What are some of the dumbest things you ever seen enacted in your group? I don't mean That Guys...

What are some of the dumbest things you ever seen enacted in your group? I don't mean That Guys, I'm talking about decent players who just had a pretty bad idea that time

>party in a small boat
>hunting a mermaid
>we spot said mermaid next to the boat in the water
>cleric uses shatter on it
>a literal sonic boom
>in the water
>next to our boat

it blew the mermaid into tiny pieces, and also did the same thing to half of our boat. we spent a whole day on a nearby rock until a ship came by and rescued us. cleric died on the same day to a doppleganger.

>party is carrying heavily injured soldiers through a jungle
>head to ruins of city overtaken by magical jungle
>find a half-deer-half-human reverse centaur thing
>kill it discretely and take its head to show superiors
>find safe house in a temple, making sure it is all safe
>don't search the temple for lore/clues/loot
>watch in the night see lights in distance
>then sees windows in palace ruins light up
>guy then decides he doesn't want to carry the head with them and mounts it to a pike outside the temple entrance
>party leaves in the morning having slept, stabilized soldiers, and made sretchers/crutches
>two days later the watch spots a small creature following their trail to their camp
>they don't wake the other two party members, decide to ready themselves only
>a different monster nearly TPKs them after the tracking monster points them out to it
Don't leave evidence you were in hostile territory in a fantasy land, just don't. And wake your party up when combat will probably happen.

>Playing Curse of Strahd
>Party pisses of Strahd and decides that the best course of action is to hide underground for the rest of our short, miserable lives instead of fighting him
>Spend a whole session argueing about how to hide in caves properly
>Have elaborate plan that includes creating an underground, self-sustaining community
>Get interupted on way to caves and all get turned into vampire thralls

Probably going to join Strahd next session and spend the rest of the campaign terrorizing Barovia

One college underclassman had heard that silos filled with grain can combust and explode when exposed to a spark.

His rogue purchased some candles, several handkerchiefs, and a bag of flour. He folded each kerchief into a square, and cut a small hole at the resulting corner to make a crude funnel, plugging the hole with softened candlewax. He loaded the funnels up with flour, then hung them over several candles, so that a lit flame would melt the wax and expose the flour to the flame. He then took a punk from the fireplace in his room, lit each of the candles, escaped out a window, and ran for a vantage point from which to watch the beloved town inn explode.

He was pretty crestfallen when the GM, a chemistry student, explained that whole wheat flour doesn't explode like gunpowder under these conditions. GM couldn't stop him in time because he had no idea what he was planning. His actions derailed everything, and genius boy even had to make another character.

I've seen three different people, on three separate occasions, take the time to put their heavy armor on before entering the fray when the party is attacked in the night. They all did this even after the GM informed them that it takes over 10 minutes to put on heavy armor without help and that each combat round is only 6 seconds. Each of them was still surprised when combat was finished before they managed to do anything. None of them admitted that it was a stupid idea.

The GM in a 2e adventure allowed the party to find and claim a miscellaneous magic item called Gauntlets of Ogre Power, which granted the maximum 18/00 Strength. The rules state that 18/00 Strength allows the character to comfortably carry 335 lbs and to press 480 lbs. But the normal use of this item was for fighters to deal extra melee damage and have better success opening doors and wrestling.

The party came to a dangerous corridor where they couldn't decide what to do. Peering at the map, the fighter discovered that the walls were just lines rather than the standard 10' thick blocks. He asked to look at the walls, the GM told him they were made of standard bricks laid the long way. A standard brick is 3 5/8ths inches long, so the walls were that thick.

Fighter decided that a strength capable of gorilla pressing 480 lbs should be enough to break down the rock walls. He decided to demolish them ALL. Feeling he had no choice, the GM allowed him to knock down three walls, the third of which allowed them to walk into a bugbear barracks, bypassing the overturned tables meant to provide the baddies cover from the party had they entered by the front door as the GM intended.

After the party made mincemeat of the bugbears, the fighter asked to resume knocking down walls. The GM panicked and stated, "the walls have suddenly all thickened to 10' thick and the walls you downed have repaired themselves."

It caused a complete riot. The thief had spotted floor traps in the corridor that couldn't be identified, and the players felt that the GM was insisting they trigger them for his kinky magical realm. The party mapmaker's map was completely ruined and some foes had been left alive behind them. In addition, the party now had to leave by a door they had no idea whether it was trapped, it was, with a pit with poisoned spikes, which killed the thief attempting to detect it. The players were yelling that it was unfair and the GM had to disband the session.

Once I had a player try to roll up into basically the heart of a hypercorp industrial park on mars in barely concealed battle gear, and convinced several other party members to go along with it. I had no idea what he was planning, so I went along with it for a bit. They get into the elevator to go talk to their former employer ( they thought a hostage they rescued was carrying a memetic hazard because they couldn't stop seeing their recently hired doctor as a wooden chair) , and as their on the crowded express elevator to the executive suite tnt mastermind reveals that he had absolutely no plan and really didn't think he'd get that far.

One shootout with security and a dramatic leap onto remotely piloted hover bikes out a 132nd story window later, they were all wanted men and essentially banned from mars

Other brilliant ideas from the same group include charging out to break up a high tech gang fight and forgetting to grab your weapons or armor (in a system where one good shot sans armor is a death sentence), someone playing a gang member taking umbrage to being offered drugs in gang territory and trying to pull a gun on a dealer while trying to be incognito, and lastly trying to snipe into melee combat. Through a window. With a scoped pistol. While riding a motorcycle at top speed. A mile and a half away

Forgot to mention the best part of the first story: they got stopped by Martian customs (due to one guy being a war criminal, one guy refusing to leave his mini mech, and everyone else just being sort of shady, not to mention owning a very illegal barely disguised alien ship) and managed to barely convince the head of the mars!NSA that they weren't terrorists and wouldn't be any trouble. They were shooting up the office and leaping from explosions not two hours later

I had a player suggest we play D&D