How do you make a villain sexy and fun, without going into magical realm territory?
How do you make a villain sexy and fun, without going into magical realm territory?
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why does it have to be sexy
Rude. Kugasari is not a villain.
are you retarded?
That was a fair question considering the image posted.
Take your strawman and get /out/
Make them male human fighter, user.
Messy hair, voluptuous figure and a sultry attitude tend to do it.
Look up the femme fatale.
By making them just ruthless and dangerous enough that nobody thinks it's a good idea to try and tap that.
I have a half-drow sorceress planned as a future villain who is beautiful, somewhat peppy, and sacrifices people on a regular basis for magical power without the slightest hint of remorse. She would think it was funny if the party actually suspected she was attracted to any of them.
just don't get butthurt when the players kill her instead of redeeming her like you wanted.
>pic related
Just make sure you can actually make her charming. What flies with Batman probably won't fly with your average player character and they'll probably just kill her if she proves a hassle.
A dude in a suit with a winning smile
>make a villain
>afterwards make him or her sexy
>don't make it a defining characeristic, exceptions include if he or she is spoiled, narcicistic or anything like that because of it
AKA almost every fucking villain that isn't from an animu
"Charming" is the word you're looking for user.
Make her an anti-hero and rival against the party who wants the BBEG dead but is taking unorthodox routes that conflicts with the parties. Their first interaction with her she should help them, then later she can be more antagonistic. Her rivalry will make her something for your party to fight and plot against which is fun, but her being the enemy of the BBEG will make her sympathetic, so the party will be more likely to pick up on the good traits she has that they can use to redeem her and she'll be less likely to get stabbed in the face the moment they get her in a compromising situation. You can have her give up her quest, die, or join the party as a DMPC after whatever seems like an appropriate amount of character development.
She's pretty fucking evil
> How do you make a villain sexy and fun, without going into magical realm territory?
>OP pic
I don't know, mate, it's pretty magical realm in my opinion.
Rape, femdom, hypnosis, drugs etc. - seems pretty fetish-y to me.
Yanagida Fumita has better and less fetish-y characters than Kusagari, in my opinion.
That literally seems to be the opposite of my experience. At one point I had a ravenous monster try to devour one of the PCs, and they wound up trying to recruit her when they found out she was a shapeshifter girl.
Is this from an anime? all I can find is a short story in sad panda.
>How do you make a villain sexy and fun, without going into magical realm territory?
Tilda Swinton.
>Tilda Swinton
choose one
>implying Tilda Swinton isn't pure sex
I bet you find David Bowie unattractive too.
>le pepe frog image "posted ironically"
David Bowie was a handsome man. Tilda has a very weird face.
Make it a man, or whatever gender the majority of the table isn't into.
Look at this plebeian!
He thinks her face is weird!
Look at him and laugh!
Nah man. I mean, I'm not him but I don't find her sexy either. She's not unattractive or anything but she's not /sexy/ as normally described.
You just have a dumb fetish.
Make her powerful without being a slut. In my experience people dig that sort of lady anyway. I always liked the 'power behind the throne' type queens personally. She might even be totally devoted to her husband but also shamelessly ambitious.
Also you could have her be seductive/flirty with no intention of following through, just to manipulate the party if they're the type that'd fall for it.
Write the character and her motivations first, then worry about gender or sexiness later.
Make her fucked up and crazy enough that the players won't try to waifu her unless there's something wrong with them.
Because it is only a short story about a cleric who has to fuck monster girls to make sure they don't go berserk or something.
>players won't try to waifu her unless there's something wrong with them.
Literally the definition of magical realm.
That's when there's something wrong with the GM and insists there be something wrong with the players as well.
Yeah no that shit don't work if you're already worried your players will romance them. PCs are doggedly determined to dick things. If it's cute, it doesn't matter what it is they will want to romance it and make it good.
That lasts until she pretends to go along with it before finding a girl who looks exactly like her*, ripping out her insides, turning her into a zombie and having it wait in her bed after luring the player up there, so that she can get the look on their face before she has them dragged into the torture dungeon, wherein far less sexy people will shove very irregularly-shaped polygons up their asses.
* If one can't be found, a boy or an illusion spell will do.
Who's this crazy-looking girl and why do I wanna force her to take a shower and then comb her hair over and over again?
Make them non-evil, flirty, and all kinds of energetic.
And give them a theme tune to match.
It's like, a priest's life in a fantasy world or something. He has to deal with a ditzy genie, an excitable catgirl, a quiet elf and a tsundere demon/tiefling as well. But it's like, 4 pages for each girl.
>wherein far less sexy people will shove very irregularly-shaped polygons up their asses
As opposed to regularly shaped polygons?
Kusagari > Oni > Foxgirl > Genie > Elf
Tilda is a hella cool lady but yeah, "conventionally attractive" is not one of her features.
I feel like "conventionally attractive" isn't really a prerequisite for "sexy" though.
Clearly you don't
No no no. You just don't get it. It's the IRREGULARITY that makes it truly deviant. Shit, son, think before you post.
Hold on, who is the villain in this picture here? It can't be who you're implying it is.
>Yanagida Fumita
I like the cutesy stuff.
Not so much the rapey stuff.
This. I do this for characters.
Simple: make her the kind of vilain who would try to seduce the PCs to achieve her goal. Make this kinda/sorta obvious.
This way, the player's desire for victory will be in conflict with their desire to fug the waifu, and the former will win out.
Well I mean, I was always content with just stringing people along and then drugging them and sending them to Detroit when I got what u wanted, but if shoving odd shaped objects into people's rectums works for you then hey, more power to you.
>desire for victory
>coming before fugging waifus
I feel you need to adjust your expectations my friend.
