D&D 3.5 General Kukri are Broken edition
>Which is better: Crusader, Warblade, or Swordsage?
D&D 3.5 General Kukri are Broken edition
The crusader's randomness makes it automatically worse than warblade and swordsage. Warblade has a better base attack bonus than swordsage and has access to Iron Heart, but I'm not sure which is best.
I just know that I like swordsage best for flavour purposes. It's everything I've ever wanted out of a scholarly swordsman archetype.
I personally like Warblade the most. Tiger Claw is one of my favorite disciplines, and I very much so like the way warblades refresh maneuvers. Much better than swordsage. Granted, the Adaptive Style feat makes up for it in their case.
Crusader is the best, Swordsage is in the middle, and the Warblade is the worst. Not that it particularly matters because all three of them are extremely good classes that are close to each other in power.
God damn do I hate kukris.
Every damn game there are two guys who do nothing but argue that keen should stack with improved critical, along with improved critical should be allowed to be taken by everyone. Mage, Rogue, Cleric, everyone.
Also having fun running a gesalt Eberron game at the moment. What is everyone else running?
What makes Warblade the worst? Have you seen a Crit fishing kukri thri-kreen build? Plus, full BAB and access to...
Those 2 guys are fucking retarded. The way I look at it is that the keen enchantment helps guide the blade to the softest and most painful parts of the target, while improved critical is aiming for the soft and painful spots.
I'm running a kind of megacorp type campaign. Told my players to build the most powerful characters they could and allowed every book, I don't have to pull punches if they die. It's fun. :^)
Warblade is less flexible than the other two, that's it.
Yeah, I suppose. I might build my thri-kreen as a swordsage just to see if I like it better, even though I don't like the class. OK, correction, I don't dislike the class. I just dislike how the swordsage takes a full round to refresh a maneuver vs the warblade.
I never like pulling punches, reason why I am running gesalt.
By default, our group gravitates toward martial classes and are old fuckers who min maxed their way up from 2e.
So to keep from having to start a new party every 5-6 session, I let them gesalt and they seem to be doing pretty well. They just hit 6th, about to send them on a fact finding mission for something that happened with a cult a few sessions ago.
Crusader and warblade should trade hit die
Warblade is the overall best.
Swordsage has the most utility and resistance to magical effects, which would make them "best" in certain campaigns through survivability and versatility.
Crusader is the best for cheese, and probably the gnarliest in combat because of their damage mitigation. They're extremely limited in options so if you're not a ruby knight vindicator you won't have much to do except heals contingent on attack rolls. They have the most to offer to a melee party in terms of synergy, obviously, and make for a fantastic control character with thicket of blades alone.
Warblade is still the overall most effective though. Iron Heart and a D12 hit dice ain't nothing to fuck with. In DnD a melee player's first inclination is to go in and kick ass and this is what the Warblade does in a dozen different flavors.
Yeah, 2 players in my group are min maxing, one is also pretty good at it, but not as much, and one is a complete noob.
On that note, how does everyone feel about my new house rule.
I divided everyone down into groups like star wars saga and gave people in these categories got hp like they did there.
So all the straight battle classes got 30+con mod at level 1, skilled got 24+con mod and spell casters got 18+con mod.
I run highly lethal games, where npcs usually have levels in warrior, adept and shaman before level 7 and they start seeing class levels near 10th as they move throughout the world.
Group sounds close to mine.
3 guys min max
1 guy plays a concept character
1 guy plays a gimmick that is never decent at their job.
Unfortunately, it is not broken min maxing, just more one-hit-wonders. Yeah, the rogues are sneaky as fuck and could stab a giant to death but they can literally do nothing else.
Another will do anything to make a hit do as much damage as possible, to the point he might be waiting on the stars to align to make a build pay off.
They played a little different this time, with 2 classes of resources. Hell, one of them played a soul knife/warlock.
Quick question: So I wanted to play a Thri-Kreen Warblade, and I noticed that they have racial hit die and a level adjustment. 1) how do racial hit die work. 2) do they stack with my level adjustment? 3) If they do stack, do DMs usually not have a problem with trading racial hit die and their benefits for class levels?
What the fuck
Crusader has worst refresh mechanism, but has White Raven. It's the worst but it's still good.
Swordsage has the middle refresh mechanism, good versatility, no IHS. It's still good, but it's only second best.
Warblade has IHS and best refresh mechanism. Clear best.
Is no one going to answer my question?
Sounds like someone who really never ever wants to be without "spells" or magic weapons under any circumstances. If by "2 classes of resources" he meant "gestalt", that player could do worse. It could be great under certain DMs that deprive their players of resources or take place in settings where players can't acquire anything in the books with just gold.
