What would be a good game to play with my wife's son? He's 13.
What would be a good game to play with my wife's son? He's 13
>my wife's son
Anything you might think is fun. Buddies kids do Pathfinder. Anothers just got thrown straight into Dark Heresy. Just keep away from succubi and slaaneshi cults i suppose.
Yes? My wife's son. Open relationship.
Dark Heresy seems a little complicated.
What's it like to be a cuck in the legitimate sense of the word?
It's 2016, user. Times change.
Cuck: the cuckening.
>Hey Hitler, why are we invading Poland?
>Because it's 1939 man, times change.
Not an argument mate.
But they do. A few years ago a mixed race kid like him wouldn't even have existed! People think differently, get used to it.
That's depressing
Confirmed for troll
Are you a meme made real? A thoughtform, a cuck tulpa?
Anyway, real answer: wargames, rpgs, or boardgames?
I'd try to stir him towards what I consider 'good' games, with interesting design that caters to what I consider 'good' gameplay, even if niche. He can play the 'popular' stuff with his friends later, but he'll carry does lesson within himself.
Yes, of course this is a twisted way to make him more 'yours', why are you even asking.
That would be Epic:Armageddon, or Legend of the Wulin, or the Riddle of Steel, or Wushu. Dunno about boardgames, I'm not a fan.
Hide the Sausage.
Sure, a troll. Can I get game suggestions now?
Not that the cuckposting isn't so hilarious.
My suggestion is to kill yourself
stop trying to force /pol/ memes on Veeky Forums
That's lazy writing.
Why not a murder-suicide?
Or leaving the family, moving to the Carribean, shaking up with a native, take up painting, and leave subtle hints of where he'll hide the fortune he's making with his paintings in each work, in a way that only his wife's son, by studying HIS family's genealogy and history, could find it?
>Lazy writing
That is all the effort you're worth
Where do you even buy Epic models in 2016?
Could you tell me more about the other ones?
I'm not the cuck, just a drive-by user.
Mices & Mystics.
Ladders & Snakes.
Monopoly Junior.
That game breaks families apart. Nice try.
>Implying this cuck is in a family
might I suggest Tyrants & Tendies
What else would you call yourself, your wife, and her son?
Replying because you seem to have attracted the cringiest of shitposters.
My money is on an rpg experience that's heavy on theme and theatrics and less so on mechanics, to an extent.
What amounts to a hallway with an Orc waiting at the end could be a treacherous labyrinth of shadows and hidden danger with a promise of shiny. Really push the atmosphere, and how his sword cleaves the evil foe in twain, etc etc
It's not until he grows up to be a wretched little manchild will he start moaning and shitting his pants over little details, or worse turning into one of those types that plays RPG's to "win"
Use Fate Accelerated with any setting you think he might like.
What's a good rules-light system?
You proxy the shit out of other 2mm models, and wait for the revival. GW promised it! They promised! There are also recasters, look on the taccom forums (if those are still active).
Wushu is from the time there was that big narrativist/gamist/simulationist divide. It's a very rules light 'narrativist' game, I like it as a tool to teach good GMing, since the main mechanic is a 'timing' mech (the show goes on no matter what, it might go faster or slower, in a straight line or not).
Legend of the Wulin is a Wuxia game, based on a simple, but really versatile, yatzee-like mechanic. Sometimes described as 'freeform-lite', but really it's just that the mechanic is a bit abstract. It requires work for worldbuilding, but it does in a way that is easy but still interesting (on the rules side, at least).
The Riddle of Steel (and its successors, the Blade of the Iron Throne and a Song of Swords) are simulationist games based on an HEMA-built engine, with the BEST levelling mechanic ever. With a bit of statistics, you can solve the Riddle of Steel, but why would you? The original needs work on the magic and worldbuilding.
The fact that you explicitly brought up your cuckoldry in OP leads me to believe that this isn't about games at all, but about your sick fetish. You're probably getting off to be insulted in this thread
Magic: the wallet draining
Star wars x-wing: the wallet draining
Golden sky wallet draining stories.
Those sound pretty good, honestly. Apart from the idea of trusting GW.
Tell your "wife" to leave you and marry her son's father. Give the poor kid a chance.
