Post Apoc Megacorp Maticico Remnant civ quest 23

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Last time on Maticico we got moved, Rizal discovered her inner Scientist, and Umbra has finally arranged a pick up for the death miasma.

We discovered Rizal's interesting quirks, MASSIVE trade deals were made, and our lovely Warlord is avoiding zombie hordes for...reasons. Also pretending to not witness what is going on between the CEO and Ginny.

A large number of our forces went 'missing' for the Warlord's training trip. They were last seen moving among the monsters. Meanwhile Sal is still missing.

Anyway the Genie has a cold so expect quality to decline this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rolled 15 (1d100)

Oh right a crazy circus was constructed too.

Anyway you gain a single ticket for the flying rape train as a reward for Glowy Joe's pic.

When used it will summon said train and several heroic units squads to help. This will without doubt include Glowy Joe.

You have i believe 15 fatepoints remaining.

>Turn 358
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points:Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 96.
>>>>Pop 288k
>>>>Military 100k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 70 (1d100)

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 2k Bandit technical. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100


Rolled 76 (1d100)

Action 1
"Rizal, would you like to try a hand at some of the things JAL helped us with?

We have so many materials, yet even with upgraded Corps manufacturing and existing brood factories we can't make vehicles fast enough

If you'd like to, can you look at JAL's current designs and either improve or build a better one? It might make good practice for manufacturing tech"

JAL, actually you're going to follow Rizal's instructions this time if she takes this up. Ginny wanna learn Brood tech from someone who is not insane?

Action 2
This roll is for SAL. Hopefully by giving him actions he''' bring that company faster, so they can help design a superior mountain base

The sooner he returns, the instant we work on the mountain!

Tek Bandits are still traumatized

CEO, go to the Think Tank with another project.

We want to improve RAGE tank design. Not for artillery only, but as a superior Tank or Anti-Air autocanon as well

Currently the RAGE and SAMFAP system + Tek guidance the autocanon can fire the right amount of the right shells with impressive accuracy+speed

There is still the issue of the pilot delay. The pilot must approve IFF, and communicate with the other tankers

Even more Time could be cut out Neural Helmets to link psionic tank pilots telepathically. Psions who can see past walls and hills can relay info to each other at long distances, and employ "Instantaneous shoot on sight" tactics where when a pilot see's an enemy (either visually or via psionics) the trajectory and fire rate is calculated and fired in less than a second. An entire whole row of targets could be fired on faster than one blinks by a single tank. Smart shells can be guided to target weakspots by the forward observer.

Scattered RAGE tanks can coordinate like an entire battery, a whole team of can destroy on a spotted hostile together. Land or air targets

We'd also like to improve the general structure, armor, chasis. Improve a good Super Tank design into a great Super Tank design

Rolled 81 (1d100)

Sure. We should have those redesign tank parts we started to help.

Rolled 45 (1d100)

I will back this action

"...Why make when we can grow?"

Is Rizal's reply and that shut even JAL up. While making him more depressed as he realized his precious factories were becoming outdated...

"The problem with JAL's tech is that its infused with MADNESS. While this can have beneficial consequences they can also be harmful in equal measure. JAL is a MAD AI he has infused the strange AI solutions with MADNESS to create his own brand of tech. Given that he is able to even upgrade a hero(Roy) he is absolutely very good at what he does."

"As for manufacturing...well why not grow them? Granted they'll be infested vehicles but that only means they can regenerate and enjoy other Brood benefits. Albeit risky for non infested personnel I would suggest only those in an advanced enough life supporting armors be allowed to use them. The infested vehicles will even be able to much more easily communicate with each other while at the same time being MUCH harder to block. The brood learned the hard way regarding disrupting comms during the Wars."

"I can arrange for vehicles to be grown. Otherwise you will be stuck JAL's MAD fabricating factories and your own facilities. JAL's factories are really quite ingenious if insane. What they lack in mass production they more then make up in their adaptability and ease of retooling. Probably due to JAL being insane he can't help but tinker with things endlessly."

