What DnD class produces the best waifus?
>implying girlbarian and lady paladin stand a chance at MC's heart with a monk waifu around.
What DnD class produces the best waifus?
>implying girlbarian and lady paladin stand a chance at MC's heart with a monk waifu around.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Great social skills
Female knights make the best waifus. Prove me wrong.
Brethren-tip: You literally cannot
But that's clearly a ranger user, it's not the player fault the DM said the player could translate the multi-shot feats to crossbow.
No need, you did it yourself.
>Wanting a slut
>Not wanting a pure girl who saves herself for the man she loves by quoting the traditional poems and prose of her homeland, blushing and stuttering as she does so
>Not yourself spilling more spaghetti than the land of Italy as her words tug your heartstrings
>Not watching her spill her spaghetti as she tries to hit on you
Why are Rangers crunch-bound to longbows when thematically they're hunters and hunters have been associated with crossbows since forever?
Why do crossbows need to suck, too, unless they're little miniature ones for dual-wielding shenanigans?
It's gotta be wizards
>not great with people
>need you to protect them
Too much gunlite for magical not medieval world.
Too abusable, I think.
>lets make crossbows as good as longbows but with the ability to hold two of them
Also, have you ever tried to reload a crossbow? They are 1 shot devices
>tfw people misinterpret "chaste"
>tfw being willfully exaggerate what others say
>tfw they wouldn't have an argument if they didn't resort to overblown shitflinging otherwise
Enjoy catching AIDS off your slut.
>Implying I don't know what chaste means
>Implying the only alternatives aren't "celibate" and "slut", both of them obviously undesirable
Step it up senpai
>being so awkward that you'd give up on sex just so a girl will stutter at you
>being so awkward that you think any girl who isn't chaste is a slut
>being so awkward that you want to wait until marriage to bang her instead of it naturally happening during a sparring match like a true hero
>Being so awkward that you aren't ready for an assertive, confident girl who will straight-up ask you out to dinner
What kind of mechanism are you using?
Chaste does not mean celibate, kinfolk.
fuck if i know, this is Veeky Forums
>being so awkward that you'd give up on sex just so a girl will stutter at you
>being so awkward that you think any girl who isn't chaste is a slut
>being so awkward that you want to wait until marriage to bang her instead of it naturally happening during a sparring match like a true hero
How does it feel to have shit taste?
>Being so awkward that you aren't ready for an assertive, confident girl who will straight-up ask you out to dinner
Like a true devil, you mix fact with fabrication.
>Implying I don't know what chaste means
>Implying the only alternatives aren't "celibate" and "slut", both of them obviously undesirable
I don't know where to even start with this, I come from a nation where shitposting is illegal (Singapore), but I know how to end it. Open up a dictionary, and then hit yourself with it.
>muh purity meme
I'll never understand it.
>I come from a nation where shitposting is illegal (Singapore)
Veeky Forums is the board most likely to know anything about crossbows, with /k/ as a distant second. Come on now.
>How does it feel to have shit taste?
>That image
I could ask you the same thing.
>liking monstergirls
>having good taste
All of you fuck off.
Majesty of the human form niggas.
I would say Sorceresses are the best waifus.
Your taste is... not bad, actually. Rachnee is top tier waifu material. Purely personalitywise I prefer Centorea and overall Miia is my #1, but Rachnee is top 3 material.
>muh pure knightfus
Have you ever noticed how it always seems to be knight girls getting orced and tentacled or impregnated by demons?
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Haven't you ever heard of consentacles, user?
>Really makes you think, doesn't it?
More about japan fetishes than anything.
Wait, we have the same top 3 and the same #1. Did we just become friends?
I'm going to make the assumption that bows had a superior loading time to crossbows in the time that d&d "takes place"
what the fuck.
also, sauce?
fucking weird that she has normal legs in addition to her whole spider thing
Might be pedipalps.
Dammit, user, spoiler that stuff, I've only had food powder and mints today. You can't tempt me like that.
[Batsu] Tentacles Training
It's because knights were historically rapists and fucked a ton.
They get with the things that fuck the most. Natural.
If you are using the rules, crossbows are supposed to have the "reloading" quality, are they not?
>don't let my DM see that
Sensory Organs for legs? Sign me up for massage.
consentacles are bestentacles!
I mean, why is it always them? Let's consider the already ongoing debate for a moment. Paladin girls against Monk girls. Both should, in actuality, be equally pure. The odds of being an "unusual" Monk who was trained on the road and is more worldly than someone from an all-female sect or monastery are about the same as the odds of being a hotblooded and discourteous Paladin.
