So question Veeky Forums. What would happen if you threw a fireteam of high level Guardians from Destiny into Warhammer 40k. How would they do? I mean they seem pretty powerful?
So question Veeky Forums...
something something Guardian weapons fire tanks rounds something something Chaos something something 40k has the bigger dicks something something muh power levels
They die to Tyranids/Tau Battlesuits/Eldar going at very hihg speeds/Space marines/Daemons
That depends on the question of if a guardian from destiny can survive getting shot by a rocket launcher. If the answer is no, then they would just get gibbed by a space marine who has a rocket launcher that rapid fires from a 30 round magazine.
Having played destiny, I can tell you that a guardian cannot survive being shot by a rocket launcher.
What about if you took all of the Guardians in destiny and threw them into warhammer how would they fare? I mean not being able to die is kind of powerful. So is space magic I.E light.
Cabal use Rocket launcher rounds, that then break apart into micro-sharpnel that then explodes more. So Yes, and if not they can revive.
They all die to the afore mentioned threats.
At the end of the day everything in the destiny game is canon.
So it's canon Guardians react at 30 FPS and cannot aim very well.
>Micro shrapnel
Now, I may not be an expert in Sharpnel, but isn't the point of sharpnel to be jagged and tear bits out of the enemy.
If your sharpnel is too small, it'll just be harmlessly dispersed.
They can not die all they want, the power levels of Destiny are pretty low compared to 40k. Hell, they don't even have interstellar travel, and immortality can only get you so far before the Inquisition says fuck it, captures you after using a few regiments as meat shields, and then feeds your weirdo soul to the Emperor.
Guardians can't even dislodge the Vex and all their time travel bullshit. What chance do they have against the literal forces of hell?
I think the point was 'bombs that explode into more bombs' via programmable exotic matter or [insert totally hard sci-fi buzzword here]
Please tell me you are trolling user...
Regardless, lore wise they are beating back the Cabal, the Vex, the Fallen, and the Hive by a huge margin.
I was getting at the fact that it is a rocket, followed by a shredder round inside.
Wait killing time traveling robots and elderitch abomination is low tier?
you can tank a rocket if you have a shield active.
The power levels in Destiny are fucking all over the place.
You, as the Guardian, carry around weapons that are ostensibly just extremely advanced firearms. Your enemies have guns that are miniature portals to suns. They do the same, or less, damage to you as you do to them.
Oryx has broken hundreds of worlds personally, and you shoot him to death with your conventional arms and space magic fire balls. During the fall, humans were using tanks that don't appear to be much ahead of modern MBTs, but Rasputin blew up the Traveller with a hundred anti-matter cannons at once. Space Magic can teleport you all the way from the Moon to Earth when regular teleportation technology can't, but not when you're in combat. You can teleport around the whole system, and your ship doesn't even have a door because teleporting out is easier, but they can't keep the fucking tiles clean in the Tower.
>Regardless, lore wise they are beating back the Cabal, the Vex, the Fallen, and the Hive by a huge margin.
And none of those are a hard threat in the 40k universe.
When you have games that use video game logic like how fast they run or they respawn, then you need to accept the fact that they're reacting at 30 fps with shitty console controls.
We have no information on the effectiveness of 40K armour against Destiny weapons or vice versa.
Oh, and Rasputin can out think something that simulates hundreds of different versions of reality perfectly simultaneously, but can't figure out how to keep the Fallen from breaking into his house.
>Teleporting, time travelling robots that constantly communicate with their past, present, and future selves
>Teleported in and mechanized all of Mercury in days
>Not a threat
Ontological weaponry and time travel are direct threats to every single setting, and those are in the game, not the Grimoire.
It's kind of fucking obscene that Guardians are able to do anything to the Vex or Hive, based on what we're not just told but explicitly shown about them.
>using shitty consoles
>Got beaten buy a few guys with small arms as seen by
You shoot them and they die. Time travel can't be that useful if your robots die to small arms
>not on shitty consoles
So, the Cabal, are literally Space Imperium how are they not a hard threat?
Something something space magic. In Destiny there are Guns and armor that are literally alive and talk to their users. It is pretty insane.
One unit can simulate the whole universe....While the Hive have been reaping worlds for billions of years before Earth was even formed. Meaning They probably have killed at least a Galaxy full of life.
That's actually not that strange, all things considered. Really it depends on which parts of him are still online or fully functional, and which parts he considers important enough to safeguard with those fucking orbital Penis Cannons.
>Wait killing time traveling robots and elderitch abomination is low tier?
Have you ever read any 40k fiction?
That's basically your introduction.
>Got beaten buy a few guys with small arm
And Necrons and Tyranids also get beaten by teams of plucky Space Marines. You're point?
