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Monstergirls in power armour edition.

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Why doesn't GW force designers to actually work on codices that need work, a la a video game design studio? Because the current "They work on whatever they like" thing doesn't seem to be working.

Because GW thinks it's valve?

Valve has actual talent though. They can afford to work on minor bullshit + hats.
And I highly doubt GW even knows what Valve is.

Orks need to be nerfed
It's pretty fucking ridiculous when my Eldar get shot down by 72 shots from rokkits

This thread needs bingo!

Today's free tile is: "Someone with an optimized list asking for more optimization"

Ok /40kg/, post a picture of one of your models, and tell us a little about it.

This is one of the Rhinos from my temporarily retired Nurgle Warband. It's carried Plague Marines across many battlefields, and provided many overwatch-free charges for Chaos Spawn and Terminators.

it has a soft spot with me because it's the first vehicle I ever painted

>FAQ Butthurt
Real talk though, that grenade thing is bullshit.

>every WarConvo list ever

>inb4 some lying sack of hit claims people interpreted it that way prior to the FAQ

What happened? Shit, what'd these fuckers do?

Because the suits have too much influence, and the studio vets that are still there are dipshits. They've gone with a 'clever' sales strategy, as opposed to just providing a quality product that sells itself.

But thats how it was always interpreted before the FAQ.


That also has some problems. You know why nids have suck a horrible codex?

The guy who really liked IG Tanks was tasked with making their codex

EVERYTHING. To put it simply, the FAQ was a chance for GW to make things better, but they deliberately chose to make as few changes as possible and fix everything. Instead they made a huge array of sweeping non-changes that often fail to even answer the original problem. And the few changes they did make simply made the game WORSE.

Literally the only thing they did good was give all dreadnoughts +2 attacks. There was an insufferably bad amount of bullshit.

You can only throw one grenade in the assault and shooting phase

I miss matt ward

Repostan question because no replies last time:

Would it be kosher to play a small force of 30k auxilia allies to Stormtroopers in a 40k game?

I want melee scions desperately.

Their drop pod faq created some idiotic RAW faggotry that is already being exploited in tournaments.

I doubt anyone would mind except for some waac tard that thinks only he should have fun (a chance to win).

From a fluff stand point that makes no sense.
>squad of Guardsmen, pinned down by a heavy-stubber nest
>they manage to crawl up to the nest
>about to throw in a few grenades
>the squad Sargent stops everybody but himself from throwing

SOON GUYS. I just put in an order from Anvil Industries, and I'm waiting on confirmation from Statuesque miniatures. I already have 3 Spidergirls awaiting the parts to be finished as heavy weapon teams, and I now have 30 beastmen to serve as my first levy squads.

Much work is now being done on the Monstergirl army of imperial cults and militia. I will post more updates this coming weekend.

Making grenades One Use Only would probably be better.

Didn't you already ask /hhg/?

True, but allowing a squad to throw 10 grenades increases their offensive capability beyond what is intended.


Yeah, but the tau butthurt on the stormsurge ruling made up for it and more.
The tears in the facebook comments are delicious. All the people begging GW to change it, or arguing that it should be D3 wounds instead

Will there be BUSTS?

There better be BUSTS. On ABHUMANS. Who are ROUGH RIDERS.

Why not just nerf the grenades then?

I asked if there were actually any rules for it. I ask here to see if people would be generally okay with playing against it seeing as how there aren't any official rules on the interactions.

They did

I'd do what says and make grenades One Use Only, or just nerf grenades entirely.

it's ridiculous that they have an upgrade that increases movement speed on their transports! Just the other day my opponent got into close combat by turn 3. it's Bull shit is what it is.

Different allied matrices, makes things rather sticky.

No busty. My monstergirls will be tacticool operators who operate operationally in operational zones. There's also no options at all for me to take rough riders in Imperial Cults and Militia.

Let BUSTY user make his rough riders. I'm going for Leman Russ tanks piloted by Wolfgirls.

Seriously? Jesus christ Tau fags have no shame. If you're so absolutely beyond retarded that you allow your anchored Stormsurge to get tank shocked, you deserve to lose it.

Man Tau players and their self-centered stupidity are unreal.

yeah, its fucking stupid. I hate it when my "friend" fields a stompa and it just tears apart my army. As Tau, I can't remove it off the table right away.

bless you user.

>Ask instead why anyone thought they could use multiples in the assault phase but just accepted using just one in the shooting phase

Because it's how using grenades in assault worked in 5th edition and I would like to think 6th edition. I've always considered grenade usage in the shooting phase a minor addition which was mutually exclusive to using grenades in the assault phase.