Bonus points to the player if they bargained with a lovecraftian entity for their Warlock powers and unlocked their psionic potential as a result.
Giant in the Playground forums would explain it best, if you can't find the answer among the infinite other postings of the same question.
Racial Hit Die does count against you level-wise, but I think it affects XP progression differently than level adjustment does. Also there's a number of effects that have to do with hit dice, spells like sleep and cause fear only work on people of a minimum hit dice, which you could exceed without being that level.
Usually DMs are going to be by the book and not very lenient when it comes to LA characters. But your DM could be different. My DM told us he didn't give a shit if we wanted to play +1 LA characters and didn't count it at all. You never know
Oh shit. I better ask my GM if I can swap those racial hit die. Luckily, I haven't started using this character in his campaign yet, and if he says no, I have a warforged warblade to fall back on. He wrong be as good as the thri-kreen because he only has 2 arms while the kreen have 4, but I'd rather have 3 more warblade levels.
Yeah, we are playing Eberron so most magic items exist in the world, you just have to be somewhere where one can get them.
As they move around the world, they run into situations where that make sense for their level and also have chance to go to place like the Arcane Colleges or Sharn for upper level stuff.
They just hit level 6 and are having to branch out from the shit town they are at in the Shadow Marshes.
You count as one level higher for the XP needed to level is all you need to know, if you are using the hit dice and not playing a de-leveled version that usually does not have all the fun bits of being one of those races.
Your DM needs to know about the LA though, as that effects the xp he rewards for the players.
So if you were level 3, and your fellow party members were humans, you would have 3 level 2 and 1 level 4 as far as party CR is concerned.
You would only earn 200xp, while your fellow party members would get 225xp for a level appropriate encounter for them. You would also change the fight from challenging to easy as the LA +1 abilities rise your party CR to 3.3 from 3 for a group of 4 at level 3. This could change the dms mind about awarding extra xp in fights later on because you push the CR up slightly.
A lot of match goes into it, which I have been doing a lot of since beginning gesalt because I also balance classes when considering monsters and CR. Your gm might not mind but I learned that it was easy for me to calculate this crap because it is middle school level math and that is what I teach.
3 level 3*
Hate my fucking phone
So if I was creating the character as an ECL 10, I would be warblade 9? Or would I be warblade 7 with 2 racial hit die?
What book are Thri Kreen in and I can tell you.
Shining South
Okay, so a Thri Kreen who would be a level appropriate challenge for 4 level 10 characters would be as follows for level and hit dice.
Warblade 8
2d8+8d12+con mod
His base saves would be +6, +5, +5.
His Skill Points would be 5(2+Int) he can spend on balance, climb, hide, jump, listen and spot.
Now, he also gets skill points as normal from his class as normal.
*con mod per level and also that would be
2d8+12+7d12+(con modxlevel)
Ooooohh OK. So it's not that I'm one level less than the rest of the party, I just get less xp. Makes sense. And racial hit die do count against level. Ok, thanks.
And to clear up that gibberish, and taking a look at savage species, you get your con mod on all hit dice from those species rules.
So, assuming con of 13
(2d8+2) + 13 + 7d12 + 7
2d8 + 7d12 + 20
Yeah, you count not only as two level higher as far as your XP track, but also as 2 levels higher for the purposes of XP gain.
It can fuck people over real bad depending on the race they are picking, like tiefling and asimar but is a ridiculous boon when looking at high magic races like Thri Kreen basically are.
Is it just nostalgia, or was 3.5 really a lot better than Pathfinder? I kind of feel like it was, but it's hard to say why.
Only thing I liked from it was the ability to deconstruct races for BP.
Besides that, seemed like house rules that people already did or just fixes for rules no one used.
So, how do I become Pun-Pun with no risk of backfiring? I want to become god of everything.
Start DMing
Well, yeah, but I want to do it as a PC. I really wanna fuck with one of my DMs, he's a total jackass. He plays favorites all of the time, often giving whomever bribes him with food or such extra loot, automatic misses, or automatic criticals, not even joking. He's been railroading us hard as well, not even giving us a chance to deviate from his set storyline. I really want to derail his campaign. Hard.
Y'know...you could always just not play. Find a better group and better DM and all that. Or better yet, start up a game yourself and use the DM you mention as a guide to how not to do it, and the sort of douchey shit you should avoid.
No system can fix this.
Grow spine and confront him.
Or do the dirty rat option and turn the players against him.
Either way, prepare to find a new group or stat running because that shit will not be fixed until it is stomped out.