Becuase the Imperium is space Imperium.
Also, last I checked nothing in the Destiny uiverse has anything that resembles power weapons AI. Matter disruption fields that only really get stopped by forcefields.
Entire Necron Tomb-worlds and Tyranid hive fleets don't get beaten by Singular Deathwatch teams.
In Destiny they do.
>not stealing the game from Bungie HQ and modifying it to run on glorious Tabletop Master race 1fph
I've read 40k fiction.
Space Marines get killed by Chaos Cultists using lasguns and fucking autoguns more than once. An army of Necrons is defeated by guys riding on horses with spears.
And all the super awesome threats in Destiny get beaten by small arms and fireballs.
Your point?
Also Rough riders carry shaped charges on their spears, so yeah, that'll fuck alot of shit up.
Even without great tech the sheer amount of guardsmen ahem I mean "astra militarum" that they would throw at guardians would steamroll them.
>Entire Necron Tomb-worlds and Tyranid hive fleets don't get beaten by Singular Deathwatch teams.
>Entire Necron Tomb-worlds and Tyranid hive fleets don't get beaten by Singular Deathwatch teams.
I'm sorry to tell you..
Can you actually post that shit? Because it didn't happen.
Then you know exactly the huge scope on scale in the setting. I'm not saying Guardians couldn't hold their own in 40k, but they're clearly not the biggest or most important Threat.
I'd put them at about Tau level.
If the Guardians were plopped in the middle of Terra, they could kill the Emperor on their own.
No from what I remember the biggest threats were:
>The chaos Gods, which is basically hell given form
>The nids which is a giant hyper evolving plague
>Necrons which are super advanced robots
>space elves who are dying off
>orcs, waaaagh
Only the high level threats actually screams at me as high tier elderitch abomination or killer time traveling robot. Everything else not really.
Guns kill plenty of shit especially guns that are space magic or paracasual. If dudes with spears and horse can kill necrons, then dudes with space magic can kill other crazy shit.
Even if the traveler was there? I mean they cannot really die unless you have the specific means to kill em, so wars of attrition are a bit one sided against them.
There is a difference to lore and ingame balancing. Choose one.
Actually, I'd put them on the same level as Dark Eldar.
Not many, fancy tech, like teleporting and shit.
>300 Custodes instantly wipe them out
top kek
Necron codex, brokini. Deathwatch team stealth into a Tomb while the planet is waking up, plant some charges and GTFO.
Oh no, those are both things that happened in fluff. The Rough Riders was in a recent IG codex, and the autoguns was in a recent White Scars novel.
It did.
>300 Custodes instantly wipe them out
but who would hold door?
That was several Deathwatch teams.
And sure, if you kill a Tomb world while it's not fully functional, I guess it counts.
Point remains, Deathwatch are 100% more well equipped and trained than the Guardians in Destiny.
For one; they brought planet cracker explosives.
Two: they didn't stop the Entire Necron race with one tomb world like the guardians did.
See, Light balances everything out. It's literally a writer caveat/plot armor. If there's no Darkness in 40k, Light can continue to break every of rule reality/physics there is and have the Guardians beat everything.
In the same vein, if there was no Light in 40k, the Darkness could just blow everyone up one at a time. Acausal magic/weapons are a bitch.
What I'm saying is that lore does not transcribe into the tabletop game, a guardsmen shooting a single las gun at a terminator in game can kill a terminator. In lore there is a 1000/1 chance of that happening. It's why the point system really doesn't make sense. In combat a space marine should be at least 50 guardsmen.
What autistic shit are you talking about user.
How in the world are they better equipped? How, when your weapons can defy logic and do absurd things? What can the weapons that deathwatch do? Fire "tank shells"? You're going to have to do something better than that.
I know, and what I'm saying is that in lore a single guardsmen shot a Space Marine and he died. That's kind of unusual, but so is space marines soloing an entire planet.
As you say, Space Marines generally boil down to about 50-100 guardsmen in fluff. Which is a pretty hefty amount, but not all that much compared to the literal armies that a single guardian is worth.
Respawn unless Ghost is destroyed, etc. I wonder if a Guardian can obtain a rare weapon, die with it & thus endlessly mass produce it.
>high tier elderitch abomination
That's pretty much ANY Chaos Daemon. The Gods are a step above that in the same way that Yog-Sothoth is a few steps above Cthulhu.
>killer time traveling robot
Time Travelling is pretty common in 40k fluff, although I think there's only one or two characters (Necrons, IIRC) that do it routinely and intentionally.
>Even if the traveler was there?
The Traveller definitely changes the equation by more than a little.
>so wars of attrition are a bit one sided against them.
