Why aren't you mining it, user?

One coin is currently selling for 20,000 SAT. Nethash is 454 GH/s. 39,200 coins are mined per day. That's 87/GH roughly. A single 1060 produces 30 MH, or ~2.5 BWK/day.

A 1070 produced about ~4.5 BWK/day.

A 1080ti produced about 10 BWK/day.

Why aren't you mining it, user? Love the coin? Hate the coin? Who gives a fuck. It's the most profitable thing to mine currently.

Get some while the getting is good.

Other urls found in this thread:


delete this, i was accumulating

I only have a gtx 970


anyone else have this?

What's your draw @ wall and your PSU rated at? Have you tried lowering TDP?

it's not about wattage because my 6 cards can draw 110 watts each and when running nist5 my cards barely get 90 wattage each so it's definitely not that, it just makes my psu sound like it's arcing but i can't see the fucking arcing

I'll post a video so you guys believe me but i have NO noise when mining using ethash on this rig and have the weird arcing noise emitting from my psu when running nist5 (even neoscrypt, but ESPECIALLY when running nist5)

I don't know how :(

There are guides all over. What kind of GPU(s) do you hav?

I haven't seen anything like this with my rigs. I'm running about 1 Gh/s and haven't seen mining profitability like this in a long time.


I'm accumulating.


Wtf do i write in the start.bat can anyone give me an example

I'm being retarded as well. Idk what to do with the pool/username stuff

I could try using a different PSU but I just don't understand why it's suddenly making the arcing noise when running nist5 on ccminer or just ccminer's new versio in general

Sgminer for AMD (not as good as NVDA @ this coin):
sgminer -k talkcoin-mod -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p c=BWK -I 21


ccminer-alexis -a nist5 -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p c=BWK


Currently mining this, have gotten ~4 in the past two days give or take semi-regular uptime

Thoughts on this coins future guys?

Thanks dude. I just needed to change the "ccminer-alexis" to ccminer.exe and it works now. Also is there a discord where you can see which coin is the most profitable right now ?

I have an i7 with a GTX 1060

How much can I mine per day?

What miner do I use? What pool do I use?

Delete this thread, retard, I don't want network hashrate do go up. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BUY HIGH SELL LOW HERE

Veeky Forums is literally too poor for this coin anyway

How does this work user. I have to buy a package from onecoin? Also, the site is down

Nah bro. We are all gonna make it. Fuck selfishness. We can cuck the world, but not each other.

Don't need to buy anything. Literally download the wallet from GitHub, ccminer, and start mining. With a single 1060 you'll get a few coins a day. i7... no idea what that'll do (I don't expect anything?).

Will you share some contact info so I can message you? Add me on discord mitch315 #7769

> -k talkcoin-mod
instead of
>-k nist5
? why? why? WHY?

Seems like OneCoin website is having 503 server error.

not him but nist5 kernel for sgminer wasn't updated in 4 years. On AMD cards you are much better mining other coin then trading for bulwark.

980 ti :(

Can someone explain how to configure CCminer with Bulwark. Doesn't say in the CCminer readme what to configure

what pool is best


What pool? Prefer no sign up.

My 980 pushes 35 mh/s

What's your 980ti do?

Just hop in and talk to a dev or a miner they can help you out

Sgminer vs ccminer ... same algo, different names

1080 getting 58 MH/s using alexis, seems like it keeps climbing hash slowly, is there any better miners? Will try the one they recommend on their page later

I am only getting 95 mH/s on two 1070 and two 750 on ccminer2.2.2.

What is alexis?

Its a version of ccminer, faster at a lot of algo's

Its the first one in that folder (ccminerAlexis78.exe)

everyone be taking the easy way out and pumping