As the name sugests, what's Veeky Forumss' views on Legos, and specifically Lego based wargames?
Legos and lego-based wargames
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We used to have pretty regular Mobile Frame Zero threads.
Mobile Frame Zero is a fun mecha skirmish game, Brikwars is amazing even if it requires a bit of work and a lot of improvising. It's not the most balanced thing, but if everyone is playing along it can be crazy fun.
Until everyone looked at it with a critical eye and realized how awful it was.
In what sense? It's a perfectly solid light skirmish game, and it never claimed to be anything more than that.
LEGO robots was fun while it lasted. I think most of its popularity was just "oh, an excuse to drag out my tub of LEGOs!"
>all these cool bots
>have tons of legos
>can't build any of them without buying more pieces
Tell me about it man. I never seem to have enough and some of the pieces I need are rare as fuck.
That's a hurdle I had to get over when I tried out MF0. I am never going to build shit that looks as good as the pictures/rulebook. Shitty little asymmetrical bots are good enough.
And now we wait for the thread to die.
I hope he made a GP03 one to go with it.
This is a nice thread.
If it's still alive in a few I'll dump some more, but I got to get some work done on my own wargame.
I don't know shit about skirmish games, I don't have the right kinds of legos to do it, and I don't know why everyone thinks MB0 is shit
I don't care, I'd still play the shit out of it
I could put so many awesome lego robots together if only I didn't need those fucking three-sided joint pieces.
They are literally perfect for any design but I don't have any.
The issue is finding people to play with.
desu I don't get why lego or mega bloks hasn't cashed in on the idea yet. They're make so much bank.
>t b h autocorrects to desu
I fucking hate this shit
Wargames are a pretty niche hobby.
Welcome to Newmoot, same as the old Moot
>three sided joint pieces
this right here is the bane of my life man.
been almost a year of this filter bullshit, so fucking annoying.
Yeah but lego has all the advertising they need to make a game like this explode.
They kinda have, those Lego Star Wars sets the release for $12 are perfect for building armies or squads out of.
They won't, it goes against their image a little too much. I think that's why Exo Force died so fast- it was "too serious".
But god -damn- do I wish I could get my hands on at least some chub frames.
I do need to get me some of those.
You could try the 3D printed frames, use shapeways or similar and have them mailed to you.
They're pretty sweet. I got like three of the Utapau trooper sets.
I also wanna get those minecraft sets for building terrain.
They got my interest for a bit, then it kinda died down. Not as useful for potential games, you know?
I just like terrain man. It helps the feel of a game for me.
Brikwars is basically the greatest and I can't wait til I live somewhere where i have room to unpack my army.
Anyone have any company or battalion lore/backstory they'd like to share?
That s why these threads always die. The best pieces for this are hard to find, rare, or spread out over multiple sets. And Lego can get expensive in an already expensive hobby.
>longtime Lego collector
>Never thought of using them for wargames
>sees the pics in this thread
>my dick goes pic related
To be fair, it's cheaper than anything GW puts out, seeing as though most of us have in some form or another Legos just sitting around.
This is true.
Am I the only one who browses the brikwars forms just to see the nifty stuff people make?
I don't think that's it. There are plenty of sites for buying whatever loose pieces you want, and shipping fees are the most expensive part of buying parts that probably cost a few cents each.
I think it's that most people who come together for this do so online, instead of in the real world, so it's harder for a playerbase to develop.
Does anyone have the Mobile Frame Zero pdf?
I don't believe I've ever seen a single live MFZ game.
Also shipping costs are the devil.
Here's the short version.
larger one is too big, should be an easy google.
I think the other half is the embarrassment that might ensue from going to your FLGS with a bunch of Legos and house ruling it up. I know that's what would discourage me.
Last time I brought my kit to my FLGS people where all over my builds. Loved the shit out of them. Still couldn't get anyone to play, though I did give out a few copies of the pdf so we'll see.
>That's why these threads always die.
Let's not shit around. We all know why these threads die. It's not any of this stuff, it's the autist.
The autist?
I don't think I've ever seen Virt post in a mfz thread, so I'm not sure which autist you're referring to.
Probably Whiteagle
Pretty much, for a game about Lego robots the customization with horrifically shallow.
Can't leave a newfag on edge, which one?
See the premise
>Light skirmish game
This That said you could always homebrew some depth or borrow from another system. The Savage Worlds Sci-Fi Companion has some okay rules for building vehicles, power armor, and mechs. So does M&M. GURPS too iirc.
Jesus, this. Savage Worlds has a free wargame ruleset and there are several "modern" generic wargame rules with mecha options in them.
Stop whining, post Legos.
This guy nailed it: I didn't want to speak of the devil myself so I left his name out. But every time there's a thread it goes along nice and friendly with people sharing builds and shit, until he shows up and flings his own shit around until everyone agrees to crash the thread with no survivors.
That's amazing.
buying enough pieces to make 3 or 4 mechs or a small fleet of little space ships isn't too pricey if you get them all from a place like brickmart or something
I always liked mechs with wider torsos. I don't know why.
The problem with MFZ, and its space counterpart, is that no one has the stuff to make MFZ mechs onhand, and if you're gonna spend a bunch of money getting into a game, you may as well make it a game with serious support behind it.
So we need a lego wargame that can be played with collections you have on hand.
What's wrong with brickwars?
You don't need specialty parts to play MF0. For all these awesome looking builds people are showing off? Sure. But you can play with armies of basic bricks and enjoy the game just fine.
The problem with collections on hand is that if you're like me, you've had Legos since you grew up, and only "recently" have they started using complex bits. Everyones got the blocks, but you know what makes the best mechs? Complex bits.
Why can't you play Battletech using Legos?
lego mech rpg when, I want rules for blowing off limbs and autistic specialization and where the actual physical weight of your miniature and it's weapons matter.
It's called Mekton and it's as autistic as you could ever possible want.
You can play BT using anything
Awesome. Now I know what my next build is gonna be.
Reminds me a lot of Keith Thompson's stuff.
I just realized you can go buy this shit off the lego website
It's like 10c a piece which is kind of a lot but I spent hundreds on cardboard so I don't give a fuck
I really wanna buy some of those Creator builds just to use them as terrain.
bricklink nigger