Ginny actually agrees to learn under Rizal. Stating that she never really studied biotech in depth before. Even Jazri agrees to help out.

GINNY may acquire now acquire biotech heroic upgrades.

Rolled 9 (1d100)

SAL is still missing.

He was instructed to find Forti Co remnants for their specialties. He will no doubt find them...eventually.

Using psions to pilot is one thing. However to give that same benefit to non psions will require either advanced enough tech infused into the pilots or psytech.

The Think Tank admits psi tech isn't really their specialty at all. Not to mention they point out that currently your vehicle targeting assists and newly installed AI systems are actually quite advanced.

They already communicate with each other and offer firing support accordingly. They'll even time each other's shots so they can hit the same target at the same time.

Problem is that is entirely AI based and frankly the tech used for is costly. Ginny arranged to get them during the shopping spree then had all the software downloaded and hardware replaced.

Frankly the only way they can improve in such a fashion anymore is using the pilots themselves and improving their connection to their vehicle. A trick according to Lil P isn't at all easy.

Even Lil P wont claim to be well connected to anything but Big P.

Now basic other improvements is doable. Ginny just states that for improved performance like that will require either a damn good programmer(as she can somewhat handle the hardware aspect) or improving the pilots.

Seems like an oddly slow day today.

Rolled 23 (1d100)

>Turn 359
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points:Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 95.
>>>>Pop 288k
>>>>Military 100k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 17 (1d100)

Infested Vehicles are now available.

Infested Grow Works are now available.

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 2k Bandit technical. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

>Frankly the only way they can improve in such a fashion anymore is using the pilots themselves and improving their connection to their vehicle
"Mhm, that's what we're going for. Thanks for the advice."

>Ginny just states that for improved performance like that will require either a damn good programmer(as she can somewhat handle the hardware aspect) or improving the pilots.
"What if instead of Programming. . .we used Bioengineering?

Hear me out, DNA is similar to a set of programmed instructions for flesh. Similarly the Brain itself can act as a computer.

What would the implications of a Brood version of the RAGE tank that was specifically gene programmed by Rizal's advanced brood for better upgrades, and piloted by Broodified or infested Pilots who could connect to their brood tank?"

Rolled 95 (1d100)

I think it's just because you started a bit earlier than usual.

Does our basic power armor provide sufficient protection for pilots to safely use Infested Vehicles? All our troops should have some type of power armor.

>GINNY may acquire now acquire biotech heroic upgrades.

Perhaps now we should just focus on filling out our numbers of vehicles. Do we have designs for fighters and such, as the Warlord requested?

When I look at our defenses, we have a bunch of advanced stuff, but still the same superstructure, auto defense network, trenches and barbed wire we've always had. Perhaps we should upgrade these things? (or build some awesome base shields)

We're still getting Omitar Black's upgrades one at a time; is anyone keeping track of that?

Rolled 19 (1d100)

You would have to use infested vehicles and infested pilots but it is certainly viable.

The reason why humans were convinced the Brood was actually an hivemind was due to how absurdly good they were at communicating and working together.

Ginny offers the morbid option of using actual brains. Apparently they were a cheap alternative to legit AI and was seen as more 'trustful' then true AI systems(which is actually entirely untrue). However some people get little antsy about it but its not like mind wiped 'reformed' criminal possible soldiers weren't a thing. It was only a short step from there to implement brains 'AI'. One of the big reasons why they didn't want people to crack open a 'black box' for an AI housing. Is because often times it would actually reveal a jacked in brain and life support system for it.

Corps LOVED using brains for a cheaper and 'safer' alternative to 'artificial' intelligence.

Yeah my setting is actually rather dark at times but humorous at others...

Fucking corps when you consider their advanced biotech and distrust for AI leads to some really fucked up shit. At least the Brood were obvious and blunt about their literal brain farms.