I think "my wife's son" is short and descriptive of who I am playing with.
I have so many images I never get to use
You could have said "my son". Even if he's not biologically yours, you should damn well be treating him as such if you're really married.
At least OP's making sure one less child grows up in a broken, incomplete home.
Your advice is noted. I will tell my wife to hunt down her boyfriend from 2002 because Veeky Forums told her to.
He should be out of the picture entirely
Even better.
This. He's either your son or you're a cuck.
I could have, but it was more accurate. Why is it a big deal?
What's the best way to seduce your wife?
Are you going to sit in the room and watch while I fuck her?
>parent teacher conference season
>specifically request X's parents come in to talk about his habitually late homework
>X is clearly mixed race and at least partially african american
>both parents are white as ghosts
>assume they adopted, talk about X's homework, they agree to try to make sure he does it
>fast forward a month, watching a soccer game to keep up appearances
>X's dad is, by chance, sitting next to me
>notice that he's constantly looking at this large african american dude sitting a few rows ahead of us
>make small talk with X's dad, eventually ask him if there's something wrong
>denies it, says the man is a "family friend"
>game ends, X scored the only point of the game
>short team meeting on the field, and then the players all leave
>X walks straight to the big black guy, doesn't even look at his "dad", they hug and leave together
The hollow, crestfallen look on the "dad"'s face was just awful. The silence between us sitting there in the stands after that was easily the most awkward experience that I've had.
Maybe because that descriptor is literally a meme?
Open relationship does not imply I sit there and jerk off in a corner, user.
Fuck off
Everything is a meme.
I have a wife. She has a son. I would like to play traditional games with said son. Sorry I hurt your backwards sensibilities.
Why, don't you enjoy the thought of your betrothed being sexually pleasured by other men, or were you pressured into this because you are spineless?
Claiming that it's more accurate is an admission that you don't consider him your son. Which means that the situation is fucked from all angles. You don't actually have a son, the kid doesn't actually have a dad, and the race thing is going to raise people's eyebrows whenever you're together in public.
Bastardized 3.5 is easy enough
(Kids name) the slayer
20 HP
Climb +5
Jump +5
Longsword - 1d8
Dagger - 1d3
Stupidly easy - 5
Requires effort - 10
Hard - 15
Very hard - 20
Monster AC
trash mob - 10
High hp boss - 10
Low hp boss - 15
Monster damage
Trash mob - 1d2
Boss 1d4
Some cunt of a monster and his bros are terrorizing the land. Eating livestock, destroying homes, hiding tv remotes, real sick shit. The world needs a slayer. Have him go in a cave, and not just crack skulls, but really push to be creative. If some tentacle monster or a net grabs him, explain that a sword is unusable but a dagger can be wielded. Reward him for acting like a hero. Bashing down doors, sliding on shields, one liners, push that shit and he'll remember the adventure forever.
I fuck other women too, user. Open relationship.
You're trying to dodge the question
Do you actually have any biological children or even children that you consider your own?
If we could move on with the Veeky Forumss, and leave the trolling, worth of other boards, behind, it would be great.
I'm pretty curious, which other games would the board suggest to introduce teens to gaming - NO MATTER WHO THEIR FATHER IS!
This filth has no place here
Well, I'm not his father, factually. Call me pedantic.
You are one of the few helpful people here.
Oh, I'm so glad we're letting /v/ in again.
I hope he gets bone cancer or any other kind of organ failure and you suddenly find out that neither can donate to him. You created something that is reprehnsible for an evolutionist and a religious person. Quite impressive.
No, I do not have a cuck fetish.
I'm sterile, alright?
If people would simply stop responding to shitposters they'd go away. Alas, that's not what happens.
You do, aye, don't you?
Got them coming and going, hot and cold bitches, positively drowning in pussy, that you are man.
Eh, cuckolding is a thing in some animal species. The female member of bird mating pairs will often seek out outside males to mate with.
So you admit you don't menjoy the thought of your "wife" getting fucked by other men.
What's it like looking into the face of young Tyreese every morning and knowing that he came from your "wife" getting railed by a nog?
Filthy breeders that want to play games with impressionable teenagers...
