D20 refugees

So now that d20 is dead, where have you've all gone and flocked too? Also story thread if you guys want.

Other urls found in this thread:


RIP Sides, you will be missed

alright fuck it, imma dump.




What the actual fuck was that

Is there a rule to how much I can dump? I think I have like 30 of these






this one is hilarious

Yeah I don't post a lot of these often, that's my favorite, but I'm just gonna dump all of them and people can decide if they like them.








I really hope my pathfinder group dies soon


Oh fuck, I didn't mention this is ss13.




Last one, dump over.

What happened with SS13 now exactly?

Wait, what happened to d20?

Where did you find this? The spoiler is bugging me.

Fuck-all happened. D20's in the same place it's been since 4e got announced. It's just Veeky Forums being Veeky Forums.
Or a little bit o' bait to get people into the story thread.

So, since this is a story thread, what stories can you nerds remember about D20? The only thing I can thing of is me and murph making Pupschwitz.

Both that user and the OP are referring to d20station, the Space Station 13 server.

Since the thread isn't going anywhere I may as well tell the story of the rise and fall of Belka.

>start the round
>just me, Lily and Murph
>the ticket is swiped not long after and I set to work turning the central hall, chapel and sci/med maint shaft into a battlefield using the science cargo slot as a trench line
>eventually Murph and Lily come in and start hanging out as we bullshit, begin joking around about making science independant as I work on a disposals cannon
>Suddenly a wild shitter joins
>grey tide comes up to science window and starts pestering us about our guns n shit we horded
>we all collectively tell him to fuck off
>he tries to break in and gets promptly gunned down by the three RnD lesbians
>respawns a few more times before we deplete his lives and he quits
>this brings a sudden surge to the server and a clown joins
>Lily decides we need an AI with the tyrant lawset and I say "no you fuckwit that's dumb."
>eventually submit, so long as we have a bomb ready to wipe the fucker out
>walk up to clown who happily greets me
>proclaim him an Ustian spy and gun him down and shove his brain into the AI
>a few others join as the station slowly (except for glorious Belka) either becomes belkan clay or becomes an airless husk.
>a traitor tries to sneak in and kill us
>stun and capture her
>tell her she can join our cause should she win a hacked arcade machine
>she's gibbed before long
>Belka soon institutes a xeno-phobic policy of "shoot on sight"

>glorious belkan defence network allows us to catch wind of a deff skwad rapidly enclosing in on us
>scramble to man defences
>realize we're outgunned when Gordan, leading a team of bulldozers, charges right through us guns blazing
>biggest regret is not having a bomb ready to nuke our own soil, all I managed to whip up in the 5 minutes time I had was a 6-7 dev firecracker
>me and Matyi are killed as Murph sneaks away into the bridge
>Dozers stack up and breach the bridge
>Murph attempts a smoke diversion
>Murph's smoke diversion fails as she's gunned down in a corner
>No bulldozer casualties and only light injuries, shuttle is called
>just before shuttle arrives a giant rat shows up and the dozers panic, mostly being made up of newfriends being led by Gordan
>ends up being a slaughterhouse, the dozers slowly get crushed to death, their armor making their deaths so much slower and agonizing
>fight moves to the shuttle as Gordon and one other dozer fight the rat on the shuttle
>other dozer falls and gordon is left without ammo, forced to grab an item on the shuttle to defend himself with
>begins to fight the rat with either an extinguisher or first aid kit
>after a long hand to hand battle with many tense moments the rat is struck down
>shuttle lands and the round ends.

>Is there a rule to how much I can dump?
as much as the server wil handle.


I have only this one image, and I dunno why.

What happened to d20station, then?

So is the fun in SS13 that everyone is an asshole in character?

Many years ago I once made a bomb so powerful it destroyed the entire station and crashed the server.

Nothing, D20 Station still exists, it's just waaaay near the bottom of the public servers because nobody goes there anymore.

So where we are headin now?

Everyone's probably gone to Hippie, Yogstation or, in a bitter irony, Colon Marines.

random /v/ thread, I didn't take the screenshot

It's like that game Mafia you played at summer camp, except in a fully destructible deathtrap in space owned by a dystopian corporation and crewed with a literal clown.

The crew notice that the newer batch of burgers had a slight taste that's somewhat different.
"Chef, you're experimenting on your recipe again?"
"What's in it this time?"

So, as someone who's browsing an SS13 thread for the first time, I've got to ask: is any of this stuff actually real gameplay, or is this like the Chapter Master threads where you're making it up as you go?

Most of it is real game play exaggerated to seem more extravagant. Considering the game is completely tile-based it does leave a lot to the imagination.

The game play isn't as engaging as it sounds: it's mostly a lot of clicking and hotkeying. However, for a top-down tile-based game, it manages to have an extremely tense atmosphere and is very complex.

>c: peak skill
captcha pls

Most of this probably actually happened, but the top down sprites make it seem a bit more unappealing when you spectate it (unless you have the imagination to fill in the gaps the little prompts on the screen give you) some things however are pretty much play out the way the post describes it, like when one player named Viktor Kedrov decided to hide a bunch of small bombs on the station and made an easter egg hunt out of it, it was hilarious when some dumb shit managed to detonate the bomb instead of disarming it. (Still wish I played Kathryn that round)

Thanks, guys. Maybe I'll check it out!

Ah. Aporogies for thinking it was just lolrandom bait.

What a time it was.

Alright I downloaded the game and played a little. Kinda weird to get used to.

>Randomize Self
>Spawn in shuttle thing
>Spend 3 minutes trying to walk around before realizing I was typing in chat
>Accidentally get lost in maintenance looking area
>Find different colored door
Walk in because different colored doors = importance
>Catch on fire
>Terribly wounded
>I now have purpose.
>Make it my goal to find a medkit
>Find banana
>slip on banana
>Pick up banana
>Accidently smash nearby air vent with banana about 30+times
>Alt tab to wiki page and figure out how to use items
>Tab in, some guy comes into the room
>"lol you should run"
>stabs me unconscious
>drags me to and airlock
>bomb goes off somewhere
>round ends

So that was an experience.

sounds about right
rip early d20

Ill miss the memes but i also wont
feels weird man