hasty 5/6 flyer, plus i get to distribute the top 5 cards of my library amongst my hand and graveyard pretty how much however i like, because the deck uses the graveyard so heavily, there's no good way for my opponents to split the fact or fiction piles
>I was a management major.
I have a Minor in Business, those classes were the most pathetically easy nonsense I've ever taken. Listening to Chad Thundercocks complaining about Accounting being difficult while I was trying to learn x86 Assembly.
Wow, you turned from real words to undecipherable shit midway through a sentence, good job.
I had fun running infinite mana chains with Black Market and reassembling skellies.
Incapable of sufficient randomization in person. Tried on mtgo, program crashed a turn before I had the win.
Not incapable, it just takes long enough that you get slow play.
the skelly didn't get printed until M11 though and that came after Rise.
I started playing competitive magic at the worldwake prerelease and scrib nibblers pissed off so many people, one of my favorite shitty cards to this day.
You should be very afraid when this is coming at you and I have a full hand.
combine this with invocation of saint traft and then the fun really begins
don't have a pic but my favorite blue mtg card is Show and Tell.
There are a few that come close, but overall I don't think I have had more fun playing magic than while resolving Living Death.
holy shit, i had the best terrible casual deck with scrib nibblers when i was getting into the game
>Behold my stand^2
Combo engine
I like too many cards flavor-wise and mechanics wise but few things make me leer as much as resolving this in Archenemy or EDH. Plus I actually own it, unlike some other favorites like Hatred or Barren Glory.
>but user you're paying 2 for something with only one toughness...it even gets spell snared, such a terribad card!
The perfect red card.
Too good for standard. Hell, I would take a 2R 2/1 that shoots for 2 at this point...
My first prerelease was Theros and I made a dude so angry he ragequit.
>not modern legal
>not good enough for legacy
>literal meme card in vintage
god dammit
Got to love dryads. If only there was a playable one...
Also, how come no one posted standstill?
but that's not possibility storm.
I have a lot of cards I really like:
Nivmagus Elemental is one I've played in both standard and modern. It's a lot of fun and has won me many games.
Doubtless One has great flavor meshed with abilities. (Rescue from the Underworld does too but I've never played with it so I'm not counting it too much)
Academy Rector is a card I really enjoy using and it's always useful.
Lightning Bolt, Murder, and Counterspell are all very simple designs that I find very elegant.
Heartless Summoning, Intangible Virtue, and Curse of Misfortunes are all cards that I love for the build around potential.
My favorite card is not quite the card I think is the most powerful.
Eternal Dominion is just so overwhelmingly Blue that I can't help but adore it.
It screams "I will rip the secrets from your mind and kill you with them."
cheap, simple hard removal
took me a while to notice that it's the little wizard on the castle skredding the giant with snow
my nigga
this skele is the tightest shit
This was my first deck
Favorite card is though
Vintage trolling at its best