Meet some cleric, devoted to what seems to be some foreign anti-undead god

>Meet some cleric, devoted to what seems to be some foreign anti-undead god
>Claims he is One true God, Lord of Light, the usual delusions, but fine if it has smitey-y disposition toward undead
>be in some cave, fighting an usurper kings' troops, when she says Night is dark and full of terrors, gets nude and seems to be suddenly pregnant
>gives birth to something that is OBVIOUSLY an incorporeal shadow, quite possible an undead itself

Smite - yes/no?

Smite shadow, bag the cleric for later.

>Claims he is One true God

In a setting with other gods probably. Otherwise her god's the only one that actually does something, so fuck the Seven we're going full R'hllor over here.


>Stannis 'bring your daughter to the slaughter' Baratheon

>Claims he is One true God

>Implicitly denouncing all other Good Gods
>saying that PELOR isn't a true god

Nail the cleric's god to a cross. Every nonhuman deserves that.


What the fuck is even happening? Are we a first, second or third person? Are we cleric or not? Who is "she"?
Proofread your shit next time.

This post is an incomprehensible fucking mess.

So basically, smite Mellywags? Fuck no. She makes R'hllor look awesome by having the hottest clerics. Especially when she looks like she's creaming her panties as wossername is about to get burned alive. We can burn heretics and necromancers together, then I'll be glad to help her pump out more shadow soldiers or whatever.


No, see, what you do is back away slowly, then run away very quickly, then have the Wizard summon something that can nuke it all in one shot.

>smiting meli
might be a zealot who burns people for fun but in a world where ice zombies want to felate your asshole i think it can be excused, albeit hated
the show really fucked this shit up

Is this a Game of Thrones reference? I feel this is a Game of Thrones reference.

>implying GRR won't follow the show as far as the yet unwritten events are concerned

>treefinder fags

"Your God commands you to murder children, then your Lord is Evil."

I thought the Drowned God was real too. Sure made him seem that way in the books.

The show is far less mystic then the books. They don't even got Patchface at all and Aeron gets a lot less exposure.

Best response

But i could never kill Melisandre. I love the Stannis, Davos, and Melly interplay.

Also she's a dutch goddess.