If an opponent reaches one of my Stormsurges or Riptides in 3 turns I just concede, I'm not wasting my time playing some waacfaggot.

It's like "Now we have to put THOUGHT into our deployment of the 12" tall rocketspamming death machine! How could you do this to us, GW?"

Seriously. Many tau fags litteraly said there was no reason to bring the stormsurge now, and all of them said that that part won't make it to the final draft, because reasons.
Tau are the fucking worst. At least marines and eldar acknowledge their codex is powerful, and don't bitch about nerfs (too often).

Mob rule is the most OP part of the damn book. it's not fair that my marines have to wait a turn to regroup, when all my opponent has to do is kill a few models or be locked in combat.

The new faq makes it so that stormsurges can actually get killed by other things, like fucking tanks, and they have to make descions about who to shoot before hand. The unit is absolutely worthless.
I'm really considering shelving my tau, no reason to play them. They're the absolute worst army in the game right now.

Last I heard some dude made a list with FUCKING TWENTY-TWO DROP PODS and was able to turn something like more than half the table into impassable terrain.

6th's line is "Only one grenade (of
any type) can be thrown by a unit per Shooting phase."

Or just exploit the 1" rule, and drop 3-4 pods somewhere without opening some of the doors. Impassable los blocking terrain.

Or open the doors, and get 4.5" of free movement before you even disembark.
>"Measurement starts at the tip of the door"

Their fluff and models would just be Scions, there's simply no rules for dedicated CC scions at all.

Recommended army builder program?

It wouldn't be really, but I sincerely doubt anyone would take issue with you doing so. Those melee auxilia look fantastic man, I can see why you want to use them so badly.

Why aren't Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus one list? Will each list be getting new stuff soon?

Pen, Paper & Calculator.

It really is shocking how incompetent Games Workshop is when it comes to rules. How are they not embarrassed?
They have terrible leadership, and lose out on so much sales and growth due to their own failings.

Microsoft Excel

>Why aren't Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus one list?

Because there is one old faggot who wastes our Tax money on chinese plastic toys that posts on here will probably tell you to use pen and paper, the most widely used program is BattleScribe. There exists apps for both PC and Phones atm.

Ork players get charge rerolls, HoW stock, and two(!) walkers with 5 wounds for only 230/45 points!
meanwhile I have to subtract one everytime I roll on the D table with my wraith guard.
GW isint even trying to balance the game.

battlescribe is ok.

I kind of want to try converting Scion models anyways.

I guess the Scions could be the Household retinue and the FW guys could be the Troops tercio.

They did kill Gabriel Seth's Used Taxi Emporium though

Not anymore. Now I just tell people to use their brain. It's just two numbers, the one you're holding in your head, and the one you're adding. All you have to do is memorize the entirety of your codex word for word, and setup pre-defined 'chunks' of your codex from which you can rapidly assemble an army the moment you arrive at the table. It's so simple a 5th grader can do it.

Is there any good reason archons can't use reaver jetbikes?

>How are they not embarrassed?
"Games Workshop is in the business of selling toy soldiers to children."

- Tom Kirby, (former) Chairman of Games Workshop PLC *He is still there, though.

They don't care. They do not care to see that the vehicle by which they sell their models is neglected and abused to the point to drives more people away than it attracts.

I'm not sure how anyone interpreted the grenade rule differently. The rules say that a unit may elect to throw ONE grenade of either type, not a fucking shower of them

I guess I've missed out on a lot of 8"strength 6 shooting by my Zerks then, and a shit load of damage I could have done to Tau fag Fire Warrior unit with the frag grenades,

I hear you man. I'm so sick and tired of having to park my Scatbikes in terrain so they dont get vaporized by Lootas.
1. Lootas are complete bullshit
2. It's not easy fitting 36 Scat Bikes in terrain; and I ALWAYS lose at least one to a failed test
3. This game is so broken. Fuck Orks.

It's in regards to grenades in melee people are annoyed by.

>"Okay Veterans, you did a great service to the Emperor for fighting on this planet so far."
>"We are now assigning you two chimera transports to go along with you on the battlefield to commend your 16hr survival time planetside."

Aye, Sir... But why are we marching in formation in front of them to the battle field?

>"Well, someone has to protect the Chimeras from incoming fire!"

It's grenades in close combat that caused confusion, keep up.

GW a cunt. FW not a cunt, run him as a jetbike Corsair Prince instead.

155 pts gets you
4A at S5 AP3 Rending
3+ armor
2++ shadowfield
ML1 divination for shadowfield rerolling shenanigans
Plasma and defensive grenades
Rage and Rampage, so up to 9A on the charge
2 splinter and 2 shuriken pistols
Reroll rally tests for corsairs within 12"

Literally just painting my Kabalites and Corsairs in the same scheme and saying they're fluffwise the same group. Archon-Princes and Dracon-Barons.