Yet somehow, it's always Paladin girls writhing beneath a twitching mass of green flesh or eldritch appendages. Somehow. Now I don't want to outright say that lady knights are secret sluts and the absolute pinnacle of NTRbait waifus, because there are some who are fine young women, but statistics don't lie. If you waifu a Paladin, be prepared to raise your wife's green son.
Since the knightfags want purity that's even worse. We need to save them. We need to show them that Sorceresses are best.
>If you waifu a Paladin, be prepared to raise your wife's green son.
I hereby admit the superiority of monkgirls, but ONLY because they're not NTR bait.
Welcome to the light, brother. We accept all who wish to leave their past sins behind and adopt our ways. Praise the cheongsam. Praise toned thighs.
>Fighter Iron-Heart Surging all her problems away
>Iron-heart surging the condition of her man being insufficient sexually
>IHS away the condition of not being a best
>IHS the condition of not being able to live a happy life
Step it up.
Unless your monk is in fact a miko, in which case she's a confirmed cumdump
Mikos aren't monks, they're a species so slutty they're almost incapable of being seriously waifued and generally use magic instead of martial arts.
Harlots of the most salacious proportions.
You aren't fooling anyone.
Go back to fapping to fat old men, it's the closest you'll ever come to touching a woman.
>monks have disease immunity
Buts he doesn't have AIDS.
Well if you strip a knight of their armor and weapon they're probably a lot more rapable, while a monk is just naked. Also while they may often be "pure" I don't think most monks necessarily value it as much
Either way a monk just has a better skillset in bed than basically any class outside of the ones that have polymorphing shit, but then it's more preference than better/worse.
Monks aren't naked the rest of the time?
How were Throgknar's grades this quarter, proud stepdad?
He didn't get any because he was never born because his parents are dead.
Because they were subhuman scum.
Well you're still here. So obviously if your wife and some random dude is dead...
Gratz on being cucked, dude. Proving his point.
This is a thrallherd.
Did someone say Thrallherder? Also what about clerics? They are like a knight but with magic and the ability to heal you. Sexually too if you want.
>If you waifu a Paladin, be prepared to raise your wife's green son.
Fuck me sideways
> Flexible, both morally and physically
> Good with ropes
> Intelligent and charming
> Can give you a handjob from across the room with a cantrip
Arcane Trickster.
>murdering a slut wife and her fling is somehow worse than tolerating that shit
Archaic English propaganda.
This user knows what's up. Doting support cleric waifu -- preferably of some intermediately lawful deity to sidestep all that monk and knight prudishness.
To truly master that skill set takes a mindset that screams DADDY ISSUES in flashing red neon.
Toss up between Sorceress and Witch
On one hand, a Sorceress has high charisma and is bound to be full of energy and sure of herself. Loves to see things blown to peices and is likely to be a bit of a showoff. Will compete with you on the battlefield to see who can fight the hardest. Vanity is a highly likely trait, so she would probably have attire that draws the eye (not nessecarily in a sexual way, mind you) and a layer of makeup to compliment facial features. Sex would be wild and she'd prefer to be the dominant one. Piss her off and you'll find yourself on set on fire or frozen in a block of ice.
On the other, a Witch has high intelligence and typically dumps charisma, so you'd have the polar oppisite. She would chose to spend her time continuing her magical studies and practicing unfamiliar spells. She'd be quite aloof and possibly somewhat antisocial or shy. In the heat of battle she would be standing to the side and messing with the enemies from afar rather than in direct combat. To a Witch, aesthetics would be a secondary objective, so her clothes would be plain and functional and makeup is at a minimum. Sex with her would not come as quickly, as she would care little for relationships, but it would be passionate and meaningful with her as the submissve one. Piss her off, and the Witch will probably polymorph you into a toad or animate your own weapons to attack you.
Dude, from which manga is that pic you got there? Seems like a decent read eith that kind of dry humor.
Also, I'd have to say that this whole discussion is kinda pointless because it depends on what you deem the most important traits in a waifu. Aka whatever you want is the best for you but you cant say anything for anyone else.
It's a single chapter of porn
>boy waifu
Witches were infamously slutty and were known for enjoying everything from 2+ dicks to the exotic stuff you'd find on animals.
That aloof, awkward girl has probably spent a couple nights hanging from the knot of a virile werewolf.
>Praise the cheongsam. Praise toned thighs.
Most convincing argument in this thread
>doesn't change the fact you're a cuck
Leaving aside definition drift because of internet memes, isn't the point of being a cuck not that you get cheated on, but that you're ok with it?