Yah, that's what I've been doing. That campaign hasn't met up in months, being honest. I think everyone got sick of his shit. Meh. That, and it was a 4e campaign. Ah, whatever. At least he let my character get some cool shit. I was a Dragonborn Ranger with my own homebrew major artifact dual scimitars which at the end were supposed to be reformed into a greatsword and implemented into his next campaign and my next character. Was gonna be cool, DESU. Also, got some dope ass ocular powers a la Legend of the Legendary Heroes' Alpha Stigma. Got to duplicate spells whenever I saw someone else cast a spell, and could essentially always identify magic items. Kinda wish I had that in a 3.5 Sorcerer, DESU. Be able to spontaneously learn spells, then counter them or use it against them next turn would be fun... I'll have to try to find a DM who'll let me have that.
Well, considering that is a 6th level wizard spell in 3.5 it seems a little op to just drop on someone for free as far as the items go.
Also, spellcraft basically lets you know what someone is casting with very little focused on it.
Yeah, I was aware it was broken. I even pointed it out. He didn't give a shit. He made the stats for it, I just showed him what I wanted. Worked for me, though. :^) Also, I became the anti caster because of it. I would counter any spellcaster's biggest spell, then slice him to bits. Watching the DM cry whenever I fucked over his encounters was priceless. Even better, I got it at level 5. :^) and I could copy any arcane spell, even stuff like a home brewed time stop daily. At one point, that actually happened, had a duel with the caster during the stopped time. Shit was cash, I loved that character, even if the campaign was shit.
Well, I am glad for all of you and I hope your group stays together so no one else is hurt from the toxic shit it sounds like.
Now take you :^) and fuck off.
Well there's spellthieves, which are basically that. They're kind of shit unless your GM really likes throwing casters at you though
Swordsage can do some truly broken shit at epic levels like critting on a 15 but Warblade is the best if you aren't playing epic.
wat. Critting on a 15 is both non-broken and not really tied to any swordsage stuff. Swordsages mostly just do crazy damage to non-fire resistant enemies, but otherwise mostly get by from having slightly more options than the other two
Woops mixed up warblade and swordsage.
Oh, I didn't know that. I'll have to check them out. Thanks, famalam. I still wonder if I could convince a DM to let me get that ocular power on a fighter, though. Even if I could only copy a spell once per encounter or something, shit would still be fun. Maybe I'd go dex based fighter, armor with 0 arcane spell failure, and multiclass sorcerer. Yeah... That sounds great.
>critting on a 15
Your epic level character can do something anyone with 8000 gp can do? Oh wow
Dude, spellthief looks pretty cool. Might want to multitask with rogue a little, or find a way to boost sneak attack dice, but other than that I can see use in a caster heavy party/campaign. Shame in the one I'm in now, I was the only caster, before my DM asked me to change because of how broken he was. He was a psion. Without the psionics-magic transparency rule.
A properly built weapon master from Sword and Fist can get it to 14-20/x3 if he was patient enough to wait til level 9 to start multiclassing.
Eh, Paizo did fix SOME things. And most of the cool things WotC did late during 3.5's run have been ported to PF if 3pp is available. So unless you're in a 1pp only game(which is a good stance for 3.5, not so much for PF), I'd say neither is significantly better than the other. Now, if only Paizo would stop making retarded errata...
Without looking it up or considering all the shit you can combine with it I think there's a prestige class in the Book of Vile Darkness that can get crits down to like 12 or 9 with certain weapons
All I know is that you usually take Weapon Master last because it is just a blanket, you either get improved crit if you do not have it or you get a flat increase of 2 on your criticals.
I remember them being used on the retarded god builds on Never Winter Nights for builds that would get you chased out of town if you had them at a table.
Question before all this goes away in my sleep.
I am thinking of changing starting HP to match that in star wars saga. Was thinking on doing this so that I could back off slightly on making healing potions and scrolls so prevalent in low level play/
If you have ot seen the rule, it breaks down close to this
Level 1
Combat characters get 30+ con mod
Skilled get 24+con mod
Caster types 18+con mod
Cut off last bit
Is this too much? Really never sat right with me of factoring up what is rewarded for low level quests and fights, then taking chunks out so they are rewarded with cheaper health potions or scrolls.
Seems like a pretty extreme difference to me. Why not just start at level 3?
I got fed up with our groups obsession with starting at level 10 like 8 games in a row so now I run low for as long as possible.
My group never remembers what they can do in character and want help with crunch constantly and I had wee bit of a melt down when we were at level 25 managing a cleric, wizard and some homebrew class given out by the dm.
What does Veeky Forums think of Frank and K's Tomes?
posting in a desu thread
That party sounds like they need a change in pace. And that they need to pick less complex classes.