Minotaurs Edition
Trailer Park BoysSub-Edition
In the last bread we talked about special units for the legions we haven't seen yet and podcasts and finished the questions on why some of the Primarchs look too old, we discussed the lifespans of marines, the Minotaurs, and ways to improve 40k chapter relations, Mortarion's status as the jobber of the Primarchs was mentioned, and get ready for them and much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
I need info on breachers now!
First for based new apothecaries
I'm guessing this is a reaction from HH6 making damn near everything a troops choice so they have to buff the actual troops.
>tactical blobs
tacs are cheaper too you know
Breachers confirmed for garbo tier junklords?
I don't know if I want to be drip-fed one page at a time and get hyped alongside /hhg/ or if I want an epub uploaded so I can ejaculate all over it at once.
Either way, I am excited.
For melee legions? Yes.
>yfw World Eater assault squads get 100 attacks on the charge plus HoW.
>there are people in this thread with tacticals in their lists
disgusting tbqh
BA and NL do assault squads better though
WE just got triple trashed
What did you field as troops?
But I like having fluffy IW lists with tac blobs.
If breachers are cheaper now, that might not be the case anymore.
20x red butchers in spartans
Bikes and jetbikes
Wait, you're not telling me you fell for the tactical squad meme are you?
>Not infiltrating 40 tacticals in front of your enemy as an anvil then outflanking vets, jetbikes and contemptors as your hammer
Do you even EC
How did your units survive past turn 3? Also vets suck most melee legions have better units anyway.
Hi /hhg/, anyone know where/what the rules are for allying 30k into 40k games?
My plan is to use Solar Auxilia rules to add some power-axe Scions to my 40k stormtroopers.
>Not infiltrating 40 tacticals
I've never actually played, I just assemble and bring them to my GW shop but no one ever wants to play. So I win by default.
>Choose warlord trait to infiltrate 3 units
>Do 2 20 man blobs and a 10 man volkite unite
>Maru skara lets them move 7" and run d6+1" turn 1
>Get them all in good assault positions for turn 2
>On which all the hidden blade units come in
Fulgrim picks master of ambush giving three units infiltrate
There are no official rules for such things.
You don't, because tainting your 30k army by playing it against 40k armies is a terrible thing to do
good shit
You dont, they are two different 'systems' that use the same rulebook. You can fight 30k vs 40k but not mix the armies.
Assault Squad
* -75 points.
* -25 points.
Tactical Support Squad
* can take additional combat blades for 2 points.
Legion Reconnaissance Squad
* -25 points.
Dreadnought Drop Pod
* +35 points.
Seeker Squad
* -20 points.
Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod
* +15 points.
* has Inertial Guidance System listed in box-out, but not under special rules column. ??
* can transport Legion Dreadnought, Legion Mortis Dreadnought, Contemptor Dreadnought, Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought or Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought.
Landspeeder Squadron
* -10 points.
* can take 2 HKMs for 5 points each like the Javelin.
Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron
* -20 points.
* has Strafing Run special rule.
* has "Grav Backwash" special rule. Means enemies have a -2 to hit it in Assault unless it is Immobilised.
Primus Medicae
* +10 points.
* can't take power fist, chainfist, boarding shield or paired lightning claws.
* causes Fear.
Command Squad
* -25 points.
Veteran Squad
* -25 points.
* additional models -3 points.
* any model can swap bolter for combi-weapon for +10 points.
* Veteran Tactics are very different!
- Resolve Stubborn
- Weaponmasters +1 Weapon Skill
- Machine Killers +1 on armour penetration rolls
- Marksmen Outflank AND Sniper
- Xenobane re-roll To Wound against Monstrous & Gargantuan Creatures.
>javelins, seekers, and assault squads all got cheapened
Holy shit, those fuckers just gave my list jump pack apothecaries for free
>* -25 points.
kek then breachers are still ass
Have they gotten rid of the old veteran tactics?
This will seriously fuck over some lists
They did yes
>any model can swap bolter for combi-weapon for +10 points.
What's the point of seekers anymore?
>- Marksmen Outflank AND Sniper
and they just made sniper vets even more of a no brainer...
guess my current outflanking WE vets are sniper vets now
That's shit, furious charge vets with power weapons were tasty
So happy about the javelin buff. They were good before now they're amazing. Assault defence and cheaper cost gad damn!
>Dreadclaw with IGS
What the FUCK, it's got no downsides now. Ojectively superior mode of transport for small assault units.
I'm reading the red books, and it mentions super fast implantation of geneseeds and makin marines in as little as 2 years. Does that mean we could have 13 year old marines out there slaughtering shit if they hit the genetic lottery?
FW gotta sell those Dreadclaw kits.
Javelins don't get the recognition they deserve.
Cheap, deep striking, skimmer lascannon platforms with the option for two HK missiles? Yep, I'll take 10 please
I've got 6 for my bangels. Lascannon, assault cannon, hunter-killer platform just got 25 points cheaper
Hitting on 3+ and wounding on 4+ is the same as hitting on 4+ and wounding on 3+, but +1WS doesn't depend on charging and lasts longer than the first turn.
Can praetors still take both a paragon blade and a power fist at once in artificer armour?
I dont think so, their bodies would still need to grow into adulthood. Becoming a marine doesnt instantly make your body into a 25 year old superman, it takes puberty and growth so the end result of that is a superman.
