I want the eldrazi to stay gone edition.
>What did you draft
>Who is going to midnight prerelease
>Sick pulls
>Crazy combo
Discuss all Eldritch Moon prerelease stuff here
I want the eldrazi to stay gone edition.
>What did you draft
>Who is going to midnight prerelease
>Sick pulls
>Crazy combo
Discuss all Eldritch Moon prerelease stuff here
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I hope someone somewhere gets the triskadekaphobia tree combo. Would build around that Jank if I pulled it
I'm super nervous anons. I'm gonna be way too tired to get up for the prerelease tomorrow but I want to do well anyway.
Have you done a prerelease before?
I'm going tomorrow and I'm hoping to get the triskaitree combo for maximum fun
If not, I'll probably do a madness/bant human spirit deck, since they seem to be the best color combos
I'm hoping I get a promo Gisa and Geralf for Commander
Only the Shadows prerelease. I didn't get stomped or anything, I won individual games, but I didn't win a match.
This is my first prerelease, anything I should expect? I've only played magic with 2 friends and I'm going in blind
how much does a prerelease cost
For us it's $20 pre pay and $25 the day of. Which is a good deal for sure
As long as you have the general grasp of the rules you should be fine. Prerelease is pretty casual. Just make sure you have some dice, snacks, maybe some sleeves and build the best deck you can with your packs
I honestly want a promo Emrakul
it would give me one of the two copies I need for my dank, Totally Originalâ„¢ brew.
Usually about the price of 6 packs give or take.
My FLGS isn't doing it until sunday, legitimate question is the promo card really gonna that stupid foil zombie card? I really was anticipating the rare/mythic again
Rare/Mythic and zombie token as far as I know.
Good to hear
Ahh really it's 25 prepay 30 at the door for me
So my friends want to drag me to the pre-release. I didn't go to the SoI one because the average FLGS goer makes me cringe. They keep saying its fun and casual, but I just don't know. I pretty much only play magic as a social thing.
>I actually liked the Eldrazi as this big stompy unstoppable ultimate Timmy eldritch horror thing in RoE
>"Annihilator was a mistake"
>BfZ is hilariously low power and shitty
>Fucking devoid
>OGW, pretty much all of it
>Fucking Eldrazi Winter
>The "mystery" of SoI being spoiled by the name
>Pretty much all of EMN
Fuck what the Eldrazi became, and fuck Wizards for ruining them. Emrakul can stay in that fucking moon for ten thousand years for all I care. FUCK.
>plays magic socially
>does not want to socialize with magic players
>Fuck what the Eldrazi always were
Bitch about it somewhere else. This is the prerelease.
How viable would Gisela be as a Commander?
She's B/W, right?
1. this is a thread for the prerelease, not edh. go find the edh general.
2. no.
3. bruna should be your brisela commander.
But outside of my friends, who else would be there? Like I said the average magic player where I'm from is generally cringy, so I stay away from the FLGS on magic nights.
No? She's monowhite. And her predecessor was RW
Prerelease will be filled with people like yourself and your friends who play magic. maybe you should stop judging people before you get to know them.
Be glad you dont live in australia, prerelease is $45 kangaroo bucks and its like 50 glasses wearing shrill voiced asian weaboos playing rhe latest netdeck and 2 white guys who thought it was a video game store, i havent played a game of actual magic since urza's saga i just cant force myself to be around an lgs
>netdecking at a prerelease
>stop taking the raw prawn you drongo
I hope so, last time I went to an MtG event I played a bunch of spergs who couldn't hold a decent conversation. The first guy I played literally would not make eye contact. It was awkward as could be.
Damn, really? Sorry to hear that mate.
Same here. I even bought a playset because I'm afraid that combo will get popular, so the parts would inflate of Triska for a fun deck I have planned.
Was describing the lgs mate not the prerelease
Whats got your bum for grubs?
The emerge cards seem really strong. The guy that taps 4 permanents and the decimator are crazy value. I wonder if they'll hold up in draft.
Does anyone think emerge will be strong?
I'm honestly more excited for Escalate. I can already see the tabletop drama that could emerge from that.
>not playing GW humans in the GW humans block, not sure you will get to turn 7 to even begin to think about casting it
Undoubtedly. It's the only mechanic in this set I've been really impressed by. I'd like to see it on other things than Eldrazi, though. Like insects maybe.
