Last Thread: Pastebin:
General rule seems to be pick 4.
Last Thread: Pastebin:
General rule seems to be pick 4.
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So what's her problem?
>So what's her problem?
People give her attention when they shouldn't. But it's hard to stop poking a monkey when they give good reactions.
Iron General
Brawny Gentleman
Wise Old Wizard
Sophisticated Psion
Through the peerless training of my four companions, I will become unmatched in physical, mental, magical, and psionic prowess, and an inviolable force for good.
OC from the end of last thread.
Will eventually update with a monster portion.
People like you are her problem and this boards problem too.
Just a friendly reminder not to let screaming children get you down. You did a great job for what it's worth, so take what you learnt from the experience and get better :D
How many are you supposed to pick
>FFI Style:
>>Lifelong Warrior Friend
>>Seasoned Veteran Relative
>>Experienced Warrior Girl
>>Female Law Enforcement Paladin
>Bravely Realizing (Ourselves)
>>The Cheerful Druid
>>Lifelong Warrior Friend
>>Eternally Hot-Blooded Rival
>>Experienced Warrior Girl
>We've Still Got It:
>>Seasoned Veteran Relative
>>Not-So-Spoony Bard
>>Wise Old Wizard
>>Grizzled Detective
>Already a Demon:
>>Dick-Ass Theif
>>The Iron General
>>Vengeful Viking Man
>>Evil Black Knight
>Harem Ending:
>>Scantily Clad Warrior Princess
>>Realigned Villanous Vixen
>>Runaway Foreign Catgirl
>>Amazon Huntress
>Those Cats Were Fast As Lightning:
>>Eternally Hot-Blooded Rival
>>Brawny Gentleman
>>Runaway Foreign Catgirl
>>Drunken Dwarven Monk
>Lethal Joke Team:
>>Loyal Family Pet
>>Infectiously Adorable P'orc Druid
>>Androgynous Cleric Kid
>>Inexperienced Young Hero
>In the Name of the Moon:
>>The Cheerful Druid
>>Female Law-Enforcment Paladin
>>Scantily Clad Warrior Princess
>>Runaway Foreign Catgirl
>Praise the Sun/Jolly Co-operation:
>>Brawny Gentleman
>>Orc Troublemaker
>>Drunken Dwarven Monk
>>Pompous Knight
I think the general answer is 'four', though it's up to you.
I pick them all then.
Welp. Guess I"d better fire up that wargame I had planned, so I can eventually put out a Broquest campaign.
Weight Class: -40 Ultra Heavy (15', 2500 lbs)
Caste: -0 Worker
-10 Arm Extra Strength x2
-20 Progenitor Worm
-30 Extra Armor 3
-20 Shield x2
-30 Chitin Upgrade 3
-15 Regeneration
-20 Organ Redundancy
-40 Purifier
Isn't it strange that someone who was allegedly physically abused by a girlfriend is okay with mentally raping people?
Why would you go to all the effort of making such a thing then censor the work fuck?
You know what the word is.
Anyone that's seen the meme knows what the word is.
Anyone who is of primary school english proficiency knows what the word is.
Anyone so oversensitive to be offended by the word fuck is going to be offended anyway because again, they know what the word is.
This censorship does not compute.
It's not my cap.
Fuck it, I'll copy my fallout stats.
E however much I have left.
I sprout tentacles and do cool 4-dimensional magic shit with them. So, biomancy, I guess.
Sincere wrathful stoic.
It would be wise not to step on my toes.
Natural resistance. Let's just hope there's no steamboats.
Genius. So I have enough brainpower to operate any newfound organs or limbs, and to not kill myself with them.
One of many. The elder things had a lot of children.
Captain Atom
We fight for freedom and the American way. Also for a bite to eat.
I'd guessed that mate.
It was a rhetorical question for the void.
I'd be pretty shocked if someone on this website of all places was censoring fuck.
Don't have screencap, but I'm pretty sure she said that even though she's a submissive pushover irl, she sometimes fantasizes about dominating other women.
People end up with weird distinctions between what is and isn't ok, particularly in response to emotional trama.
Stop trying to ruin another thread. If you're so thirsty for bullshit discussion, there's an archive.
This. None of us cares about your namefag/tripfag crap. If you want to discuss them, take it to some other thread. The worst part is that none of you ever say anything interesting or new; you just post your half-baked CYOA about raping & abusing her, then sometimes also take about how she's a lesbian.
The fuck are you lumping me in with the rest for? I said the same thing as but much more succinctly.