It just means you can take any 18-30 yr old and turn them into marines in 2 years.
in that raven guard book their new fancy marines were all like 12 years old and were kicking the shit out of everybody else
Definitely. Which would explain degradation in gene seed quality, which explains flaws. Not even within the legion, but because you cut the nuts off a kid who wants to bust a nut
>world eaters
>night lords
True, that never crossed my mind when I first saw FC was gone
>Tactical Support Squad
>* can take additional combat blades for 2 points.
but why
Predator Strike Armour Squadron
* Executioner plasma destroyer is +20 points on old price.
* heavy conversion beamer is -5 points.
* if you take 3, one of them can be a Squadron Command Tank for +35 points:
- if unit is in coherency, all ignore Crew Shaken on a 4+.
- if they all shoot at a single target within 24", they gain Tank Hunter and Monster Hunter.
Land Raider Battle Squadron
* Phobos is -25 points.
* Proteus is -20 points.
* Achilles has frag & shatter shells, and can purchase the other new types (including phosphex if Siege Breaker is present).
* Proteus can take a hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon!
* if you take 3, one of them can be a Squadron Command Tank (see Predator notes).
Achilles-Alpha Land Raider
* has frag & shatter shells, and can purchase the other new types (including phosphex if Siege Breaker is present).
Legion Artillery Tank Squadron
* still 0-1
* if you take 3, one of them can be a Squadron Command Tank (see Predator notes).
Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
* if you take 3, one of them can be a Squadron Command Tank (see Predator notes).
Spartan Assault Tank
* +10 points.
* flare shield +20 points over old cost.
Sicaran Battle Tank
* +30 points.
Kharybdis Assault Claw
* -30 points.
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought
* new weapon! May swap autocannons for a single Arachnus pattern heavy lascannon battery for +50 points. 48" range, AP2, Heavy 2, Exoshock (if you score a Penetrating hit, on a 4+ you score another Penetrating hit with no cover save).
Alright dingdongs I'm back again. Unfortunately nothing on my PC can open the file. Going to try Google Books--the only method I have ever found to open a BL epub.
Nah. Those are initiates.
Mind just uploading the epub somewhere?
harsh but fair on the ubiquitous spartan and sicarans, they were both incredibly good and now maybe ther competition will see some use
expensive plasma pred is lame though
Black Library's DRM appears to be making the file literally unusable.
ePubanon, is that you? Have you come to deliver us goodness? May Scannon bless you!.
>kharybdis cheaper
>spartan more expensive
Expect spartan mounted deathstars to now become kharybdis mounted deathstars
Vets suck as a backbone for your list.
Jetbike Sky Slayer Support Squadron
* +30 points on a normal Jetbike squad.
- exactly like we theorised. All have multi-meltas and all can swap for plasma cannons/Volkite culverins.
>not jetbike chariots
why would someone ever take that unit?
Alright this should work. I don't think BL has actual DRM.
Would also explain girlymans chapter about cutting out speedy marine creation.
>Spartan Assault Tank +10 points flare shield +20 points over old cost
>* Proteus is -20 points.
>Sicaran Battle Tank +30 points.
I feel like +30pts is reasonable, if a little annoying
It is fast, has good armour, and an amazing weapon. It was making the predator look like a fucking jobber even if it was 60pts cheaper
>Only -25 points
So should I run them over tacs or no?
Thanks! Do you also have the Age of Darkness Legions epub?
/hhg/, help me out for a sec. I'm pretty much decided on building a Blood Angels force, and I have 2 boxes of Betrayal on Calth to do that. What do you recommend that I build out of that, and what do I get afterwards to supplement it?
The only thing I'm certain on is having a Chaplain, because I'm pretty certain that there will be a Warden Consul option
I assume they pump you full of human growth hormone and other ways to accelerate puberty. I wonder if all the geneseed flaws in 40k would have been much milder without these accelerations.
Since legionaries were massed produce and the Chaos Gitz used the flaws in this process to taint marines, things became more strict.
Well, assault marines are decent starting today.
BA dual hand flamer moritats have been gotten rid of, chain fire rules have had another sentence added to them saying that weapons which don't roll to hit can't use chain fire.
It was most likely fun for every while it lasted.
I know they aren't using the techniques in M41, but a lot of marines in that millennium are probably based on geneseed that goes back to the Age of Darkness when quality control was reduced.
>What do you recommend that I build out of that
the terminators
>and what do I get afterwards to supplement it?
60 assault marines
Chainaxes are now +1 Strength.
Thats it, im taking phoenix spears for free now
The raptors are also pretty psycho - killed the space Wolf watch pack sent to corax and hushed it up form the rest of the legion and corax
>My plasma moritat is still worthless
>Bangel inferno moritats still unaffected
why are epubs from gw always so fucked up when i try to open them on my pc
No idea, works fine on my Mac.
>not taking a volkite moritat
you deserve it anyway
They're just fucking with us at this point.
The nerf to plasma moritats is fucking retarded
like 90% of the time they shoot less than if they were just a centurion with 2 plasma pistols
>Warden Consul option
Those are chaplains.
I try on my pc and all the words are gone
Then i try on my phone and its a 300,000 page document with a single letter on each page
FW's got a rather interesting sense of humor doesn't it?
Looks fine on Adobe Digital.
HUGE thank you, user!
>hey WE players we finally fixed your shit rules
oh cool thanks
>but you have to throw your 60 tacs in the garbage and buy 60 assault marines now
Holy shit they buffed Scorpius bolt shells! Now seekers can shit out S5 AP2 Heavy 1 Shred, thats fucking awesome!.
Regular tacs are also 25 pts cheaper, stop bitching
those new 4W command squads are gonna be pretty cool
>Ld 2
>Ld s
>Save 8
>Ws 0
have fun in combat
Man, gotta love that shity formatting.