Or "evolution" cards
You can't guarantee GW humans in a prerelease, can you?
If you bring some from home yeah, people are not watching your pool of cards constantly
the springloaders in my sleeves can.
Jesus how prolific is cheating at these things, anyway?
Depends if you want to lose or not, dont take rares just powerful uncommons and commons, keep them in you box with your sleeves and swap out what you need, people will notice if you pull 2 sigardas from 2 packs but they are oblivious to others
only totally anal autists cheat at something as meaningless as prerelease.
so basically everyone.
That is not at all what I asked.
Well fuck. Guess I'm gonna lose honorabry.
The guy who wins cheated, the guy who got second didnt cheat as good, if you finished first or second and didnt cheat your lgs are potatoes
>what losers tell themselves
>Paying for the privilege to lose
Wew lad
i have placed first at prerelease without cheating. you either have a shitty store, or more likely, a shitty attitude.
Cool story bro, you showed those kids who is superior in every way
>two people shitposting about cheating
Anyways what was your biggest bomb at SOI prerelease? What are you looking forward to getting as your bomb?
SOI I forced clues and gained over 200 life with graf moles in my last game. Not sure what jank archetype I am going to froce this time. Maybe abzan emerge?
I went vampire madness and goddamn was it effective. I just hope it's as effective as before. It's not.
I just want a Liliana.
She's cute! CUTE!
just go mono black madness.
No standard thread, but this baby led me to 3rd tonight in FNM. Last iteration of the DTK-SOI standard, my first standard block since leaving magic in 09.
Feel free to start a standard general and kindly post it there
Got these and a foil Invocation of St. Traft.
Going WRB try to get out Emrakul. Probably not good but I wanna play her dammit.
I'm new to deckbuilding and I'm trying to make a fast, fun little deck to play casually. Is this anygood? Any suggestions?
4 Putrid Imp
4 Hidden Horror
4 Ashen Ghoul
4 Nether Shadow
4 Skittering Horror
4 Innocent Blood
4 Unearth
4 Sinister Strength
4 Buried Alive
4 Dark Ritual
2 Peat Bog
18 Swamp
Went undefeated. Mostly due to preposterous luck - it turns out the correct answer to Goldnight Castigator is topdecking the second Mountain you need to cast Impetuous Devils.
The most important card in my deck was Thraben Foulbloods. Three of them. Dogs do good work, man. Seamless blending of Zombie tribal with delirium, and I was able to fall back on whichever I needed depending on the game state at any given time. Nahiri's Wrath was probably my best single card though; it wrecks shit. Then I traded it away for a Harmless Offering because I'm gonna get more use out of a cute card than a good one.
Diregraf Colossus offers incredible value if you've got a lot of Zombies. Discard outlets that don't require tapping are fantastic, especially if they also don't require mana. Run those Olivia's Dragoons even if you aren't doing vampires. Cryptolith Fragment never fails to entertain.
>opend emrakul and arlinkord
>judge gets called caus e"HE DIDNT OPEN THOSE CARDS"
>every one salty
fun night
Best promo ever. Whatsmore, I just finished my retarded Ulamog ramp EDH deck, and this makes such a better general.
I made UG Emerge Control and smashed face for the first two rounds, Eldrazi deep fiend is a motherfucker, and Emerge in general is fucking bonkers in limited. Got knocked out of prize range by Izzet tempo bullshit but I ain't even mad.
Gonna slot some stuff into my EDH decks then go to sleep, I'm doing another prerelease tomorrow.
I learned that its really bad for my opponent when he has a Noose Constrictor and I cast Emrakul.
Played BR Vampire
Went 2-1, finished 5th/12
Got three prize packs, pulled Tamiyo in those
I only got close to merge Chittering Host once
I freely admit to being terrible at Magic, but Emrukal doesn't exactly look very good.
Emrakul, the Promised End is an excellent creature. By no means is she better than Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, but Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is one of if not the best creature ever printed, with scores of decks built to do nothing but get it onto the field.
Emrakul, the Promised End is not that caliber, but nevertheless, it is a large, strong, flying/trampling beatstick that can easily dip to 8-9 cost and gives a mindslaver to brick the enemy's hand with, as well as resilience against the worst of removal.