>implying my post was trying to ruin the thread
Rude. All I did was point out that people keep trying to get reactions out of her, leading to unnecessary drama.
no nameless rank and file soldier
Call me Cirice, I'm a psycho-focused hunter..
Weight Class: Ultralight [0]
Height: 4ft
Weight: 50pd
Strength: Athlete
Speed: 50m/h
Shell: 12.7mm thick
Caste: Hunter [25]
Brain/Senses: [125]
Psychokinetic Bolt
Mental Assault, Domination, Mind Probe
Olfactory Upgrade
Night Vision, Thermal Vision
Brain Upgrade 1-3
Organs: [20]
Progenitor Worm
Defences: [50]
Reflex Upgrade
220 points spent.
NOBODY TOLD ME SHE CALLED IT THAT. Now I finally have a reason to dislike her as much as everyone else seems to! What a horrible, awful, stupid name.
>see final page
Dark Fairy (1)
Create Fog (1)
Tempature Control (2; 10°)
Daytime Duration (2; 10x)
Nighttime Duration (2; 10x)
2 became 1Dark
The Rot (1Dark)
Noxious Miasma (3Dark)
Reformulated things into step-by-steps that weren't there before.
You don't have to personally teach majors. If you buy "Taught (Major)" than anyone who knows the major magic can teach it.
That is a very good point, and exactly the kind of reason I post WIPs. I didn't even think of a human v. human sort of situation. Clearly that needs some work.
>it's travellers tale
>every build is 100% for combat
what can sate anons bloodthirst?
More power. Though, it might help if you have him something to try it on?
I was trying to give the same feel to the sins that the original did (pic related). Of course, I'll consider your statements.
Don't worry, there is only 10353 words and that's including a minor alteration I forgot to put in when I posted it.
Vengeful Viking Man
Brawny Gentleman
Dragon Knight
Honorable Kabuto Samurai
Cross between a pub crawl and a quest, going around beating the living shit out of evil with the power of pure testosterone.
More characters. And I think there was a page with quests and BBEGs too.
Here it is.
>10353 words
>no images
I think I'll pass.
Considering that -2 acts as a lower bound of species value, having different expressions of the same magic seem to break the game.
Like having Enchanting being Rare for -2 worth of races, and Common for -1 worth of races, it will give a total cost of -7, compared to -4 if all those races with Common manifestation changed to Rare.
While the text does not recommend repeating the process for the same kind of magic, it does allow for it, so yeah.
>0 character description
trash version
>Apocalypse: Zombie Apocalypse
Boring, sure, cliche, yes, but reliably so, and I think this one is where the odds are most even.
>Shelter: Ship
A pretty easily defensible position with lots of potential for improvement.
>Water Processing Plant (Free with Ship)
>Clinic (380 SP Remain)
>Generator Room (350 SP Remain)
>Store (335 SP Remain)
>Tavern (320 SP Remain)
>Town Hall (295 SP Remain)
The ship already has places for bunks in it, so I'm not too concerned about living space. The majority of points have gone into renovating the ship so that it can be livable again.
Perks: (5 PP)
>Lucky (4 PP Remain)
>Medic (3 PP Remain)
>Armory (2 PP Remain)
>Natural Leader (1 PP Remain)
>Sniper (0 PP Remain)
Luck is indispensable in a situation like this. An armory will be a huge boon to fend off zombies with. As zombies create fear, being a natural leader will help calm those around me, as well as my sniper skills. Being a medic will also likely have the same effect.
>Gordon Wey (288 SP Remain)
>Mateo Enrique (285 SP Remain)
>Raul Tejada (280 SP Remain)
With this combination, I have more than enough manpower to get the ship up and running on schedule.
>James Harvey (272 SP Remain)
I'll be able to cover most of the more dedicated work in the clinic, while James can cover field medicine. Over time, he'll learn more skills.
>Miyo Miyazaki (263 SP Remain)
Adaptability is the most important trait in a zombie apocalypse. The more palatable, the better.
>Bubba (252 SP Remain)
>Nita (242 SP Remain)
>Zane (229 SP Remain)
>Danny (223 SP Remain)
A moderately powerful combat force. Danny will be useful in negotiating with other settlements.
>Damien (221 SP Remain)
>Sasha (206 SP Remain)
>Felicia (191 SP Remain)
Drug usage will not be tolerated. The situation is real and requires the utmost seriousness. We must make do with what we have.
>Worker *2 (171 SP Remain)
>Farmer *3 (156 SP Remain)
My character is a hippie-ish ranger who wishes she was an elf.
Big Bag:
>Corrupt and Deceptive Noble
>Grizzled Detective
>Cool Lesbian Paladin
>Elvish Time Mage
>Hot Rival as husbando
Well this whole thing is unfinished. It's still really rad though.
