WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General

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Lions and Tigers and Johnny, Oh My! Edition

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R8 my bullgryn skin. Just finished the front two, the bone 'ead was my first attempt. still a WIP obvs


Fucking phone rage oh well you can still see


Radical Skeleton has not time for shields

for a moment i thought you had placed a very tiny man atop the mustached ones gun


>I doot not for myself, but for the dootiest that have come before us

is this thing any good? I've heard bad things about it, but it was free so I thought I'd ask

Finally finished building these kannons!
Now I gotta make some crew, because gw removed Grot techies from the store for some reason...

How does skeleton blow horn? He does not have lungs.
I'd expect him to smack his ribs with a stick instead honestly


First four finished

Those two are my wips, the dominus i already did 1 month ago but i am doing some minor touch ups and still working on the electro priest

It's crap

Useful for basecoats, but not much else

these are perry bodies right?

no. its just like all of their tools. Overpriced but mediocre. Get a proper airbrush.

mould lines, i can't really see highlights, but it might be the bad light. Also are they greenish? i don't understand if it's the pic or it's them

started fiddling with some scrap terminator armors I got cheap recently, trying to make them as less space marine-ish as it is possible. Thoughts?

retardedly janky, but in a beautiful way

$36.00 for a fishing tackle box worth of Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Grey Knight bits, including 2 metal assassins
Did I do gud?


Look like Renegade Ogryn that had been Dark Mechanicus'd.

Chaos envies looking this shackled together.

Sorry, I meant orks


Thank you for this.

How could we know? Those boxes vary greatly in size.

I'm not sure how to upload multiple images at a time, so I made an album on imgur. The contemptor is what I am proud of, torso and right arm are magnetized.

Any thoughts? I know zero about basing, so any ideas on that would be welcome. This is supposed to be at the siege of terra.

tfw don't provide link: imgur.com/a/xYRsO

I should probably invest in a device with which to hold my phone to take pictures; sorry for the blur.

photos are definitely decent, paintjob is fine, but obviously you made a lot of imperfections, which you will learn to fix.remember to shade and highlight each colour, even the white which you left flat and the black.Also don't do things you can't do, that stomped marine looks silly with the unmodified legs

What an exquisite doot guy

Would you shade white/black with nuln oil or something else?

Also, what legs would you recommend?

I could cut them and re-glue with green stuff, but have never used it.

it wouldn't be tha hard to adjust those legs with green stuff,but yes you would need that. About shading you should know thatit doesn't only mean what GW sells as shades,to shade white you can just leave a grey part in the recesses and highlight the rest so that it looks like a shade or glaze a grey colour. For black to be shaded effectively you need to start from a dark grey.

The white areas I started in a bone color and filled it in with white.

The black ones started out as eshin grey (kind of a medium one) and went black.

What I did not do was change the amount of white/black towards the edges. Should I do that?

I admit I hadn't done anything like the smashed iron warrior, but I thought it would be cool and fluffy.

It may be worth noting I did actually cut the left arm to re-angle it so that it appeared he was clawing at the contemptor, it wasn't just everything glued together as normal.

I thought about cutting the left leg so that the foot would be on the ground and the knee bent back, and the green stuff doesn't intimidate me, but getting a clean cut without killing a good centimeter or two of the model does.

It might be the pics, but the captain looks flat black, not eshing grey, also what do you mean with filled in? I really don't see the bone line on the edges. Also you can always GS back what you sawed away.

The templar probably has too many coats of black since I primed him with the bone color instead of black. I didn't realize until I was looking at the lore pictures that there was so little yellow on templar.

Ty for criticism, I am not trying to be defensive. I appreciate learning new stuff. I might try some GS usage tomorrow.

I haven't done the captains for either my tactical squads or the templar squad. I want to get a good feel for what looks good and what doesn't first.

I'm trying to figure out exactly how to paint my space lizard's weapons. Obv. some of the figures are not done, but weapons will have a gold trim. I'm attempting to show captured kind of a celestial energy in their weapons.

Any votes for 1,2, or 3? Any suggestions for other options to fit this idea?

I might not need any of these bits but by god I'll have them if I ever do.

Actually what do you guys use to store your extra bits? I've got a small tackle box for my space marines and Tau bits and one of those plastic containers that pewter sets would come in to store everything else.

also any feedback on my color scheme in general? I'm going for a dark (deep) space-themed lizard setup with purples and blues.