Your power does indeed come with a built in life support system. Most power armor does but only some basic body armors come with life support systems.

Life support systems are very fucking important in the post fall world because of all the shit that is floating around which can fuck you over without actually fighting you.

According to the warlord you need a lot more vehicles and aircraft still.

Dude is apparently adopting a heavy mechanized force for your military. All infantry including support personnel are required to be a suit of power armor by him.

You'll get all the Omitar black tech in about 11 turns. They only reverse engineered the tech you specificly requested.

Rolled 11 (1d100)

Action 1
If Rizal isn't busy, ask her politely if she wants to try to work with Ginny to experiment on BROOD-Tech variants of the RAGE tank.

Get (WILLING) volunteers, one for the "infested pilot" variant and another for the "brain" variant.

If Rizal is up to it, let's see if the Brood can come up with a superior design.

Action 2

Fuck it. CEO start also trading to get more aircraft from anyone selling anything of equal or good quality to us.

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Lets not limit our tanks to the rage tank types alone.

We could made deals for AI programmers. We're bandits and the bots should be willing to trade with us. Getting us one step closer to merging into a shadow.

Rolled 18 (1d100)

Don't think we're going to get a lot of volunteers.

We're going to have trouble finding people willing to sell stuff as good as we can make now. Might I suggest we instead have the CEO start trading for salvage?

...I still almost want Old World shadow. But I think now the path of our future is Brood.
But if you want Rejects United, we should first go looking for bots. They may be useful trade partners regardless.

What says we can't do both, the brood and other factions? The tribal people love our "control" of the brood. We grab them first and go for others from there.

Rolled 29 (1d100)

Action 1
Get (WILLING) volunteers, one for the "infested pilot" variant and another for the "brain" variant.

If Rizal is up to it, let's see if the Brood can come up with a superior designs of our existing vehicles with marked imrpovements.

Action 2

CEO start also trading to get more aircraft, preferably from anyone selling anything of equal or good quality to us. If you can't find any just find any that fits AXUM's standard of acceptable.

Rolled 92 (1d100)

God infestation tanks will be lovely.

I kinda want suicide tanks that explode brood goo over things. Others that will be like acid to eat metals. Another that makes quick protections for the troops.

Rolled 96 (1d100)


Well, Brood hybridization would give us 4 actions a turn, the maximum without taking over the entire region.

We can still have others as allies, but we don't need to combine with them into one faction.

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolling for this

Once they combine with us we will become like the old world. Which means we get all the bonuses of the factions and non of the weaknesses, iIrc.

Rolled 97 (1d100)

There are no volunteers except for a few crazy personnel. That was when Axum stated 'this is what slaves are for'. To fulfill purposes our people wont be interested in.

Aircraft are being...grown. Meanwhile we have proceeded to make additional aircraft as well.

CEO does a fine job at finding more aircraft. In fact their designs are better then our own and he even arranged for the purchasing of Old World aircraft. Admittedly the CEO had to trade for them with our own tech given...well he didn't have much else to trade besides are precious expensive resources, also he didn't want them to know just how wealthy we really are.

Which is all obviously far superior to our own homegrown crafts.

>Turn 360
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points:Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 93.
>>>>Pop 406k
>>>>Military 100k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 1 (1d100)

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 2k Bandit technical. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500. Arisen Bombers 100. Arisen Fighter 100. Arisen Gunship 200. OW Bomber 50. OW Fighter 50. Old World Gunship 100.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

So many beautiful aircraft, but I bet we aren't even halfway to Axum's quota are we.

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Hm. We if we lack wealth I think we shall work on that.

Action 1
Sarah and Dr. Clicky explore the area and find other who else lives here. The reason for Clicky is the no stealthing.

Action 2
Keep growing and build the army. Since we will need to be able to fight.

Lord Set up some deals with the people we do know. Get grow our rep and wealth. The deals can be lending out our people to build trust and gain experience. To just the normal stuff.

