Reposting from last thread: >How broken would it be to change the Enlightened Paladin's Unarmed Strike to grant Weapon Focus and Sacred Weapon damage for his deity's favored weapon?
John Evans
Lincoln Martin
Which of the 1pp unarmed Style feat chains are worth taking? Any of them?
Christopher Ortiz
>to play As far as pre-written ones go, freeport. My group has a thing for pirates >to read Discworld.
Hunter King
>you will never be a bad enough dude to convert an entire nest of harpies from CE asswipes to productive NG members of society
Feels bad man. Kestrals are pretty cool at least, though I doubt I'll ever see them get used anywhere.
I unfortunately am a shit and don't know many fantasy worlds, or remember most of the ones I've read about. Most of the time they tend to be either terrible or just so generic and unmemorable that I can't give two shits.
Lincoln Thomas
Looks like Shoka got out threaded
Jaxon Lee
Is there any classes that get bonus feats that you can take Magic Tails with?
Hudson Gray
You'd be surprised. Quite a few of them are good. My favorite by far is Kirin Style.
Samuel Thomas
The big problem I see is that unarmed strike isn't an island. You'd also need to redesign divine body, and you'd loose a bunch of utility of the ki pool.
That said, it still has it's shitty version of smite and sacred weapon isn't particularly powerful so I wouldn't think it'd be too bad.