Logical though that solution is, I wouldn't enjoy it game wise
Can I split my grenades, meaning I use 1/2 turn 2, 1/3 turn 3 and 1/6 turn 4? Then that means keeping track of which models used their grenades and which didn't, a paperwork nightmare if one of my similarly posed AssMarines gets shot

Are they one use, all against the same target? That sucks too, now I'm overkilling the first vehicle I come across while being unable to scratch any other

don't even say that name to me man. D3 str 7 shots 14 point model is crazy. and did you see the rules on that new flier!? the other day I was playing without any AA, and my opponents flier shot at my army the whole game.

LOL! It's actually a visual shorthand to myself. Troops behind the vehicles are bubble wrap/deepstrike protectors/utility and objective holding footsloggers. Guys in front of the vehicle are riding inside.

I'll clarify that someday. When I stop being lazy.

You'd be able to split grenades.

I don't see how it'd be any more of an issue than a 10 man Vanguard Vet squad with combi weapons.

Nah, they just didn't want to roll out ALL of the Redboys at once, so they split the codex to create 2 separate roll outs

How do you guys deal with fucking Nobs? The guy at my store always fields a fucking Rape-o-Naut with 6 fully kitted nobs and always proceeds to walk all the way across the field unscathed, because of bullshit vehicle rules, while blowing up all of my MCs and then unloading the nobs onto any group I send to deal with the Naut. Now that I can't fucking throw more then two grenades at once, I have zero fucking way of destroying the naut as either my eldar, spacemarine, or tau army. Every game my Warlord gets fucking whiped out by a nob'n'naut formation.

Ok, I know we're all having fun shitposting, can we move on from this topic please?

Wait what? Didn't ork suck just a couple of days ago. What change?

That's just as retarded then. Did you really think you could just krakk grenade everything to death?

Its how every edition prior to 7th worked.

So I should probably just take krak grenades or meltas on my sarges from now on. He sits in the back anyways due to leadership, and I think I can compensate for the lowered range if it means one guy with infinite nades for one point.

Oh look, another Apologetic Ork shitposter who can't fucking handle the fact this his codex is OP as shit. Atleast Tau Faggots know that their codex has really powerful units UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE.

Yes but grenades in CC are now logically consistent with grenades in the shooting phase, as they should have always been. do keep up

>Being this bad at Warhammer 40k

Oh my fucking god.

Give every infantry model two different combi weapons and that's more like how it would play out.

Found the Ork WAAC player/

Read the goddamned thread. And get some ability to understand subtext, you autitst.

The number of models expected to take Grenades is an order of magnitude higher than the number who even have the ability to take combis

Fucking ork WAAC players. Always saying how the issue is that people don't know how to play right.
Your codex is broken. When my skyhammer with grav spam and SMASHFUCK PRIME and friends can't even kill one measly grot, your WAY past extremely over powered.

Sometimes I love this place.

They could reduce the number of units that would have grenades.

I play SoB everything tables me by turn 3, unless some how my flamers and meltas kill 70% of his army before that.

Every god damn game is a nightmare of broken shit.

I don't see a new codex, did you all really dependen on silly Grenades rules for dealing with them?

Grenades have always been for assaulting and destroying vehicles. Why did this edition thought it was a good idea to make them an additional shooting thingy is beyond me.

Forgeworld is so fucking broken. GW needs to ban models from them in their stores. I was fielding three Storm Surges in a 1850 pickup game when I made the mistake of going against the local waac ork player. He brings out a large stack of printed facebook pages with small boxes with barely readable text inside. He then continues to field these fuckers and charges them at my storm surges. I end up missing because GW doesn't let me field enough markerlights and he gets ready a really low rez picture. He then proceeds to tell me that my storm surges are dead after doing a tank charge at each of them without making any rolls to dmg. I start to argue with him thats not how it works and then he shoves the paper in my face. I see that the FAQ states now that rooted stormsurges are removed if tankshocked....

Fuck this game man, we need GW to fucking sit down and balance this game.

What are some house rules (general and faction specific) that everyone uses in their gaming groups?

Here is what he was using

SoBs don't roll for AoF
No invisibility (reroll if you get it)
Non-super heavies get -1 on the D chart
No Death from the Skies

>breaching drill deepstriking into a deployed stormsurge

We sometimes just give extra point to shit codexes
Call it a narrative battle, say SMs are holding off waves of Nids, then the SMs will get 1750 points and the Nids 2500
As long as the Nid player isn't a dick trying to bring 10 Flyrants.

This has to be bait