>that picture
I woke up my room mate, saved
You act like this is for pleasure. It's just a part of the job. It's like necromancy isn't all fun and games, a lot of it is really mucky and involves tons of time with the mop and plenty of disinfectant. It's just what you have to do.
>This way, the player's desire for victory will be in conflict with their desire to fug the waifu, and the former will win out.
Don't count on it.
Well if its not or pleasure then why the extra deviancy? I mean a polygon's a polygon: once it's far enough up your ass the shape starts to lose meaning.
Nah, that's how you end up with an evil campaign.
I'm telling you, it'll work. The same autism that makes someone want to fug the villain is the same autism that makes someone want to "win" the RPG.
Yeah, her sexiness should not be her defining characteristic if you want your PCs to take her seriously.
Also, Lady Eboshi is best girl.
I was stoned when I watched the movie, exactly why did she want to destroy nature or whatever?
It's true, I tried to fuck a Tarasque
I watched that movie and wasn't sure if Gabriel was a man or a woman
She didn't actively want to destroy nature. She wanted to provide homes and employment for society's outcasts, like whores and lepers.
When the animal spirits were all YO DAWG NO CHOPPING DOWN OUR TREES AND MINING OUR HILLS, she grabbed a fuckin' gun and shot 'em.
Jesus, it's like you expect a dark lord not to have a throne made from the bones of his victims or a vampire not to have a crypt. People want real iron chain and whip dungeons, not some fluffy nerf bat playpen. It's called STANDARDS. You obviously have none.
What you do, is you give them a waifu they WILL want to fuck.
After that first time, ensure that they have a reason both in character and out of character to NEVER TRY THAT AGAIN.
So we start a dungeon trap thread with the OP asking for reasonable traps you can hide in a vagina?
And then everyone just posts the /b/ kind of traps.
I actually did something sort of like that
except instead of the vagina, it was the mouth
and instead of fucking, they kissed her
and then the grenade launcher she had in her cyberskull fired a timed grenade into their mouth.
yeah id bang that.
>they kissed her
>and then the grenade launcher she had in her cyberskull fired a timed grenade into their mouth
My Pink Mohawk is tremendously erect right now.
I don't know, that seems pretty iffy. I mean first she'd have to fire it at quite a velocity to go past their teeth, or rather through them, but to avoid going through her own she'll have to open her mouth pretty damn wide which would very probably misalign her shot from where it was during the kiss. Then you risk just killing them instantly if the force applied is too much, making the grenade just spiteful. Also needlessly messy.
I guess it might work if it's a really small grenade, not like you'd need a big boom internally to kill most people. But then at that point there are just so many other more reasonable delivery systems.
well, she was pretty fuckin' far from human. I'm pretty sure was a brain and a digestive tract walking around in a bunch of augs, her bottom jaw folded apart to let the launcher function.
and I'd actually thought of that a bit, the grenades were custom, and actually fairly small. There wasn't any combustion involved, only pressurized gas. (not in the grenade, in the launching of them.)
>she's now more potato cannon than woman
I'd still make out with it.
What kind of shoes does she wear?
I'm guessing...leather. Made from people.
I think second base was literally as far as you could get with her when I designed her, so
more power to you
>Implying Azula isn't a top tier waifu
Yeah it's the usual nature spirits vs industry.
Vagina dentata
What a wonderful phrase!
It means no worries
for the rest of your days!
I'd just put a cyanide capsule dispenser in the tongue.
see, at that point as the GM i'm just being a dick, though. That's like, rocks fall tier unavoidable death.
But "I pull the object out of my mouth and examine it."
"It's a grenade."
That's memorable, and you can act against it, despite it being a pretty ludicrous challenge.
Venomous uvula. Kinkier that way.
>allow PC to roll for perception to detect that those aren't ben wa balls she's inserting into his anus but live BEEEEEEEEES
>He fails the check
>He passes the one later, and hears the buzzing from his colon
I suspect at this point the poor bees are the ones getting the bad end of this deal.
Best of the best.
Tilda Swinton I think is the archetype for a 'handsome' woman.
She's not conventionally beautiful, but she's not ugly, either. Unique features.
I did this with a vampiress.
It does not work. They pledge their loyalty to the villainess. That's great, but I wasn't prepared to run that campaign.
That's when you turn the tables on them. Have her give them a set of impossible tasks or confusing orders, then when they inevitably fail/fuck up she dumps their asses.
A bad breakup should ignite their warrior spirits.
But if they start writing her soppy poetry and filling her email begging to be taken back, give up on them. These players just aren't worth it.
>BBEG is sweet and chipper, yet at the same time sees nothing wrong with human rights violations if she can have fun
By "irregularly shaped" I mean "Pointy in places where you wouldn't expect them to be."
Standard cubes, spheres, or pyramids, you know what to expect. It's pic related that gets 'em.
Give how fast average players can turn into murder hobos that might not be the best strategy for making the games villain. They might just want a piece of that action.
>I watched that movie and wasn't sure if Gabriel was a man or a woman
I assumed that was a feature rather than a bug, since angels are frequently depicted as being genderless.
Welp I failed.
Now, now, user. What did we say about sticking our dicks in crazy?
>What did we say about sticking our dicks in crazy?
Hm. Was it "YOLO"?
Man, I never realized it about Tilda Swindon before, but she's like the female version of a Bishounen (though she's too old to qualify now I guess). Instead of a beautiful man, she's a handsome woman.
But Yanagida doesn't have sexy villains. All the dark stuff he has is just abuse, drug addiction and rape by faceless men.
Took me a moment to figure out that she's actually sitting on something rather than standing in the horse stance.