JAL and Joy find the crazy people and set up trade with them.

I want to make some friends.

Also notes link for those that needed it.

Rolled 43 (1d100)

Good action, will vote

Rolled 18 (1d100)

I can support this

Rolled 9 (1d100)

Heroes sent out.

Troops being trained.

Your bandits your rep is fucked. Wealth less so still the CEO tries.

MAD persons found for trade. The stuff they have to offer is completely unpredictable.

>Turn 361
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points: 8 Resource.Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 93.
>>>>Pop 406k
>>>>Military 100k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 46 (1d100)

and I forgot to the modify the military stat...

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 2k Bandit technical. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500. Arisen Bombers 100. Arisen Fighter 100. Arisen Gunship 200. OW Bomber 50. OW Fighter 50. Old World Gunship 100.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

Rolled 48 (1d100)

Action 1
Keep working on exploring.

Action 2
Warlord Axum while we do not have all the vehicles we need. I think it would do some good to train with the ones we do have. Little P can help if he wants. We could do with people knowing how to use those things before we need to.

Lord if the rep growth is to hard for us. Lets just make friends with who we can for the moment. Having allies for taking that tower will be good and just for controlling the area.

Rolled 78 (1d100)


Rolled 89 (1d100)

I'll back this

Rolled 30 (1d100)

Mhm, remember to have Axum train now and then

Rolled 17 (1d100)

According to Sarah there is just too many factions. Many of whom are powerful because they are ALL interested in the tower. Good news is this means they tend to pour too many resources into the tower to cause much trouble for their neighbors. So fighting is actually surprisingly minimal all things considered.

Axum states we simply have too many troops for the amount of vehicles we'll need to support them. He suggests stealing, salvaging, or smaller but easier to make vehicles.

The CEO is currently doing his best making friends with bots, bandits, and mutants given they are the least biased against us.

>Turn 362
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points: 8 Resource.Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 93.
>>>>Pop 406k
>>>>Military 100k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 84 (1d100)

Sorry about the lack of quality and slower posts. I am just really not feeling too well.
>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 2k Bandit technical. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500. Arisen Bombers 100. Arisen Fighter 100. Arisen Gunship 200. OW Bomber 50. OW Fighter 50. Old World Gunship 100.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

Rolled 89 (1d100)

Action 1: Salvage

Action 2: Biggy and Spec Ops scope out some potential targets for grand theft auto.

Trade: CEO continue making friends with the outcasts of the world. While you're at it see if any are interested in selling us some vehicles.

Later we could also do some research, got tons of tech laying around. Also building smaller vehicles (and more growing of vehicles).

Hey, you're still running, and we appreciate that.

This, it's greatly appreciated Genie.

I think we do have some slow days sometimes.

Rolled 15 (1d100)

Alight! More friends.

Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolling this!

Rolled 75 (1d100)

Sup guys
I think Axum is saying that we need motorcycles with plasma machine gun turrets
Maybe a modified mini RAGE Gatling gun

Genie's setting is not fond friendly to motorcycles. The original Brood Bandits figured this out with terrible losses.

It was because of putting way to much shit on the bikes. They were way to dam heavy.

I think we need everything, not just bikes.

Rolled 23 (1d100)

I was thinking more technicals (with plasma machine gun turrets) and regular-sized tanks and apcs.

desu it's very clear our difficulty is not the quality of vehicle but the quantity.

I think the line of path we've been going on of upgrading our ability to make vehicles is the way to go.

Actually suggest we make more Brood nests so we can also grow more Brood vehicles.

Although now that I think about it, it could be fun to make Brood Bikes.

Ok guys I have an idea. Lets get a grand coalition going. We are Bandit Corp, we need a group of Survivors, a think tank and maybe...maybe a another military faction we can control.
It's time...time to climb
There's even climbing in the sequence, tis destined

Rolled 58 (1d100)

Slap force shields on them.

