>Jump Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jump Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>last time on Jumpchain...
>Burger-land is sleeping
...But it's not even evening on the west coast.
>not even evening on the west coast yet
Its only 8 pm.
And its friday.
Burgerland is awake for at least another 12 hours.
Did someone say burgers?
Worst coast
Jumpers seeing as OP is a faggot as usual what do you put on your burgers? Any special ingredients you use from another world?
Inb4 Toriko or the souls of the innocent.
So now that we're making 1500cp the new standard budget, what other jumps can we improve with this innovative change?
Are there any perks that help one to resist reality warping? [spoilers] If it helps, I'm asking for SCP. [/spoilers]
>special ingredients
>that spoiler
A bagel.
Two bagels.
[spoilers] No Bacon. [/spoilers]
Now that we're shitposting, what else can we use as a topic of shitpost?
You suck at spoilers user.
>can't into spoilers
I'm reposting a question from the last thread because not enough people gave answers for me to come to any real conclusions, but what about R-type? What did you do in R-type, what should I do in R-type, what even fucking is R-type.
So, wait, do you just not put bacon on your burgers, or do you put the absence of bacon on your burgers. It's an important distinction.
You just gotta turn up the HEAT
How many times have you purged humanity?
How many bagels have you eaten in your life?
...I use literally divine beef and bacon. Some people looked at my jumper weirdly when he started deifying a holy trinity of a cow, pig, and chicken. But it was worth it.
Not being there?
Enough to fuck your mother last night.
well Taking the spoiler into consideration I do season them with Melange.
Teo thousand two hundred and thirty six bagels. I have memory perks so it is rather hard to forget.
Be able to warp reality yourself, harder than your opponent.
I don't know of any perks that let you do that.
Magic Illuminati Goblin cheese and a fried dragon egg.
Now I'm not staking claim or anything on it, but let's say that, hypothetically, I were to make a Demolition Man Jump.
Would you want it? Or more specifically, would you be okay with ME making it?
And, more importantly, what are perks that you would want it to have?
Plot Armor/luck perks.
Step 1. Be ridiculously powerful.
Step 2. Have a way to translate that into reality warping.
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Profit.
Bullet hell I think
>Or more specifically, would you be okay with ME making it?
As someone who hasn't been around that long, why would this be an issue? What jumps have you done?
I though someone was already making it? Or was that you saying you wanted to at one point?
How about no?
He made Supreme Commander.
aka "LoT-Garage"
>Would it be more acceptable if I maid it so that the Automatic Import was instead "Free Import of up to 32 companions, but unless you pay the 300 they are powered down for the jump. But any you don't import are locked out of the jump, since you will be smashing against the companion limit."
More acceptable, but personally I'd prefer "you may import up to 32 companions, but unless you pay the 300 they are powered down for the jump. However, any you do not import are subject to the standard 8 active limit, and count towards the imported 32 limit" would work better. Allows swapping companions injump, allows use of things like symbiotes or ai assistants, saves hassle when your transport is also a companion.
Do it, I need a high class Taco Bell franchise to call my own.
Fought the Bydo and pointedly refused to go into the Galaxy of Abyss.
Fight the Bydo and maybe go into the Galaxy of Abyss if you think you've got the chops to try and end the Bydo once and for all. At least until weird time shit brings them back.
It's a shmup.
Terminator, Robocop, True Lies, and Supreme Commander.
Not that I've heard of.
Maximum science. Bydo are a gold mine of time, space, mass, and energy breaking bullshit.
>Would you want it?
I'm not specifically interested in it, but new jumps are always good.
>Or more specifically, would you be okay with ME making it?
I'm... afraid I'm not really qualified to suggest perks for it though. Would need to watch it first...
Step 2 is a doozy.
You do what you want
(Also, if the companions that are imported as part of the 32 team could keep intelligence perks, or at the least memory perks, that'd be great. Be a bit of a letdown talking with your companions if they suddenly start forgetting large chunks of your long, long time together or get significantly dumber.)
It really isn't. There are ways and means that aren't oft talked about, but that's the official test for becoming a high powered jumper; figuring out your own method of translating your frankly outrageous power level into reality warping.
This. I paid CP to buff my 8 companions in previous jumps. Do not force me to pay more CP just to avoid having those purchases removed in yours.
I'm a simple man. Bun, Meat, Spices, Cheese, Bun.
Taco Bell
That shitty Laser Gun
Self-driving Car
That one Cyro-stick from the end of the movie
Knowledge of how the Three Seashells work
Continuity Drawback from Generic 80's Action Movie, where you got Frozen like Stallone.
Honestly, as much as it will pain people to hear it, Alexandria Package, though this is dependent on the update.
I recall that it applies the Manton Effect on shot that would affect you, so that Reality Warper kay be able to turn that chair into cow girl, but they can't do shit to you or your body at all, fuckers can't even read your mind, or edit you specifically.
Can I just say I'm really fucking excited to be a shard in Worm without taking a drawback?
For Ravenloft, is it intentional that Nobles don't have a capstone, and Drop-ins have two?
I'm excited for the update in general, almost double the content, 8 fucking powers per category is amazing
Agreed. Easily the part I'm looking forward to the most.
Ravenloft is from an older Era, back when there was a dedicated "Item Origin"
You'll see that Noble has a lot of Discounts for Items.