Got a load of empty 17ml dropper bottles to transfer my Citadel paints into. Anyone here done that and got any tips? Especially if you've done it with metallics since those don't thin quite the same as other paints.

Dat Eversor tho.

sup Veeky Forums I figure this is the right place to ask this, I've had a co-worker ask me to do commission paint jobs for him does anyone have experience with this? what should I charge?

>Actually what do you guys use to store your extra bits?

A bitz cabinet. What else?

I'd say it depends on how good you are at painting, and the time it takes you to paint + how chummy you are with your co-worker.

oh man I just have a spare batallion box and have them all strewn about. I think there's an oop metal galrauch in there still.

Don't underprice yourself. You'll likely become frustrated as you burn hours for little value. Don't lowball your price for the hopes of future business or for 'building your portfolio' or any of those other bullshit excuses cheap-asses use to try to get work for free or cheap.

Yes I know you might enjoy painting, but once you start getting paid for it, and have your co-worker bothering you every other day about if they're finished or not, it'll become less fun and more of a job to you.

Consider how much you want to make per hour for your time and then how much time it will think it will take you to paint the models. Then charge a little more because you'll likely run over time on the project, need to strip a model and start over, or need extra supplies or something. Build yourself a little flexibility in overhead so you're not cutting into your profits when those inevitable unexpecteds come up.

Commissioning works of art is not supposed to be cheep. If he has a unit of ten models and it takes you an hour apiece to go from sprue to table and you want $15 an hour, you're gonna need to charge $200 for it to be worth your time.

Of course if you're close friends you could consider asking him to buy you models, paints, supplies, or other things instead so that it becomes less transactional and more about the barter and the hobby that you two share together.

But please for the love of god, DO NOT UNDERSELL YOURSELF. If he only wants to pay $50 for painting that ten man unit, you're going to be making half of minimum wage when all is said and done. And at that point you almost might as well be doing it as a favor instead of having the pressure of the 'job' that you were paid for looming over you.

>oh man I just have a spare batallion box and have them all strewn about. I think there's an oop metal galrauch in there still.

These () are mostly metal, separated by model type (Terminators, Vanguard, Librarians, Mk VI Tacticals, spare arms, loose backpacks, etc.) with a few of the larger bins holding weird stuff like a plastic Mordheim mercenary warband or a squad of old RTB-01 beekees. I suppose if I wanted to swap bitz, I could bring the most interesting old fingz by just lugging these three boxes, but there's very little plastic in there newer than Third Edition.

... and the sprues that still have arms, weapons, and vehicle parts are in these boxes in the closet. I even have some of those goofy palm trees that came with the Third Edition boxed set!

I like the theme a lot, I like both 2 and 3 for the weapon option, reminds me of the world of Warcraft celestial weapons from ulduar which I thought were very cool.

Perhaps a slight lighter blue to highlight the scales, I'm not that much of an experienced painter so can't help you out really on how to improve. Maybe a dry brush would do it to help make it pop. Looks good anyway.

I'd throw some wash on them. It looks like you might have in some areas but it is inconsistent. A wash of some kind really should be applied to any nook and cranny to help give the model depth.

They are especially helpful in areas where two colors meet e.g. right above the knees

Spent months with a squad of deathwing sitting in a jar of superclean, just couldnt get that devils semen (white citadel primer) to strip. It was starting to flake off a little but i loathed the idea of scraping every square inch. Then, a flash of insight from my stoner days. Placed a model in a very small plastic container, salt, and a little bit of alcohol. About two minutes of vigorous shaking later, success. All but the deepest of crevices are now stripped clean. Quick scrape with a dental tool should finish the job.
Hope that trick helps someone in the future.

I put some space Marines in simple green for 18 hours and only the top layer of paint rubs off while all retain their primer or even another coat that hasn't desintegrated. Will another day be enough or is there a better option?

Started up on a new model for a new game today. So far only got basecoat + wash, but my god these models take paint like nobody's business.

I'm really happy with the color scheme. There was a moment of worry, but it is turning out pretty great.

My Tzaangors are finally complete!
It has been a long journey Veeky Forums, much of which I have shared throughout the previous threads here.
Here is a sneak peak at the Ungors and their Cultist Champion.
Taking the dog for a walk and then I will take terrainless individual and group shot pics.
I am so incredibly happy with how they have turned out!
First time doing fire and definitely this much skin (albeit blue).

>Which kit, exactly, has the sprue to create Johnny?

I know the new Blood Angels tactical squad has the "reloading" bitz, including an arm with a bolter magazine. I've heard the same is true of the Codex tactical squad as well.