Well, for starters, the mana cost. It says 13, but it's actually gonna be only 8 or 9 by the time you're due to cast him. Second, the Mindslaver effect is great. He only dies to sorcery speed removal, and during their turn you can simply burn all their removal on their OWN creatures, leaving you likely three or four cards ahead while leaving them in topdeck mode. Even if they topdeck a removal spell, you've still gained a huge advantage. If they don't topdeck removal, you just fucking win on the next combat step because it's fucking massive and has two types of evasion.
It's not as strong as Emmy 1.0, but it's still an almost certain victory if you manage to cast it. You'd have to be REALLY unlucky to screw up from that point.
I guess I figured that granting the enemy 2 turns in a row was too big of a downside, but I suppose if you use your mindslaver turn to burn their hand out they can't do a huge amount.
I was also comparing him to the original.
>I guess I figured that granting the enemy 2 turns in a row was too big of a downside
You shouldn't really think of it like that, just think of it as Mindslaver without the built in Time Walk. They're not taking an extra turn, they're just taking the turn they would've taken anyway. I mean, they're up a single card, but that's small potatoes when you can just bin it anyway with the Mindslaver.
Show me your rares/mrares
SOI was literally like every single Prerelease/release I ever attended:
>Open big bomb in a colour
>Open no support
At SOI, I pulled a Jace, but like 4 other playable blues. I also pulled a Relentless Dead, but exactly 2 other zambambos.
What creatures did you and your opponents play that were the nuts or way underestimated/overestimated?
Pre release made soi/Elmo format seem extremely dull. The new Eldrazo theme has no synergy with soi, and removal/combat tricks were lacking. Every single game came down to who had a better bomb with no tools to fight against them. Madness and tribal strategies basically only had two packs to work with and elmo isn't deep enough to support its own themes.
I'm really disappointed because I love the flavor of the set. Avr-style slugfest with deliberately weak synergy and removal always feel bad when they follow a synergy based format.
You will still get a foil rare or mythic in addition, but before you open your packs make sure you check for the promo. I opened my box and it was missing. Store offered a replacement, but you should double check just in case.
I had decent pulls, Tamiyo was my promo
>everything I want: the prerelease
I hate you, user.
Went 6-0 with this pool. It might not look like much but it was very very VERY synergistic with itself. The emerge dudes and great creatures to emerge off of, all the clue and creature token creatons, then the Second Harvest to double it all.
One of my favorite plays was doing a turn 3 Foul Emissary, finding Elder Deep Fiend on top, then turn 4 dropping him into play off the Emissary and getting the 3/2. My opponent scooped right there.
Another play was hitting a boardstate where my opponent and I turtled up. I sacced the Evangel and a couple other creatures to make like a total of 7 3/2's, then cast Second Harvest, and then he scooped.
Sadly because we didn't have THAT many players for the prerelease, I got 24 packs rather than a full box. Pulled only 1 mythic, but it was Tamiyo, so I'm content with that.
Went 4-0 was basically playing a bant humans deck
>tfw I will probably pull some junk promo just like with SOI
a fucking thing in the ice
Things i learned today
>Eldrazi Deep Fiend stomps
>Tamiyo is excellent
>emerge and escalate are great
>together EM and SOI make a pretty fun block
>prerelease in general attracts some very nice people
>Kid getting boxes handed to him to pass down
>Im on the other side of the table, at the end
>when kid gets his box he passes it to me and says "naw i dont want that one, ill take *this* one"
>judge gives me a look
>hear Heliod whispers into my ear "be calm user, the Gods are just"
>dont bitch and take the box
>judge moves on
>kid opens junk
>I open Ema
>Kid is devastated
>my fucking face when
Drafted an Izzet Spirit/Prowess deck
Went 4/5
Games i won were pretty one sided. One turn i dealt 14 dmg using Ingenious Skab + Uncaged Fury.
Geist of the Archive proved to be extremely useful, and my Mausoleum Wandered and Niblis of Frost had their time to shine, but agro decks kept fucking me over
picture is my promo, im salty AF
I got two of the stupid EDH spider
everything else I pulled was worth less than the zombie token
Went undefeated with this pile:
Most games were won off the back of an early buffed Olivia's Dragoon or Pale Rider of Trostad.
Slower decks just got run over and against opposing aggro decks Rancid Rats, Farbog Revenant, Gavony Unhallowed and Santarium Skeleton greatly disincentivized them from swinging in.
