Thinking of getting my baby nephew into minature wargaming.
He loves army men so I want to play a simple rules with them. You guys got any suggestions?
He's 9 btw.
Thinking of getting my baby nephew into minature wargaming.
He loves army men so I want to play a simple rules with them. You guys got any suggestions?
He's 9 btw.
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It's a slight variation on the theme, but does he like Lego? Brikwars might be fun. The simpler version. I've played it with some younger folks before. I just had them build stuff that looked cool, figured out stats for it all and then let them roll dice and blow stuff up. It was fun.
I think I've seen an Army Men wargame pdf posted before, but I don't think I saved it, sorry.
Do you even need to ask? There is also a larger game featuring army men, but OPR does a good job at keeping it simple.
I was thinking about that but I honestly don't really want to order a book. I'd love a pdf version.
Why the fuck don't they have a pdf? I have a tablet specifically for reading.
oh, there's no pdf? nevermind then
I'm sure there's a ton of rulesets floating around online.
I was thinking about brikwars too. Thing is I was gonna buy this for my nephew
And have an all out war around the house with it. His points would be made up of whatever system i'll give for the girls so when the girls play there little barbie games it will affect his game as well.
If I can a shit ton of lego for 35 or less I might just do that instead.
you'll be hard pressed to buy enough lego for that to work.
Maybe some other construction brick toys, BUt not lego.
Brikwar's Rules work for army men too, so you don't have to get them!
Goalsystem/ supersystem is pretty simple and flexible. It is like a user friendly version of Champions for wargamers.
Came here to post this.
Is this shit any good?
Oh man this is so cool, you're going to be a great uncle user. My uncle got me into D&D when I was 12, he gave me his AD&D books and dice from when he played in college.
Thank God this exists, I went to Main Event a while back for the arcade and ended up with enough points to buy a small bag of army men.
I was worried I'd have to make it all up myself.
>Have army of army men
>Have bags of rubber bands
>Shoot rubber bands from behind army men at other side
>Anyone who falls over is dead
Add terrain. Repeat until one side is wiped out.
Every turn, a guy can move up to six inches, and fire up to a foot away after moving.
If one of your dudes is shot at, roll a d6, if it's a one, he dies and is removed.
One of the dudes is your Commander. He needs to roll two 1s to die- if he rolls a one, he rolls again. If it's another one, he dies, otherwise the next time he rolls a one after being shot he dies. Anybody he shoots that's not another Commander dies on a 2 or 1 instead of just a 1.
Once per game, if your Commander's alive, you can have all troops within a foot of your commander either move twice or shoot twice (choose for each individual unit).
In order to shoot at someone, you need line of sight by ruler or the like.
Too simple. Im trying to het him into wargaming using dice and not braindead rules.
How old? If he is like 4 just have the rules be something like
>Choose one guy and move him a bit if you want
>Choose a guy he can see
>Roll a die
>Depending on the roll the target dies
Bazooka kills the guy on a 2+, grenade on a 3+, machinegun on a 4+, rifle on a 5+, and binoculars on a 6+
Game would just be about target selection but I am not sure how much more advanced you can really get with a little kid without confusing or boring them.
He's 9 and i was playing shit like monopoly at his age. He should be fine if i use the 1 page rulebooks these anons suggested.
God damit was meant for this post
do the origional, the best! Little Wars by H.G Wells!
You probably have 40k at home. Play 1p40k with him. It's AoS-level simplicity.
goddamn was it fun when i was a kid
>Thinking of getting my baby nephew into minature wargaming.
First of all, most miniature paints are toxic for babies, second of all even a small baby would be the size of one of the larger titan figures so you only really could use him on the table top in one of the larger official tournaments.
And let's face it, by the time one of those roll around he'll have likely outgrown whatever base you've stuck him to.
Was just going to post this.
Looks overly complicated for a little kid. The gradiation of build points and damage is even more complex than in Warhammer.
that's basically how Hg Well's Little Wars game works, except with rubberbands instead of small gunpower charges launching bits of shot from miniature cannons.
Ha nice one user.
>Skub Flakes
>Elf Grape
>Marble Cake