1 and 3
i mean it's 2016
who even has friends anymore?
societal atomisation babay
What's your long-term plan? Just consolidating your base?
Good catch; thanks. Yeah, this part still needs a lot of work. I'm definitely at the upper bound of how complex I want to make it.
wait! are we just casually allowing women in here now??
Is pdf related the latest version? I'll delete it if not.
no we don't, last women here was driven out not long ago and our forces claim decisive victory. Though, who knows how much time this peace will last until next great evil will arrive
Yeah, that's the latest. That one is in a state I'm reasonably happy with, so I'm concentrating on the DLC.
there's at least one ~grilll itt
not everything that claims to be a girl is one, remain vigilant but know that one you linked is a ruse
Friends and money. I have come to terms dying alone, it doesn't matter anymore. If I have to I can pay a prostitute to pretend to care about me.
Wasn't there a pet rock build last thread and some sort of manipulator build a few threads ago?
>pet rocks
>not bloodthirsty
It'll be in image form soon enough, so no need to worry.
I choose the girl and the money. Sex is the only social thing I care about, and I hate working. Although I don't like that she seems to be a traditional girly girl. Probably a sub, too.
Do the (non-food) items in the Pocket Dimension and the books from the item section have ranks in Impervious/Regeneration?
I'd be pretty mad if someone burned my book of knowledge.
Great CYOA by the way. I'll post my build if I ever manage to decide on one.
>All About Me
Kindness gives people a nice shield. Oh and I'm immortal and potentially very influential on a global scale. Nice.
>Aquatic Infrastructure
Sounds like it could curb pollution efficiently. Also, fun.
Well rocks do tend to be pretty gritty
Things in the Item section explicitly cannot be destroyed (or, not destroyed permanently in the case of the Omni-Weapon).
Things within the Pocket Dimension have no special protections, but you are free to interpret them as "respawning" if you like. But... why are you letting hostile forces into your Pocket Dimension?
And, thanks.
New Arrival
Male, 17, human
Semblance: Force of Nature, Lightning.
Location: Beacon Academy, Vale. There are beast and enemies that need slaying.
Gifts: Memory(-20), Strength(-20), Agility(-20), Energy(-20), Intelligence(-10), Will(-10).
Weapons: Melee will be a simple hand and a half long sword, then I will get a Variable weapon that is a Shield with a Assault rifle combo that has the Dust mod and is Collapsible. Total cost(-600).
Equipment: Scroll(free), Parachute and Grappling Hook(-150), Armor(-100)pic related mainly the left one, Wilderness Gear(-50), Dust Charges(-50). That will be it and I'll pocket the last 50 Lien. Let us preform Jolly co operation.
Not every build is built for combat. Every single Archivist I've seen, even if they have weapons, aren't 100% meant for combat. Some dude made a build for some average lanky guy who can see the fourth wall. There are other builds, but with the armory options, I'm not surprised that people make combat builds.
>But... why are you letting hostile forces into your Pocket Dimension?
If I live here several thousands of years, I'm bound to end up dropping at least SOME pitchers.
Even if it's self-cleaning, the carpet won't last forever either.
Medium [20]
Warrior [45]
Olfactory Upgrade [55]
Night Vision [60]
Brain Upgrade 1 [65]
Electrosense [80]
Extra Strength x2 [100] ;I have to buy this for each arm, right?
Extra Power [110]
Skinsheath [125]
Gullet [130]
Bioelectric Pulse+EMP [155]
Regeneration (Warrior)
Extra Armor 1 (Warrior)
Reflex Upgrade [165]
Chitin Upgrade 3 [195]
Flight [225]
the hell is this awesomeness that I just watched?
Anyone have the mech one where it starts off as pods falling from the sky, allocating points, and then shows different merc groups forming and the police saying warning to be on the lookout for elfish looking people?
Ultraman Ginga Densetsu The Movie
Japan does some things right.
Power Armor CYOA? There's so many versions that it's hard to post here but you can find the wiki easily.
Here's one that I have on my archive.
Shoulda went for electric pusle melee attacks.
You can get some pretty awesome stuff from anime movies that are supposed to be for children.
I went, didn't I? I think the EMP upgrade is just an alternative attack for the melee and not mutually exclusive.
Heh; fair enough.
Why is this band off so good?wat?
And what the hell is with the lucha libres in gimp suits?
It was more in response to your video. Saying you shoulda Kamen Rider hibikid it up.
That's nothing.
Oh, yeah. You're probably right, it's just that music was the one I was listening to while making the build.