So, I've been fiddling some more with the stormhost I plan on using for the summer campaign, and I've narrowed it down to two lists, both with the same overall theme.
Radiant Gallant rapid reaction force (Order allegiance; 2k pts)
Lord-Celestant (Reckless, Relic Blade) - 100
Liberators (5; swords&shields, grandsword) - 100
Liberators (5; hammers&shields, grandhammer) - 100
Decimators (5) - 200
Protectors (5) - 200
Judicators (5; crossbows, shockbolt) - 160
Judicators (5; crossbows, shockbolt) - 160
Skyborne Slayers - 140
Retributors (5; 2 starsouls) - 220
Retributors (5; 2 starsouls) - 220
Prosecutors (3; hammers&shields, grandhammer) - 100
Hammerstrike Force - 120
Knight-Venator (Phoenix Stone) - 120
Prosecutors (3; javelins&shield, trident) - 80
Pros: diverse arrangement of troops; still decent mobility after the teleport
Cons: need to build and paint 4 Retributors and 3 Prosecutors; Prosecutors vulnerable
Radiant Gallant rapid reaction force (Order allegiance; 2k pts)
Lord-Celestant (Reckless, Relic Blade) - 100
Liberators (10; swords&shields, grandswords) - 200
Liberators (10; hammers&shields, grandhammers) - 200
Decimators (5) - 200
Protectors (10) - 400
Judicators (10; crossbows, shockbolts) - 320
Judicators (10; crossbows, shockbolts) - 320
Skyborne Slayers - 140
Knight-Venator (Phoenix Stone) - 120
Pros: nearly everything one batallion; total battleshock immunity; large units
Cons: need to paint 10 basecoated Judicators; mostly anti-infantry
I am really uncertain which one to go for. I wish I hadn't dragged my feet and had already painted the lot.
Thematically and mechanically the two are fairly similar, but I suspect they'll require some fairly different playstyles.