Unless I'm completely off my mark
There will be both Taco Bell and Pizza Hut.
It wasn't a laser gun, but I got it.
Didn't think about the driving car, will have.
Cryo stick will come with instruction for more.
There will be a free perk for the shells and a drawback for them too
I can have a cryo drawback with an optional attachment to 80's action.
Never seen it.
Obviously yes, your jumps are top drawer.
None. I'm sorry. A Wesley Sniper rifle.
Nope, that's the Merchant background. Merchants have only one perk discount, and discount on all items.
Nobles have a few discounts, but no capstone it seems. 3 600 CPs, two are discounted drop-in and one Peasant.
Huh, weird. I dunno man.
Curry Sauce
There are many ways to do it, but the term "reality warping" is frequently quite vague and nigh-meaningless. Sufficiently advanced TK, Magic, etc. can all be considered reality warping.
Companion Option for Sandra Bullock? Not the Cop she plays, just Sandra Buillock
That was a Joke
How do we use the clams?
Well, the specific version that people are generally referring to when they talk about reality warping is blatant disregard for the laws of physics in any sense and the ability to wholesale rewrite them.
It's like a Bidet
Clam 1.Soap
Clam 2.Water
Clam 3.Dry
It really is, but pure reality warping is supposed to be a being's ability to simply change reality without real rules, unbound by psionic fatigue, magical resistances, or any other form of specification that'd lend it weakness.
Sorry, I asked the Benefactor if I could put it in.
She said no.
That will be a free perk.
And a +100 drawback to NOT know how to use them for the entire jump.
So magic, then?
Not really, most magic isn't that powerful or nearly as applicable.
Personally I'm not that fond of it, because I really like what perks I have discounts on with my current build. But I figure I can work something out, so I'm not worried.
>NOT know how to use them for the entire jump.
What happens if someone explains it?
Do we have Shirou's reaction to sex?
Eh, I'd argue that most is, just on a smaller scale than is usually seen with "reality warping".
No one is going to explain it to you.
Every time you ask they just laugh at you or look at you with confusion.
Is Demolition Man a comedy?
I like it because I've never gone to worm and I'm actually probably powerful enough to completely scramble the entire setting, and maybe there'll actually be something worthwhile for me in that background.
It's an Action-Comedy yes. It's that comedy that pokes fun at a genre for the first about half of the movie, then lovingly indulges in the things it was just poking fun at.
It's an action move that came out in the 90's and functions like it was the last action move of the 80's.
Technically no, effectively yes.
Casting fireball isn't really on the same level as summoning and destroying matter and energy, bending and altering time and space, ect.
Well, you do summon energy with that. So, that's one part there.
No, you're transforming mana into the process of combustion. One form of energy into another.
I remember an user has a brillaint combo that actually gave him the basics of Reality Warping. He picked up
Soft Physics (Worm, 'nother swig)
Scarlet Destiny (Touhou)
Any fucking mana amplifier, like Leaky Limiter (Mushoku Tensei)
Eightfold Path (Lord of Light)
Power Combination (Young Justice)
You combine Scarlet Destiny with Soft Physics and Eightfold to allow you to basically on touch fuck with things and turn them into shit they had a zero chance of turning into. This is because Scarlet increases probability, eightfold makes zero percent events into non-zero events and Soft Physics uses that shit to do some crazy shit. So long as you have mana, you can turn chairs into bombs of unprecedented power and pull peoples asses out of hats.
That user was pretty cool, hope he doesn't mind.
I can't really think of a magic system that doesn't have some form of transfiguration. Many of them can alter time (though usually not in reverse), as well as space. Quite a few also ignore conservation of mass and energy.
Heck, you could replicate minor reality warping with non-verbal, wand-less Harry Potter magic.
Depends on the magic system. Some don't use mana or other energy.
Assuming it's a system that uses mana. Harry Potter magic doesn't, for instance.
Those could be argued to just transform the energy from cosmic background radiation and ambient vibrations of particles, or the movement of the tectonic plates, or the power of the soul or whatever.
Which if not stated or implied anywhere, lack much reason to assume as such.
Harry Potter straight-up destroys conservation of mass and energy with things like permanent conjuration. Which, in Harry Potter, translates to creating real, permanent objects out of nothing. It basically allows you to create any nonmagical thing, including living things, by just pulling matter out of your ass with the power of MAGIC.
And so could most examples of reality warping. But that would be stupid.
It's less ridiculous than assuming it just breaks the laws of physics, which I refuse to accept.
I didn't know it was permanent, actually, going off of conjured water which disappears (even outside of V-mort's cave).
Quick question about Chakra from Naruto. How easy would it be to teach people all the different powers and techniques? And how powerful could they become without any of the special eye or tailed beast abilities, or any of the other special stuff that can't be taught?
Then you don't accept reality warping exists as a concept in fiction?
Conjuration does not create permanent objects, you can however transfigure something into something with more mass.
>Harry Potter straight-up destroys conservation of mass and energy
You're assuming quite a lot there. All of it is incorrect.
Bidet are morally wrong.
No, I refuse to accept that magic is reality warping.
I don't even...
How does one...?
pretty powerful. Fuinjutsu alone could make someone a force to be reckoned with.