Sanitarium Skeleton is INSANE as it served as either a recurrable chump blocker or discard target. I don't think there's any black deck where you wouldn't want it.
Last thing to keep in mind is that there is an absolute shit ton of 2/3 and 3/2 creatures. Choose your offensive/defensive creatures and removal accordingly.
Good luck all :-)
You got stomped
Kind of sounds like you got stomped bakadesusenpai
Played someone in round 4 that pulled 2 trees of perdition, Liliana, and avacyn.
still won
Obligated to play red because I got 4 of the Galvanic Bombardment. Nothing bomby so the strategy was to just removal spell everything that came up and keep jamming with little guys.
Splash of blue for some flying emerge guy because even if I didn't draw blue I could eventually just cast it. Lost the last round but won up to then, guy had a jace and managed to keep my goons off it.
Rares: Legendary Spider man, Sigarda's Aid, Wharf Infiltrator, Hanweir Garrison(Words half on back), Thalia (Promo), Harmless Offering.
Not sure what my shadows rares were, think there was a To the Slaughter. Prize packs had a Gitgud frog.
Also, does this set even have creatures with power = toughness?
I ended up pulling the Mindwrack Demon during the SOI prerelease. Funnily enough, I built my original deck as blue/red, then said fuck it and tried out delirium, which I was skeptical of. Was totally blown away by how consistently I could get delirium by turn 5 or 6 and beat them down with Mindwrack Demon. At the end of the night I placed second or third.
I doubt this one will go near as well for me, but pre-release is for the funzies anyway. No idea what I want as my bomb though.
I am going to one tommorow. I am more than ready to feel disappointment
These was a really satisfying pre-release for me, since I got the kind of shit you only see here. I pulled a Tamiyo and a Nahiri, while my friend pulled Emrakul.
Went 3-1 with R-B Vampire Madness guest starring Bedlam Reveler. The deck was surprising fun to play - hanweir garrison was MVP my first to games - 2 tokens every turn past turn 3 is really good, especially when I'm slamming out removal spells.
Prying Questions helped out a lot - pushed the W/U guy I beat's clock back as he kept having to put card back onto the library.
Someone got a little butthurt when I used Rise from the Grave on their abolisher or bloodlines (whatever it was called on the other side) and slapped their shit thanks to blood mist.
Haven't even opened my 6 prize packs yet, either.
That was my promo AND one of my rares.
Someone took my prerelease pack and I lost my foil token, some of the rarer tokens, which I really liked, and half my sideboard. Fortunately the best stuff was in my deck I was playing and I got a Tamiyo, but I'm quite unhappy that some of my stuff just disappeared (surely an honest person would spot they've picked up too many boxes) in a place that I've been playing at for several years.
That reminds me. Someone left all their stuff from prerelease at my LGS. I turned it over to the store owner after asking around who played the colors that were in his deck (red and white). I hope they get it back. I lost my stuff from OGW prerelease which sucked because I had 2 reality smashers and a thought-knot seer among over things in that pack.
Also, what was harmless offering supposed to be used with. I have zero idea.
I might go to mine today, but IU havent played since Theros.
What color and kit is best alla round?
I've been to 6 or 7 prereleases and never cheated. Took first 3 times, second twice. Don't listen to these cheaters, they're just trying to justify their cheating.
Not much in Limited. It's a Constructed card. This is basically the flipside of people bitching about sets being balanced for Limited.
Hey look. It's a guy whose played magic for decades winning in a casua event. I'm 'so impressed'
Hey look, it's a guy whose played magic for decades but can't win at a casual event without cheating
I did my first sealed event last night. I don't think I care for it that much. My pool was definitely subpar, no real bombs to speak of. An experienced deck builder would probably be able to make something work, but I was not. I tried to do 3 color simple aggro in Naya, but the white wasn't doing really anything other than giving evasion to my one real "bomb", so I switched it out for Black for some, but not a lot of interaction. Pic related was my promo and the one card I was actually glad to see, the few games I did win was because of him. I never had problems getting the right color but I was flooding out like a motherfucker in almost all my games.
Over-all I went 2-2 but that's because my wins were from a child and a complete new player, however my loses came from significantly better sealed players and a guy who not only pulled Tamiyo but a hell of a lot bant support to go with it.