Not half bad skirmisher or raid units but man are they squishy.

Technicals salvaged.

Biggy dispatched. According to him much of the vehicles are used for transporting or heading to/from the tower back to their bases.

CEO has acquired some drone offers from the bot forces but not much else so far.

>Turn 363
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points: 7 Resource.Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 93.
>>>>Pop 406k
>>>>Military 150k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

I would suggest more discussion and questions. I am sick today so am struggling.

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 3k Bandit technical. 2k Bandit Bikes. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500. Arisen Bombers 100. Arisen Fighter 100. Arisen Gunship 200. OW Bomber 50. OW Fighter 50. Old World Gunship 100.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

"Okay, Axum, tell us.

Is this the way we should be heading? We're trying to fullfil your quota but you say we have too many men.

...and we're greedy we'd rather not have less than too many men.

What if we tried to plant more brood nests to grow more brood vehicles? Or rather, is it right that we pursue fullfilling your quota in the manner we are?"





I swear I want to spend money to buy that man some 10000 league boots and potions of speed because holy shit he delivers but we have to wait soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long for him."

Rolled 21 (1d100)

Do what you need to get better Genie, struggling is not needed for us. Rest and what not if you need to. There's always next time.

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Can someone post the map please?

Our military increased again, we need to train again. Maybe we can combine it with hijacking a group of vehicles headed to the tower?

I was actually thinking about trying to unite different types of bandits. The Tek Bandits are big guys (4u), but all the better if we can convince them to join us.

We'd still need to find other flavors of bandit, like paramiltary/bandit.

When we see him again, maybe we could give him some very expensive custom cybernetics and/or bio-augments?

We made allies of the Ghouls, let's go on a fun raid with them and do things we couldn't normally do alone.

We should also start selling tech to the TEK bandits to make friends with them.

We could use Brood to do things we couldn't normally do alone.

Do we have any desirable tech that wasn't acquired from the Tek Bandits themselves?

When we went to the Tek Bandits, they said our food was good, our booze and drugs not so much. Maybe we should work on those?

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Action 1
Ginney, Rizal, JAL & Jazri lets see if we can make mass grown brood vehicles for the troops.

Action 2
Warlord Axum lets go get those vehicles then.

Lord keep making friends and if they seem up for it let them know about us hitting targets with the warlord.

Rolled 15 (1d100)

"Meh I plan to do some hardcore training sessions which aught to reduce troop members. Vehicles can keep being churned out its just take a little while to get to the amount we need. Doesn't help your AI systems are pretty fried which slows down manufacturing and requiring additional oversight. You do got the engineers though."

Yeah...but i can still answer questions and stuff. Maybe the odd update.

They traded a bit with you for the omitar tech, but in general their tech is very advanced. Ginny was able to upgrade your TOTAL stat tech rating TWICE because of it.

Rolled 9 (1d100)

Eh, why not. Axum can train vehicle crew: whoever successfully jacks an enemy's ride is now its crew.

That's what I thought about the tech.

>"Doesn't help your AI systems are pretty fried which slows down manufacturing and requiring additional oversight"
"Who knows how to fix this?"

Maybe we could get help from the robots?

Rolled 92 (1d100)

Action 1 + 2

CEO, find someone to unfuck our fried AI systems
unless we already got someone here.




Rolled 97 (1d100)


Rolled 86 (1d100)

Absolutely this

Rolled 37 (1d100)


Rolled 29 (1d100)

Can't argue with all caps.

ok folks no more rolling till we get the post, dont waste that 97

Rolled 11 (1d100)

Axum has led most of our forces outside the city...and appears to be heading towards wasteland terrain.

CEO finds some people to help with our fried AI systems. According to them much of our AI systems are indeed fucked. Preferably we would acquire AI from another megacorp as their AI knows how to best use our manufacturing.

Joy meanwhile parties it up with a bunch of mad bandits at the carnival.

