Well anons, time for some confesions of the most evil shit you've done in rpgs. I'll go first
I saved a baby only to kill it in front of it's mother so it could be more traumatizing.....I was feeling dickish that day
Well anons, time for some confesions of the most evil shit you've done in rpgs. I'll go first
I saved a baby only to kill it in front of it's mother so it could be more traumatizing.....I was feeling dickish that day
I set an orphanage on fire to act as a distraction whilst my party fled the town.
I committed genocide because my characters father was kind of a jerk
Well, seems this thread has two good ones so far
>cut out child's tongue to use as a spell component
>promised to cast greater restoration, forgot that the cleric didn't prepare that
>used as ingredient in a spell that 1) Led us to the McGuffin 2) Allowed her to unleash an unspeakable plague onto the adjacent plane
I regularly fluff my monk's Flurry of Blows as the scene from Pan's Labyrinth with the wine bottle.
Mine isn't great because the party wouldn't let me do it despite multiple opportunities. It was Dark Heresy. We were on our mission to prove ourselves to the Inq. I was carrying this chaos warp artifact since mission 1. Just being in it's presence would slowly cause insanity - holding it for prolonged periods probably certain death. I carried it the entire first arc. At least 3 times I had tossed the idea to the group of handing if off to some random hive scummer to make the entire planet fall to madness. Nope... Instead I had to settle with walking up behind a guy in a bar (literally just entered the place) and stab him in the neck because he was bothering some people.
Most evil thing I ever did, killed my character's loyal dog for food to avoid starving to death.
Most evil thing another player ever did, wew boy it's hard to say but I know for sure which PC it was. I think probably the worst was she killed another PC's pregnant wife and assumed her identity, then forced him to be reborn as her child by slowly, progressively (so he wouldn't notice) stealing his soul through sex and forcing it into the unborn child. Later on when he regained his memories from his past life and realized the truth behind it all and what she'd done, she killed him in a ritual for more power.
>Dwarven Van Helsing
Used a large amount of silver needles to get information out of a Vampiric assassin that was sent after the party.
Burned a tied-up noble child's face with my pipe to find out if his parents were part of a cult.
Locked the rest of the party out the room while I hung an Elven noble by his legs and slowly cut off his ears Resevoir Dogs style. I sat and talked with him a while as I smoked my pipe and Then cut off his genitals, thus ending a family line that hard been part of The Violation. (Think of the West forcing itself on Japan, but with Elves using magic to get into the Dwarven intercity.)
>Black Crusade
Habitually killing the navigators of ships we board and engaging the warp drive on our way out the door.
>playing an evil campaign
And yet, we really don't have any fodder for this. We've been playing more LN/TN/CN than anything else. I've been doing so out of a desire to not become coldsteel the hedgehog, given that I'm already playing le edgy tiefling sorc, and everyone else doesn't seem to want to RP evil shit.
The closest I got was with another character, a CE cleric of essentially Satan:
>come across a refugee camp
>refugees are all ardent worshippers of Pelor, led by a high priestess
>enter church tent, locate Holy Book of Pelor
>shout the in-universe equivalent of ALLAHU ACKBAR
>maximized Flame Strike
>some time later, the priestess herself appears to reassure the masses
>maximized Flame Strike
and then it turned out that the whole thing was a charade set up by an evil sorcerer, so I was unwittingly doing the Lord's work, but oh well.
I killed Big E, sent a new tyranid hive fleet into the eye of terror, genocided the tau, Eldar, and made the few salamanders I didn't kill watch as there "families" we're slowly tortured.
Then I died to create malal......it's a long story
>small party of two, playing scouts in Only War. sniper-brawler duo.
>bunch of sneaky gangs of grots roleplaying as special forces has been a pain in the ass for the past few weeks, to the point of almost killing us on a couple of occasions
>character has previously found out that he can mimic a pretty good orkish rendition of low-gothic, so he can use it to interrogate said grots when they are captured, which happens on three separate occasions
>first time
>got the grot out of a mini-power armour, cut off his ear when he wouldn't give out intel, then executed it on the spot
>second time
>party mate skewered a Delta Grot through the abdomen with a spike bayonet as he was fleeing a scene
>proceeded to use it as a popsicle stick to hold the grot up as character interrogates to enhance his willingness to answer questions
>we send him back with (fake) information to report, but the one who did the skewering wants the bayo back, so my PC just gives it to him and plugs the hole with a handy stick he found laying around to prevent bloodloss
>third time
>really in a murder mood because they were annoying shits even in the town we were sent to billet for R&R
>find Delta Grot dreg innamanhole
>burn him with a cigar to accentuate questions
>sit on top of boxes and ask questions KGB style as the other party members beat the lights out of him with a plastic bag over his head (as a waterboarding alternative).
>when he gives out, extract information and execute him, stone-faced.
>Habitually killing the navigators of ships we board and engaging the warp drive on our way out the door.
I like your style
OP, that's not evil. You killed one baby.
That's you being a 15 year old boy.
I mean, that's kind of the point of the thread.
In the session I retired my favorite character, I assisted Lilith in resurrecting Satan. Ultimately didn't work, due to party saving the day.
I gave my players just enough XP to be one short of a new level at the end of our last session.
Never been one for evil shit, but my ranger broke the legs of our wizard when we were outrunning some shadow serpent thing.
Saved his life, as the sepent passed right over him, but he never quite recovered.
>mfw I ended his adventuring career.
>Party of tree
>Witch rethorician
>Alchemist Vivisectionist (me)
>Paladin of Torag
I got a "clinic", that is little more then a torture dungeon with all kind of aberations, mutants, anthropomorphic animals, polymorphed enemies and so fort.
Also, a living grandfather clock i made out of a guy who tried to rob my clinic, and an alarm system made out of living heads and hands that ring the bells. The things you can do with people when you cut their vocal cords and give them local anestesia (most of the time).
The paladin (actually the player itself) was not interested in any of this, until one day he came down to the cellar.
Long story short - I convinced him all those atrocities i keep in my clinic are not the dealings of a evil person. It's science.
So our GM took his aligment down a notch form lawfull good to neutral good. Didn't made any difference, but the pala player was pissed at me for next 7 sessions. And in-game, he couldn't do a thing to me, since trough cleverly making of contracts, I own the keep. And I'm also more powerful then he is.
Kept the party fed.
On bits of whatever sapient races we fought.
Without their knowledge.
They praised my cooking skills.
Yeah, you're right. I've done something MUCH worse
>playing illusion mage
>meets king of a rich kingdom
>secretly fuck the queen and princesses
>take the hottest princess for myself, saying she's in danger
>give king murderous fury
>king kills all but the princess I'm with
>has princess see all of it
>escapes with her and causes the illusion to end having the king be wracked with guilt
>has his daughter be my sex slave who hates her dad and will be queen once the king dies
>king is executed
>she becomes queen and promises me money and all the sex I want
You are truly evil my friend
Got the soldiers under my command addicted to my race's ritual combat drug, thereby ensuring their utter loyalty and continued brutality when they were in my boarding party.