Another user made this model using the Blood Angels bitz and an old Phobos-pattern bolt gun. The metal Johnny is reloading his Umbra-pattern bolter, but unless you buy from Forgeworld, those might be hard to find in good condition.

>he is a two parts( i think) metal piece,no sprues

He meant to build a "reloading beekee" from modern parts.

New one is technically accurate, but is lacking emotion. He does not believe that magazine is Johnny and he is certainly not talking to it. That much is obvious ;)
He needs a bit more of a secretive honch with his he lowered and the clip raised to his "ear."
Otherwise... great :D

I really like them user, the bases look really neato too.

How does a skeleton move or stay together without connective tissue?

It's all magic, let him doot!

Thanks for the feedback user. The celestial weapons from Uld were actually pretty great!

I've got a few tips on how to improve the weapons, so hopefully I can make some progress in the morning and post a few pictures



Are you putting some water in the simple green to begin with?

Here is the first solo shot.

What went wrong?

Emperor save them

Repainted my blightbringer. Still wip

Part 2

Highlights on the scales could make it pop justa little more

I am working on some BFG cruisers and nids. Not sure who to paint the nid fleet so suggestions are welcome! Waiting for muh magnets to come in so i can progress assembly.

Also received my 42 infantry germans i ordered from blacktree design. Looking great, but will require some clean up.

minor touch ups? dude paint the purple 3 shades lighter. The current color looks like a basecoat! You will not regret turning up the purple color to level 10/10! Also highlight that plase coil.. and lens effect

Colors are too dark imo. Give everythng another layer. Also you primer is too thick

this is why people sometimes say airbrush it cheating. Looks great bro

Hey there /wip/, it's me, user.

Just got finished with a promo death guard for my upcoming army. I think i went a little overboard with the wear and tear, but considering i didn't want to spend all that much time on them, he's looking pretty good to me.

You were drunk.

Still some bits n pieces to do on this fella, but you can see the idea. Finally got that yellow right!

Anyone got a link/copy of this to share?

Not too sure about the red handle on his bayonet. On the one hand all the knives in my army have red handles, on the other I think it would look better black or brown.


he's looking really good, user!

It's great you've got your Dangle technique down so well and the red handle breaks up the monotony of a purely metallic gun, looks good.

A great model and a great scheme, if it's that's a rush job it's even better, nice.

I really need to start painting my Orks and Admech but when I stripped and started repainting all my old DA stuff I swore I'd finish them before I did anything else.

But I now I just keep buying shit for all 3 armies and the piles of unopened boxes keep growing.

send help

do it silver like the rest of the knife

So stop doing that then.
And don't do your DA stuff all together. Break it up to whatever you like between your 3 armies.
Bulk. Painting.
Put everything away that you aren't currently building or painting.
Or don't.

Make one with "I fuck on the first date" too

Haha that little one

>waddle waddle waddle

>not having a bits garage

>finecast necron characters
this is why "Bring me to Life" was written
fuck these models, at least I'm getting paid to paint them but fuck me, obryon is textured like fucking sandpaper, and all of orikans pointy bits have corners and whatnot snapped off

About to strip some DA Vets I bought on eBay... Looks like someone sprayed primer over a older paint job...

dat meowth doe

Don't forget to clean mold lines after stripping. DA vets have some of the worst/ oldest molds I've seen in a while with some parts offset by about a milimeter.

Ask me about my Eldar failcast aspect warriors. I fucking dare you.

I like it this way

Those are features you entitled shitlords, paint them as battle damage, like the studio!

Have yourself checked for extra chromosomes.

So I tried to shade the black and white more, I used a 70/30 eshin vs black as the base for the black on this templar.

It's hard to tell in the pictures, and you have to look close but you can tell a difference.


What do you all think? Better or worse?

You the guy with the plague rider? If you're going to paint him like that, i'm looking forwar to it. Also, i'd like to see that backpack on your plasma dude, where did you get that?

Yeeesh, good luck with that man.

Dude, it looks great. Breaks up the metals around it and draws the eye to the finer details of the handle, not a bad job at all.

finishing up my first plague drone...

whats that? you mad Tau fag? can't summon daemons? Awww, i feel so bad for you....NOT!

>you mad Tau fag?

Who are you talking to?

He does that every time he posts.

>Those are features

Pic very related...

skeletons can't hear anything either, so it's not like any of them will realize their musician isn't making any sound