Since this -is- in fact the internet, the internet's meaning is the one that is relevant.
The fastest way to a man's heart is through Quivering Palm.
White Mage/Cleric.
Everyone else just take a seat.
>Witches were infamously slutty
If you say so, friendo
>palm pussy
Why, Japan?
>infamously slutty
No yank, they were accused of being promiscuous by the peasantry.
They were also accused of casting spells to make men’s penis’s hurt when they pissed, or making the crops fail, or losing a battle or confusing the elderly etc etc.
Stop trying to find things to feed into your fetish and read a history text book.
I find it funny how the majority of Veeky Forums will inevitably find a way to bring every topic down to a sexual level.
Listen up kiddos finish wanking, go have a shower and then talk to a woman instead of posting badly drawn artwork of fictitious characters with impossibly large breasts.
>I find it funny how the majority of Veeky Forums will inevitably find a way to bring every topic down to a sexual level.
A lot of things can be brought to a sexual level entirely justifiedly if you try hard enough.
Pic related, the inside of a Catholic church. And then there's that Polish priest who wrote a Catholic Kama Sutra (no anal though, as was to be expected).
>entirely justifiedly
I doubt that.
Y'know... Yes.
Fight me, manchild. Oh, right, you can't because you surrendered your arms like the cucks you are. I guess America wins again.
If you had any idea sbout what a "waifu" was you'd know your question doesn't mean anything. You can have one waifu, or you've never had any waifu. Not one per genre, not one per medium, not one per flavour. One per lifetime. You never change a waifu, you find your waifu and then she is IT forever. She motivates you, inspires you, improves you, complements you. She is your muse, your soul mate, the one you aspire to be worthy of.
No, user. For each character is their own person, as they learn and grow, and so each character has their own waifu as they become sharply defined as their own person, even if you yourself as the player possess only one.
Archaic my arse!!! Any man not using a long bow is failing in his duty to the Crown! Which is treason! Therefore any man not using the warbow is a traitor and should be put in the Tower!!!
I would saw it's bows that have been associated with hunters since forever. Crossbows were pretty much strictly for warfare.
>Fight me, manchild.
Well that's a contradictory statement right there.
>Oh, right,
Maybe you should collect your thoughts before you type.
>...you can't because you surrendered your arms.
No we just made it harder to get guns (for obvious reasons). You can own a surprisingly large selection of firearms in the Uk so long as you have the right licences. Plus swords are legal so long as you don't brandish them in public.
>...the cucks you are.
I don't think I've ever been the submissive partner in a relationship. I can't speak for the whole country though.
>I guess America wins again.
Or the rest of the world just lets the special needs country think it's the best.
'Who's the winner? Who's the best? That's right! Good job guys!'
>She motivates you, inspires you, improves you, complements you. She is your muse, your soul mate, the one you aspire to be worthy of.
Jammy Jim Fucking Christ.
You seriously need to speak to someone.
>What DnD class produces the best waifus?
What DnD class is most likely to produce girls who are tender lovers but at the same time overprotective of their men and prone to jealousy when she sees man talking to another woman??
Crossbows are weapons that don't really need a lot of training or exercise to handle. It's basically "wind up, place bolt, pull trigger, repeat procedure" and any rockfarm peasant can do it. While it is easy to handle, it is comparably cumbersome, which makes it somewhat less suited to crawl through dungeons.
The ranger is a class that has possibly years of training and exercise under his belt. In that regard would it be a waste not to make him an archer with a regular bow and arrow, especially because the bow and arrow are easier to carry around.
Quite frankly I agree, crossbowd are awesome and they should get a boost in some form.
The purer something is, the more fun it is to corrupt.
There's bad corruption (making a pure girl a slut) and good corruption (making a pure girl addicted to your cock).
Maybe Fighter
Get a Life
Bin that Knife
Do bows actually have an advantage over crossbows?
In hands of trained individual, yes. Most notably significantly higher rate of fire. Also they are easier to use on the move.
>Confident and charismatic, doesn't need Charm Person to get people to like her
>Not as stuck up or cloistered as a wizard
>Only has a few tricks but does them very well
>Might accidentally polymorph, shrink herself, or otherwise mess up her magic in cute ways if she's new to it
>High constitution means more endurance
>can cast single-target spells on both of you. or you and a friend if she wants
Generally, yes. Speed's the biggest difference.
A crossbow's greatest strength is that it requires less time to get good at.
>Also, have you ever tried to reload a crossbow? They are 1 shot devices
Yeah, and heavy. Little one-handed ones wouldn't be able to kill anyone unless you were practically within arm's' reach of them.
Good taste user.