>Turn 364
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points: 7 Resource.Tek Resource 89. Tech Resource 100. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 93.
>>>>Pop 406k
>>>>Military 150k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 8 (1d100)

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 3k Bandit technical. 2k Bandit Bikes. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500. Arisen Bombers 100. Arisen Fighter 100. Arisen Gunship 200. OW Bomber 50. OW Fighter 50. Old World Gunship 100.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 69 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

Rolled 78 (1d100)

>Action 1
Lets create a fresh batch of crazy drugs for distribution and Booze too

>Action 2
Build more tanks and APC craft

>MAD Action
Keep Partying make friends

>Free Trade
CEO start looking around for some AI to purchase...a heroic one of we are lucky.

Rolled 68 (1d100)

Action 1 + 2
AXUM, need a "Hard" challenge for today's training?

Seal a Megacorp AI Core intact.

See if you can press our forces to make it happen.

You have Ginny, Jal, the King, and whoever else you need on standby.



Get the word out and people will visit!

Axum is taking our guys into the wasteland.

That doesn't mean there aren't any megacorps in the wasteland!

Those would be way to badass corps for us. Also why not just buy one? It could be risky to have a stolen unknown AI.

Rolled 49 (1d100)

Actually. . .

Action 1 + 2 + TRADE

Think we got enough Omitar Materials to remake a Megacorps Manufacturing AI?

Why not give it a shot, you guys can do anything even Super and Black right?

Rolled 58 (1d100)


Rolled 27 (1d100)


Rolled 57 (1d100)

God I hope they aren't still mad.

Rolled 17 (1d100)

This one

Rolled 28 (1d100)

Sure, we looted the piss out of Omitar for a reason

Rolled 27 (1d100)

"No problem."

"...Well we are gonna need to salvage quite a bit of the scraps and butcher a lot of code, but we should be able to make it."

"Super and Black tier costs extra while also requiring you be able to actually persuade one of our experts to work on it. We aren't about to force them ourselves you know it just not worth it."

>Turn 364
>>>>>A. Raid
>>>>>B. Try to improve Base
>>>>>C. Try to improve Armaments
>>>>>D. Research technology
>>>>>E. Build something
>>>>>F. Scout
>>>>>G. Explore
>>>>>H. Your choice
>>>>>E. Mutate
>>>>Points: 6 Resource.Tek Resource 88. Tech Resource 99. MAD Resource 85. Manufacturing Resource 92.
>>>>Pop 344k
>>>>Military 100k
>>>>Food: Great
>>>>Water: Great
>>>>Morale: Great
>>>>Medicine: Great
>>>>Health: Great
>>>>Armaments: Absurd
>>>>Fuel: Absurd
>>>>Tech level: Great Tek
>>>>>Reputation: Evil Inc.

Rolled 88 (1d100)

