Bitcoin $30K by January 6th, 2018

This is not a drill.

This is not a joke.

This is not a troll.

This is practically the same fucking post I made here on Sunday, trying to tell you cucks the future.

Now do you believe me?

Bitcoin is going to be over $30K in less than a month. Act accordingly.

This is your FINAL warning.

Other urls found in this thread:

what happens after that?
whats 1st quarter 2018 territory looking like?

if this is true then BTC will hit $1M before 2030

>tfw The Halvening isn't until 2020 and it rises 10k+ a month until then

This has to be a mania. I mean seriously.
I have no issue with participating for ridiculous gains but come the fuck on.
Is this really pumping to $100k someday? This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for but it feels so wrong.

Yes. And the $100K mark is coming a lot sooner than you think.

There are no brakes on growth from here. Only small short-lived dips of 10-30%. Just watch.

>mfw $1 = 1 satoshi isn't a dream any more
>mfw Veeky Forums will meme $1 = 1 satoshi into existence
>mfw Veeky Forums gets rich and /pol/ gets an orange

>muh 2018 gains

korean will pop this bubble

>10% of the market is willing to pay 3k over spot for BTC
>he thinks it will go down
1 BTC will be 100 million USD by 2020. The lightning network debuted today and will probably go live before the bubble pops so normies will actually be able to buy, and more importantly use, BTC


Peasants are going to be begging me for 0.0000001 coins

>people still trade on bitfinex

The problem is once BTC reaches 100k USD, 100K USD is not going to be worth what you think it is.

In other words, this is starting to turn into a run on USD and other centralized currencies.


what's so fucking weird is how BTC value has skyrocketed, yet there are (to my knowledge) not a SINGLE extra service that accept BTC as payment

everyone's only putting money into BTC because they want to get the USD out of it

it's user adoption combined with a rare asset. millionaires are now realizing there aren't enough for all of them to have one. you think 20K matters to them? why is this so hard to comprehend? it will be a million within a year

It'll hit $1MM before 2022, tops.

>everyone's only putting money into BTC because they want to get the USD out of it
maybe poorfags are doing that.

will you cut your dick too if your preDICKtion is wrong?

Only sub-saharan niggers think like this. Bitcoin Is the new standard.

fuuuug D:

>bitcoin is going to infinity