Not so much. A billion planets producing human meat for the warmachine can probably out grind the Guardians fairly easily by sheer mass.
I'd say that the Guardians lack of Warp Travel stops them from being a major threat.
The second the orks find out there is a galaxy that has an infinitely respawning enemy of ded 'ard 'umies with big dakka is the second the Guardians stop being a threat to the Imperium.
And the Orks too, probably.
>Hey guys, what if X was in 40k?
Is it tuesday already?
Because when they go in to eliminate a target, they don't fire fireballs and shoot small arms, they pick their weapons properly and uttely devastate the target because they learned and developed their weapons to combat them.
See, Guardian weapons don't defy logic and do absurd things, they shoot bullets and energy like every other weapon.
At the end of the day, an ork Nob will bisect a guardian with a power Klaw.
That is how worthless guardians are
I'd rather spawn Samus Aran or Doomguy.
>but not all that much compared to the literal armies that a single guardian is worth.
No, Guardians are imbued with light and so are their guns. They can do anything they want because of that. Oryx was literally indestructible, but Light allowed him to be killed.
It's bullshit, but it's the explanation given.
We should note that much is in-universe propaganda. A Melta gun would fuck up World Eaters good.
>but not all that much compared to the literal armies that a single guardian is worth.
I'm sorry to tell you..
It's Doomslayer now, at least that's what the demons call him.
kek I messed it up, was trying to mimic and
I think I remembe, "The Guardians choose their own Fate" or something. The Vex already have multiple alternative timelines where they've won yet still can't defy that.
>not the user you're responding to
Guardians in full force would be like an eldar army. Good tech and psych but would fall flat in the sheer amount of dakka that any 40k army could produce.
In-Universe propaganda is a really shitty explanation for 40ks inconsistencies. It's just written by shitloads of different writers pulling in all kinds of different directions.
A thousand space marines can conquer an entire planet, and twenty dudes with rifles can kill a space marine. An Eldar has diamond bones and moves faster than the human eye can percieve, but gets krumped by a single ork with a choppa. The Tyranids can out adapt anything, except for when the Tau create a virus that kills all of them. The Necrons can build a machine that switches off suns, but can't fix their faulty wiring.
Despite all that, the Squats are the only ones smart enough to escape 40k.
>That's pretty much ANY Chaos Daemon. The Gods are a step above that in the same way that Yog-Sothoth is a few steps above Cthulhu.
No it is not, the Chaos daemons have not taken countless worlds and shit them out as nothing but barren landscapes. In terms of fluff Destiny wise Oryx has been fucking up species longer then some Chaos gods have been alive
>Time Travelling is pretty common in 40k fluff, although I think there's only one or two characters (Necrons, IIRC) that do it routinely and intentionally.
Give me a source, I'm genially curious about that.
>The Traveller definitely changes the equation by more than a little.
This I agree with.
>Not so much. A billion planets producing human meat for the warmachine can probably out grind the Guardians fairly easily by sheer mass.
Meh, I don't think guardians would fight the Imperium, but if they did, I guarantee that they would go for the shit that matters and not just grind it. They would hit key worlds the rest would go back to the dark ages.
Guardians are worth armies. Channeling light makes them godslayers. I actually wouldn't put it pass them to go into one of the Chaos Gods Realms and kill them there.
So. Chaos, then?
There's the entire Chronomancer order of Crypteks, but most of them are just able to do stuff like slow time and see the future. Only Orikan has the ability to move backwards or forwards through time at will, and even he admits it's not infallible. He's lost despite it before, and he clearly can't just go back in time and erase humans for instance.
If anything I think Chaos would stand the best chances desu. But that depends on the Guardians.
So still not as strong as the Vex, but it is an ability to time travel which is pretty strong.
>If anything I think Chaos would stand the best chances desu. But that depends on the Guardians.
Nono, he literally described Chaos with that.
Isn't the Traveler actually the bad-guy?
Naw, Chaos has established limits within the canon. It's powered by faith/souls/emotional energy. They're not all powerful. They can be pushed back by powerful enough psykers.
No, but it's not as friendly as it appears. It's self-interested, and doesn't care about humanity, but ultimately it's better to live under it than live under/worship the Darkness.
It's literally the "light/dark" argument.
>bad guy
he is just being held at doomsday gun-point by rasputin, who probably shut himself down because he figured that if there were less humans to use Light, the people that manifested Light would be stronger to fight against the Darkness with. he took a Darth Bane approach to it. the traveler is just using humanity as meat shields while it heals form stopping the Vex back when the Darkness first arrived in system, and pushed the Darkness beyond the Jovian moons
Guy, Black Libary novels are so inconsistent. There is one that says that when a mass-react shell explodes it's blast radius is a meter.
