Char sheet:
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The sun is beating down on my back, there isn't a cloud in the sky, not a single one. I look up at the blue sea above me. and smile as I hear my dearest sister shouting happily as our little caravan comes to a stop in a field of orange and red flowers, white trees reaching and bending for the sky like rows of dancers.
I look down, and see down the stone path, past various gardeners all dressed like Lucy, lies the massive snow white, marble walls of the capital city.
Thas yawns, as the priests ride up a bit further, still bickering among themselves even now, though Uli and the calm one seem to be against Anial in their arguments now.
I look around, as little green starts to repeat and chant "hungry and bored" Over and over again, probably just trying to annoy thunder as much as he can. Which seems to be working, judging from how much the old timer growns in the back of the cart.
"Wait" A little elf girl with braids worked around flowers says, rushing over to my sister, with a few other dirt covered workers "Lucy? what brings you back here darling? It's been how long since you left, you know your lilacs have missed you"
"And the trees" An old bull faced man grunts, tugging on the vines wrapped around his horns "They've been up in a roar since they sensed you coming back"
"Oh" Lucy says hopping off the cart, as I try and not notice how much the gardeners are whispering about me, it's a good thing I can't hear exactly what they're saying about me, or little green might get a little mad "Well I did tell them I wasn't going to be coming back when I left didn't I? Such spoiled little children they are....sooo, how have you all been?"
"Wonderful" they say in unison "but we never thought we'd see you in such company"