That sounds just so DIRTY!
His name is Tobias, I don't mind the idea of your crass comments about my wife, and it doesn't bother me.
And yet you responded to OP.
Is it plausible that OP is super pedantic about how he refers to the child in his home that he apparently doesn't consider himself the father too? Sure. Is it plausible that OP was unaware that he was posting a single line that just so happened to contain a shitposting meme? Sure. Is it plausible that he would randomly decide to tell us all that the kid is mixed race for any reason other than baiting? Sure.
All that combined though? That stretches my ability to assume naive ignorance.
>Implying this cuck is breeding
How new are you?
Sure, like all Veeky Forums frequenters, I'm a stud.
He's sterile, have some heart.
now name a species where both partners look for it ?
H. sapiens sapiens.
The woman I married, yes. My legal wife.
can someone post the smoking rat with red eyes reaction please
Not everyone is up to speed on ebin maymays.
You know OP, you could have avoided all of this by saying "my stepson" even if its only unofificially.
Furthermore, your first response to a cuckolding accusation should have been "I'm still closer to getting some than you've ever been".
Finally, why not just take the little bugger on a trip to a friendly local gaming store, let him look around and see what interests him? I can almost guarentee it'll be X-Wing or Warhammer, but you never know.
You did not marry her if this is the way you behave and furthermore rationalize this behavior, you have a legal document that provides her with a tax break in addition to you providing for the children of other men
I think its spelled "MeiMeis" now because of a new video game about superheroes making action poses.
>implying a behavior has to be advantageous for both partners in order to be evolutionarily advantageous
Increased genetic diversity is generally a plus. Sure, the male bird gets fuck all out of his mate stepping out on him, but at least he'll get some genetic offspring out of the bargain.
>Not fact
The redefinition of marriage does not make sense.
After all, marriage is basically a religious institution. Animals do not marry. They might mate for life, they might even feel affection, but they do not marry: they aren't capable of doing so. To marry is to swear an oath of fidelity in a relationship between man, woman, and God. Take God out of the equation, and fidelity out of the equation, and all you have left is a relationship, no different and no better than any two cohabiting people. What's the point of calling that a marriage? Its like calling celery a fruit.
>Increased genetic diversity is generally a plus
Only when a population is on the verge of extinction you illiterate cuck
The worst part is that this kind of behaviour is already as old as mankind self. The term cuckold even being credited to fucking shakespeare. Yet, OP validates his destructive, idiotic and frankly regressive behaviour as some kind of heraldic moment for progessive times.
You need to fucking kill yourself.
Is it called your stepson if you were married when he was born?
I wanted to introduce him -before- I bought a bunch of figurines.
>After all, marriage is basically a religious institution
Incorrect. It's a social and economic institution that has acquired religious connotations in multiple religions.
Good to know I'm not married to my wife of fifteen years.
Just saying, species where the 'alpha' male tries to hold on to multiple unfaithful females are pretty common, from reptiles to primates.
Not strictly cuckholdry, but they make a pretty good mess of parental ties all the same.
In many places you could divorce your wife on infidelity grounds.
No, genetic diversity is pretty much always advantageous. Genetic uniformity leaves populations extremely vulnerable to changing conditions and disease.
Bananas may or may not go extinct within our lifetimes for this very reason.
For every one woman you touch, she's banging five dudes user.
Let that sink in.
Women have a lower difficulty in choosing a sexual partner, while men have a high difficulty. This isn't /r9k/ beta shit, it's a simple fact.
For every pussy you get near, she can end the day with 5 roosters going to town on her.
I want the other anons here to understand, that open relationships are 100% warning sign your woman is faithless.
No, marriage came after sexual cohabitation
Marriage is a vow
>Is it called your stepson if you were married when he was born?
Yeah. Or just regular "son", whichever you prefer. I'd go with son if you've always been the father figure.
>I wanted to introduce him -before- I bought a bunch of figurines.
Right, which is why youbfind out what he's interested in, and see if the store owners will run a demo game so he has actually played it and knows it won't be boring.
Sure, a vow to stick together for social/economic reasons. The religious aspect is purely secondary. Greeks sure as fuck weren't making vows to Christ hundreds of years before his birth.