Now see, they might stand a chance of doing something productive, although I think the latter might be to busy killing deamons to bother with anything else.
There's a BL novel that devotes several pages to Space Marines farting in each others faces.
>killing Daemons
>not productive
I'm betting that Khorne has huge guts.
It kinda is a good guy but the Darkness is doing its own shit to it.
Ohh nooo, grenades on sticks
but user, what if they were melta grenades?!
that has mostly to do with Paracausal when killing the things that shouldn't really die to just bullets.
I think that Kars & especially Jorge Joestar Kars would do more damage.
It's a "helps those who help themselves" kinda deal. In the end, it is the best ending for humanity, but it isn't going to be anywhere near as easy as the Darkness could have been. Moreover, it appears to leave unless someone, or something, stops it. I kinda take that as one final test before it helps you fight off the Darkness.
Once Doomguy sees someone from 40k, he's probably gonna scream "YOU ARE HUGE! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE HUGE GODS!"
>18 meters
Get the fuck out of here with your shitty ups you fucking poser.
>implying you have a 60 foot vertical leap.
>jump when you can fly
He's already killed one of those.
I doubt jumping ability is anything relevant to Kars.
He'll want to rip and tear a few more
I don't believe you
Space Marine - Ian Watson.
Literal pages.
No point to this thread, all you're going to get is 40k dick swinging
>it's 40k vs thread
Your first point is factually incorrect on the first count, and only vaguely sort of relevant on the second. Anyone who's waggling dicksize with Chaos doesn't really grip how Chaos works; you can't kill or defeat Chaos (and it, in turn, can't REALLY kill or defeat you; at worst, it corrupts you and makes you a part of itself, but even then, you still have autonomy. Chaos is weird) so the power levels of Chaos are neither greater or less than anything else, they're just operating with different goals and on a different scale. Basically, you can't beat Chaos because Chaos can't lose; this isn't a power level thing, it's a blueberries and pebbles thing: maybe the same shape if you squint right, but fundamentally completely different things. The Chaos Gods are ACTUAL gods, metaphysical and spiritual beings, not just some hopped up wizard. 'Killing' them doesn't actually do anything, especially not in the long run.
As for the scale of the Imperium thing, I don't think you grasp just how many worlds there are in the Imperium. The number is in the multiple billions, and there ARE no key points, no 'shit that matters'. Every forge world is just as relevant as any other.
Now, this isn't to say that Guardians would just die or be beaten by the 40k setting. They'd, honestly, be just fine, but they wouldn't take over the galaxy or anything. They'd be on the level of, say, the Grey Knights or any other powerful Space Marine chapter, maybe a vague cut above, but that's about it.
Your concept of 'winning', and the fanboys defending 40k, is irrelevant to the discussion.
Like it is in all of these threads.
There are only 1 million worlds in the Imperium and there are absolutely key points.
The Segmentum Naval bases, Mars, Terra, Cadia, wherever there is a local telepathic relay, etc.
You're engaged in a fanwank-battle with a 12 year old, you don't have to exaggerate to win.
I don't care, I refuse to believe something that fucking stupid is in a book that was published by actually people.
Does the Traveler actually care about humanity? Is it really benevolent?
nah, it was going to leave b4 the speaker shot it so bad it shut down
No. It's survival tactic is to stay a few centuries ahead of Darkness, uplift any local sapients, give them a power boost, enjoy being god for another century, use the ants he gave big boy guns as meatshields, skip town, and repeat until space and time ends.
Humanity was just the most promising race so far so it stayed a little longer just to be sure we weren't worth its time which was JUST enough time for us to aim all our shiny new guns at its kneecaps.
Now it HAS to help us to live and we get to suck its never ending river of blood to fuel our magical space warriors.
Depends on if they could cut a deal with some faction and which one it is.
If they can't, they're fucked. Guardians are hard motherfuckers, but the 40k galaxy has a fair number of hard motherfuckers itself and a bottomless well of population from which to draw an endless tide of scrubs to support their hard motherfuckers.
If the Guardians manage to sign on with a radical inquisitor or something so that they are inside that support network and can be deployed or withdrawn at need, they are going to have a long career of kicking tremendous amounts of ass. The galaxy becomes a very slightly brighter place. Not fixed, not even close, but better.
There used to be* an arm of the Inquisition dedicated to time travel and the preservation of continuity as well. Though they've apparenty obliterated themselves either by meddling with shit they shouldn't or getting into some sort of Time War that went badly for them.
*is the part tense correct when referring to something that has never existed, but which did have existed 'before' erasing itself?
English isn't built to handle describing time travel related catastrophes.