>>>>>Infrastructure:Meeting Room+. Fish Farm+. Hydroponics Bay+. Tek Medical Bay++. Tek vehicle Bay++. MADTek Science Bay++. Tek Industrial Bay++. Bandit Corp Cells+. Storage Center+. Corp Construction Center+. Water Treatment Center+. Corp Recycling Center+. Logistical Center+. Command Center+. Processing Center+. Gym. Armory+. Server Farm+. Factory+. Nanite Beds+. Daycare+. Fast Food Shops+.Tek Ballistics Lab++. Breakroom+. MAD Shop++. Bad Bandit Bazaar++. Casino++. Ammo Factory+++. Tattoo Parlor++. Pleasure Palace+.
>>>>>Defense: Fortified Superstructure. Auto Defense Network. Trenches. barbed Wire. SAMFAP. Awakened Megacorp LS Defense Networks. MADtek Defense Net. BAD Tek Bandit Auto Defense Layer.
>>>>>vehicles: BAD Bandit Loot Wagon(30) BAD Bandit Flying Loot Wagon 10. BB Behemoth. BB Drones. 1 MMBB. 3k Bandit technical. 2k Bandit Bikes. 300 Bandit Tanks. 300 Bandit APC. 30 Bandit Super Tank. 30 Bandit Super APC. 500 RD VTOL. 300 Subterrane. MADtek Supah Tank 100. Bad Bandit Supah Tank 100. MAdtek Supah APC 100. BAD Bandit Supah APC 100. BOMFAP 400. MAD Bombers 500. Arisen Bombers 100. Arisen Fighter 100. Arisen Gunship 200. OW Bomber 50. OW Fighter 50. Old World Gunship 100.
>>>>>Power: Nuclear Reactors. Fast breeder Reactors. Emergency Generators. Plasma Pumps. Fusion Reactors. MAD Generators. Madtek Reactors. Tek Reactors.
>>>>>Weapons: Bandit Corp Weaponry(extensive). Maticico Plasma Weaponry(Absurd). Explosives(absurd).BAD Bandit Tek Weaponry(great). BAD Bandit MADtek Weaponry(good).
>>>>>armor: Bandit Corp Power Armor(extensive). Bandit Corp Plasma Shields.Combat Tek Bandit Engineering Powah Armor. MAD SHIELDS(good). MAD NARMOR(good).
>>>>>communications: Corp Comm Center. Craze Chant.
>>>>>Materials: 6 supply. Bot Tech 60 Mats. Psi Materials 50. Research Materials 50. Manufacturing Materials 100. Tek Materials 100. MAD Materials 100

Rolled 7 (1d100)

>Free Trade Action
Activate CEO lets make a deal and offer an "expert" 5 of each resource type to help us (or whatever it is they want

>MAD Action
Manufacture MAD drugs to distribute and build our rep with all local bandit groups.

>Action 1
Build more living space, our pop is climbing rapidly.

>Action 2
See how our Warlord and his thing is going on, aint heard from him for a while now. Spend this action making whatever he asks for.

Rolled 71 (1d100)

You need better dice and i have no ideas myself

bump, where is everyone anyways?

Rolled 41 (1d100)

About the living space, I think we should explore some of the cleared monster dens we found at the end of last thread.

We're not suffering overcrowding yet, so there's no rush. Some of the dens might be old facilities we could get running again.

I don't think their super scientists are going to be impressed by offering materials we got from them, but I don't know what else we might want to offer. Brood samples?

We still need to find that legendary necromancer.

Thats the plan for next time. We could likly create some kind of great big scanner if we create something, feed it a "sample" of the "death sample". See if we can locate more of it... aka the Necromancer



Okay, so I think we're getting into that phase of:
>We have so many goals, we're forgetting them all and not using every bit of our assets

So while the game isn't on we should plan.

I think user who mentoined it is right, I can't believe we forgot to USE those Monster Dens that Axum cleared, that's one opportunity we shouldn't miss.

So at least one immediate goal should be
>1. Consolidaton of the cleared monster dens
Probably as Tech Brood Dens

If only there was a place you didn't have to bump to keep your thread alive.

>72 hour autosage
Nope. No thank you.

Late night bump for Oz

I hope we build Axum's army soon. It will be great to one day finally hold a large swath of land with someone that knows how to hold it

Rolled 38 (1d100)

There's no need to use make a deal. We don't need it hidden and we don't need to force them. That back lash could hurt our rep with them if things don't work out.

Get the AI for the tech guys and see if we need to go up to the higher tire. After seeing their work.

Manufacture MAD drugs to distribute and build our rep with all local bandit groups.

>Action 1
Check out the monster bases again. If it's safe set up the brood in half and us in the other half of the dens. Get some space and outpost.

>Action 2
See how our Warlord and his thing is going on, aint heard from him for a while now. Spend this action making whatever he asks for.

Rolled 24 (1d100)

This is more sensible. Vote

Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolling this

Rolled 26 (1d100)
